. _ 18 REQUESTED *4 #% © ommendat on federal aid for high e 1 ko m ruct! from mt C message to Congress has won its<first battle in the cam-- 'paign to secure a continuation --of to the states in complet-- \Ang <a> national sysetem of high-- «Wwaysm the Chicago Motor Club an-- ?3?;": the plea of the motorists " af the west brought results. and --#hen a joi _ ate and t --tives first ~I§bl'nnder '~V7 per cer CM 's messige to Congress has its«first battle in the cam-- w.mamumnflud assic to the states in complet-- Ag <A>.national sysetem of high-- "the Chicago Motor Club an-- Fhat <the plea of <the motorists the west brought results. and at President Coolidge will sense We'thocmtryhn- "to federal aid is the interpret-- : of the President's action by the which is taking the lead-- ind a nation--wide campaign to in-- mmfinufimddmaufod- appropriations fAr highway eonstruction under the present laws. _ ®"If President Coolidge follows the ndation of the --motor ¢lub and sounds out the real sentiment is beleved that the response will be overwhelmingly in favor of con-- tinued -- appropriations at least as w last year, if not larger," A M. Hayes, president of the tu-mq-bmm gires favored federal assistance . in ¥he construction of important trans-- eontinental and interstate highways. The first federal aid highway act followed in 1916, _ Mri Hayes said that it was not conceivable that that sentiment of the country so over-- whelmingly in favo: of this federal Mm in 1912 has materially now that the system of fed-- :;-Iaidhichnyiisprufialgom- --*Mr. Hayes pointed to the fact that #hen a joint committee of the Sen-- ate and the House of Representa-- t!&u had federal aid legisla-- tion under consideration in 1912 that 97 per cent of the replies received wo --weeks when reports were re-- seived from Washington that Pres-- j Coolidge had included a rec-- ommendation for federal aid curtail-- ment.in the first draft of his annual message to Congress. The motor club immediately telegraphed _ the President -- urging him to eliminate any' recommendation for curtailment at this time and * take steps to ascertain the real sentiment of the gountry régarding this -- important matter.. The Chicago Motor Club will bring the fede al aid situation 'before every civic organization in this section of the country, and will :maomphhd. The first definite 4 n wa=~ taken during 'the last Wrpxt, io. sppropristions 9t Jeint sguppirt to appropriations e 3s large 'as at prosent.. --This can-- paign is natioral in its scope. Most os the clubs affiliated with the Am-- erican Automobile Association have * ~Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Schrocder «were callers at the home,.of Mrs. E. S8. Krueger Monday evening. | protested discontinuance of -- federal of Aptakisic were business here Tuesday. r Emaline Mason called on . H. W. Froland Monday after-- Miss E. J. Moline and friend from ealled at the L. L. Maether _ last Tuesday evening. _ and Mrs. Fred Colins, C. J. _ Ben. Ritzenthaler spent last We!-- -- Miss -- Florence Macether spent kqbnyathmt. ces «_ Mrs. M. Wagner Grayslake spent last w.dmday"ma Thurs-- day here visiting with her sister, Mrs3: A. G. Maether and family. EMM Florence Macther spent lact in Des Plaines. --~ ~Miss Florence Maether and Ruth %'1 atfended a" party at Glencs* a»ver the week end. -- Mr. and Mrs.°C. F. Stahl and son "Alvin--motored to Chicago: Satur-- day'evening to attend the wedding of their son Roy. e § Schroeder of --Half Day yed the part of Santa Claus at C Harry Mason and Ernost Schroeder homes Xmas eve. > Roy Koten spent Xmas Day and the week end at his home here. women sometimes offers another F in exchange for a little bit : gossip. ' Notice of Annual Insuprance Meeting The annual meeting of the Mill-- burn Mutual Insurance will be held in the lower room of the Masonic Hall, Millburn, IIL, on Sat-- urday, January 9, 1926, at 10:30 a. m., to hear the reports of the com-- pany, for the election of officers for ib st9 M Bympathy is what All members plan to be present. By U.S.Government Veterinarian mp of ~100,000 question-- federal assistance in Millburn, IIL, Dec. 28, 1925. CATTLE TESTED Free of Charge PRATRIE VIEW for Tuberculosis Inspector in Charge Ofice with Firm Burean Libertyvill=e 100--2t s1 of nearly all his herd. Having disposed of the reactors he cleaned up the barn and premi-- ses, and together with some neigh-- bors went to Barron County, Wis-- gonsin for more cows. This is an accredited county.. He bought a lludotgndoemmdyanmde Guernseys, with some Holsteins. A little later on he decided to join the Lake County No., 2 Comw Testing As-- sociation. <These cows had cost him within $10 or $12 each of what his indemnity and salvage netted hini A year and--a half ago Frank Hironimus of Volo, tested 'his herd for T. B. The result was the los* tests since then. ' The . year's work in that associa-- tion showed that ~nine of tnese tion showed that nine of tnese grade cows made over 300 pounds of butter fat each, One cow mads 12500 pounds.,.of milk and 523 m«f:m..mu % very good for a grade-- cow. very good régord for a grade + Mr. &:huhdopl:mn,d MO::" this cow before entering her in the testing asscciation work, but was much interested to see the --good production -- and. milk test the first month: or two. She finally topped his whole herd for test and produac value ~of the testing work. . No farmer: can good or how bad his cows are un-- til they finish a years work in the association.-- Just now the Lake County No. 2 Association is being m\fl:fi-;t«m members. ~'There be a meeting Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the Farm Bureau cffice to talk over such ;l;nc;h&'fl;"fiu Allgl":ir';f mmaflnm SMALL, JARDINE, LOWDEN AND DAVIS WILL ADDRESS ANNUAL I. A. A. MEETING Members and Delegates Attending Ktate Farm Burean Convention Granted Reduced Railroad Rate Speakers of --national and -- state importance including Governor Len Smaill, Wm. M. Jardine, secretary of {agriculture, Former Governor commerce are scheduled to adcrecs the members and délegates of the I. °A. A. pienic or the annual moet-- ing of the A. F. B. F. when Prest dent Coolidge made his trip to Chi-- cago last month. : Besides the meet-- ings of the Illinois Agricultural A+-- sociation, the Illincis Farm Burean Serum Association, the annual con-- ference of the Illinois farm advisers and the L A. A. staff,' the county farm bureau president's dinner, ant the meeting of the: Hlinois Agti-- who are planning to attend the an-- nual meeting to be held at -- the University of Illinois, Champaigr-- Urbana, on Jan. 21 and 22, accori-- Iilinois Secretary Jardine will speak to the farmers at a luncheon on Thars-- day, Jan. 21. Frank O. Lowdnz address will be made at a t luncheon Friday ncon and Gover-- it will .be Farmer's? Week : University of Illinois. The L meeting constitutes the Th and Friday program of Fa nor Small will speak to the farm ers preceding the address of Mr. Navis on 'The Future of Radio In-- dustry ani Its Use By Farmers" at the annual banquet to be gives on the evening of Jan. 21. Other speakers who will addreas the ban q-.cu-a-:nemn.w.wcg of the eollage of agriculture; S. Stanard, director, state department of ~agriculture; S. H.-- Thompson, president of the L A. A. and A. F. B. F.; L. C. Brown, president, Farmers' Institute; E. A. Eckert, master, Illincis State Grange; and Mrs. Spencer Ewing, president, Il-- inois ~Home Bureau Federation. Music will be furnished at most the sessions by the University Tllinois college of musie. -- _._ . ; Railroad ~associations, including all railroad lines in the state, bave persons coming to the I. A. A. ing from any part of the state, in-- ecluding St. Louis, Mo. < The -- rate will be one and one--half fare, mind= mum charge $1, for round trip from Fm UR ,3,', NOTES 551 Milwaukee Ave. . Telephone 451 | REAL ESTATE of the U. S. department of SELLERS & -- planning to attend the an-- DID IT PAY? a.. &n ?dod atfi;' prove . the association Thursday t his | insurance and legislation. hint. | county Farm Buresau is pla: * ies to Rhe partoh t to socia-- E:mmmuw these | one® time.; Election of p wm:._,w yB 1@ _ atte ependit " _ t. ®. 'The program of this year's I. A/. | contkol auditorium of the university at 9:00{ eral© de a. m.--on Thursday, . Jan. 21, is | When f planned expressly for the purpose | the act of giving each delegate an oppo~-- shall : ec tunity to express himself. To per-- work ar fitmht.flmofufmdinw and fed sion,© sectional ~meetings and <con-- | appropr ferences have been planned dutring | pany th which time--open discussion will be | sibility _ given to a large variety of subjects | The :' tovering co--operative marketing.of | continue livestock, ~#grain, © dairy ~products, | state su poultry and 'eggs, fruits and vege-- | cause o muditing and~accounting,". financ~ organization, information;: taxation, transportation, phosphate--limestonc, insurance and legislation. Each ¢ounty Farm Buresau is planning to send a sufficient number=of dele-- tes to take part in all the con-- gmshtd(&hhdiflm one~ time. -- Election of president, vice--president and ~seven . district committeemen will be cheld daring the final afternoon session. 3 County Farm Bureau are expecting to attend the I. A.--A. annual meet-- ing. < Those who are planning to make the trip include:--E. Harris and Chris Jensen asregular dele-- ally invited to attend the meeting. Hallock as alternates, also -- D. H. Minto, President and J. J.. 'Doer-- SENATOR DENEEN EIRST h FIRST MEMBER TO JOIN IN BOONE COUNTY CAMPAIGN '~Boone : County Farm _!nrean's st new member in its three--year F:m renewal . campaign is Senater Charles S. L P"j"_,"'m' _ Senator Deneen was interviewed in his office recently by a commit-- tee representing the Boone County Farm Burcau, He expressed hbim g'as "strong for the Farm u" and believes that his farm T. B. ERADICTION ~ Because the federal appropriation for t. b. testing in Illinois is ex-- hugodlorthrfhed'yur.flét June 30, 1926, an order--was issned 'on Dec. 28, by J. J. Lintner, federal papavba.wnhcdlbtht under the co--operative plan in Ili-- tan be made-- mere profitable through practice of farm bureau inois where obligations for pay-- ments of indemnities are involved. By this order 77 veterinarians in 67 counties ceased their testing ac-- tivities. _ Washington officials also requested the names and addreses of the veterinarians in order < that they might be transferred to some 'This deplorable -- situation -- arose out of the state's refusal to contin-- ue, as it had done in the past, to pay the federal one--third of indemni-- ties. Governor Smail wants a larger fod:nl.n::::fi-.udmfin!. A. A., but no. justifiable rea-- son for discontinuing all testing. 'The testing should continue on tho state's money in--s0--far as it will go. other The $2,000,000 appropriation 'made bymw Assembly -- to indemnify cattle owners will per-- wtm%m.hhm ment is out of indemnifying fundz. Testing cattle for t. b. and elim-- ination of : those found : diseased should continue, Ecuno-hvuh& * tion -- demands = it. -- The thinking 2 work Horses 14 Cows, 2 heavy Springers, 3mm 2 Jerseys 4 ers, 14 and 16 months f gffu-unnwou..u 2 White hfimufl & AUCTION SALE! Having sold my farm I will sell at Public Auction on the ptuhabamdlnihnnthihc.Zloan'Mqt of Lake Zurich and 14 mile north of Fairfield church, on w Idea Spreader iaegaren,.. ,Oul?%r.lom 1 Narrow Tire Wagon with box 1 Truck W 2 Set Double Harness Farm Adviser, TERMS: All sums of $20 and undeéer, cash. -- On sums over that settled for. amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable note bearing 7% interest.-- No property 'to be removed until August Froelich, Auct. HENRY C. Saturday, January 9, 1926 sHOULD NXOT STOP Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp of the Waliter Prehm, Cleek _ _ _ > 1 Canvass 1 Stone Boat months : Caldron Kettle old _Hay Fork with mo. » pulleys . ¥anning mill ind ---- Tank. er who i Ray Hafer and George Steinsdor-- 'fer attended the show at Wauke-- | gan at the Orpheum theatre Wed nesdidy night. / A number from this community attemded the basket social at the Davilin scRool Tuesday night. : .. Mr. and Mrs.~Wm. Lohman and mas evening with Mrs. E. Powers. Mr. Faunt and) brother Chester Faunt of Chicago spent Sunday at Wm. Lohman's.. _ * & .. EJI Bauman has sold his farm. Mr. and Mrs3. A. Hafer and son Arthur spent the week end in Chi-- cago with' Mrs. H. Oldorf. --= ---- g- + agriciiture fi}z b Mermal Schoul for'the hol-- ! to cooperate wi oeert | _ Arthor, | Frank -- and -- Elizabeth &Mh&dflmw &w-. in Evanston; x:: the act further states, 'the state z P shall continue to supervise thi* | wi«, Fisio Tuttle of the Volo work and shall pay both the 8209 | sonsel, is spending her . vacation. and federal <shares. A $2,000,000 | with her parents at Graymont,. 1J. appropriation was made to 8CCOM+| iss Bernice Johnson of the Fort pany the t. b. law with such a P9%*| in sehool is spending her vace-- sibility in mind. f tion at her home in Chicago. Rey. The testing program should be}@ a 'Fompkins is spending a few continued under joint federal @M0 | gays with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. state supervision as heretofore b6"| maomnkins of Spencer, lowa. Ed chuse of the inter--state traffice in cattle and for uniform: efficiency in eradicating the *' disease. Such co--operation is absolutely necessary to maintain modified accredited areas and accredited herds in HI-- ~The 'Tlinois : Agicultwral Associa-- tion is urging Washington officials to pass-- an emergency appropria-- tion. -- The-- association stands four-- square that Governor Smail and the state -- department "of: agriculture should continue the cooperative plan between federal and: state . depart: ments. % T. B. eradication should not stop. Thoflzhtbdfihnq'thd!h been vigorously waged in No Man's Land until the.enemy is on the run. Holding up the indemnity fund at this stage of the campaign is like delaying the ammunition when all inois. MA L MCY *** . _ 1| Volo alternating. ~The next me=t-- | bonds /th n i ing will be at Volo. Mrs. Will Diil-- cea Bert Lengen has sold his farm, on, Dorothy Dillon, Grace Duesing |. the old homestead. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk attended the | ing such Ray Hafer and George Stein#40"-- | meeting at Ingleside this month. | ment Bor fer attended the show at WaUk® | ~Ppank Hironimus' family enter-- $ gan at the Orpheum theatre We4 | saineg _ relation from McHenty.| sppCIA /A:'mbcrfmfihu-u!r m]*mofth\moll.neq.}gg attended the basket social at the | cnurch wish to thank Mr. Schot--| 17 1g1 Davilin scRool Tuesday night. »_ _ | man, editor of the Grayslake Times, | 97 9g" 2 afterncon at the Fred Dowel!l home. Mr. and Mrs. Goldon and daugh-- week on their farm, > $ MMM&..&O& Meyer spent the week end at their ter 1 Single Harness 50 Grain Bags 1 Canvass Hay Fork with rope and Hog Crate gotsldghnu Q'MM Incubator : Cook Stove / a -- ture «l Set Sleigh Runners for wagon 60 Fence Posts ;a""rue' t Ladder, New 400 Ib. Scale HAY AND GRAIN. 8 Stacks Corn Fodder and corn .. ce af fiay, good Clover and _ cpen 2 _ se m'm'mm'qm; | 5 Foot Silage s 200 Bushels Corn in Crib, hand > e reamnnahngh in : 10 bushels well cured Seed . WEST FREMONT 'to be removed until / / | over the top for ve pl2n | _ The. Volo Sunday School depart| their Xmas gifts for s;h: Bluff orphanage by Mr. Sherm: ot -- stOP: | Grayslake, to : the orphanage rds has Thursday. They had nine dolls rManr'$ | money which was taken up it Mr. and Mrs. A. Paddock who are spending: this winter at Mt. Dora, Florida, write that they arrived h M'im myl m there in eight days, a distance of 1850 miles. $ 'Blanche Converse visited Gurnee High 'School last Wednesday.. Esther Lusk® visited Wauconda High School last Thursday. . The Volo: Sunday School . sert their Xmas gifts for the Lak»e Hluff orphanage by Mr. Sherman of Lh!-l-h-*o*&-, orphanage last Thursday. . They had nine dellars in Miss Elsie Tuttle of the Volo school, is spending her : vacation with her parents at Graymont,. DL Miss Bernice Johnson of the Fort Hill sehool is :pndh(x:gmher vaca-- tion at her home in Chicago. Rey. C. A. Tompkins is spending a few days with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Tompkins of Spencer, lTowa. Ed-- ward Lusk--of the University of Il-- inols is speniding his vacation at his money 'which was taken up in sol-- lection at the servicés, Dec. 20. One bushel: of:potatoes, donated by the xY school ¢l $ A Sunday: school teachers trair-- ing class has. been = organized at Ingleside and Volo under the leader-- ship of Miss Baxter,. 'The class will meet once a nmionth at Ingleside and Volo alternating. ~The next meet-- ing will be at Volo. Mrs. Will Diil-- on, Dorothy Dillon, Grace Duesing and Mrs. L. V.--Lusk attended the meeting:at Ingleside this month. Frank Hironimus' family «enter-- --The Stanford family have a new The Ladies Aid of the Volo M. E. church wish to thank Mr. Schot-- man, editor of the Grayslake Time:s, for the five-- pound box of candv which he presented to them _ for Christmas. o --The Ladies Aid will give their an-- nual chicken dinner at the Volo 'M. E. chureh, New Year's Day. Dinnor will be served at noon. Every one ©On New Years Eve, Dec. 31st the Volo Young Peoples Scciety will en-- the young people of several other churches. A.good speaker from Evanston will be there. 'All young people of the community are --Will Dillon's family spent Xmas with C. Dillon of Round Lake. Marcelling -- . Shampooing Scalp and Facial Tr'ealmghts > Eyebrow Arching . | _ Water Waving -- .Haird'r&s}ing ~--Manicuting °.. LEUCELLA BEAUTY PARLOR CERALDINE ALBRECHT 7 iR 4' P!'K)Nfi:lo'] Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings MONEY TO LOAN In Connection with Flagg's Barber Shop w Wieviver *1'§ Thursday, ents. The 'was well atten-- ded." The scehool will have vacation until January 4th. 3 evening.© Lunch was Served ,and everyone enjoyed themselves the ut-- Guests at. the: N. F. Busch home for Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch of Lake Fm Mr. and Mrs, Fred Busch *= Geest and Mr: and Mrs. James Ma-- tousek also called in the evening. _ Miss Reba Jones and 'Mrs. James Matonsek of) Libertyy.Jle Tuesday Nt t de o uie (oes use cCO /s | > hg-- lTote --b0 'x. 162 on Wheeler NOTICE OF CALL : FOR PAY-- :f,':',,;%l..fi""i 'sfl.,'m: MENT OF IMPROYVEMENT Petersen, Phone 4511 _ 82f Notice is hereby given that, by authority of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Libertyville, Il!-- inois, the following Improvement Bonds of said Village, of numbers and issues.as set forth below, are w:l for payment on February 10, 1926 and that interest on said nds thus called for. pt:goymbu' all cease on that date; all in ac-- with the Statute govern-- in 'neh.'_pi?vileg'vo to call Improve-- rent Bonds for payment before ma-- fi' ~\Series 3--Bonds Nos. 1, 2, & 3. 164--M. C ~ # 9 l > e Series 4--Bonds Nos. 1, 2. & 3. _.'--_---------------------------------1':8' Series: Bonds Nos. 1 & 2 of FOR -- SALE--~Rhode Island--. Rei $100.00 each, Total amount $800.00.| -- Pallets, $1.50. ~Phone 621--W--2. SPECIAL ASSESS ,' . NO. 24: % 4 T L1b Stries 4----Bonds Nos. 1 & 2 0' | FOR SALE--One 14° Teuse, $100.00 .'MM:._ _~>_| ~~one bari 40x80 l:ndmn:u-! out $100.00 ez SPECIAL 100--2t riky:: s.0u| /o :. : FOR SALE--1925 Ford Sedan with °ECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 1: | . 5 new tires, windshield wiper and sclu.l'-_-t:od_-l!pl.z.&l,--& spot light. Good as new. . Call 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 16, | 'Phone 818--J. 100--2% y 28, 29, .31.32,'"»'"35'3?' FOR SALE--Seven -- room . stute» . 88, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, and 45; |. nouse with garage. Hot water ©~$100.00 each.-- Total amoust;| pneat and all modern conveniences. ies 4--Bond No. 1 of $100.00.--| wer Farm. --Dirk Heuvelkamp, <mmu S.. COLLINS, | Phone 623--M--1. Libertyville, _ i.' .. --a %4% ~~>. 1 O & P90 % Village of Libertyville _ .'_!%n. C ol amobe c Wws by . Appointment er 24th «~A p¥»~ NO. 25: | +buildings located on William Car-- NO. 21: FOR SALE--New lighting fixtures. Newest designs and finishes jat about one third off regular price. FOR SALE--Potatoes. W. E. Volk-- FOR SALE--Pure buckwheat flonur FOR SALE--Dressed geese, ducks and chickens for the holidays. _ els. Also kitchen--range in Good FOR RENT--6 room all year house at Diamond Lake. Phone 670--W--2. U If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if ,ou want help,; make it known through these columns:: You will get results, ' . s -"Misnonymanduhunpyw*hhhfi in so short a time and at so reagonable a cost as:you can if you your wants known here. A trial will convinece you. o FOR RENT--Modern flat centrally located, phone 480--R. 98--if FOR RENT--Modern 6 room FOR RENT--Five room first floor ¥lat. corner Church and Second WANTED TO BUY--Farm -- about 40 to 60 acres near concrete, suit-- able for country home site, with mmwm%mu Phone 820--K. WANTED--Radio repair work. Can repair all makes. My work guar-- SZurich 32J1. WANTED--Work by the day, wash-- ing or eloulint Phone 6711;:21; Ray V.-- Moss, .St.' heat and all modern conveniences. Additional lot if desired. Chiis. Hapke, 121 Lake® St. _ Phone OR RENT--Room with or without board. 825 N. Milwaukee avente. Phone 285--R. ---- 99--6t and garage on Appley Ave. Call at 121 Lincoln Ave. _ 100--2t--pd 538 North First st. suited.: Must be"within 10 miles of Libertyville, north or west. Box ~_FURNITURE. FINISHED TO HARMONIZE & WITH TAPESTRIES " Lake Forest -- Libertyville -- Mundelein Painting and Decorating OFFICE AND STORE: 23 W. Phones: -- Office Lake Forest 254 charge, 25¢c. . 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. --------------I Professional Services ' A. YOUNG 97--6t--pd 100--tf Phowe 1.--8t at WANTED--Plain sewing at home. STRAYED--2 terrier dogs Wheaton The Lake County Register--twice f a week--only $2.00 per year. Fox Lake Above the BHank w Harrison 2815 :-- Libertyville 236--W ard pians nearby partly paid for, which 'reliable party can have by completing small monthly pay-- ments. For full information add-- wess Post Office Box No. 172%, DR. 0. F. BUTTERFTELD VETERINARY SURGEON . } Assistant State Veterinarian Telephone 66 DR. J. L TAYLOR . Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 3:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park WILLIAM P. WHITNEY ---- Hours: 9--12, 2--5 and T--9 . EYES TESTED FOR GLASSES $--% FRANCIS T. ROLLINS PHYSICIAN and SURCEON= Phones: Office 168 Res. 2%0--J Charges reversed on all business red color.. These dogs . ing from a farm near CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. ;nrsxawmwm Libertyville Battey & LYELL K. MORRIS FRED GRABBE C¥ TEACHER OF YOCAL 539 Milwaukee Avenue