1. Suctoeding the Waukegan Weekly Gazette Established 1850 try, was barred from the U. 5. Now comes the second case of the kind. It probably calls up some pretty 1mthm&ca.hpnfu-udndfim m«&ummm'mmafim- try is not a dumping ground for a lot of revolutionary front seat and two women in the fi"hbdbuwh'l married couple out riding. returned from Canada says her plus-- 4 beer wouldn't be so bad if it plussed something bigger than four. * e e A cash register may benefit the business but makes it a lot harder _ If one half of the world doesn't know how the other half lives it isn't the fault of our moving pic-- elothes to work than they .once wore on Sunday. wife of a former Hungarian official that she can post-- Wfim:fieus.;uamum J to enter. : She is a Bolshevist sympathizer and planned to come over here and lecture. But since :.'3 . It has been but a few months since a rabid Englishman, preaching anarchy in his own coun-- for a poor, struggling clerk to get The average Libertyville eitizen can remember the time when a boy thought he had to g6 away out west if he wanted to be wild. when a man--is cofside:ed> foolish if he doesn't spend 'a little money seldom punish their children. May-- be they consider havifig to live in Russia punishment enough. Et may or not be a sign of lower moral standards,, but a lot of Lib-- Our idea of the peorest and most miserable Libertyville is the vee whe en think of mnything to _._ Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, m~r¢uamumm..mmmmu ,, 1879. lssued twice weekly. 9 ¥EYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers, P +s . A WISE MOVE to understand is why some fel-- LIBERTYVILLE sns BANK ALONG THE CURBSTONES FRANK H. JUST, Editor Caprrar ano Surpius $100,000.00 A PROGRESSIVE STATE BANK Milwaukee Avenue at Church St. Our job 1s to help you Let us tell you how we can Our idea of crossing a bridge be-- fore you come to it is worrying now for fear you'll get two neckties just alike next Christmas. EDUGATION IS UP THIS WEFK lnry:bogw'nuq mufio_h&_'nthrrlflult'l for her husbhand to think up a few of his wrongs. argues "it's a free country" is he wsually expects it to provide him with a living without cost. drunk 'to discuss religion. If the next session of O.:'-nn wants to show the kind of it's maile of let it rip the excise tax off of the automobfle. 5 School Day, Community and Health Day and For God and Country Day. "The program for the various days liows : Constitution Day, Patriotism Day, The trouble with the chap who the bravery to meet all on their manhood. in doing it carry heartbreaking burdens cheerfully, fmymmo&.mdupmmm!b on land and sea and in the air. In passing the glory let us be sure to see that they receive their share. be known. -- But it calls to public attention the devotion of the mail carrier to his job, even when such a job wmhuh'mwfihdgm-mab&,_whaeflicm demons rave and rend. (Cynicism may have its fling at nearly every phase of human activity, but:it clashes mkmminmnblemdopfimkicfmifizamc mdmydz'%dmgehwuin ri of the public service." " * f ageous as a matter of course. But there is courage just as fine in the fire departments of all of the.cities in the country. Officers of the law, as a class, have the bravery to meet all demands on their manhood. happened in the upper reaches to drive a bra w hap from ins plane info the black oyse can never since 1921 by Your was guilty of the crime of urder, but that if he were impos-- ing the punishment rather than the jury, he would have made the sen-- 'tence 20 to 25 years. At the same time the court said there was one theory that would lead the jury to mrrive at the verdict' of life im-- EM"M&"MM had the, right to say the-- jury wlum.':&umm t I would sentepnced Mile-- to either fl"cr 25 years if it id been left to me," the eourt in-- Attorney Field. North Chicago. The jury took seven ballots in arriving at m verdict, one juror voting twice for hanging. Attorney George Field,-- counsel for the defenant made the motion for murder two weeks ago by a jury in the Circuit court and given a life sentence in the penitentiary, was overruled Saturday by Judge Claire C. Edwards. The court ordered Mile-- tech committed to the Joliet peni-- tentiary for the rest of his natural life. It was indicatedan appeal will probably be taken to the Appellate OVERRULES MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL "However, I am going to write a The motion for a new trial in the se of John Miletech, --31, North Added Attraction: _ LLOYD HAMILTON, is "GOOD with Eugene O'Brien. A modern romance by George Barr McCutcheon h :' _ Also comedy, "THE HOLLYWOOD KID® Wild Horse Mesa' *' ~NORMA TALMADGE, in * THE LAKE COUNTY "Graustark" > ZANE GREY'S direct, natural sunshine in the pre-- vention--and cure of rickets are cod-- liver oil and artificial irrad'ation with ultra--violet ray ar¢ lamps. Cod-- liver oil has worked wonders in mak that it has comte m:m& : lambs have given results apparetal identical to those obtained from kt'unlomlb.ndudb 'nmgmoamtbyehfll 'Mhhmd&lvbm-._- shine it never abundant.. x "Perhaps the most prevalent of all childhood -- diseases, rickets -- results from too little sunshine applied di-- rectly to theskin. Of coures a poor« ly balanced diet may be a factor in the cause of:--rickets but a lack of sunshine or its equivalent will cause the disease to develop even when ths diet--regimenh*is scientifically accur-- ate. prevalence 'of rickets," said Dr.. Rawlings. ~"The early advent of cold weather kas contributed toward the have found the hot, dry air from the furnace much more to their lik of Illinois ~children, and thereby made likely a definite increase in the fall are apt to produce an heavy --crop of rickets among more than chalf mill.on aged children in the state, according to Dr. Issac D. Rawlings, state health director, unless special pre-- eautions to the contrary are taken, Striking.from the calendar the cust, omary .--Indian : Summer, excessive ustal seasonal abundance of suns-- hine, the. lick. of which invariably tends to result in rickets in young: children." Prematurely low tempera-- sending the little tots scampering ifito over heated houses during the brief days when old Sol ventured out. Codliver oil and artificial ultra-- violet irradiation are preventive and curative:measures provided the diet "Rainclouds that this fall have up-- set football dope buckets. interfered ventional schedules' have also .den-- SPRINGFIELD, Nov. 16--Vagar ies committed by the weather Variation Brings About Many Dangerous Stages "% Youngsters. X TUES. & WED. Noy. 17-- 18 AFFECTS CHILD sunshine to thousands LAKE FORESTE .. s SEEKS CLEW ~"Pipe the latest sport-- model Freshman with' the old--fashioned trimmings," obsérved an upper class bully when Harold Lamb got off the train wearing a white turtle-- neck sweater :nd loaded down with golf clubs, tennis racket, ukuleles and what not. "Let's ride him!" And from that minute forth the life of the freshie who would 'the college hero be was a miad, merry whirl, as will be seen at the Audi-- torlum Theatre when Harold Lioyd's newest comedy "The Froshman" is until Thursday morning when Mrs. Seudder sent a maid into her bou-- doir for her watch. $30,000 "to $100,000, "including ond of the longest and .most valued strings of perfectly matched pearia in the Middle West, from the Lake The new drive way have six sep-- arate lanes for cars, The inside lares will be for high--power autos, which go from 60 to 90 miles an henr. The | trance into the--room by scaling the from 30 to 60 miles an hour, and the outside lanes are for carsgoing from 15 to 30 miles an hour. It is estimated it will cost $196,000 a mile. will be wide enough"to accommodate 16 cars abreast. It will be possible to miake the entire trip in 75 m'nutes Plans are being made Tor 'a v'ad to be built from Chicago to. Milwa»« kee, which will PLAN THROUGH * > f ~--~~~BMIGHWAY: Police believe that the thieves, mingling with the crowds of soci-- ety men and women at the opera, saw -- Mrs, ~Scudder < wearing the _The necklace, extremely> valu-- able, is of suffigient 'length to be wound around the neck four timés In addition to the necklace, the thief obtained a barpin with forty-- five matched diamonds, a diamond-- studded pin of cross design, and a dinner ring of immense value. _ . ser. < With an ln-z handled "fjimmy," the thief reed . the drawer without leaving a mar on the mahogany surface. ---- To work before and work with good pay. BOY WANTED in a dres-- --stud-- abie. to say from a:a" k::;fi:f "" =w as anything sn r --of crime for the laat To .N(O'-"" in the . United 2«::'" a 'Hf?. ue demalnt A io B ssi0n . of. down «of our government.in .its.abil-- io 5 e e ant i. mhon p ie' ckoned Un basts"3? 100,000 popu-- 'h:'-'.fi- 5.1 in 1900 to 10.3 in &wenty--sight American cities, while in England and Wales the rate _ "I made a first nand study of the Geérmun atrocities in Belginm; I am DR. C. bring sharp, well defined R. C. H. wOLD m"%,'&",.._. National e D HERE , he cites