CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 27 Feb 1926, p. 7

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Mr. Harold Stroker and family of Gilmer called on relatives in the vi-- cinity Wednesday. Mrs. Will Vandenbocm is on the sick list. L. V. Lusk has sold his entire herd of Guernsey cattle to Mr. Freund of McHenry. © Mrs. D. V. Wait called on her sis-- ~ ter, Mrs. Henry Horton of Grays Lake on Tuesday. \ o Luosk and daughters Esther and Ruth. James Neish spent the weel with his mother at Wauconda. The young people of the Volo M. E. church enjoyed a candy pull last Sunday evening after services were concluded. new seven room bungalow on Lin-- coln avenue in Libertyville, where he expects to move in April. _--Mr. Art Boghmer and family of Waucomda visited relatives in this vicinity on Friday. e $ Rumor has it, that Frank Erhert has rented both the Chat Thompson farm and the Simon Davis farm. The "School Fair" is to be held at Libertyville at the Town Hall on Saturday, March 6th. Schools have all been busy, preparing work to en-- ter in the contests. «-- Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller, Mr. and Mrs. James Matousek and Mr. amd Mrs. Frank ?-on won the fifteen dollar prize given at the Fox Lake Fireman's Ball Saturday night. Earl Townsend was a Waukegan business caller Friday. Chet Thompson and son have their sale on Thursday. We are sor-- rv to have them leave the neighbor-- Mrs3, L. V. Lusk visited over night Thursday, with Mrs. Harry Lusk of Grayslake and attended the Teachers' Training class. _ Wallace Gosswiller has been put-- ting new trim and Joe Link home the past week. Alex Bunton made a business trip to Libertyville Saturday night. Miss Bertha Frillthman called at the Sturm home recently. We are all very sorry to learn We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Will Tonyan of West Mc-- Henry. She was a sister of Mrs. Wil!l Vandenboom. There is to be a social hour every Sunday evening after services, at the church. Wallace Gosswiller remodeled the Anderson house in Aptakisic on We hear that the Will Vander-- boom farm has been re--sold. J Miss Elsie Tuttle, Fanny Sawyer and Mrs. L. V. Lusk have been awarded diplomas for finishing the course, prescribed by the Teacher's Institute neld at Grayslake. Miss Johnson szoon expects to move to the L. V. Lusk home for the balance of the school year. Rumors around town are that the Lew Anderson property has been Callers at the D. V. Wait John J. Rosing is driving a Dodge Mr. A. Townsend is on the sick BARRED ROCKS AND WHITE LEGHORNS Single Setting -- 75c And $5.00 per hundred eggs | Quaker Oats | Experimental Farm PHONE 257--R * LIBERTYVILLE APTAKISIC Twenty--six years of successful service is your guarantee that you will be de-- lighted with our work. We clean men's suits, overcoats, ties and gloves, ladies' dresses, coats, suits, gloves, children's garments, rugs, draperies, curtains-- anything that requires DRY CLEAN-- ING. We were the first to have a Dry Cleaning Plant in Highland Park. Phone Libertyville 290 and we will call promptly. and will deliver just as Hatching Eggs Send us Your Dry Cleaning Reliable Laundry * Dry Cleaners as well as Book your Orders Early For Sale Donald Busch saw Mundelein get whipped by the Prairie View basket ball team at Herschbergers Hall \Tuesday night. The score when the ;fim-hw.unms-z.m 'tbepmcddumm:ndah- | other game took place. Dan--"Did you ever hear the story of the little red wheelbarrow?" George--"No, how does it go*" '~ Dan--"It don't go, you, have to | push it." _ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch and fam-- ily and Madame Jasgen of Lake For-- est spent Saturday ni?t at the N. 'F. Busch home 8 of the death of Mrs. Otto Spoerline, with leakage of the heart. Monday morning she > became unconscious and passed away Wednesday after-- noon at 10 o'clock. Funeral services were held at the . Buffalo Grove church at 10 o'clock. The bereaved futher and children have our sym-- llr.ndlrs.N.!'.Maad:: Donald spent Sunday at Dcflmhominu&vmc. K Sunday. and Monday -- at Grandma Mr. and Mrs. Paul Radtke spent Sunday night at the Bert Jones home. Charles--"Well, if you had a very long dog, reaching from New York to San Francisco and you stepped on its tail in New York it would bark in Sanfrancisco. That's telegraphy; and wireless is precisely the same only without the dog." "Joanna" played at the Auditorium Sunday night. pushes to keep you geing. Those at the back seldom get a helping hand. learn it accurately. Never be satis-- fied with a surface knowledge of enything. Mrs. Henry Potts and daughter, Cecelia spent Sunday afternoon at A. Raupp's. _ oA Teacher--"Can you explain teleg-- raphy to me Charles?" Alex Bunton of Libertyville called Grandma Busch Sunday night Borrowed through the Lake Co. National Farm Loan Associa-- tion from the Federal Land Bank, St. Louis, Mo., under Gov-- ernment Supervision Mr. and If you press forward you will get Whatever you study endeavor to $10,000.00 Will Cost You 4.89% line --of at the A party in honer of her eighteenth ts m ies is oo Ielnitoncas ents Mr. and Mrs. Gus at their Rome here on the cevening of February 17 and she received many trinkets and boxes of candy as re-- minders of the event from the large number of guests who enjoyed them-- selves immensely until a late hour, The bunce party and bakery sale which was to have been given by the Royal Neighbors on the night of February 18 was post poned because it snowed all day that night and the affair came off on Tuesday night, February 23--fine and dandy. Some of our folks attended patri-- otic programs out of town in cele-- bration of the one hundred and ninety fourth birthday anniversary of George Washington on the 22nd of February. ""€. Gus Peterson visited Mrs. Mamie Holst at the Victory:Memorial Hos pital where she wa staken last Mon-- aay for an operation of some ear trouble. She expects to stay in Waukegan several days and her friends here hope fo ra speedy re-- covery. TChurch announcement -- Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. and evening Service at 8 p. m. Everybody wel-- come--Alfred McKeith, pastor. Bright Soph--"Surely, it's the lit-- tle black dot at the end of the line." Teacher--*"Do you see the point of in . cantaonas ## --. Mrs. George Stancliff and Mrs. Most tonsil and throat°conditions are successfully met with my Actinic Kay Treatment, which shrinks the tonsil to its nor-- mal size and gives a complete sterilization of the throat. C When removal is necessary, it is done painless abso ent. method of tonsil removal. by}my & Suite 10 and 11, Newcastle Hotel Hours: 1 to 5; 6 to 8 Phone 54 --LIBERTYYVILLE ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER Office 223 Washington St., Waukegan -- PHONE 465 Mortgage Loans We have funds on hand which we desire to loan on improved property in Libertyville and vicinity, Wewmbeghdwhweyoucometodim your loan with us. We offer you &brgneflt of our experiencé to help you the = kind of loan you need. -- .s . Having m@de over one million dt&lm worth of mortgage loans to residents of this locality, we can assure you of satisfactory service and favorable terms. . Since 1893 James Anderson Company, Inc. Enlarged Infected TONSILS IN CHILDREN AND ADULTS HALY DAY FIRST NATIONAL BANK No Hospital, no blood.lost, no ether to be taken , And no sore throat afterward EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION FREE AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS '@ John P. O'Nell SOCIAL PISEASES -- Lake Forest 39 . Stnday, February 28. Church school at 9:30. Adult Bible Class at 10:00. Morning Worship at 10:45. 'The pastor will preach the second ser-- mon of the series on "Seven Out-- Wednesday evening at 7:45. 'Those who desire to unite with the Church on profession of Faith should at-- tend these meetings. The Dorcas Society will meet for their annual meeting on Thursday, March 4 at the church. Members are urged to note this date well and be present. Circle No. 2 meets with Mrs. C. W. Boyle this Thursday af-- ternoon. Vesper at 5 p. m. Fheme: "Ine Lenten Denial." * iPastor's Catechetical Class, Wed-- nesday at 8:30 p. m.-- !b'l-dy!fl'!'_"l"'f'"- We extend a cordial welcome to those not worshiping elsewhere to worship with us. Be sure that you worship regularly with some body of Believers. The ancient invitation reads: "Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Why not accept it? "Im'ladwhon'bcyufl unto me, let us go into the house of Jehovah." * Read the Classified ads--now. (Continued from ~Page 8) AUTOMOBILE OWNER --" _ ATTENTION 99 ¥4s Yw of + » n +# 4 R 3 [aal waipr Rimecl? o boter Father--"What did you do that for? Haven't you a tongue?" Son--"Yes sir, but my tongue isn't as long as my arm." milk, 836.2 Ib. butterfat. Most dfimmMMor will freshen in the next three Snd Petera) Toperciaien: A.09 retest will be given. This mm herd, most of them My Herd of Grade and Pure Bred Holsteins. Herd's avmg in C. T. A. last year 9856 lb. having 2nd to 4th calf For information call or write. ~__ Phone 621--M--1 15b--8 -- Mundelein, Ilinois --X)DDM}V < . OWE R GRONER PUBLIC AUCTION $*Hroed Hows due to tarrow 'm Rhode Island 125 Chickens, 5 wheke 'w;*'roas vorn maArveser IGIL AZEARR nead newe? 1 Pulverizer _ Set Harrows Stack of Alfalfa and Timothy Mower _ Hay Rake Stack Straw Hay Rack J busmel . Janesville Sulky Plow -- -- _ 400 Bushel of Oats Walking Plow 150 Bushel of Barley Manure Spreader * -- 450 Baskets of Ear Corn Corn Planter -- _ Corn Sheller _ _ (Hand husked) Iron Wheel Truck Wagon 12 Bushel of Seed Corn, picked Lumber Wagon and Box early R Wagon Springs g#* 2%Ba'§l'l'imothySeed Hancohald (innds and . Corn Harvester 17 Choice Cows, Milkers and Springers 5 Horses Matched Team Bay Mares, 7 W:gn Springs Large gl;g: Tank Having sold my farm, I will sell at Public Auction on my pre-- mises 1 mile east of Murrey School, 4 miles west of Mundelein, 3% miles east of Wauconda, on : 1 Stock Bull 1 Bay Mare 1 Work Horse The brightening touch--the tfileasing sentiment they convey--make flowers the most acceptable decoration for every occasion. _ We specialize in the finest of cut flowers. _ _ AUG. FROELICH, Auct. t, SATURDAY, FEBRUA <reaiches far across the table 49 -- HEADOFLIVESTOCK -- 49 FOR SALE Christ Hapk Thursday, March 4 25 Hogs Flowers For Every Occasion: TELEPHONE 174--] Flowers delivered by wire anywhere t 140 lbs. each ie to farrow in LIBERTYVILLE ..--.. IurLrinos At 10:30 A. M. Usual T LUNCH AT%N g#"* 2% Bags Timothy Seed . somefioueholdGoodlmd # other articles. we * yA tago, Iosked disgainfuliy st s froi er's display, picked up a large water-- mellon and asked: '"pan'y!'_' bellowed the propriebor, that raisin.down." Tank Heater 2% Horse Gasoline Engine Feed Cutter : Silo Filler and Pipes Cutter * Seed Corn Drier Hog Rack -- Rope and Tackle Hay Fork and Rope . Grass Seeder 2 Sets Double Harness, 1 new hand made -- -- 30 and 50 Gal. Oil Tank 8 Milk Cans Scale _ Shovel Plow Aiupetiians *' V; TS Clod'lck:-'hg c Surrey and 10 MONEY TO LOAN "Is this the largest apple you have On Improved Farms 5 and 5% Per Cent FIRST NATIONAL ie, Prop. WALTER PREHM .G. SCHWERMAN, Clerks Feed and Grain S Libertyville, Illinois t Bob Sleigh FOR SALE -- Electrica goods -- I * Phone 134--J. ___ 18--6t--pd paragus beds and plenty of berry plants and bushes. An ideal home. FOR SALE--Corner business site on Milwaukee Ave. near North shore line. ~Lot 50 x 150; improved with seven room house. with elec, gas furnace heat, oak WANTED--The best modern home floors and trim,. Garage. Price| in Libertyville that $5000 or $6000 FOR SALE--Residential sites on E. FOR SALE--Choice apartment site on prominent corner in town, be-- low market for cash. FOR SALE--S room modern home, TO LEASE--Industrial proj railroad frontage, suitable light mfg., or warehouse. FOR SALE--Quantity of barley, fine for chicken feed, delivered in FOR SALE--Striech dump wagon and heavy farm wagon, 12 milk FOR SALE--Beautiful 120 Acre Southern Wisconsin Farm in Ra-- cine County, 30 miles southwest FOR SALE--180 egg Wisconsin in-- cubator nearly new. Phone Mun-- delein 452J. 14--6t--pd FOR SALE--Moving to Chicago owner will sell at a bargain, 7 room house in Libertyville, hot water heat. Also a 6 room house on Appley avenue, 67 x 205 ft. Daniel Epp, 121 Lincoln avenue. 14--6t--pd FOR SALE--Eight tons Alfalfa hay in barn. Phone Libertyville 124M. William Lyons. 14--6t--pd FOR SALE--One hundred head of T. B. tested cows, Guernseys and Holsteins, Milkers and springers. 2 miles east of Volo. L. V. Lusk, FOR SALE--Milwaukee avenue va-- cant business frontage, 165 faet, located at Maple and Milwaukee avenues, east front. For price and terms see Charles F. Fitzgibbons, Milwaukee ave at St. Paul tracks. FOR SALE--Complete furnishings FOR SALE--Baled Number 1 sec-- ond cuting alfalfa. LeRoy Kane, Mundelein, Phone: 664--R--1. _ _ FOR SALE--Bull milking machine FOR SALE--Pure bred bronze turkey hens and gobblers. Pure ' bred Scotch collie puppies, 4 weeks old, $5.00 each. -- Bergeron any kind of electrical goods, in-- cluding lighting fixtures, radio re-- ceivers and supplies, electric wash-- €ers, irons, heaters, cleaners, etc. cinity are increasing in value. We made a good trade on this place and only want to get our money out. There is a $6000.00 ntort-- gage running for 5 years at 6% interest--balance namely $5,760.-- 00 we want in cash, Sellers & Peterson, Libertyville. Phone 451. bal terms. Chas. F. Fitzgibbons, Phones 104--W and 285--J. 10--tf ness district; lot 50 x 150; as-- Unusual cireumstances enable us to sell this farm at the very low price of $98.00 per acre. It is Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 * Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. j There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sall, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. . your wants known here. A trial will convince you. DR §SALE--Strictly 5 room bungalow and m on Prairie avenue, Mundelein. Ready to occupy March ist. W. A. Ray, Mundelein. Phone 452--R. 10--f Round Lake, Ill. iouble unit, in good working con-- dition. Phone 86. 16--tf waukee Ave., over bakery. for four room flat.. Bargain for quick sale. Rowley, 549 No. Mil-- Phone 285--J. Res phone 104--W. west of Libertyville. Phone 678-- FOR SALE by Pleasant house sur-- 15--2t--pd 15--6t--pd 14--8t for FOR RENT--Furnished room and garage, near North Shore station. Inquire 119 Milwaukee ave. Phone WANTED--All year position. on by an experienced farm hand. Ap plyc-lmofm-!i FOR RENT--Furnished front room. 304 Broadway. Phone 111--R. _ WANTED--Work by the day, wash-- FOR SALE--If you want iand where you can raise three cropg a year, perrpetual summer and ideal living conditions, see Edwin Austin, Phone 167--W. Excur-- FOR SALE--Well rotted cow man-- ure for fertilizser. Will deliver. Call Phone Libertyville 882--R. 11--6t--pd FOR SALE--Nearly new five room bungalow on paved street. Mod-- ern. Very convenient location. &L&MM{& FOR SALE--Four tons second cut-- ting alfalfa in stack. Gordon Ray, Mundelein, IIl. Phone 600-- R--2. 11--6t WANTED TO RENT--Small mod-- Back hburt ¥ou? Can't straighten zrpnchoudedt:':gq? Nova hcs Haan ies oo o realt ing. penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." nssudmfiaessnow You simply rub it on your back and out doesn't burn the skin. It never disappoints and has been rec» oinmended for 60 years. or lumbago, sciatica or has you stiffened up, don't suffer| = a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. !wobsOfl'canydrusmre,pa.l i hyou_rhandandrubitt on your aching back, and by the you count fifty, the soreness and lame» ness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This penetrating oil needs to be used. once. . It takes the pain right out i ;..':,fim":w:fé Nothing clse stops lumbago, Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness, Lumbago OR RENT--70 acre farm on St. _ . Mary's Road, house and barn. Sam Gamash, 6248 Cornelia Ave., Rub Pain from back with semail trial bottle of old "Bt. Jacobs Oll." house or first floor fiat. Will take 240 Thind St. Phone 198--J. 9--8t possession Any time between now andhf& Phone 190--]. 15¥ ville 190--J. 226 Church st. 18--8t Quch! MyBack! Rub Lumbago Pain Away sions 1st and 15th of each month. When your back is sore and lame rckache away with email trial bottle of old "#t. Jacobs Oll." on reasonable terms. Ad-- PAGE SEVEN

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