9 o @f,3 ertyville and Lake county. He was liked for his unassuming, kindly fel-- lowship and admired for his sound, intelligent analyzation of national problems. He is a close student of European" affairs, particularly-- in their relation to this country, and zo thoroughly Americas in his de-- cuctions one feels fullest confidence in the representation he gives us at Washington, The high regard in which Senator McKinley is held ufinflnfli capitol is perceptibly reflected in his home state, and he enjoys increasing regard in this country as people coime to know him more intimately. # & ® ILLINOIS CITIES may decide for themselves by referendum vote whe-- that boxing contests have been legal-- uhfl-m,dfia:'bl'- proval of individual ities. ~It is proposed that Waukegan vote on the proposition next April, the courts having ruled that a primary is an election in the meaning of the interested and doubtles you'll have to ycE tions at the polis. yot _ _IN ONE of the closing sessions of the IlNinois Legisiature; midnight, hunted look has six daughters who know how to say "Charge it." I FIND a most favorable reaction to Senator McKinley's visit to Lib-- showing at the Auditorium Theater, taX--payers. 17th, offers something in direct an-- tithesis to the roles in which she has appeared of late. reeted by King Vidor for Metro Goldwyn--Mayer, she portrays an ar-- rogant, sophisticated, young woman. The charming manner in which the role is played gives emphasis to the wersatility that Miss Boardman po-- ssesses. BR will be reqalled that Miss Boardman played the part of a aweet, girlish wife in the "Wife of man is a delusion, according to W. L. Myers, pro fessor of farm finance in Cornell University, and 14b ertyville citizens in --closest touch with the farming classes will agree that Prof. Myers is right. The Amer-- ican farmer, according to Prof. Myers, is the most ef-- inmfood&od!mdnwldhuemkmwn The decrease in proportion of workers engaged in ag-- mmfmnpaminnszomzspacemin} 1920 is a concrete expression of this efficiency. In A HIGH PRICED hair tonic, when analyzed, proves to be 99 per cent kerosene and the balance material is to disguise the odor.-- And the joke of the thing is that it does the trick, It's the directions on the bottle: Ap-- ply night and morning and massage the scalp for half an hour. Nothing like elbow grease for making the hair grow. But the public just loves the Centaur." Pat O'Mailey and Harrison F: are featured with Miss Boardman. ggnb@umofmfmmmu amye individual~--manufacturers and other producers, but the farmer has demonstrated that he is more than ~--_ Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, at the post office at Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879. | Issued twice weekly. USUALLY the man with general office work. Good oppor-- tunity for advancement The Foulds Milling Co. _ _____ b5--t1 Too Late to Classify wur apecialty, We havre a large KEYSTONE PRINTING SERV ICE, Publishers, A "DIFFERENT" ROLE The idea that the farmer is a slip--shod business In the picturesque struggle between the individ ment of material ftor you to from. Come in and see us. providing for referendum # iA IL OR IX a Nat s ALONG THE CURBSTONES "ardink ;> . » THE FARMER WORKS . FRANK H. JUST, Editor Observations by ' A MAN ABOUT TOWN the Waukegan Weekly Gazette " shall be per-- , July 16, to that for Mrs. Levi Nelson, 427 Racine Ave. Waukegan was arrested at 1 lo0'cloc last night on a city warrant, Cap-- tain Thomas Booth taking the wo-- man into custody. A neighbor swore cout the complaint, the trouble be-- ing a neighborhood quarrel, accord-- ing to the police. She was released in bonds of $15 and the case against her continued until July 18 at 2:30 WOMAN TAKEN Humorists generally write in their shirt sleeves probably because that is where their funny bone is located. cago, was arraigned Friday night in police court before Justice of the Peace, Harold J. Tallett on a chargt of possessing liquor and assessed a 50 fine and costs. A raid was con, ducted on this place last Saturday by Chief of Police, Frank Tiffany The little 'demonstration in the House came just following passage of a bill making "Illinois" this state's official song, and it was sung lustily 'i;'hepqro{mllnthhmmn- RAID VICTIM e IS FINED $50 Springfield and I'm told he has a real chance of being the next Speak-- @r of the House. You know he made quite a showing at the last organi-- zation. Bill blushingly admits he is a candidate for the honor right now. June 20, our Bill Weiss was apprised of the fact he'd reached his 50th mile stone along life's pathway. There was a little oratory by his colleagues and then a page brought him a great ornamental basket con-- taining 150 roses. AllOf which was very nice. Daniel Keel, colored, 38 years old, 03 Elizabeth street, North Chi-- ON WARRANT MAGAZINES Decker & Neville. We have installed a full line of of popular «nagazines to meet If wedo not have your partic-- ular periodical, let us know and we will gladly procure it for you. Limererrvnce 1 Pnows § PRESCRIPTION bravoecists Leave your order and magazine will be held for your comvenience. 'rdthumhp;opdudw | for fl_ nation and a Iup_cutglml fanp: the cut will be made, but--we are hoping that the little fellows get it first and deepest.. For eight long years we have been paying dearly for the war, and even a few dollars relief comes as a blessing. It isn't going to hurt business any, either, to lop off a few dollars on everyone's income 'tax, because the nm saved will be put directly into the channels of k "Rx« puufigum'hcthamuucanbemducfle:meI dangering government get, so president is uhngtbmudxdrwdmrdedngam. with a ¥Oggestion that the cut be made in time to furn ish relief for those who must step up again next March and fill out an income tax blank. AWW to the fine cofp reports reaching ille lately, and it looks like we've got a lot to be thankful for. __ has made individual enterprise a practical l-w bil-- ity in man mdunmtumhu € to large producer. Perha, test single rea-- mfath'n&owint"bythe?uwsiuthc'waf:'m the proprietor and his family work as hard or harder than the employes. v Pres. Clotiige has wld eoveromeny offcials that k i government i the revenues Ofof country are now sufiua;z to war rant cutting another --$3,000,000,000 from sour taxes, and pn%nduum'bdn(madc to reduce them accordingly. We have no means of knowing where Complete Line of liked down in Insurance Company, which has many policyholders living in the stricken area, made its unusual offer after a eatastrophe, of a general exten-- sion of the grace period on insur ance premiums. 'This--offer was ac-- cepted in only a very few instances. The general run of premiums being QUAKE AREA IN GREAT SPIRITS age done by the recent earthquake almost before the earth stopped the minor details in that city, which made plans for repairing the dam-- "It is for you to spread His gos-- pel by your example." ually we may differ in our opinions about Christ and what he expects of us, but it is our loyalty to the Master that counts. In the day that is coming you young people are go-- ing to experiencte the breaking down Christ that you setrve will still be the young people's meeting, said to denominationalism and the rise of And the 0,000 people ho. vor-- shiped at hem yesterday took home last night the same message, though couched in different terms at each service -- the sprezding of the gos-- pel--through the exaemple of a Chris-- tian life. CHICAGO, ILL.,; Jily 18.--There are four meeting places at the Meth-- odist camp meeting at Des Plaines-- the big cir:ular tabernacle. the new young people's building, the Swedish tabernacle and the Norwegian--Dan-- ish tabernacle. Des Plaines is Site for Gather-- ing of Church People These METHODISTS IN --CAMP MEETINE NEW YORK, N. J--The Spirit "We are witnessing the decline of of. every and durability in place. This super-- fority is attested to by scientific in-- A rurvey just completed by the Central wru: on. . Lumber Standurds that the vast maj ority of PursiBer users 'prefer the Standards 25(32 inch board bought under the American Lumbeér Stand-- ards, rather than to use the Sub-- Standard % inch, 11}16 inch, or % Before the ° American Lumber Standards became effective, the in« dustry wias so near the canger line in the manufacture of constantly thinner lumber that it was not sup» ported by technical men, architects, engineers, and well informed consu-- wers. That observance of the Stand-- ards will remedy this situation is well known,. Nevertheless the pur-- chase amd Bence the manufacture and sale 'of thin lumber still con-- general consumer of |iumber direct-- ly, the lumber industry, through the adoption of Standard grades and sizes, has given assurence that the quality of its product is dependable. To provide this quality, the lumber-- men, in cooperation with the Govern-- ment, have adopted a set of stand-- ards known as American Lumber Standards. These Standards do not recognize for ordinary uses 'boards dressed to a thickness of 4 inch. 11}16 or % inch, such material hav» ing been found to be generally un-- satisfactory" in the long run for general utility purposes. and their cespective qualities. The result is the customer often expends more money than he should have spent in rebuilding. Lumber is the best general building material ob-- tainable; bat to keep it in this emn» viable position it must be manufae-- tured and offered for sale in sizes and grades which are recognized as Standard, in order that each piece of material may serve its purpose adequately both in strength and. ap-- WASHINGTON, D. C., July 10. «-- "Give the customer what he wants." That :fi threadbare slogan of the ©# shioned merchant who thinks he is up--to--date. The skillful sales-- man of ~today goes much further than * ; _R4 helps the customer 1 > find out what he wants and then supties it. It is not always what the customer asks for that is best for 'his particular need. Often, in the case of lumber, it is just the con-- trary. The ordinary buyer is not informed of lumber grades and sizes Give Customer What -- He Wants, is Slogan Announced by Old--fashioned Merchant. To benefit the home builder and The Little Red Schoolhouse of Printing BUY IT RIGHT A good used car from a reliable dealer is a good investment. Many miles of pleasureful travel at your disposal. Look them over at Phone 456 345 N. Milwaukee Av., Libertyville -- Keystone Printing Service "The Home of Good Printing" oses. The reasons for this e include superior nail power, strength, stiffness, Increased sales will invariably resuilt from the the use of well written Mww tising literature in the form of Libertyville is soon to have free mail delivery. The receives your message in his own hmne::hpbtydfincwmdmdm sider the values offered. As of our service to our patrons, we pre parc gopy: for foldets when desired. No..extra charge is made for this service and we invite you to avail yourself of it. for MAIN GARAGE OLDERS LUMBER Galesburg and Havana and between Jacksonville and Waverly; while for the northern end--the Minneapolis and St. Louis, is understood to be the upper link in the chain of roads which it is proposed to merge. It is claimed ~that to connect struction would be necessary and no great amount of capital would be required. :The theory that in Union there is strength, is being emphas-- that the consolidation will generate sufficicat new through business to give them the financial ravivifaca-- tion that they need and which they Fewer college girls matry, which may be a proof that higher educa-- tion While the identity of--the roads which it has proposed to join in a merger is not "yet disclosed, the pro-- moters of the plan expect to en-- lighten 'the public shortly. The opinion is general herethat the men at the head of the Jacksonville and Havana Line, formerly a rart of the Stories of Amundsen's polar alr-- plane fiight have served to temper the recent heat to some extent. Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, are behing the movement, and that t JACKSONVILLE, ILL., July 11-- Investors of this vicinity have been presented with a map of a,.proposed new railway < between Minneapolis and St. Louis, and their considera-- tion sought of the project of comb-- Investors of Jacksonville Given Plan of New Idea Put Forth. ; ining a number of the present lines must have if operation is to be con-- RAIL COMBINE sls batmiger aostleriinied raud: some instances ted build-- ings, the consumer should insist in-- Inigkes in hoth pradew uhy bim in both grades and sizes These are readily available in every important species to every retail lumber dealer in every market of the United States. TWs \ For satisfactory buildings of or-- LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1$ PROPOSED sA ts I $ 0 Ameign oi 3 is .":mfl-fifw'flmvmhm Nhhtbomno!Jm BSullivan of Chicago, Saturday. The ruling which makes Illinois women eligible to jury service will be ap-- pealed to the Supreme court to ver-- Ufy Judge Sullivan's decision. When the supreme court upholds the ruling, as it is expected to do, With BLANCHE SWEET AND RONALD COLMAN | 'There is romance with the of real drama in this produc-- tion--an of 's _ novel. Ufrcsiingiy: top scb B pay Oe Part.of fes,reug and Ronald Colman an ardent, AUDITORIUM 3# 35 "His Supreme Moment" Thursday and Friday, July 16-- LAKE CCOUNTY REGISTER Printing Satisfaction HARRISON FORD m.'li'M ABLEY in =-- the supporting cast. You'll talk about this new picture. Also Comedy f CISTERNS and _ _ CATCH BASINS Cleaned and Repaired o Phone LIBERTYVILLE 88 takes pride in turning out quality work is not only satisfactory, it is profitable. Let us estimate on your next work. We guaran-- tee your gatisfaction with the completed job. Also a good comedy .en are eligible becaus franchi i:ntlum&omum According to the sentiment among those women who have been reached, the new measure will prove a pop-- ular and significant one. Less sont-- imental "justice" to women offend-- ers of the law is seen as a result of th.filyaoffmhh.m-b jury ipervice privilege. all women in the state Of Illinois, Tho io Weat veteniy@ill have the The recent ruling holds that wom.