CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 9 Jan 1926, p. 7

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(% Te _ Now that the year is once begun. "ox we must keep ;: %il it's done. ~~l _Just before © Year's : day, i «* Charlie Krueger and his family a ~-- moved h: to the famfl':m ra «€swaed : occupied by Henry s ESthroeder family who are now liv-- x * ing in Waukegan. . ~Sehool started here again on Mon-- day, January 4th, after an enjoy> * able holiday vacation for all. Mr. Plow a 2 Janesyv John De« ® 2 Riding x Walkin Horse fi . Com PI: 8 Sectio ~Mrs. 'Cassins Mason and her "M-r Ellen =visited with Mrs. & Edwards on Monday afternoomn. _ Walter.McLaughlin of Liberty-- ville spent Sunday here with +tae home folks. IL wish to thank all those who patronized me during the past year and hope that my work has been thought satisfactory enough to keep L am at Fred Priess's Ice Cream Parlor every day except before three -- Many of our grownups ='llfld~ ren enjoyed the szero 'ast week on the old Indian Creek, coasting and skating. -- & Thurch announcement:~ Sunday vice o m:"};.nmr;hdy velu" at 8 p. m. 1te, SBome one recently said--"Christ-- mas is a widely observed holiday en which the past nor the future is of so much interest 'as the present." Mrs. Cash Mason and ealled at the L. L. Im Saturday afternoon. called on friends here Saturday at-- ternoon. , g Charlie Biers . and,. his family moved from the Frank Foote farm here last week to a house rented by them in Wheeling, Illinois, F 45 All sums 'of: $20 and under, cash On sums over that -- amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable fimb;;mst'%m No property to be removed until Mr. and Mrs. George Rosgett of Northbrcok are the happy parents of a baby boy born: on Saturday December 26. Mrs. Rosset former-- ly was Elsie Foote of Half Day. -- Charlie Herschberger, our tewn clerk gave many of h'w leasure of a theatre party &n holidays and those of our tow who saw "Cobra" aM'ilfl} ing December 29 enjoyed it very Collins, principal, visited with his family in their old home town n n, primary pent the holidays with her folks h':n'fl- Miss Corinne Epp, her mother . PRAIRIE VIEVW Corm Planter 8 Section Harrow 7 ft. Single .Dise 'Jdfiz-lfi'hchnfih 2 Janesville Walking Plows Deere Breaking Plow McCormick Corn Binder Deering Grain Rinder ) honiamny | Pn hi ane o 1 Sorrel Horse 11 years, 1 Sorrel Mare, 14 years, 1 Black Horse, weight 1150-- * | m ons uol ie C 1 Gray Horse, " ht 1650 FARM TOOLS, ETC. 'The undersigned will sell at luchmmthebfi hmbqwdyzmikmdlmmzuzmm ] Mundelein on k l PUBLIC AUCTION The Prairie View Barber. HALF DAY Bf_ J'fllm' Prop. s Tuesday, January 12 WM\B.y &'WM 5 20 bushel Soed Sariey ; fi 2MM s | Wik Cane Fails and strainer Saw Frame 2 Saw Blades, 21 and 26 inch One 4 H.P. Gas Engine One 1 1--2 H.P. Gas Engine 2 Caldron Kettles fon.nlhr | 2 Sets & Harness s o0 thheve tatlare w Shigle Bekey Studebaker Box . < >| l&d'hdbnzm'l'neh t 3 inch Truck Wagon o Narrow Tire Wagon "Last Monday evening our basket ':i.nhonfn;')lny: agame witha eam :nke.c; hx at exciting e becaule | the very Y ike| the mm»g.&efiohfim The game finally closed with a seore of 11--10 in Prairie View's favor. If you weren't ~there, you . surely missed -- an exciting . experience. Soon after the game the boys on both teams, went over to Priss's where Mrs. Pricss served thom ' of St. Louis of more than 3,333 long distance calls. The aver-- ;gcd:fl'y.mrofm;dl 17 A1 w * 1| lunch. -- Next Tuesday, night, Jan. mwhamhwm&bm!u a game_ K 's get bmmmhy and support our team in victory or defeat, victory we all hope. Miss Florence Maether has re-- turned ~to her work at -- Evanstm Business college after spending her * is mgmmh:e"'i. t _ c r is a m&'%;ofi a home in Liber-- deputy for . this district. . Mrs. Childstrom:> 'formerly resided in Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. mk and cehildren, and Johnny : ic« of Glencse and Miss Verna Iversan of Winnetka called on Miss ~Ruth Whif Sunday afternoon. Rev. Stadler of Long Grove was a business caller here Wednesday. Mrs. Henry D. Krueger called o« Mrs. Emma Krueger Thursday. Ro'l;s members. of Willard (;anz Neighbors were grieved learn of the death of Mrs. Jennic Christrom, who was the supervising \oxm 'mm".i nesday night. issc 'Mrs.. Harry Mason and children called n their mother, Mrs. E. 8. whl&.-dfln.'lmw at Libertyville, New Year's & iMr.: and Mrs. Geo. lfl.!r Cariton spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason. | Mr. and Mrs Fred Priess spent New Year's Eve and Day in Cai-- cago with relatives. C New Year's Exe dance at W Grove. *4 little . ar,-- Alice Jane spent the week end visiting with relatives There is an average every Mrs. E. 8. Krueger took «dlinuner HAY AND GRAIN Tooth Harrow ._ Gordon Kieth Ray has been il "with tonsilitis. e and Mr. Harden Rouse were guests of Mr.<and Mrs. H. A. <Mills on Christmas day. ns s The Sunday school chiliren pre-- the young men of Diamond Lake at a stag party at their home in Libertyville New Year's eve. A "hard times" party will be held at the Hawthorne congolidated school Friday evening January 15-- Everyone is cordially invited : to come. Mrs. Burdix is chairman of entertainment committee. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills and the families Mr _ and-- Mrs. Raymond Bristow and children . Billy -- and Dorothy spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Erick=son of Evanston. Mrs. H. A. Mills and daughter Helen cand Libbie spent Saturday shopping in Waukegan. /\ _ -- _ (Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Kane enter-- tained the Community club at = New Year's party Thursday even-- ing. The new year was hilariously welecomed by the crowd.: Mrs. Kane served a delicious supper at Mid-- night. _ Mrs. Paul Allanson spent several | Chicago. 3 days in Mhstmkvidflncl A number from here attended the her sister, Mrs. Anderson, and mo--| funcral of Philip Morse who die! Mrs, Caroline Mitchell entertain-- ed at Christmas 'dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Kane. Her guests were the Harry Kuhl family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henrty Kane and daughter, Gene-- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton' Hutchings mhrhhodlr.mloimnfl- Mr-- and MrS. Packer entertained eve, of Mundelein.. --~ . (Mrs. Blows is visiting friends in Mr. Sophia Towner: and -- sons, Walter Kane spent the' holidays eS o 819 S n x hi h ageg mt {027 . 4e 5 and 5; Per Cent FIRST NATIDONAL BANK W M epirann e iss ~ 1 .. 000 0. cOC 0) lt kegan Electric Station No. y Waukegan Station No. 6 [*_{" _ . MONEY TO LOAN at on Christmas Mrs. Mantor and daughter Edna | ., , :nvmang.tmw;i Woodin | §54 Mr. Irvine and chiliren, _ Aona, | m Maude and Edward of Zion City|E -- spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. ; wond Bnglow at Chrltting ues [A mond Bristow at + Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse and: daughter Betty Jane spent Satur-- & 'ignndsudaywlththe&lhlsd j with <--Mr .and Mrs. / back of Prairie View. dinner.'® ---- . , * > --_Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kropp and m:;!loumqur.mdlrs.& of Lake Zurich ate Sun-- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mills. and,family. 'Mr. Irvine of Zion City spent the week end with his daughter, Mrs. Om'lm 4 ' Bartlett is ill with inflam-- atory rheumatism. © Mr--.and Mrs. Lewis Mills and children, Charles and Shirley and DIAMOND --LAKE -- COMMUNTTY Mr. 'and Mrs. Abert Hacker of tertained Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and son Wendell, and little adopted daughter Betty Jane and Mrs. Holmes cf Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Parks Allanson and son Jay, ani Wednesday evening at the churcn. Buants Claus made his annval visit after the program. Bags-- of candy Wednesday at his home near Gil-- The children of the Hawthorn consolidated -- school <gave -- their nesnay afternoon. '~Mr. and Mrs. Payter are spending m.mmy. with m:bm at Mr. Mary ate Blue Island Gas at Christmas PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY PD "So That -- Power May -- Always Flow service to customers. Thrqgugh a super--power system of inter--connected lines encircling Chicago reserve energy for every emergency can be brought 'This Company's policy of inter--connecting its major power plants is a further safeguard of satisfactory or gas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, under all All the properties of this Company, the more than a thousand miles of high tension transmission line, the giant generating turbines, the fleet of service trucks, the immense buildings and equipment -- and the very heart of our business, a host of able employes--all these factors help assure-- constant More than 4,000 loyal employes, especially trained to their tasks, are working to provide the homes and industries of Northern Illinois with electricity ~Bnjoy this hour .of worship L _ [ YDe m'lm The Community Club met Thurs-- day evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Ost is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Kuhl in Chicago. A New Year's Eve party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS _ ~ ?'% ---- 221 cities and towns~ with Large Stock----Priced Right o Gas Ran Combination Co P s Heatrolas -- : Round Oak Heaters -- _ Hot Blasts Kitchen Heaters Laundry Stoves | Enameled Ranges Gas or Electricity or both. One thousand six hundred opera-- ::l':p employed in Milwaukee by That is equal to the total number of "tejephones in the city just 40 January Pnd from a ten day visit at their former home in St. Paul, ¥hglne 22 fieS. al and G Gas . and: Mrs. Payfer returned two--thirds of the business bs comes~ through --tele-- * FORRENT FOR RENT--Five room first floor NRRENT--Roomviflxoriwlfiout board. $25 N. Milwaukee avenue. \Phone 285--R. ~ * 99--6t FOR SALE--Slightly used s nut six piece dining MW" mvfihhflu match. be told from . -- wWin Edgar Hart, Waukegan, IIL, R. D. No. 2. 2--6t--rwl. and barn. 1 mile east of Liberty-- ville on St. Mary's road. C. M. & St. P. Ry is south line of farm. Owner lives in new house on farm. OR RENT--80 acres farm land and 40 acres pasture and 40 un-- der cultivation. Call evenings, Phone 676--M--1. * 2--6t--0d Thouse to desirable party with no: FOR SALE -- Electrical havoc with decorations, for less than--cost of the same convenience without furniture. Clayton Dean, half block from church. -- Bath room, and separate toilet. . Furn-- DR RENT--6 room all year house at Diamond Lake. Phone QIO-W-Z. rels o¢ (|) ~O§-- FOR SALB--KJtdnn Range in goos xondition. . Call phone 670--W--2. T y« 4 100--+% FOR SALE--Must sacrifice 40 acres 5338 North First st. Joe FOR SALE--Dressed geese, ducks ' and chickens for the holidays. Ray V. Moss, St. Marys Road, Libertyville,. Phone 607--M--2. and flat fron. FOR SALE--Pure buckwheat flour 6c per pound.-- S. B. Fisher, also quality baled . A call evenings, Pha:m}:' can save you about ofi-thinl on ?mfinx \udich. c re-- ers, irons, heaters, cleaners, etc. D. H. Holmes, Phone Libertyville 164--M. Zurich 82J1. farning fand Migh ano ons moun and dry, midst finest developments. For quick sale ing lots 50 x 152 on Waneeler Court adjoining Johnson Avenue concrete street. Priced for quick sale at only $800 each, Sellers & ,Mhmmmc&nmfiumywfleh!'bm | in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you M & your wants known nere. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: b¢ per line per insertion. "JP¥" Bmmtohynyflzh',orifyonhmwb el, rent or 'uc_l}ange,._gril_m want wp.mum4m§ FOR SALE Je 97--6t--pd soil, oue DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON ScientificExamination of the Eyes GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phene 9928 Bank Bldg. Luce Bldg. Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. _ j Residence, Broadway, opposite park * DR. 0. F. BUTTERETELD ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 LIBERTYVIL _ VETERINARY SURGEON -- Assistant State Veterinarian Telephone 66 LIBERTYYIL Harrison 2815 _ Libertyville 226--W 1 _ Mrs, Edw. | WANTED--Plain sewing at home. LYELL H. MORRES ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR DWIGHT EDRUS COOK Phones: Office 163 _ Res. #J Charges reversed on all businem WILLIAM P. WHITNEY Auctioneer -- STRAYED--2 terrier dogs Whenton rei color. *These dogs are miss-- Office over Jochheim's Hours: 9--12, 24 and #@ _ * EYES TESTED FOR CGLASSES o FOR RENT--Furnished Eride Battery Service Station ANNOUNCEMENT--Leading: Chi-- ard pians nearby partly paid for, aummwmfi able for country home site, with or without buildings. Must Be bargain. Will do business quick if suited. -- Must be within 10 ikes of Libertyville, north or west. Box PUBLIC AUCT!ON--md iof Square Deal Furniture WANTED--Radio repair work. Can fepair all mhakes. _ My work ghar Libertyville Battey & CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D.% block from electric statior N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone ard pians nearby partly paid for, which reliable party can have by completing small --monthly pay» ments. For full information add-- ress Post O Chicago, Ill First St. Phone 1832].~ 9646t TEACHER OF YOCAL % 539 Milwaukee Avenue *4 DR. J. L TAYLOR ic & 4 % PHONE 400 B. H. MILLER C PR e 4

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