}; LVE _ STOCKSHK wiven during the winter and earnly upring and good pigs are turned out -u.!-c.utumnu-m of wormy, stunted hogs is driven in to prepare for market. Many of them out the appe@rarice of scrubs. They may be put on the feeder pig and mo put into them. They not only feed but add to the thrift and -- *iners of the pigs._ One other common cause of lack of growth in spring pige: to. which Mr. Godbey calls attention is parasites, both and external. Hundred# of po of feed are wasted every year 1 worms. -- A few dollars SUMMER FEED FOR SWINE NEGLECTED ~It is not necessary to feed lots of high--priced feeds to pigs during the s#ummer, . bit it is advigable to add some ites to a good forage. uz"lo.mj.mu : whould try to 'keep their i 'plgs growing so that they will at least make beavy, thrifty feeder pigs for the high September market. The advantages to be gained from hoggiilg down corn may be briefly summed up under three heads. l': of all, and one that is of utmost K portahce at the present time, is that umummam ing st nt. Every farmer is aware of the amount of man and horse la-- bor that is required to cut, husk, baul and crib corn, and then feed it out to the Hogs in the pen, 'l'bomfi C these operations may be largely say PAGE SIX 6t the manure made is returned to tha soil it is accotnplished at quite an er-- Hogging Down Corn Has ~-- _ Three Big Advantages pense and only after many hours of laborious and not altogether pleasant work, When harvesting their own m}hh-m--uum.l depositing it directiy upon the land. ff-'t;'nuumieoi-an_mo they may be turned under without first being hauled out to the field. 6 'The general health of any farm ani-- mal is always to be considered. In hogging down corn the anitnals receive. a gréat deal of exer¢ise which keeps them contented and vigoroug Instead of rooting around in sloppy pig as is often the @ase, they are Ing th clean felds which, n# one observe, is of no small benefit to them. Guard Against Cholera 3 H@"'"m, T Smgfinlhng disease that runs in cycies. r : flthmm- and mm'd.. $ eycles claim that we v 7".."13 e cholera. Breeders of bogs bear this in mind and rt become car less about vaccinating their pigs year. It is especially important to t tect the pig crop against disease be« eause hogs are bringing a good price on the market and will continue to do so fot some time to come. While feed <Js still high in price, lower values will s prevall before the pig » J# ready for the market. In other words, It looks as though hogs will afford the best market for the coming corn crop, hence the importance of goarding them against disease. _ Wacciuntion of the pigs a few days after weaning should be.the rule this year, It provides cheap insurance that ho hog breedger can afford to di# regard at any time, but -- "i'z that u.n.rm:.'-u special thought and attention £ghflmafl. Many hog men bold licenses to vaccinate their own. hogs and whenever that is the wease the expense will be amail, fot gmh selling at very reason \ When the sow begins to whow a loat welght from suckling her Hitter she ;"'hlwmo domanh. 4 m @@rB-- e . the inos: sultable uin if it is properiy supplemented by a geod slop | engrgy and a fine food if used L"' pro . Bran needs to ipplled + In @amail amoonts only P93 mecessary If the shorts are :*fi\; n.'-,n\ffi:-:; 9_4" m' e "reatonebiy thick nnd Conposed radlthnay e A i for worm treatment will save the Corn Good for Sows Corn is rich and P. Ziegner and wfi : to Catherine Fitegerald, w--d. F1 iot 4 blk A Mc-- Daniels addtn to H Pk. m«: nururhz M , Me-- f addtn to H Pk. R R Yoeman and wt to J X Gal-- lagher, w--d.. Lot. 14 blk.1, Yoeman and Douglas sub see 20, Wkgn. > J E Ingrafftia and wf to D Lomo-- haco, w--d. Pt see 82, Benton.; ' Marion R Austin and hus to Fraces R Boardman, w--d. Pt--lot 12, C H Lawrence's sub see 28, Shields. L G Brackett and wf to H J Mc-- Kean and wf jt tens, w--d. Lot 13 Benj Parmalee's sub, see 9; Wkgn. L G Brackett and wf to H J Mce-- Keari and wf jt tens, w»d. -- Lots 4 and 10 Pearson, Little and Brogan's sub, see 16, Wkgn. . C J Jones to R Skalla and wf, w--d. Lot 153 Wadd@worth sub see 28, ~ Eva Bell and hus to E rustin and w1 jt tens., w--d. wfi.WJ.lI. dees sub of lot 5 S T S sec 16, Lake County Title and Trust Company 220 Washington. St., WAUKEGAN > Real Estate Transfers OCTOBER 29, 1925. Abstracts of Titles WRESTLING EVENT Tickets HAR SHORTY PYSHER North Chicago, Iilinois v¥8 JOHNNY PLAYER NICK JOHN Under the Auspices of f Schaffer mcompany C WAMMRY . dall Another and Better RINGSIDE SEATS ON TWO FALLS * PW Bertiont to C M chntt, deed a&muh. F H Bartiett to Saivatore Campag-- na, deed. ~Pt see 6, Shiclds. W Swanson and wf to O 8 Lequam and wf, w--d. See 24, Fremont. C°H Stratton and wf to Alfred Becque and wf. w--d. Pt lot 14, H T Ames and wf to A D Botsford w--d. Pt gee 20, Wikgn. A D to H°T Ames and wt, ged. n:-.m i C D Umbenstock and wft to Matt Zahnie and wf, w--d. Pt sec 11, Fre-- mont. .. &R W Burns and wf to L _T Eo schweit and wf, w--d l-ul!-fi L T Radschweit and --wf to A R Kanney,.w--d.Seee 17 and 20, Wkgn. * H J Morris and wf to A &R Kan-- ney, wid,. Secs 17 and 20, Wign. : -- C T & T Co to A R Kanney, deed. Pt sec 16, Wign. > * S F H Baertictt to Albert Timreck und wf, deed. Pt sees 30, 31 and 3Z, ,;y'x'm»uw u see Warren. rnnd-iuclu-md. gc--4. Bk 2, 8 Wign. C J Marhkcefer and wfi to H W Ganse, q--o--d. Bliks ) and 8, Wash w--d. Pt s 6 ar see 17, Wign. M J Durkin to G L Dorkin, w--4. Stc 17, Wign. _ _ Stratton's subn. c L Aidk Ur0RE, WAUKEGAN _ . _ L J Yager et al to M J Durkin, LIBERTYVILLE S BANK _ _~<>~ High Grade Investments for Sale . * To Build Our $§ --~Community $ MONEY AVAILABLE-- FOR FIRST MORTCAGE LOANS THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, cammwunnw ¢ A BE STATE BANK' Aivaance Arom: 4 Choreh 51. WE SOLICIT YOUR INSUIRIES ERTYVIILE PROPERTY onable Rates and Competent $1.00 and Tax BOUT LASTS UNTIL SOME CARRIED OUT EMIL BRUGELLO «s CHICK BREEN AND PARTNER OF ELGIN Champion Big 10 Grayslake, gwfiob COMEDY BOUT M J<Durkin to P P Durkin, w--d. Lots 1 and 28, Glen Flora Heights. : llmm Gorman, W» d, Lots 18, ad 14, Glen Flora 4'~M"A F Cashmore et al, ge--d. Blk 8, McKay's Second ~~L P Mattocks to B P B and iess oo e ser; w--d Lott 22 Belvidere High-- . IJD-T'" n to Margaret Kirby, w--d. Lots 9, 10, 11, Glen Flora laz&b:numu Lots 8 and 21, Glen Flora Heights, u:m%pwnwmu Lots 4 and 20, Glon Flora Heights. M J Durkin to E D Durkin, w--d. Pt Glen Flora Heights. M J Durkin to Ada Durkin, w--d. Lots 6, T, 8 in Glen Flora Heights. _ Elt Morrison to Congregation Rr. l A t to > ew J Me Kean , g--e--d, Pt blk xo.nnt{ TWO FALLS vY8 xg~-- * __G. H, Hollister and wf to H. M. Fritzsche and wf, w--d. Pt see 10, Grant, C T and T _R CO, TR, to H. Schir-- mer, deed. _ Pt lot 8, Block 6, Knob-- wood Heights, see 20, Shields. Elenor era Kistner and hus to C. G. Reid, w--d. Lots 9 and 10, Blath-- erwicks divn Long Lake, A. Christensen and wf to Inga A. Kyrne and w1f, jt tens, w--d. Lots 19, 20, and 21, C T & TR CO'S Re-- Subn, Highland Park. cr&nco.nmnw% and wf, jt tens, deed. -- Lot 5, 29, John L. Tweed's F. Hots snd wf to C. W. Reas-- "v"v",_,"lfl.Vm R. H. Richards and wf to L. M. rsen, _'_'_d-_w',mood Pk, eA POTATOES Why pay the present high price for your winter potatoes when you can get them at an aston-- ishingly low price at the We have a big stock on hand and carloads coming in that were bought before the raise. Come in and let us furnish your winter's supply at a price that will save you money. Cash & Carry Market LEONARD C. BLANK, Prop. Tllinois will observe November 11, 1925 as a Legal Holiday. The banks will not be open for business on that day LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Libertyville LIBERTYYVILLE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK NoT OLD RITTNER BLDG. -- 545 N. MILW. AVE. Pt lots 47, 48 and 1CE! ;'D.V.Wlhu\d'teoc.u.ht- terson, w--d.< Pt see 26, Grant. '_ Freda Gordon and hus to Mathil-- da C. H. Weale, w--d. Lot 1, George Kirks's Subdn, Waukegan. ~ A, Larson adn wi to J. H. Taylor 'M-GMH-.::': Pt lot 18, ":'ynl.hu to J. E. m..ua.-'a."}"auu _ W. R. Johnson and wf to A. R. IJohnson, q--c--d. Pt see 20 Waukeg-- vina Delils, See 36, Deerfield. J, V,. Bals and wf to J, Oltusky, wed. Lot 21, blk 2, Greenwood Park see 9, Waukegan. * &0 St Bank of Chicago, tr to L. P. Yopp, deed. Lot 1, Ravina Station Subdn, see 36, Deerfield. ; H:l'uu. 33.5-.:.-;"»'."::: get the genuine, with the name on every package LBa 0 wl lc d l 'Park. &2&'&-!»8-&:. Engle, w--d. Lot 7, Lakeside Manor, Highland Park. * Kunke and Wf, jt tens, w--d. : Lot 21 $s w ns semicalen through and through the torture is mm--a*w" gh and the torture is Mary P Larsen and hus to A. W. Keeps Your "Ceeemen CWEREETC O _ flmm Genesee St. '..Wflnnl * By UAG Phon» Libertyville 829 LIBERTYVILLE ©-- ILLL Good lighting not only pre-- vents eye strain, but gives the kitchen a more cheerful appearance and makes your work much easier. The Daylight Kitchen Unit is made of snowy white, easy --to--clean enamel. Switch cord has conven-- ience outlet for iron, per= colator or other appliance. CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis A telephone call brings you this modern lighting aunit. Extra Offer --Installation free in outlet now in ceiling of your kitchen. Free dem-- onstration without obliga-- tion. -- Act now! Free of Charge 50' »= Phone 144--W Balance with your Service Statement Office with Farm Bureas Gus Krumrey, D. C, CRINNELL Inapector in Charge TLLINOIS 11, #o+e