_N_c~.~~* Entered as second--class matter October 13, 1916, *. ./ at the--post office at Libertyville, linois, under 'Act of W * March 3, 1879. Issued twice weekly. & p m&m';fiw bridge last year, the work being in ww Hinman, and this job drew considerable favorable com-- ment from 'the chief state enginee: because of the type of construction and manner in which the concrete surface was polished, it was said at the surveyor's office. Christmas day, workers have not mizsed a day on this job. Besides the bridge construction, the county highway office is super-- the grading of roads in Been in--practically 'an impassable _ matters to fit it. We would even have to recalculate 'in fact, revolutionize all civilization. It would be too ) dainbimhehniwwwld-nwom». speaking for our part of the world, we are satished to _Jet well enough alone. : veyor's office that too much praise eannot te given Mr. Hinman for the manner in which the job was rushed to completion, being finished some weeks sooner than anticipated, due to his efforts. Hinman & Son also are building the Squaw Creek bridge in the Fox Lake district and expects to have it completed early in the spring. With the exseption of one day this winter, *_The bridge over the Hollister eanal east of Fox lfi.flcufin' some $7,000. which has under con-- struction for some months com-- B s hoi y at the office of Cha E. Russell, county surveyor. The bridge was built by Hinman & Son under the supervision of Rob-- ert Hinman. It was said at the sur-- poses. --That may be all right for New York, but speak-- fl'hwnm-fiu»um'm stand as it has for ages. Isn't it hard enough to pay rent for 12 months in a year without adding still an-- Other month? Isn't every business calculation--and es pecia 30--day notes~based on a twelve month year? If we change the calindar it will take years to readjust _-- We suppose that in years to come o es a t " er --to tq padlock age." _ l nan T--ever he: ,f | statement his Detlter--nall 13 to fiufimm :y;i.rhnpdof! ith 'Just-- lot "him boll ed his knife on his {first wife's | that Solomon got all his tombstone so he could cut his see-- bymmlfi.\h.vivel. L"- * t e m Ithualaobo::m-hfi-::é " You climb in the | that young men have more k on es sroily mat 1e pet | ing wild wale than old men have d _ Even the ycung--man in the wide of support. > . .___----JIn New York City there is a movement to create a 13--month year, certain business men arguing. that 13 months of : 28 days each would bétter serve .their pur-- --~~Probably the one thing that caus-- ed the revolutionary war, was some fellow writing a national anthem (Phe old--fashiqned boy who used to be told that he would end his days on the gallows because he played marbles for keeps now has a son who openly boasts of his ability as a crap--shooter. . *~% FINISH SPAN _ OVER CANAL _-- Indications are that the senate will do a lot of talking in its ef-- fort not to talk too much. .. ut whose eyes are thes . ? jrsiiy --lbvvin pae: ~you their owner ? Am her every mood. Y;t.un s identify their owner "fldfln"wb'- editor. There will be prizes-- whose eyes these are: Hint:an & Son built the Halt--Day «A person's eyes are his individual tnhn,n-nh:ry -"mhhd. . _ But whose eyes are thes .? a Whose Eyes Anybody can shine in society if My ¥E¥STONE PRINTING SERV ICE, -- Publishers. Are These? ALONG THE CURBSTONES A. THIRTEEN--MONTH YEAR FRANK --H. JUST, Editor the eyes of..... B4 # Observations by Waukegan, Ill. January 11, 1926. Paul <MacGuffin, . Attorney. Waukegan, !a@q ll.mlgfl. Court House in Waukegan, in said County,-- on the first Monday of' April next, 1926 when and where al) persons having claims against said estate are notified and reqauested to present the same to said Court for PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Martin V. Morse feceased will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the say that riding in an elevator makes PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber executrix of the A deceased mr@?:?m«uuc-w. lt.hzthncfbhhldnu!fln Court House in Waukegan, in said howfllm:thennouhd*h long enough. | ranged to Thanksgiving some in November. * 44. ho y STomt k es vWvCl imiily to heaven many old Mxl caw that ridins« in an alavatar m If a fellow wants to make one statement his better--half is sure to ing around. Nobody seems to notice that a fel-- low is a bad egz@ until he is broke. Te d .. ce C# e h ~M"&lh'h'-bd-$'h' all but one thing. And that's tomorrow, and mighty few people Mmofltv&ithw Happiness is here today and gone If they had an elevator running ADJUDICATION NOTICE ADJVUDCATTION . NOTICE |/' [} For The Saving House Wife Because I am moving to my new location in the Finstad Building on February 1st, I am closing out my c grocery stock at absolutely whole-- s sdle prices. You will find rare bar-- } gains here. -- GOO0OD NEWS -- norgmys cnoesay & -- 1| --_. J. M. McKitrick, Inc. _ To keep your credit good, ask for it conservatively, Tung oay mt d ts oqare Jout plngs bet if n y : your so thent:?'unkvnhdxmwbohwcmdhedym---- tell them the truth, and make new plans. <You never know what moment your credit will be your most val-- tmflcmwwhnywmy&wb&awupmk. If you are keeping it good you are always going to be in a position to get mmf&!fimdfipxfit& mad-fle.beahcn%"hhpfxiemhwm id any quicker than the fact you are a man who meets his obligations |promptly and --with a smile. Te &-IW' k""'--" Wv--gv& tmufiu-as business:and 2 . not [' inconsiderable part of its cost could be reduced..> © *~ _ Ed. Hubbard, Proprietor up in If everybody ghiukinth PC ue counties in northern TMincis. -- The work will--be under the personal su-- pervigion of S. J. Stanard,~director of the department of. agriculture, who. declares it will be difficult to estimate how much can be agccom-- plished before Appril i, when C%i-- lm'- ban against milk from un-- tested cows becomes effective., The work was halted when the ap-- propriation 'cf the federal govern-- ment was exhausted. m. Smail now announces the work be car-- ried on in the hope the federal gov-- ermnment will pay one--third --of the SPRINGFTELD, IH. Jan. 21.--The state department of agricultyre to-- day began sending instructions to state veterinarians ordering them to resume.the test of cattle f6r tubs+. eculosis in 65 counties of the state this week, * again failed to come up to expec tations, these being chief--factors in the day's STATE TAKES UP LOW TEST WORK All major branches= of the»live on the midweek session.© Receipts in KAIN OR SHINE / | OAK. TERRACE *~LAUNDRY 1$ YOURFRIEND -- ; Most of the testing will be _ LAUNDRY _ Prairie Ave., Highwood, Ill. OUR WORK IS SWEET AND CLEAN AS THE 8SUNLIT SHOWER R PHONE 87 of good slippers,.| i ~--=<--=*= ~ _ >> &ll l Carléton Cummings g'sp s ~*/ Eminent American Tenor ~ as he threw _':h? 0 it in 7 John E. DeLong, Pastor éfhndq m'gt::m&j:a y . mo i a'clock. Evening subject: "The man who saw his own faults." Evening ser-- vice at 7:30. t ~-- The Junior and Epworth Leagues meet at 6:30. ¥ Christians" is the-- subject for dis-- eussion by the Brotherhood next Sumday morning. It meets in the auditorium 'of the church at 9:45. 'l'weh'ommmt last Sun-- day. and-- the class planned: to --r-- ganize. A nominating committee was appointed to . select : officers, and it will report dext Sunday. All 'n'l'bam Junior League mzen and parents are I attend morning, January ';.'"Tfiaewm be a special talk for the juniors. A basket ball game will be played in the gymnasium on Friday even-- ing of this week by teams from Mundelein and Lake Bluff. The . Bunday school, 945 A M. ..Bervices:--Sunday, 10:45 A. M. -- Bubject: "Truth," -- game begins at 7:15. The Ernest 'Workers will meet with Mrs.: LeLong on Friday Jan. 28, at 2:30. men are invited to--come and help day 8T. LA WRENCE EPIZCOPAL [ wc," + Rev. H. B. Gwyn, pastor {host- : Gervices on Sunday, January 24, the thind Sunday after the Eplp-l'm. FIRS®* METHODIST -- EPISCOPAL they think "wants" is synenomous | Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon, 1 Church school, 10 a. m. 8T. JOHN'8S EV. LUTHERAN Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor Sunday school at.9:30 next Sun-- Most people get in debt because A rare: opportunity for Libertyville and vicinity to hear two W *W" +*.~ -- of the foreiaost artists in their field JOINT RECITAL USED FORD CARS 41q Auditorium Theatre WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1926 4»0 «s Vera Poppe at 10:30, ATTIRACTIVE TIME PAYMENT PLAN to other 4Equipped with 5 Balloon Tires, Nat. unnes ue : Wood Wheels, 8:15 P. M. AT A N D | lege students find to do after the _ Morning worship at 11:00. We will have with us (Dr. Henry 8. Brown of th6 Church -- Extension Board of Chicago at all our servi-- ces of the day. You will. be de-- lighted to hear him tell of a most fascinating story of helping--save & city. He will have with him young people products of this work. Our churches have b;:::@ted wher-- :Young peoples meeting at 6:30, a special ~service. . es Evening service at 7:30,. You will want to hear all 'of these ser-- ¥igces of our field day for missions. y school at:9:45, Mr. W. G. Wells, superintendent. . -- -- -- (Equipped with 5 Balloon Tires) matter and neutralifing ' excessive acids. _ These are the causes of un natural action of the bhddg at night. Lithiated Buchu (Keller Formula) is not a cheap medicine. 'The tablets cost 2 cents each. Sold at leading drug : stores or Keller Laboratory, -- Mechanicsburg, Ohio. ----K. B. Lovell and Co., Libertyville footbalk season closes. DON'T GET UP NIGHTS 15 times at night for two years M now." Lithiated . Buchu cleanses the bladder like Epsom Balts do the bowels, thereby reliev-- ing inritation, driving ~out foreign (Equipped with 5 Balloon Tires), J;hna Lumpkins, Dayton, Ohio. ;{lfl: "Come tfig'bsrric §:.,'an'd 1 show »you 25. gravel tigk phabed atter" laking 'Lithinted Buchu (Keller Formula). Had to get Guaranteed Smith's Taxi DAY PHONE 51 NIGHT PHONE 497 Massat 7:80 o'clock. often wondered what col-- URBANA, L., :u%i 21--Sbcretary of Agriculture W. M. Jardine went on . record as~ being absolutely op-- posed to government handling of the of the problems of --agriculture must ernment's Handling Of Sor-- plus Crops.: _ . Mrs. Mary Carr * A cast chosen for their style of characterization. . This wonder cast can be seen in . A heart interest action thrill melodrama wig'an abundante of comedy relief. -- Patsy Ruth Saturday, Jin. 23rd Miller as the serappy . little daughter of an' ignorant lazy Irishman who lives in Hogan's Sunday, Jan. 24th Betty Efimum (star of Peter Pan) Rjcardo. Cortez, in ""*Not So Long Ago" A romantic comedy of the days when old New ¥ork was young --when Times 'Square was 4 vasture and --Broadway a cow Tuesday, Jan. 26th AUDITORIUM-- * A DAY OF REST" "Hogan's Alley" Comedy: Arthur Lake in "THE PARTYY" .x #¥ Also Pathe Review and Mopnite Blue . wLouino Fazenda Max Davidson $150 Kinogram News Aesop Fable Also Comedy J" A Few Specials Vb the farmers them-- --In an address-- to the Illinois Agri-- of farm products." Jardine's stand aroused ill feeling as various farm leaders including Sam H. Thompson, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, have announced belief in the need bf government action to save agri-- PRESS1ING snd CLEA NIN C is done right at Cichy's Tailorin: romillions of cold : tem. nothing less reliable. and CGrippe call--for prompt, cthcient help. Be sure you get it. ¢ Be Sure Its «211 ¥x. Price D) -- Old Dutch C 3 Cans for Aurora Brand--California Peaches: Telmo Red Raspberry Preserves: Telmo Peanut Butter: Aurora Brand Corn: L $100,000.00 j":' S j '3 xA (m Financial Service am opposed to price fixing. 1 EARL H. CORLETT-- 4 2 _._ _ .._ _ Sinc#1808. > -- . James Anderson Company;Inc. 3 Cans for 1 Pound Jar _ 3 Jars for ... 5 Pound Jar _--:* WE BELIEVE IN~THE GROWTH OF s\ <> ~iBRRFTNYVILILE ~C. ReusE, President ARTHUR E. SUTER, V ice President and Cashier MUNICIPAL--ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS Telephone -- Lake Forest 39 Phones 339--340 Libertyville, Hlinois Jar fi," pole must be a bar-- befa"h. Every explorer who goes near it has a close shave. (gbuLers & ----~PETERSEN We Buy and -- Sel . ~LAKE COUNTY AND &# !jbertyvilie, ESTATE 551 Milwaukee Ave. that thrown about labor and -- --*~ _ 4 18e Jack: 789