_ sechool at the Glynch school was at & ;;W'nd Lake Bluff recently. _ _ The W. R. C. held their regular M" at their Hall February 17; _: there was a good attendance. _' _ Members of the Royal Neighbors . amet at their Hall Wednesday even-- -- rimg Feb. 24 in regular semi--monthly session. This was a social meet-- _ jimg and visitors were present. There _ 'were apen discussions on matters to _ be voted upon at the first regular _ meeting in March. _i Mss Fern Cook of Chicago was ® recent guest at the home of her _ _ grandmother, Mrs. Laura Cook. _\ Ruth Hapke jand a young lady _ friend spent last Tuesday at the _ home of Miss Hapke's parents, Mr. _ Mrs. David Paige and brother El-- -- weod Dahms of Elgin, visited at the _\ hoeme of Mr .and Mrs. E. H. Dahms _ first of last week. 00 Coleman of Chicago spent %" with his family here. ... Bfr. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock trans-- _ neted business in Chicago last Wed-- . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheelock mo-- rg. to Waukegan first of last __--~ Mrs. Henry Geary who has been _ eanfined to her home for some time _ af. ano HMTs,. EL. J, COOK _ WO and fr in Chicago returned to their home here Monday afternoon. _ Mrs. Martha Harrison and daugh-- ter are entertaining relatives «@4 * * remains of Scott Snell of rmwthemlon- for interment in the family lot in Wauconda cemetery. Mr. Snell rmy"ny February 15, ewing to bad roads the -- trip eauld not be made and the remains were put in a vault for a few days. Friends here extend sympathy to the y "'.Lm;,mudeamotohormmwpod decorator. make a success of a most enjoyable ',.,',v,;._..,.'gmafl'dr. Mr. Johns was at his sons days last week at the home of his | bedside helping to care for him and 'Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook and| ~ Mrs. Ruggles has been a resident t-lln. A. S. Powers motored 'of Wauconda for many years .where o Waukegun first of last week ; by her kind and loving disposition +4 Mrs. Joseph Haas returned to her home here last Friday after visiting friends in Chicago for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daley who Bave spent the last three months at Des Plaines have returned to their home here. Mr. Daley will be em-- Eh'.l.wyppdm:ld decorator. o _ iA son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Geary Friday Feb. 1. The lit-- wvfihdm pounds at but was very frail and passed wway Sunday. Interment in Catho-- He cemetery east of town Tuesday Monday and withstood an operation for appendicitis Tuesday forencon. &flMhmd'h&M ~ Frank Hammond is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Red-- e-ilh'ualhdfnnlm to eare for him. Mr. Hammond w'-'nflhubcnhm kb the last two years or more; wery little hope of his recovery is 44 Mr. Johnson who resides just out town on a farm on the Flint WATUCONDA To TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS Hlinois Bell Telephone Company at any of the following exchanges will receive bills in the future dated the 11th of each month : This change, as part of a new Billing Plan for all Whm&mtnmmgmflym:;lify and expedite the rendering of bills so that our subscrib-- ers will receive their statements more promptly. Please be sure to read the explanation of this new Plan which accompanies your March 1st bill and your bill received during April. Billing Change The date of rendering telephone bills will be changed Telephone subscribers whose accounts are payable some time but is patiently await-- ing the sumimons from her Heavenly Father. She is a noble christian and a ind #nd thoughtfu! neighbor. She has spent nearly all her life near here~.and-- has many staunch friends.©. . °®~\ One o Pthe most unique parties of the season was held Friday, Feb, 19th when Mrs. W. V. Johns enter-- tained at her home in honor of 80th birthday of, her mother, Mrs. Har-- riett Ruggles, eleven of the guests were over seventy years of age; two two seventy eight; others seventy six; seventy' four; seventy three and seventy. 'The oldest--lady pres-- mflmwnhntymdm Much regret was felt that Mrs. Janette Smith of Libertyville, a sis-- ter of Mrs. Ruggles and who is also ninety years of age, could not be present owing to the recent snow and rain storm blocking the roads. -ur'.kngglamutmt photo-- graph together with a daguerrotype taken when she was sixteen years years later were on exhibition and proved quite interesting. The af-- termson was spent in visiting and recalling events of years gone by. Mrs. Mildred Coleman sang "How do you do," greeting to all and a special verse added to Mrs. Ruggles. Then led by Mrs. Coleman quaver-- ing voices sang, "Auld Lang Syne" which brought tears to many eyes. Mrs. Ruggles was the recipent of many beautiful and useful presents, among them a beautiful orchid with a profusion of lovely blossoms. Mrs. Julia @n'n Chicago and her m-r were the donors of a 1 birthday cake. Mrs. Ruggles grand son Vernon Johns of Wauke-- gan was seriously ill at his home threatened the postponement of the birthday party but from his hick bed Vernon sent word that Grand-- mothers party must not be spoiled by his illness but must be held as scheduled and friends of Mrs. Johns she has endeared herself to old and . -- She is a consistant christian mh'hthol.lehnuhm ly--all her life. She is in splendid health for a woman of her age; nearly everyday she can be seen on her head. She passes her time do-- ing needle work and many younger women can not compete with the work she does. Mrs. Rukgles, dear of deed no one would believe to see her stepping along quite spryly that returns of the day. Mrs. Geo. Hapke, Mrs. Herman Hawk, Mrs. Klizabeth Wragg, Mrs. Lucien Cypher and Mrs. Alice Base-- ley were entertained at five o'slock lunch at the home of Mrs. M. W. Baseley on Tuesday afternoon. daughter Stella spent Monday after-- roon at the home of Mrs. L. H. Cy-- pher and Mrs. Alice Baseley. A birthday dinner was given Sun-- day in honor of Joseph Turnbull by his daughter Iva and Mrs. Geo. Jep-- son. n'mmpmut.'tx Mrs. Geo. Jepson and thrée Mrs. Zoa Smith of Milwaukee is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene NOTICE! N *3 and infant happy over Fisher of Volo, to Miss Dowell of Wauconmia. 'The ceremony took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Scheide one mile north of town on the Z. H. Osmun farm wkere Mr. and Mrs. Scheide . are tenants. The nuptials were per-- formed by 'Mr. R. C. Hallock at high noon. A delicious chicken din-- ner was served after which the young couple left for a short honey, moon. Innahcrhmmlud sister of Mrs. Scheid and has spent all her life here where she has many friends, Mr. Fisher is the only son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher and has spent all his life at the home of his parents, Both are. éstimable young people and have many friends who wish them all happiness on the sea of life. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley spent Wednesday at the home of their daughter Mrs. Howard Anderson, -- woge BP j3as} eA p Mull. y afterncon with "\ass Mr. and Mrs. Matt Herschberger were Chicago visitors Monday. -- > . Mr, H. L, Kruger of Long Grive was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Dyer returned --from FEimhurst where she .spént the past week visiting relatives. -- A. G, Maecther was a Chicago vis-- given by 'the Royal Ndm% a success, Tmznpl- played. Mamie Bock of Half Day being the 'l::k&»alfly and took . home : --first P .u.' >44% y + * £>s l:{s.'g 8. Krueger spent sevéral days Tt Day 'withk : her ©son Charles and family. T 85 L. Mr.--and Mrs. Chas. Sprague have rented 'their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehner. Mr. Frank Sprague %# Big Children's Matinee %ébfldren'smfo'rs Jack Hoxie, in "BUSTIN TJ en ns Owing to the many ularity of the last mv':'é"u'%""' ng-- % chfldmh program for Samrdam Jack Hoxie, in "BUSTIN TRROUGH®. A Blue 8::& Western with lots of action, & OUR GANG com-- mfi%' SOCIETY" with ckey 1 Fatty Cobb, Farina and the entire Gang. AUDITORIUM THEATRE Saturday, Feb. 27 at 2:30 COMING TO THE $Sakk 5. i6A 2.% uts GRM o CeiC. o dper ns wl k Es use s un en se ce t PCR3 Y 19 y o ts en io oc o ;,c & Neadrame . o 84 j ce ttes s '"';,m' ,;{gu 3040 ¥. fifi' Ee t _ ~*:"~;" '*';':'? ""fl&%fi. h Mb s ie o4 o "There is But One Sound Basis 'For Estimating Future Pro-- --.gress," He Says. i e compenpint thelr annont of: company at their _ annual meeting in Chicago last Tuesday, "and that is a careful review of past 'accomplishments. : "We must. bear in mind always that we are obligated to keep pace STOCE ADVICE development ferred stock, par value of $100, was authorized by véte of the stockholders at the Tuesday meet-- ing. Mr. --Insull stated,, however, that it is probable no stock will Be issued until late in the> year. The stockholders also adopted a resolution which reserves 10,000 skares> of no--par value, common stock for purchase exclusively by employes of the company through the Employes' Savings Fund. Al} directors of the company were re--elected by the stockhold-- ers. At: the conclusion of the stockholders' meeting the directors re--elected all officers of the com-- T A 1 LO & I N G --is our speciality. We have a largs assortment of material tor you to select from. Come in and see us. Additional Stock: Anthorized Addition of 75,000 shares of Eléectricity is a force that it is far from wise to experiment with. A poorly made or improper connection may cause untold damage. When you have Electrical work to be done, better Phone 400.-- An expert will do the work correctly. Read the Classified Ads--they save money Electrical Work JA