" ' wikh weln-- _ !---- -- ¥er sisterand hosband, Mr.--and--Mro. O'Brian: of+Chicago:on--New Years h 2 *h o ¥4 # P Hill * '_ _ > Sunday to her normal school work | ";kj s# in " DQK'lb. * i <*+~*' _ -- Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rouse moved | s into their newshome last Thursday. [ ® + Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lyons and| =~* Children were, entertained at the | _« : kome of Mr. and Mrs. Max Haas of | 7+ Libertyville on New Years day. | ¥-- _--~Mr. and Mrs. Louisgs 'Wehrenberg \_ ~--' and the latter's--mother Mrs. Peter ~» .' Meyer of Fremont have moved: into i Td the Henry Kane home which,they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Kane and daughter Geneveive have rented the R;; F. Rouse home until . their new home is erected. Bert Neve, who has been such an »---- _ efficient janitor for. the school, has * _given up his work there and--taken *# job as night watchman andfire~ ~--~,ivan at the S. L. Tripp Lumber Co. Mr. Fred Voelker has taken his place at the school. ue 2 | Mr. and Mrs..Clyde Brown have moved into their new house in the «<Rev..C. Arthur Jevne was a Chi-- <;§~'.~_.,' * '1-.". ; kf';" %' D.Puhnnd daugh-- '<~~~ ter-- Miss Mildred Waukegan ; . :~. Mr. Robert Simpson of Fairbanks + en en dect. osp Hz:dhewdwm > n week end guests at the * h of their aunt Mrs. J. C. Dort-- --"_ _ < * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chandler were _ Cbicago visitors on Monday. mm _.-- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. <Payne, Mr. **~and Mrs. Dwight Doliph and Miss Avis Payne enjoyed their New Years dinner in -- Waukegan after which :.\~. they attended the matinee perform-- ' e is ar "':;.u ';. € ~€ Mrs. Henry Golding. . ' The officers, teachers of. the Sun-- day school and. mothers of the boys in Miss MWildred Porteons' Sunday School class gave a mincellancous shower in ker honer on Monday eve-- --_~'-- Ring at the home of Mrs. Fred Mon-- %£ --zoe. . Miss Porteous received many «*~. Yeass eve with Miss Maiy dust of :w " ; * *' .. LAibertyville and attended the New ~ _ children motored to Rockford on " . Sunday to take Mrsg. E. V. Smith Je i?fiem«mnhahywa -- _ ~HMHaris and family on ~New Year's . Mr, and Mrs. H. K tid se teorke ShC Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rouse moved into their newshome last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lyons and| thildren were, entertained at the | kome of Mr. and Mrs. Max Haas of | Libertyville on New Years day. \ ~~_M1. and Mrs. Louis 'Wehrenberg _ _Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson re-- turned Sunday from a two week's vialt with relatives it New Fersey:*> --Mr;--and~Mrs: R. D; LCook ~spent Cady of Wauconda were --dinrier guests at: the--Clytio+ Harris home on ¥ire= Prai ,ft;}'fu'"m-- *4 9(! x# 1O ville spent New Years'~day at> the home of Mr:--and Mrs..W::D. Rort-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehmkuhl entertained a few friends at a New Years Eve party. The Mundelein friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding of 'Wauconda will be interested to know that they celebrated their Golden Wedding on Tacoma, Wash. spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ayns-- Mr. Mary and Gertrude Yore of Lake Forest spent® New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ross and 1%e ./ A. L. Derfler and daughter is the son of Mr. and ~*fa 4f,° ~ . --This ho on t fer fathon As born February 20, , . from -- which> she 374--] 2, by IvI & Martin Van Buren Morse -- was 'bom in Windsor, Vermont on Aug. | 7, 1835. As a child of cne year old | nis parents brought him to Chicagin and a year later his father took up tgovemment land in Lake cougi Dec. 7, 1858 Mr. Morse married irah Smith and in 1862 he bougzht 'the farm adjoining his fathers famp 'fram his brother W. H. Morse. Heré | he spent his long life. Clearing that part of the farm which was covere by timber, farming, dairying, 'bet-- keeping, poultry raising: these were his major interests in life. He was a member of the Fairfield. M. E. Churech and when that dis-- banded he joined the Diamond Luke church and was for several years 2 trustee of that church He also helped the Gilmer Sunday schoo'. He was tax collector for Ela town-- ship for several years and head of the Poultry Division of the County Fair for a long time. . A quiet, peace loving man, he was an efficient farmer, a go>l husband and father. Not strong in youth; by clean living and outdsor life he won a span of years granted to but few. 1 | He is survived by three daugh-- ters and two sons: Miss Clara 'B. ety and an 'active member of the} | morman Shepherd of Libertyvillc|buildings on the farm, but (when Mystic Workers from the date of it3 cansq on friends and relatives in |the engine got in place &wui;:on organization. -- wWike :C xmxuxmh put out. The farm is the old Sum-- ~She is survived by her husband,! -- Mrs. J. L. Chamberlain was laid| ner Davis farm now owned by Mr. Julius L Chamberlain, three son8, to rest in the Ivanhose cemetery| C. E. Wheelock and operated by Herbert: 'Chamberlain of -- A "W ig _ friends came Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redgat: and Charles E. Chamberlain of Mun--:) pay their_ respects to this de@r| will leave here the first of | next celein, eight -- grandchildren . and 3 one so suddenly removed from OUr| week to live, at Evanston during the w. William Putnain of. Bhl?y.; midst. > winter months. § * | 'wa. Her only daughter, Emma V\w; .--Mr. Arthur Ritta had a narrow| . , . , .,,; tire broke dht xt Ritta preceded her to the Heavenly escape Thursday when he was re-- the Ray Dowell farm home Wed-- Home a few years ago. '\turning from Waukegan. Owing to| '~,"**¥ , NWP®OL, 1felin HUTH PE anhoe church and the Igwa. Her only daughter, Emma V¥u . Mr. Arthur Ritta -- en 4 va k *L "sl Ritta preéceded her to the Heavenly escape Thursday 'hoh:dh::;mww .A bad chimney fire broke out at Homé a few years ago. \turning from Waukegan. ;p| the Ray Dowell farm home (Wed-- < prag Servi fe conducted\the ice his Dodge sedan mhe hesday night. The farm is two and fi'].-f&;m church by Rev. C.| was driving slid on the tracks on the| 9N° half-- miles scuthwest of fown. s ¢'Jerne on Tuesday, D ber| cre i"'tRondmtmduhem_Annhrmwusentouttofixe';near- fi_g Hriterment was in Ivanhoe unable to back off before the train| PY n®ighbors who formed a bucket mc ts * mt -- '| kit him he chose the safest way and bflm and soon had the b&u un-- At :'"'. ",,J . jumped 'out and left the car to its gler control, not much «damage was I am home in Heaven, dear ones; _ |fate,. 'The front end of the sedan| !°"¢ _ _Oh so happy and so bright. _' was considerably damaged but is be--| (Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphy and Oh so happya;;i l:n:n;:l;t. There is.perfect. joy uty . In this everlasting light. Did you wonder I s6 calmiy ---- Tred: the--valley wof--the shade? Ah,; but Jeatr'~ his adregion o * > L« 4e Pray to trust our Father's will. There'is work still--waiting for you! --~ Sa:youn must not idly stand;>~~ > Do it now while lifw remfiaineth = : You shall rest in JPesustMand. : | _ Every dark aud fearful glade, And he 'Came Hinmself to meet ie _ In that way so Hakd to tread =~© And with Jesus' armr'to lean 'on, ~Coulld :1 have aone doubt or dread ? 5s dQYor & n N o9 pip®4 gool'j Then yor mytm»w-'fim'yi ~ T'pr?j?oye_io'_l ea )fmi_. x_ siw Misses Helen and Emma Peters spent --their New -- Years mfin with their: parents here. _ -- . Sunday Mcrning December 10, at 10 o'clock there will be regular English services at St. Matthew's Lutheran church. | Wy evening December 9, the Ladies Aid Society of Fairfis was in town last Saturday invited to attend. i Misses Lena and Anna Schwer-- man spent New Years with the Ei. Hintz family in Chicago. |* Mr, C. t.'.Bu:an!_'of Elboutn Newton of Calgary, Alberta, Cana-- aa and Philip Morse of Gilmer anc ten grand grandchildren. _ |-- was INH LOWIL I03% JBCEEUEY 4 o It.udln.nu-ry&ndu"zd lrflln.flarry@dou ht the week end at the F. B. Schir of Ashland, Wis., Mrs. Zoa Bertha Gilmer, Mrs. Fanny Edna Stewarc. of Ashland, Wis., Mrs Loa Bertha from the late residence by Rev. C. Arthur Jevyne Saturday at 1:00 p. m. Interment was 'at the M. E. Ceme-- tery at Fairfield. _ . t tine New in Chicago visited at her home here uqu:d:"---bu" c Foun: jle Nn peinernel .n days in Chicago last week. _ <| _ 3# CNQ '| ~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery and| spent Christmas at the home of his ~!|son Ralph were entertained at New| parents, Mr. and' Mrs. George Years dinner at the Robert Gadke| Blackburn. f } iny repaired. --*] son Juni+r spent Christmas at Park Mr. Dan Odum and family spent| Ridge at the home of Mrs. Dillon, New Years with friends at Wheel--| Mrs,. Murphy's mother. | ing. s * ~_|~ Robert Blackburn of Chicago Mrs. Petersen and daughter Anna spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Ella Smith has gone to Wau-- kegan to spend the winter with her remainder of the winter with a sis-- the--hotise with an attack of pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schlosser of Antioch calléd on relatives in Grays Lake on--Sunday last. j «Mr#aghd M¥#. W. C. Petty return-- ection Suhday : afternoin from s#end-- ing:~the holiday 'vication at Olney, "Spirit of Christmas" to ask what gifts she should bring and her rer:-- dation of the part --was very éredi-- "The S. 3. classes presented their gifts to the Lake Bluff Orphanage which: amounted to $30.40. <Mrs. J. H. Gould deserves a great deal of praise for the success of the pag-- eant 'as the«work was entirely: in ~~Mr. Melvin Peate was unable t perform 'his usuat duties for the Public Service Co., on Satumay On Thurscay evening Jan. ?P. Mrs. Elizabeth Pepper and Lois White will broadcast from WHT from 7:30 _ Miss Esther Perry of Waukegan spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John for parts in Texas where he will lecture Law Enforcement under the auspices of the Anti--Saloon League. The "pupit will be © supplied-- fram Chicago during Mr. Jéssee's: ab-- Merub Neville assisted the locai post office during the holiday gcoa-- Mr. Edward Bixler spent a pait of--his holiday vacation with frienss at Ripon, Wis. Haroid Odell drove as far as Chi-- cago with Mr. Lantz last Saturday on their return trip to Goodwine, Ill, This is the first time Mr. Lantz has been privileged to visgit his daughter, Mrs. Odell in thirt; years. 2 Mr. Wm, Brandstetter is spending two weeks with his son Irving anc family at Chattanooga, Tenn. Mil-- dred Exon is assisting Mrs. Branc-- stetter in the store during his ab-- sence. James McMillen is playing fort-- ball with the Chicago Bears in the South. On New Years Day they p at Tampa, Florida. ~ The postoffice will be closed hereafter at 6 p. m-- Rev. C. C. Jesse left on Monday South. On New Years Day they p at Tampa, Florida. ~ The postoffice will be closed hereafter at 6 p. m-- Rev, C. C. Jesse left on Monday for parts in Texas where he will the King," was presented at the M. E. --church. <('The inclement weather prevented many from -- attenrding, but the large--audience® was well re-- paid for the extra effort of braving i ~Robert R. Dawson @Plain and Ornamental Mr.: W. H. Morse is confned to On last Sunday evening the twice stponed pagent "White Gifts for GRAYSLAKE week to live, at Evanston during the winter months. g--s".} .A bad chimney fire broke out at the Ray Dowell farm home (Wed-- hesday night. The farm is two and one half -- miles scuthwest of town. An alarm was sent out to the near-- by neighbors who formed a bucket called "the fire>department ty put out a small blaze on the k farm one --mile west of town on the aoke __ Fo 0s mX _ am * dg c ilo _ % iiu Dowthy Gray of Chicags spent Christmas with friendg here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Godfrey and son of Chicage are spending a few days at the home of Mrs: Godfrey.: parerts, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenk:. _ Claire Coleman of Chicago spent Christmas here with his family. Ruth Wragg of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Wragg who is caring for Mrs. Jane Neville. Frances and Fern Nickols: who are employed at the Elgin Watch Mr. and Mrs. George Broughtcn and daughter Lois and Mrs. Doro-- thea Withets ate Christmas din-- ner at the hW--me of Mr. and Mr:. Henry Schafer of McHenry. : (Miss Mac Daley returned to Wau-- kegan Thursday morning after par~-- sing a week at her home here. > Mrs. Viola Carr of Chicago spert the Christmas Holidays at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clark. Clyde Carr, Edwin Olcot ard John Hepwell of Barrington called on Mr. ansg Mrs. F. L. Carr Mon-- day, ~ Factory were home for the Holi-- While Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pfior were visiting in Waupaca, Wi;.. the water pipe leading to their bath room froze and burst, flooding the bathroom but did small damage. . Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson 'of Arlington Heights spent Sunday last week at the home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. is now from ten to twelve inches thick.~ There is quite a little snow to be removed before filling begins. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent ispent Christmas at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Carl Romme!l of La (é_ilnge. (Mr. and Mrs. Henry plding were guests at the home of their son. Dr. L. E.: Golding of Ufierty- ville at, Chri:nn. 'dinner. -- . -- Mr. Paige BU:'DII at the home of Mr.--and~Mrs. F L. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Sr., entertained relatives Christmas. Bowmans are getting ready to be-- ;»ber was formerly Miss Amy Base-- ey. ies | Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Daley, Mr. and i+ Henet Bectuicn of ¥mex: ton, Mr. and Mrs. Dean' Kirk and the home of Mr.--and~ Mrs. F L. Carr first of the week. i4 Mrs. -- Elisabeth-- Wrage rpen: Christmas at her home in io. Miss Mae Daley «of -- Waukegar spent the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and| Mrs. gin filling the large ice house .3 the factory here. Ice on the Lake _ Miss Margaret Hughes of Wau-- kegan 'spent several days at th« home of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. *7. $~\~fpk Phil Maiman spent the fore part ' "this week n,w-! -- All kinds of fiss Harriett Glynch ' of q'- im * go nt Christmas st the home of her a> t Tss ie o o ht | pnramomaman day a ten Jr. Mrs, Cy-- '_",:.1" M to iC ouse ~*Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph Tomiskey and daughter of Crystal Lake, Mrs. oJhn Murphy and daughtérs and Mr. and Mrs. Einhorn and son of Chicago spent the Christmas holi-- days at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Pratt. Mr¥. and Mrs. Thomas Garvin en-- tertained relatives over the week Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baseley ~f Union, Mrs. Mauvde North and son G:rdon of Chicago called on Mr:. Alice Baseley and Mr. and Mr#. Lucien Cypher Christmas evening. Miss Velda Bangs of Chicago spent from Thursday to Sunday at the home of her mother Mrs, Cora Bangs. Miss Velda Bangs of Chicags spent from Thursday to Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cora A number of old friends ard neighbors of Mrs. Laura Cook stepped in and gave her a surprise in honor of her birthday, Dec. 18. 4. very pleasant afternoon was~ °r:-- joyed by those present, closing w th the serving of a five o'clock dinner which was served by Mrs. Homer Cook and Mrs. Natalie Stroupe. Marvin Hughes are spending the winter holidiays at their respective homes here. They are students of Knox College, Galesburg.> « Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Baseley of Woodstock ate Sunday dinner with their mother, Mrs. Alice Baseley. Mr. and Mrs. H. E Maiman spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Maiman's sister, Mrs. Henry Scha-- fer of McHenry. . Mrs. Faulks motheéer of Mrs. Eu-- gene Prior has returned to her home at Waupaca, Wis., after an exten-- ded visit at the home of her daugh-- ter. : Preston Stoxen of Wilmot, Wis.. is spending the week at the home of his brother Arthur Stoxen, grani-- mother Mrs. Laura Cook and sister Mrs. Natalie Stroupe. Ed Dunn who has resided here for several years and made many warm friends is now head of the police department of the First Na-- tional Bank of Chicago. Ed form-- erly resided in Cary where he wa-- born and where he has spent near'y all his life. His many old friend:s in his home town as well as those here will be pleased to hear of his appcintment. He is an unasuming young man and a gentleman, whoy all who know him may be proud of as a friend. He was a favorite in his home town and has many staunch friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johns, Mrs. Ray Paddock and Miss Della Kirwin attended a meeting of Libertyville Chapter of O. E. S. Thursday even-- ing Dec. 17. It was in honor of Mrs. Jay B. Morse, secretary of that chapter amd the offices he4 Clyde Whitman, James Carr and Will Erect You A House or any kind of building ;furnish-- ing all labor and material by contract, so you may know just what entire cost will be before R. L. Gonsalves CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Libertyville 145--R Bndgf: the Gaps in _= |= "_ ssife _ Your mcome 'r pigk.". + * reams 3 PR io. SEX No iCs sns d CHiE nc ,_,_?_;.- ,\QM relatives at Pee gifts for officers and: acting Kirk Werden spent the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Werden. Stanley Stoxen of Wilmot, Wis.. was a recent visitor at the home of his brother Arthur Stoxen. He was accompanied by a friend. Mrs. Mary Davlin was in Barring-- ton one day last week. "Mrs. Mand North and son Gor-- don of Chicago and Mrs.J. L. Base-- ley visited Monday afterncon »with their mother, Mrs. Alice Baseley. Miss Mary Baseley of Park Ridge was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. Martha Harrison and daughter, Miss Lcora. 'Mr. Ben Mitchel and Miss Lois Sowle;l of Richmond called on rela-- tives 'here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haller ¢er-- tertained -- relatives from Indiara during the holiday week. 'James Neish of Round Lake spent this week with his mother, Mrs. Arthur Bcemer. -- Miss Ruth Bruncheor and Lecn-- ard Townsend of Waukegan spert Sunday at the home of Mrs. Julia Bruncheon. Gordon Shaw son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw of Kenosha, Wis., grani-- son of Mr. Joseph Turnbull, is quite ill with pneumonia. Class Advisor for the success of th: play. Miss Ross spent many lonzg Marie Daley of Wheaton visitei her father Edward Daley one day last week. : . The Junior class play given here a few days ago was well attended and well carried out. All those in the play carried out their parts well. The large pudience enjoyed the en-- tertainment to the finish. Too much credit cannot be given Miss Ross, coach and Miss Johnson, Juni»r hours training the . casts and ail portrayed fi\eir parts in such a way as to do ¢redit to themselves and their directors. Miss Johnson nod charge of the advertising and busi-- ness management and the large au-- dience proved that she had don» her work ywell. All who took part in any w;{ are to be complimented for this ning's entertainment. An ice house twenty--two by twen-- ty--four is beipg built at Slocum's Lake for the benefit of people of the Williams Park summer resorts. The Wauconda H. S. basket bali CITIZENS BANK BUILDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Plastering and Telephone 48 Anywhere on the North Shore GEORGE A. JONES Phone 287--W . MUNDELEIN, ILL. t Lathing PHONE 465 -- MADOLE offi both home fans and visitors. It was the first game between thes» schools for five years and was :. real 'battle from start to finish Mr. Best, the Libertyville coach. promised Mr. Mullins that he woul i return the compliments when hi tcam comes to Wauconda Jan. 15 Dec. 18 and 'defeated them in a final--geore of 9 to 8. It was a good game Ero--mthe start to fimish. Every atyé'on both teams were perfectgentlemen and won hearts aplause from all basket ball fans, Rest Haven Garage We have instalied a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to put your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring your battery here and have it tested free of charge. Phone 632--W --1 We Are Agents for the Willtys--Knight and Overland Sales and Service Station Phone Libertyville 438 _ _ and intermediate points. . _ FURNITURE MOVING A SPECIALTY. PrHones Lisertrviure 144M. Ravenwoop 1607. WILLERS MOTOR EXPRESS -- 2 16 L. H. DIETZ, Prop. * | Marcelling, Manicuring, PFacials . * .~~~ Shampooing and Scalp Treatments _ --~~Bobbing and Eyebrow Arching _ Hair Dyeing and Permanent Waving The Harriet Beauty Shoppe Buy at Wholesale and Save Money Daily trips between Libertyville and Chicago FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed BATTERY WORK 4 mm q# HARRIET MATTHEWS, Pro Located at Farm Bureau Office Thurs., and Fri. Eve by appointment and return with one point win, (that _ .« is if they are so fortunate as to get _ . . the one saving point.) We wish him success and may the best team win. -- Wauconda basket ball boys have always been winers and we hope they will retain the good name of those gone before. A scientist sgays that civilization is 9,000,000 /years old. And it doesn't seemarge for its age either. Chrigtmas wouldn't be Christmas, we suppose, if there wasn't a day after in which Libertyville men could compare neckties. Arvg Ivanhoe, Illinois