is vehicles, Iilinois has : passen~ s e ce "The remarkable --road © . system: and <the Jlarge number "of-- cars in Tilinois have contributed much to-- ward the education of the young. one travels approximately 50000 wiles a year securing h-dwinfcm&m.ymi ever goes it is eyno-- mdfm& lthtfi!md working on the same principle as Register--only §200 a year. IT MIGHT BE WORSE. ¥Fisp-- pers are having their hair shingled, but they haven't al} yet begun to use Arvig~ 4 Phik c+ ulc t amepeprsane Shap@speare's Midsummer Night's Dream, fell desperately in love with for a parking space. Wior Club 'Blans o -- Shew 1,000,000 License in Many se || poctor John P O'Neil Will Erect You A House kind of building ;furnish-- ing al lsbor and mmreigrty contract, so you may k what entire cost wil bet starting. "<i kx CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IMbortyville 145--R w1 uthful aquatic marvel comiipote tnothe Pnjorment nt ir Jumbe C Is; Englebrecht & ';""'ifi sack Pilsbury Flour; H.A. n, Box Cigars; W Ed-- dy, Box: Cigars; Thomas McBride, $1.00 cash; Lyons & Rouse, Boftle of P ited "White 'Horse" ~Scotch Whiskey; S. L. Tripp Lbr. Co., 1 ton Milky Way Dairy Feed; Geo. E. Ives, 5 Ib. Box Chocolates; Triggs & donated for the various events to-- gether with the names-- of the don-- 1 for woman; 500 Letter Hazds and Envelopes; Paul Ray, Glass Water Set; Earl Corlett, 12 cans assorted 'Telmo fruits and vegetables; W. W. C-ndll-.rlb?;sm Shop, 5 Ib. Box Candy; Lake County Register, 1 years subscription; Fin-- sted Eat Shoppe, 1 $500 Meal Tic-- Following is a list of the prizes .\ $ Andca® ._-- .. $920.00 delivered ¥ t fi GARAGE _ «_ _~ CHAS. M.BERNARD, Prop. . _ ---- _ AMpIe MJ Bervice Day and Night idhte) wilomigphned e y + Pn ie t J2= yr°° C ooo b 'u»:!' k in o m © 0c C . sA Oaded Bpaghetti; Ray N. Smith, quatic n will Palr Ladies Silk Hose; Wm. Ge-- L' af the | Hinge, 2 bottles Wards Remedics; h i <.. P We %;_"&';""' ford's Calf Meal Co., Wauke-- L _ _ 'Farm B g, 100 lbs. each of Mineral, Calf _' ./'reau plenic) Meal and Egg aMsh. Washington St., BALANCE IN TWE MONTHLY PAYMEPM M s dE k . ME OWA ~-- er, --Bell Russell, & Son, $299.00 Miss Alice Bruner is along nicely although her u-rm con-- fined in a cast. * Mrs. mv_wwmw;ed guests from Sunday. Mr. and g King of Long Lake were pleasant m at the Earl Townsend home y evening. Mrs. Granger, Miss Margaret Granger and Miss Carolyn Stagey from Chicago were week end guests at the John Brimer home.> --~~~ ~'Among the callers at the Bruner home were Mr..Hargrove, Mrs. Har-- vey of Grayslake, Mrs. A. Townsend and Mrs, Del Townsend. ' _ Little Helen Vanderboom who has been visiting in Wisconsin fop sev-- eral weeks, has returned to her (Too late for last issue) Mr. Will Dillow and family spent 'lmda"y at Round Lake visiting nis . iss T Dorothy Berwell is visiting aunt in Grayslake. .. -- -- scaffold 445 N. Milwaukee Ave. Tr. Donnaliy Th freik a oullding bruised. He was takem to Wauke gan for treatment' <«Mo serious in-- YOLO ; ®. B. Lovell Co., mc myL e children the K. famil vacation Wisconsi there vices Luth« weeks rie and the W f Se oc Park vacat at S1 at Sylvi Mr _ a s 4 The Por sl prices se your oun Libertydile 'Agent of F. P. OWEN, 338 Jackson Ave. Phone 233--W Subdivision, Libertyville. koOUT FLOWER GROWERS HEATH HOMES J. NHeath&Oomwny E invite your inspection of our modern hnm"w% 'l'crneu First Natl. Bank Building, -- --~~ WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS . and family of > spending their . Hellberg home 0. R. Massman _ are . viditing in this vicinity, joying a two , their duties in 4 Louise Heise, nan, Misses Ma-- ge and_Herbert F. lhoms are s in Chicago. ukecan Armory dead" Wednes-- hicago called at n home Sunday. ' and H. Ehard easant, IIL, are rd, at 10 a, m., r English ser-- ws Evangelical Larsen and Mrs. Oswald a two weeks g in northern DAY, ication at at Sylvan Mrs. Helen Fredrick Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick attended the funeral of Rube Grubneau Thursday at Lake Mr. White of Grays Liake was caller in this community Monday. Mr. and Mrs: Wolf and Ern The Mort e femily have a fine :av um they enjoy very much. >« -- Zuirch. ningvhflo'.."p.l"'l. Mrs. Sterbin made a business trip t '.m' Aomm_ __Af-fly'b ily have a Mrs, N. Chernovich and Miss Gol-- die Dowell spent Tuesday at Wm. Lohman's. L die of few days with her sister, Mrs, Wright. o Wood and family were Sunday eve-- Mrs, Cora Dowell and Miss Ma-- mie Meyer spent Saturday night at Wauconda. Mr, and Mrs. €. Bauman and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Converse spent Mon-- day evening at Round Lake. 19,© 1975 A. R. SCHNAEBELE ' Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE--Comfortable five room and bath bungalow, on lot 100x150 in convenient location. Gas, elec-- tricity, city water, sewer M'& walk all in, cement basement, of fruit and berries. 'Its a mice little home and it can be bought on terms of $1500 cash, belance like rent. 57--6t. FOR SALE--One of the best homes in * Libertyville.--A fine large dwelling -- with sunporch, and FOR SALE--2 Rhode Island Cocks, K:leo'muzop. gas camp stove, 2 folding camp cots, 2 blankets, cooking equip-- ment. Cost $50,00 two weeks ago, 'ean be had for $28.00. Inquire at Register office. 60--6t. FOR SALE--By owner, 4 room cot-- tage -- in Miller.-- subdivision on Stewart Avenue. . For informa-- tion, call phone 804--R. 62--4t. FOR SALE--ZION (WCBD) Con-- FOR SALE--Two modern houses in Mundelein. Priced for immed-- FOR SALE--Bull milking machine and silo. FPhone 676--R2. 61--6tpd. FOR SALE--1924 Maxwell touring car, $550. In excellent mechan« Hc.lflu-llmmyu- . tras Tires, top and side cur-- FOR SALE--Deerfleld, 8 room mod-- ern house, 100 foot lot, large shade trees, fruit, garage. Near FOR SALE----271 acere Wisconsin farm with 30 acre private spring FOR SALE--Good 80 farm west of crete Blocks, <18¢ each at our plant--BEST in steam Kilns. gate of quality issued by the al Cement * Products Association. See us first. --there's a weason. 'Phone ZION 500. Zion Building Industry, Zion, TL 61--24t. stave silo. J. S. Duba.. -- Phone 612--R1. 64--tf. beautifully landscaped with shrub-- bery ~,and trees, a garden spot and all kinds of fruits and berries. There is a two--car garage with chauffeur's apartment, also strictly modern. This place is elase in and has never before been offered for sale. The price is very reasonable. A. R. Schna-- ebele, Real Estate and Insurance, Register Building, Libertyville. pullets, March hatch, will lay early. About 40 Plymouth Rocks May hatch. 1 Beeman tractor 2% H. P., overhauled and in good con-- dition. Dise plow and various tools including cultivator. Fred. Parkhurst, phone 277. 64--2t. strictly modern in every detail, located on a full acre of ground, DR SALE--California bungalow, with 2 lots in Diamond Lake lodge. B. Vesely, phone 600--J1, Munde-- If you want to buy aiything, or if you have son fi"" tent or exchange, or if you nnt'holp. make it known " columns. You will get results. ' ," There is no way yonunxmh"m"hl&'fi in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you ma e your wants known here. A trial will convince you. * : sn &. Mxmm. um charge,': per hm!pea'9 flo 6 insertlons for $1.09 ~# o drained, good improvements. A real buy at only $165 per acre. tains in excellent condition. Paint sacrifice. A bargain you cannot Phone Deerfleld 238--M. 63--5t. A. R. SCHNAEBELE . Real Estate and Insurance Libertyville, IIL FOR SALE or uL 61--6tpd er. John F. Welch. M 194, * FOR SALE--Used sideboard. -- Will sell cheap. Mrs. J, R. Mulholland: HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and WANTED--2or --8 lighthousekeep-- ing rooms and garage. Address "X" care of Register. 6A--tf. WANTED--Situation as nelper in small private family, by refined, and experienced elderly woman. No objection to country. Address Lock Box 806, Libertyville, HIl. FOR RENT--7 room house with large sleeping 25. f Church street. Call m PRESSING and CL EAN is doné right at Cichy's Tall ATTORNEY--AT--LAW + "First National Bank Build Telephone 57 LIBERTY FOR RENT--Four room upper flat. Call Libertyville, 602--J1. 60--6tpd. FOR RENT--Furnished front room FOR RENT--20 acres good pasture. Phone 676--M1. _ 61--6t. WANTED--Clean cotton rags . at . DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD FOR RENT--160 acre farm mfihdflmfi % mile from Sylvan . session November 1. Phone FRANCIS T. PHYSICIAN and Fox Lake Ext Office in First NMational Bank Bldg. -- Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m _ . Residence, Broadway, opposite park ' Phones: Office 163 Reus. 20--J Edwin Austin Phone 167W Liber-- ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR Libertyville Battery & _ _ Electric Company -- ; Electric Wiring & Contracting _ _ at 804 Broadway. Phone 111--R. PHONE 400 -- ~ -- , .. Exide Battery Service Station _ /. d Assistant State Veterinarian s J. CICHY, Proprietor y MISCELLANEONS -- _ _ LYELL H. MORRIS North MHwaukee Avenue 4 DR. J. L TAYLOR B. H. MILLER FOR RENT 59--6t.pd.