_1 _ ~--THE STAR _| MUNDELEIN Meyer and Mrs. Paul Rouse attend-- ed a shower in honor of Miss Lillian Ndhn"& RigenRtn ralled relatives in Waw and family enjoyed Sunday at Chan-- Dunn and George Pufall of Chicago were guests at the Frank Baumgart-- Mrs. W1l Zersen attended a show-- er in honor of Mis Lillian Schwer-- man of Gilmer on Sunday . ' Miss Derothy Holcomb and Miss e'd.l'v-na--'amo- to Yellowstone Park, Miss of Lake Forest, mt se k 0 k 'E'E'*l:&?'h-::n son, --Leslie 61 r. and Mrs. Bert Mills daughter, Marjorie and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mills and daughter, Bar-- bara Ann of Gurnee, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Albright Sunday eve. Dolph and Ralph Werenberg of Lib-- ertyville, were entertained by Mr. and.Mrs. E. H. Bluhm at their cot-- a-wml'hflndq. f . and Mrs. Walter Meyers and two children of Palatine, were y at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Sieber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gord;a Frazer en-- joyed a motor trip to Fox Lake Sun-- day, where they visited friends. -- ;--n,amm-&i--aj Libertyville, were guests and Mrs. Harry Pfannenstill on Orin Mitchell of Elgin visited at the ".e'&'_"-_fl!?{:'fi Henry Kane fumily of Dwight, Kansas are vis-- _ Mfr. ard Mes. Budiong and fam-- |danghter, Dorothy and son, Douglas| | .. on on nn . C ® & am-- | daughter, y son, as w k fi'.dmmflmlfifi'o{mwnxflm visitors at|_ Some girls believe that as soon ;I.c.hynllomlSnndnytftwnoon.'the home of Mr. and!lln.ll{mry as they begin to paint they , . can q.T:. foie oo io mss 1 ann hnd Hre: Tivnas Rewsolt ind miga'c bake at_the home of Mr. and ¥. rs. s m _ _ m .A gfi;m.}unmfi:m;;" family, Mr. and Mro. W. 3. Williama | . If the weak can't win by force Ring. The clams yere furnished | 204 , Mrs. Fred Monroe and they will try ridieule. . _ _ ---- _ 'through 'the courtesy of Damon | e ied d t e e e e e reou e ooo ecmmin e i en Holmes of Libertyville, who obt 2rined ® m them from the East. as t ~"Ays. e Mr. John Wright of Chicago cal-- ~ } § y led on Mrs. R. C. Holcomb Sunday. f h 3 . M and Mrs Praik Kane: and WII I ERS y in called at the Henry $ C ¢ , f Kane home Tuesday. h da B S diqmmntihe : ul ns ctdee uad >fi -- Mirs. Gorden Chiville of Los An-- geles, Cal., called on her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Roder last week, Knedler Ray suffered a severe in. jury to his foot when a load of gravel was dumped on it, last week. Mrs. Charles Chamberiain attended the Woodman picnic at Fourth Lake and son Jnn:;lnd lr.'ou;dflu. Gus Tahlero Tuesday & mo-- tor trip in Northern Wisconsin. birs, A. W. Beyer, Miss:-- Anna Beyer, ~Mrs. Fred Ricke and baby were callers at the Henry Kublank home last Thursday afternoon, BMr, and Mrs. Henry Kublank en-- tertained the following guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Miss Mary Schroeder and Mr. Mrs. J. C. Hartung of Chicago. m.mnmcmmm and -- of Algonguin, Mr. and g of . Hours M ate A M C ~3:00 -- €:00 P. M. $ CITIZENS BANK BUILDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Mrs. James Montgomery and Phone 600W1. GEORGE A. JONES of Auto Repair Work Frank ILLINOTIS of 374--] Mrs. H. A. Watson, and son, Har-- vey, Miss Geraldine Ah%:; Harold and Tom Albright are ing this week in a cottage at Dia-- mond Lake. Mrs. John :u:::'-;l ids Y8, udhrfihr.In.Godw: Kempton, Ind., spent Friday in Wau-- kegan. Mr . Mrs. Wil} Vickery were ;fi?n&?w of . Lake on Sunday. Day last week. . _ Miss Eloise Williams entertained a number of friends at Gages Lake in honor of her birthday on Wednes-- day of last week. Announcing The Opening of Let Us Take . _ © The Responsibility Rest Haven Garage Mr. and Mhmcbfipfioninnkinginfm#m advice. I armn always glad to be of servic The store is being moved back 16 feet an the building 'will be thoroughly Mfi Mr.Ed.Pt-w%vh-nmn_yh!w will have charge of all work, $ + L. H. DIETZ, FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent --288--W Provident Mutua) Life Insurance Company Tires and Accessories . All Kinds of Repairing Done of "a J ts ecve tnsls oe tuns o mabae e _ __s. -- Cvery person who invests in well selected Real of Mr. and Mrs. Henry|as they begin to paint they . can | pid > . . i % & * * rpasch s * e m ,nwwwl?'"';':___q_, > Estate in a growing seclion of a;-grqsperoug commun-- i"hee Pret Sowe ai wa m on ies _ _0 CC( -- dty adopts the surest and safest method of becoming in--__ rmmmntnnmpememmmmmuns } _ dependent, for Real Estate is the basis of all wealth. WILLERS -- |9 ---- why is it that "Home Folks" always wait Motor Express -- [§ until someone from the outside comes in and picks > es . 18 all the plums? =-- ---- » s Palt ies ooo eeeieie and _ [B --_~;. Don't'allow this to continue!. Buy SOME-- Your orders will receive prompt aid _' §M -- ITHING! It makes no difference where you buy or conrtems fulliment at lexr rats _ _ BB _ from whom you buy it. but BUY. --The next ten rnones; umeemyyaasiux --_ [ _ Years will make such a change in this territory that «-- RAVENSWOOD 1607 \Te. you will always regret not buying when the time sa> " ce ¢ was ripe.: And NOW is the time. Come and see PHONE 213 . 2 _ "Old Creamery Bidg. Gas Static AT IVANHOE of guarding your savings . > byth'ti»ham* in this strong bank. Your responsibility ends where of saving money for' m Th io ran s Poosg h mpeer box every time he Lissed his holiday period came around. -- Then he opened the box, and out came not: only pennies, but sixpences, shillings and half crowns. § 'The man _ was amazed ,and asked his wife how-- she accounted for it. Mrs. Clyde Harris and children udwmhhnwok".hgh Fred Knigge to his home in Wau~-- conda on Monday after he had 'spent the week end with them. #2* Jock," P .T Eep Ei io" owner. t 4 " PnA t 1 Aondl 1 : a _ Lt j utk | 'k' 3 i M ) eagn R * 4 : § . f TA \. s ,.' + . " " R fow CE ¥ * hh _ ren P% [ y Telw 283 Theodore Roosevelt said us. We have many good bdmlthat will make you money.. Remember what John Jacob Astor said-------- aflctffi,{ly all the Astor wealth was. derived from-- RealEstate------he said: _ _ e e e & : _ Buy on the fringe and WAIT* «* Buy Land near a growing city" _' _ Andrew Carnegie said-- . _ The wise young man or wase earner of today ihvesis his money in real estate----suburban real estate. It makes the interest of ow;lcr and brokér{élfléal The broker exerts greater efforts to sell the property because he recognizes more direct responsibilityandfi"e certainty of reward. No hqker can afford to push energetically the sale of property listed with several brokers; property thus listed conséequently plays.'second fiddle."" , § ing't The listing broker--can consult other brokers about prospects for cxcf:g?\'rlely listed property without danger of losing his commis-- sion, thus opening a greater market for it. a oR Exclusive listing places the owner in a better position to secure expert advice from the broker regarding the best methods of in-- creasing the sales value and the salability of the property. The property gets more intelligent attention : the problems of it's sgtl&%gptehe needs ?f?{t's prospective buyers are more carefully studied. -- 4 o Exclusive listing supplies greater incentive to the broker to ey in advertising the property. Property listed promiscuously is cheapened. _ Exclusive listing prevents misunderstanding between broker and T c¥ P k . WEDN REAL ESTATE 2: Mundelein, HMlinois ¥ ues o * 3 s dhar o) Pral Noh xn san