-1 REAL .4 ESTATE *~_~~_~~ _' Gentinued from Page One) --_ j SELLERS & ~| _PETERSEN New Plan Used at High School c oiaainiis Metticer -- Pnysical] cation and English, Lake Forest, 11. "#.'r. Best *History and Physical | . ~J. Hawk Training, uilteraie Time ( 0. o .l _ About seventy per cent of the failures in a-- high school occur in the Freshmen Class. -- In order to be more efficient, the school is to go cver to a complete change in sched-- ule this year. Heretofore, we have been running on a forty minute per-- ----Lawrence Crawford ---- Commerce, M!:.Jmn--&hnumd Physical Education, Chicago, Illinois. Marion M. Wallace--Home Econo-- iod schedule. The student would at-- tend some class, for instance Alge-- bra, and spend the entire time in vecitation and. assignment of the mext lesson. At the close of that class, this student would be sent w ang on snn oikk tay . tn : the tend some class, for instance Alge-- bra, and spend the entire time in vecitation and. assignment of the mnext lesson. At the close of that class, this student would be sent either to another class or to the main assembly hall to study the les-- son for the next day. The result was that if he went to another class, at the end of 'the next forty -- minute period he had forgotten about forty This year the periods will be lengthened to sixty minutes, during which time there will be recitation, assignment of the lessons for the next day and study of the lesson in the room with the teacher in charge. 'The amount of time given to each of these things will vary from class to class and from day to day. Ordin-- arily about thirty minutes will be wiven to recitation, five minutes to to study. 'It is the:'contention .of those who have used such a system Mm-flnn*dm with the teacher in charge to and assist, when needed, is of more value than forty minutes of study alone in the study hall with no one to assist or direct. This is not a m"ddfwlw' in Des Plaines, Harvard, Woodstock, Jolict and many other schools. By vsing this method, we hope to give wmumc'l'ru'- "Mputkuhfl": Fresh-- men for they come i the gram-- w.ar sghools where they have. been mavfiflhumh the Algebrs class. ~ Then, when he did go to the main room to study his Algebra lesson, he was not in a po-- sition to do justice to the work and, u.flh"flpbh" the following day poorly prepared. A frequent repetition of -- this in --yeuunnlhdhhflmotnt least in a low grade of work. In this main room used for study, a teacher was in charge but her duty / was more to see that proper order | Wmdmtundindordf study for her subject might be Latin, snd she would faculty--some of the teachers visit-- ed the Des Plaines school last spring to study the workings of the system The Board of Education and the made a unanimous de-- a An favor of the change. The school day will not be leng@thened mwore than a few minutes, if at all, but there will be six periods instead Gertrude -- Kisch.-- Mat} ic _ Mr. Underbrink will be in the of-- fice of the High School both day and other students entering this school for the first time. If any student change in his program from that which was made out last May, he should also come at that time. It is We Buy and Sel LAKE COUNTY . AND LIBERTYVILE All Saturday, 1yrile, UL. uzeute Sugey "C --* We not be prepared to| but not at all neces-- 1e 451 sary, that each Freshmann bring his mmdhfi-,&'--lifi'- ploma with him. io > Every year certain students ask "tc be allowed to enter on condition mrbemmmw! umd@thgndo}Atfiu-M mre wood reasons fok this. and it is ulation is necessary. WIND HALTS HUNT FOR GIRL'S BODY girls evidently felt secure and de-- cided 'to battle anyway. When the tragedy became known ufl,prjn..nothrofonollh victims,. became frantic. At one time she sought to leap into the lake waters, it was said, but was prevented from doing so by several who were with her at the time. only male member of the party was lcmflboy.hld:r\hhf'"f of the victim now t. He was willing at one time to make tle at-- tempt but he was too young and unable to battle the waves. T Both Well Known | The Klemola girl and her com-- panion were well known in Wauke-- 'The fact that rescue was not start (Continued from page 1) m mm. *4 weue 6 'M" The Best Paying Machine °_ Giving A Party? The:. SODA SHOP §15 North Mdwaukes Avwe. -- _ : PRICED RIGHT '-- on the Farm And it certainly does taste good. --, . International BIG PURSES -- FAST HORSES -- GOOD JOCKEYS 5 -- RUNNING RACES DAILY -- 5 onb ctatianean perby O oCC 00 [ im. Exhibits that cover every phase of human interest--new things, new ideas, new q'ro- duce and new results. The cream of Lake County. * Great Horse Show ers.: All great horses and a real treat for a lover horse flesh and beauty.© *# : "P> _ ® and ADMISSION 75¢ -- SEASON TICKET $2.00 . BOX SEATS $10.00 _ W. L WOODIN, President fi.l"' f h miehinn FaRe * LanE roRbEst DERL only ---- Saddle horses Labor Day, Sept. 7, 4:30 P. M. ---- Fourth Race is hakr COUNTY DERBY _ -- ll{ ---- }A0d0I8 NOTSES classes of fine jump-- No Advance in Admission CHILDREN UNDER 14 FREE Nineteen of the LT']'ke County dealers showing th e 1926 models of every mak e that is sold in our county. A show than has ever before been attempted. lfst=@# : . vour en Big Auto Show . _A great carnival ntertainment.'s § § WITH CAR 50¢c