..' mame of the jadge who fined a school : for teaching evolution or something --«~. . Entered as second--class matter October 13, 1916, g,fihn«vamm« _ March 8, 1879. Issued twice weekly. __It appears as though almost -)-dlu.mbd..-; , Many parents are hearing ' that :.:myh-udnd-hbd llege, but that isn't the last they Wozgy wheelMi mired to the,hubs; he sat beneath a 'kerosene lan ,w&'&wdma flow, and if the worst came his Kand soothed mem-- mm samaritan which f received a cent--but he lives in the hearts of & people and has been voted the most useful man in x:'e have such tfinndm Libertyville; men lives have been dedi to helping humanity, rich or poor. A new school of practitioners has taken is still carrying worked to save buman o se Gouge oreie ie Sigaraiet wuil t wigs o l d Sheiee s nmide The Little Red Schoolhouse KEYSRONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers, | *\ DESERVES THE MEDAL ALONG THE CURBSTONES Last week a Libertyville man found in an old trunk a receipt that was over 60 years old--a little "scrap of paper" his grandfather had re cdddumabfllhua The receipt was just a slip of plain white paper --mo printed heading or fine paper. Today, thanks to modern printing methods, we Keystone will print and bind them to your order. FRANK H. JUST, Editor ECEIPTS of Pri * stey | |their place, but in the hearts of the people the ol Wounttys Regimber _ |thir place. but in the hearts of the people the old Waukegan Weekly Gazette . | Medal will always be rewarded, because to him it will money than he does. * hm 1 i DAY AND NIGHT TAX! SERVICE ted as would be if we had a consti-- tutional amendment against it. An educrtor is usually a man who 'it more and more. e. ~ Improvements, too, in th part of the country are permanent, 'and it is a twelve« month--in the--year section. :. s Eoo' y :--.-- 'There is one man in excellent position to. advise you if you contemplate making an investment--one man who is not going to advise you wrong.--: That man is to be found in the bank you do business with, or--in any bank that you do not do business with. 'l'ln-rn:;1 glad to advise you regarding investments, regardless Of 'mwwv-ywu peges: -- AectnPuitmnipiinng ¥ o AD who you expect to place your money with. Go~and | d'wmhmmmimw" bh'md--haéahoutmfimabufi money. ","'opm""mqu"'"_'?."""u"wmum where else in the land. There is a fxed salug on seal ty in this part of the,country, and the knowledge that But the vast majority of people cannot afford go spec in 5ol as aet wih ptone med i e warranted in taking a fling. -- This state and this.see-- tion still offer wide and safe. opportunities <to make accumulating them speedily. on h crr o dugh s ville, recall the days of the Denver and Los Angeles mzhmM3MM It is us udlythsh:d-wadbqinthemhquw gant reports who awake in time to realize how foolish has been their rainbow chasing. * | It--will be so in Florida. lfymhum-n:,oo; risk in speculation, it is safe to go there and risk it. always be due. It seems to be a trait of human nature to want s, and untold chances are taken in the hope of After reading the* ads an old-- timer realizes what, he : took . in .proposing mg-«- be--, fore he found out what .of. 6 l;:*.'. Yu A § dflfl?'d% ing all labor and material by contract, so you may know just what entire cost will be before "CONTRACTOR & BUILDOEER R. L. Gonsalves .. * e e £16G ly cost of mainténa that the finangial ~Ageneral gurvey of the conditions 'of <the. Ach needs and opport= tunities, was the theme of the meeting last week of the Parent on of Ravinia. 4 i :-- program worked aut with great care by the program Mi";'::Ch Mrs, James C, . Under the cap» tion, "Know ¥our Own School," W. _,J', dent of the school ,.} poke 'on:-- the amount and sources of achool funds and the year-- * ' Q' mance. He reported school solve when the | _ February--Civic program. Wh-'. Program For Months ""--.*W':'*Nwmlflmu * ,.mjuhbnu A general 'gurvey of the conditions &Wdz ', dn .:._.. b of tlre: "~fi. needs and o'm M Owen h , 'h m m ' P e ' tunities, was the theme of the County Normal Miss } € _ and Wint how 1 mesting Tank work of_ the 'Parent M"'Ififi!'l'u &# are coming in évery day, come .'& eacher aszocistion of Ravinia. Ravinia v £4 us A k P ty on oo pegae It mas & detailed program worked | Pr0@®®ms for the ensuing months| $ BOY'B "HATS AND CAPS--Leather, tweeds, out with grest care by the ProAFR | m : _ . _-- Scotch mixtures, etc. <-->~=>~ : ~».ss»oung committee, which Mrs, James J ols S is vior & 15.z *A s l PC e t m L"llheb*-"-n.ht'nder una'p'- _.'-'"*".?".',"_. _ A€° S dflm--'l&mutmvudm "Know Own School," W, s ? 8 & ~ «--a 0 Shizecs prews0"%., thevc, u; |ansestment of materia) top pus Io| _ BOY'S KAYNEE flannel Blogses. -- E- ~----~ davnes BANK NOW OPEN . General Banking ..'Iqjlnl--ln J We invite your account GROUP -- $ SCHOOL condition of the sccording to the .. Fease L. Smith principal ?«"&-"_'Tn-':':... T Avenue Come in and nee un of the school January~Talks on the special sub-- | j W--- ¥, jects by the special teachers. ,.hmmh-dnju;:. February--Civic program. Miss ville f.»".m * """' just MceDowe! and Frank Sluts. eanse--he. wore socks 'to match his Jess.. Till he met'a pretty girl and--oh boy! how things hummed } Also Neal m Vera Steadman in two clever reels of comedy, "WHY AEsHTATE'* 4 Christie é'---dy E.. L. Kitchen, Mgr. -- Phone 468 -- Libertyville Clean, wholesome food, pro-- perly served at reasonable prices. -- Quality prevails at all times.: .. -- > : Dinner parties especially solicited