\Pians Tuner's Tip + Mrs. Frank Meyer and young son af McHenry were at the home 'of Mrs. Alice Geary one day last week. Those at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Cypher were Mr. W. C. € lrml' L. Baseley and Mrs..Dora Scrits-- zw'fl"'h _ Wade beth of Anamosa, Iowa and Evanelle Stingley of Chicago grand-- daughter of Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Fl'.uyndl-bn--. Vernon, --Allan and--dsughter Har-- Tiett of the Roany farm, Mr. and o. Marve and Eataiia of Eimmse Mrs. Arthur Baseley is entertain-- ing her mother, Mrs. Shannon, . -nma.?:' non Wisconsin. € d'll:ml":u bvhfi:bbdh-fi Mr. and Geo. Broughton. lh-h'..,whz at her home here after passing r-?-fih"ln.flb routy Chicago. » Preston Stoxen of Wilmot, Wis., returned to his home Sunday after spending last week at the home of L vanelle Stingley of Chicago grand-- dnughter of Mrs. Clark, Mr. and eu.l.'.l.fiyndo-m-. Vernon, Allan and--daughter Har-- Tiett of the Roany farm, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dowell and sons James, M-In-ry.-l'hll- # ma, Mayme and Estella : Mrs. Arthur Baseley is entertain-- ing her mother, Mrs. Shannon, and a sister--in--law Mrs. Mayme~ non and daughters of White Wisconsin. & Mrs. Jack Cochrane and daughter of Sasktoon, Saskathewan, Canada bvhnh'.-tbh-d&-do uK. L214 lme > Mn Wheadredi dnc <~Oeltee, Lena Hubbond and s00 Lewis end Mrs. Carrie White motored to ing -uu--a'iiiifl_& contract, so you may know what entire cost will be before Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children and.two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell motored "i they "'jfighwumi Mrs. Wayne Bacon and daughters of Crnflhhthflmdlut!nfi.; Mr. Raymond Van Natta of Elgin and Mr. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Lbettyville 145--8 at the home of their parents, Mr. 'ond Mrs. Joseph Turnbull. sef Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crabtree of Figin and :'(r. and Mrs. 'Richard guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 1 the first of the week. _ _ ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw and sons Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr. Thomas Carr of is also ameraindn's. thers, the only survivors of a large Miss Mae Daley passed the first of u'j home of her parents, John Daley., has .. Donald spent the week end with rel-- atives at Round Lake. Mr. (H. E.) Maiman-- transacted day R. L. Gonsalves ymond Van Natta of Iaymend Cyr of Hontaan at s o t 1. * Friday. jreak st the home of her uncle Mr.. a%&'m&m liss Alvera King and Miss : and Mrs. R. C. Hallock:enter-- Frances Burness of 3 &'fi.u'fl./ fh%fig bv-ly,;h. 'h-nlul ufi":btd&-plnh,h § a two weeks vacation in 0., were received by friends last Miss 'La Verne Stone returned to her home here first of last week from a week's visit with Miss Irene Pillings of Round Lake,. Miss Pil-- lings is spending this week at the home of Miss: Stone. _ ' Your orders will receive prompt and courteous fulfillment at low rates, ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICGAT ~~. _ DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER . SOCIAL DISEAgES -- _ NB kegan. s x2 (,.--D:?.;, Rose« Archic Yoss ves and 'Otis Potter it oo caa of Gilmer called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. one day last weels \Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dolph of Area ealled at the home of Mr. Geo. and Miss Emily Bates first of the week. _ Harry and Maud Wheelock, son ndhturdlr.--ilu.m the siaie of loas Meftreecd Pan nainess at Crystal Lake first of P o M es ,'fl it of Lgke ' week at the home of her | 'Ora Prior, returning to her 'alls,. 'They will return thru Cana--y -- Mr, and Mrs. Henry Krueger and To P tmz s re + ;.r'fl"-,w','-}.-glj",'-;ml" m%""{'" 'und Mrs. Arthur Jacobs c 'M S W&.gm f spent last 'week Thursday Miss -- Mae : C 3*»'»«""';7*: «1 Park, Chicago. Henry were gues 4"{',;0.- Emm _%v Davis and Victor Shales of M""' ;*ffi,q-- 3 ;r,fg& Lake were pleasant callers Fremont y Cc »_5,fi;ffl'*d$¥*-tf"§;h : dlr.l:"nd lr:. Harry randdaughter 'The homes of| Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prior and chil-- Dak Park v _"}!'fi id | dren motored to Crystal Lake Sun-- rs, Flovem " one day last| Gay where they visited relatives, agk, _ e es s N. Plutic Houghton is now a wale .: .. . k an l h nflt,of Barrington where she f thy Withers. M has taken up dressmaking with her Be and daughter spent| sister Mrs. Fred Cady. esday afte: at the Mrs. Elizabeth Clark of Anamosa, ) Hery Schaefer of Mc--| lowa passed the week end with her P > /s sister Mrs. Alice Baseler wo .1 Daily trips between Libertyville and Chicago and intermediate points. h daughter t 'Withers, Mrs. at the ym Schaefer of Mc-- -- Mughes, Jr. transacted :'.....:B".':'a.'i? «97 $920.00 delivered d wen t from here to Chemung | this is the first visit Mrs. aark"h'- made :.;'ha d\fldht&d home. She is leav-- iess to her home at Anamosa for a few weeks visit with her sisters who live -- News of the serious illness of Dr. Orton B. Hdbbard, Son of MFs. Lena Clark formerly resided here with here parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. West. In 1871 the family went from here to Chemung and this is 551 Milwaukee Ave. _ REAL ESTATE We Buy and Se LAKE COUNTY AND LUIBERTYVILLE SELLERS & PETERSEN Telephone 451 . 8) || | When Words Fail| _~KOHOUT RLOWER GROWERS Por sale priccs i own Libertyvile Agent o#f E. F. OwEN, 3: Ave. Phone 233 W VY invite your inspection of our modern Lamas P m e e i oo WWe _ o o ¥* homes be ilt in Oakwood Terrace Subdivision, ) HEATH HOMES LARGEST GRO oP curt rrowers * egnant F.owers delivered by wire anywhere Send FI First AY, | / * ILLINOIS 12. A OIS under the Act. POR SALE--Deerfield, sW*' oc o Plione o.m'-fia' l FOR SALE--1924 Maxwell Car, $550. In excellent -- feal condition and has m FOR SALE--Bull milking machine and silo. Phone 676--R2. 61--6tpd4. mnuu--mwn 1 gas camp stove, camp cots, 2 biankets, cooking equip-- ment. Cost $50.00 two weeks ago, can be had for $28.00. Inquire FOR SALE--Good 80 %¥arm west of FOR SALE--ZION (WCBD) Con-- in Mundelein. Priced for immed-- jinto sale, cash or terms, O. C. FOR SALE--¥Five--acre chicken farm muu--lwh- vestments in and Mundelein Real Estate. FOR SALE--Strictly modern nine-- room dwelling close in. Oak trim-- FOR SALE--One acre of land im-- FPOR SALE--Good modern seven-- runhu-cuhncaokAv-_u. Lot 60x278. A good buy. -- _ FOR SALE--Five--room bungalow with extra lot, Wufir,n,:: '""'*-.N".bmis." house. Easy terms. FOR SALE--Good modern six--room . dwelling on lot 50x241." On south FOR SALE €12--R1. is very remsonable. A. R. Schna-- ce in and has m been offered for sale. l in on CA located on a full acre of ground, beautifully landscaped with shrub-- and atl kinds of fridits and perfice. There is a~two--tar garage with room home on Second Street. Oak Reasonable price and terms. -- It is a good buy.. . side. -- First floor Very regsonable. and bath bungalow, on lot 100x150 hmhadoo: Gaszs, elec-- W..neigm.mnd-fi: of fruit and berries. Its a nice little home and it can be bought on terms of $1500 cash, belance Mhmnyywunm-mm&mi hnshortatimandatnmnnhbludlltflflumfi your wants known here. A trial will convince you. If you want to buy anything, or if you have T . 4 rent or exchange, Y ant 1 yeu m& columns Yan -«:'.'f."'_'.'._... ""'hkw esk mnimumd')'rge'& e 6 tb m mk& Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. _ Real Extate and Insgurance FOR SALE wounpace 9t 13 will get results. able five room houses DKR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Anizant Soie Veedrariin Telephone 66 LIBERTYYIL . _ WRetephone 482--R ' --__ -- 509 Mitwaukes Avanue -- _, LYELL H. MORRIS -- ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR _ Telophone 18 PRESSINGO aafd CLEANXNINXGO FOR RENT--Furnished front room at 304 Broadway. * Phone 111--R.-- FOR RENT--Four upper fat, Call Libertyville, $06--JL 60--6tp4. FOR RENT--20 acres good pasture. "The Reginer Offct Thodnt, * FOR RENT--160 acre north of Bowman D HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold. Loans mace. _ insurance. Edwin Austin Phone 167W Liber-- FOR RENT--One newly detorated bedroom in private home." Suit-- FOR SALE--McCormick Corn bind-- er. _ John F. Welch. Phone 519.7 Fixtures Supplies PHONE 100 Eride Battery Service Station FRANCIS T. ROLLINS FOR SALE--Reasonable two 100-- FOR SALE--7--passenger Chandler Tibertpvile Battery & -- session November 1. Phone 61 m.'--m IRORNNE -- Lake Above the Bank i nnaer Pedars iA extra tire. Will sell very reas-- onable. Will T. W. MeManus, Round e, HJ.¢ oil. Gus Tahlero, Mundelein, HI. a Avenue B. H. MILLER for two at 149 PAGE SEVEN es (9h