CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 6 Mar 1926, p. 1

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Sheriff Late Tuesday Afternoon; -- No Action -- __ _"*~-- Against Second Man. Christopher was shot last Satur-- day night at 11:30 o'clock by Klein on Dundee road a quarter of a mile east of Waukegan road while driving who was patrolling the rouds with Klein at the time of the tragedy and who admitted. firing several shots during the. chase, went to Waukegan '&'EQM it had been to another motorist when &MMMW di.unild"d. Klein :i\l-ifl:hp.hcmeh-: another machine and Mandernach Aeec:.ntoth)oliccctflenh comaurinded Christopher to stop sev-- been pursued by the police officers mn@thm&n"' ing charges for over--two miles. He refused to héed their commands to fast as road conditions would per-- mit in an effort to escape the pur-- suing policemen when a bullet fired from Klein's gun cut short his flight. Christopher whemn--found shot by the two police officers was rushed to the Smith contemplated procuring a state warrant--for the arrest of Manderach, no charge was placed against him. It was indi¢cted Wed-- nesday that no action would be tak-- W' Park hospital where he trated the tires of Christopher's ear, and that the third bullet ac-- cidently went high and struck the autoist in the head. The corner's jury made a thorough probe of the be held on a charge of manslaughter. The inquiry lasted over four hours and was attended by© State's At-- that he and Mandernach were William highway by the Standard Surety Company: His case was set for March 11. Fired 3 Shots s Klein is alleged to have fired at Christopher when the Highland Park man, driving a Ford touring car, is said to have attempted to clude him officer testified before the corner's jury that he fired three shots. He said that two of the bullets pene-- has charge of the highway police in Aflhu.rKH!.Cookemtym- way policeman, who shot and killed Samuel Christopher of Highland Park late Saturday night, was form-- ally charged with manslaughter at fice of Captain Leroy Davidson, who 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. He was taken to the Lake county jail by two officers working out of the of-- CHARGE COP _ WITH DEATH OF AUTOIST (Continued on Page 8) No Other Action, at the To done for him. Yen summer cottages now unoer construction on the Des Plaines river about a mile north of Libertyville, representing the first unit of the Home for Chidren, will be.completed and ready for occupancy by June 25. The institution is being built by Brit-- blmmgdflnclku\ Rapid Transit company, as a mem-- orial to his late wife., -- The remaining half dozen cottages and the larger permanent buildings, GRAHAM GETS BACK RIGHTS pass the summer'at the camp this season, arriving on the opening date to occupy the finished cottages. It is hoped also to have the swimming pool in readiness for use by that Ten Cottages ~Aldng, Des Plaines River To Open On -- June 25, Words» 4nE s came to a vote Nicholas, Swan and Bulkley voted 'in the negative and the motion was lost. Just before the vote was taken, howéver, Bulkley declared that he would vote in favor of rejecting all the bids providing that the purchas-- ing of the truck be layed over until after election which will be held in cide the issue," Bulkley declared. This suggestion, however, did not meet with approval as the trustees feel that the village is in urgent need of better fire fighting equip-- ment. was not in favor of purchasing an International chassis. % think it would be adviseable to let unanimous and had Trustee Joseph Hart been present might have re-- sulted in a tie. The count was three }:ht';- j Hhm" Thdm"whnatm opening (of the meeting Johnson made a motion that all submitted bids be rejected. Johnson gave as his reason that he believed a more ;i;yu'nymmmedfrgnb any comment whole discussion but it m he LIBERTYVILLE MEMORIAL PLAN "Th&'pmthaudlu' village which for past month has bten "fruit" for a dozen arguments, the holding of numerous star chamber sessions by the board, and the calling of one special meet-- ing of the trustees and volunteer firemen, was finally, after six weeks night when the official body voted to purchasegan International chassis equipped -- with P'ih"?m fire fighting or mm,,mh(fr@ Vote to Buy a Fire Truck Without Contest; Treatment members to be elected de-- cannot The candidates for _ the: seven county offices are all mkhcz on . the Republican ticket, li-:;notin'. hwth bguh:; ' in v ated is assured, no--Ap-- position of any great consequence ever arising at the regular election in November, BUSY DAYS AT -- THE SEMINARY County Clerk Hendee is a candid-- mbwmmm opponents, Thr Murphy and Frank Boice. McCarthy, architect who is super-- vising the work, the 150 workers will be able to lay aside their tools and survey the result. P Perry E. Persons. MM'MM r, Roy© Bracher. County Superintendent of Schools. T. Arthur Simpson. A Other candidates for county offices who are unopposed follow: Probate judge, Martin C. Decker. Probate clerk, John Bullock,.-- Stahl, Herbert E. Yager and Joseph C. Harding. Reports have--been cir-- culated that R. A. Johnson of Wau-- kegan would be a candidate for sher-- iff, but at the close of filing he had not filed his petition. Chief Deputy Lester Tiffany is a candidate to succeed Sheriff Edwin Ahistrom, whose term --expires in December. The other candidates for nounced Thursday morning that all aspirants for county offices must have petitions filed. by 5o o'clock Mgagumhaduum on the at the primary eléc-- tion to be held on Tuesday April 13. There are contests for two offices, sheriff and county clerk while in tive other offices there will be no At 5 o'clock Thursday Afternoon Books Were Closed On County It will be well worth regarding, Busy days are these at St. Mary Artists Active Getting Place County Clerk Lew A. Hendee an-- Being Contested. and medical aid for prisoners: when | Fr0oi needed and that the jail is kept son, several gatherings of Waukegar people--at the station. 'There is no hok Jnd the Aodel mepregates the end segregates recruits particularily. mq:fi'lbuungedull\th cer _ A simillar.outbreak, not as great it is said, occurred some titne ago. Lake County at its meeting Wed-- nesday in the Tip Top Inn, Wauke-- gan, passed a resolution asking that cffenders be punished with jail sen-- tences instead of fines and that more "padlocks be used.": The reso-- lution praised the record of State's Attorney A. V. Smith but put forth this heavier sentence suggestion. Cc IS gIEIGG Tw deaths from th.dhauhm been reported in the last few hours. The hospital has taken charge of several of the cases and the deaths were reported after all necessary effor's were made to save the young which the resolution praising the work of Col Smith was adopted, as follows:> § i "Be It Resolved: That the Lake said county, go on record as eam-- dorsing the splendid record of our State's> Attorney, and -- pledging The quarantine, it was explained by . the oxecutinoflbr'ho_m"' this ruling at the station, is to safe guard the health of 'the many reeruits who are stationed at' the reservation at this time and dbes not intercfere: with the general run-- ning of the station. f recruits at the Great Lakes naval training station following the out ingitis. It is said there is no eause for alarm as the situation is under control.,' not weekly papers) -- decrees that office of entry for each paper ® through the mail. 'l'h.t-lh% would cost us 1 1--2 to 2 cents, ac-- cording to size of each issue, to mail the Register to subscribers in 'te new "free delivery territory in Liber-- We have the option of issuing the M&rhtmamk.w our subscription rate or inaugurat-- With the introduction of mail de-- livery by muhmfiyvfi,@ to maintain its own delivery system. A postal ruling, 'affecting ddlyg subscription price of the paper. Register 'to«[befg livered ; rough Local Newsboys IN EFFECT AT ___ GREAT LAKES LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1926 son p o se an B Ministerial Association, g£ all the Catholic, Jew-- Protestant -- churches of ts ESTION Ray --Paddock, chairman of-- the Lake county board of supervisors, through whose efforts an additional man --was assigned the county for eattle testing purposes, announced Thursday that the new man had started work. He arrived Wednesday and 'began testing cattle in the vill-- age of Gurnee, Mr. Paddock said. Despite the: fact that a veternar-- ian has been added to assist Dr. Grinall, county: veterinarian , the work of testing cattle cannot be completed this month, so some farm-- ers will suffer heavy losses, accord-- ing to Mr. Paddock. _ : Starting April 1, Chicago dealers acting on orders issued by Health LAake county is a banner county for testing. Farmers of the coun-- ty with but a féw exceptions favor testing, but it appears that two veterinarians canot make tests at all farms by April 1. An effort is being made to get the Chicago health commiszsioner to move this date a few weeks back, but from present indications he will not consent to a change in dates being | to all: subscribers served-- 'by-- the | governggent's free delivery system iin this village, and will collect 25 'cents each month from each Regis-- | ter ~subscriber --so < served. ~ ~From | eubscribers who have paid in ad-- ; vancée Mr. fifl&-vfllafleetonlyhic | delivery charge, r.9 cents a month, ['for which the paper is paid. ' _ . ols to join with. 0s to nor at __ttn:_?hnuy";. to their * citizens, who for many years has always tried to be of assis:ofice to Our Organizations and who im all positions in the public service which he 'has filled has at all tines demonstrated his integrity, character --and ability ~ « "Therefore, be it resolved by the Lake County Central Labor Union that we endorse the Hon. William NEW TESTER IS _ > NOW AT WORK side, eandidate for state tr The resolution is as follows: The Lake Count, Cetral Labor Union Wednesday went on record in a resolution as favoring the candi-- cacy 'of William J. Straton, Ingle-- smhb:abmidlhmm carriers 'will receive their Register at the post office as in the past and at 'the prevailing subscription rate f $2 yeat. ;. o&b::'&nm ~f Liberty-- ville--are in no way affected by the change. > s . The new system of delivery will te inm:'w'with the beginning "tas, va tepd W. J. STRATTON is. ~~-- We apeal to. of Labor in tm: O. L Stanley. poou nitundance is expected, as this : a real opportunity to make use of the practical knowledge which farmers and the . University -- to-- gether have worked out on the seed Farm Bureau Office in Libertyville will be conducted by Dr. W. L. Bur!-- ison of .the 'University of Ilincis. T' in having secured Dr. Burli-- son for this occasion. He is the successor to Dr. C.--G. Hopkins who died in 1919. : Many new and valu-- growing have been discovered in I!!-- inois the past several years. These will be demonstrated next Monday afternoon beginning at 1:30 p. m. Farmers are asked to bring in sam-- ples of twenty five ears or more of their seed corn to this meeting. A to the Tund, Ligin is the central point for highway work in nine coun-- ties, all of which were represented. The Seed Corn Culling Demonstra-- outsiders and no announcement of the action taken was made members individually were bitter against what they termed an invasion of the right to spend their own salaries It was admitted that the meeting was called to outline a stand against payments will be decided by the board of directors. Delegations will be sent County Farm Institute, the Cham-- ber of Commerce, and several rep-- resentatives of surrounding coun-- ties, will appear before the board in the interests of Lake county. DR. BURLISON WILL HOLD SEED CORN TEST Eighty construction engineers, em-- polyed by the state highway depart-- ment, met at Elgin Tuesday night to protest against forced contribu-- ENGINEERS HIT SMALL DEMAND Invasion Of 'Right To Spend tions to Gov. Len Smail's defense Representatives To Make Bid For Farm. Institute Of tute meeting, which will be held in -- Springfield, IIL, March 9," at LAKE COUNTY _ . SEEKING MEFT the state contends belongs to the state and which is being held by no title at all by the farmers who are 'living upon the + land. The total value of the land is said to The suit, filed by the State of Illinois against Frank Hatch and others, . involves title to swamp lands lying along Fox River which be in excess of one million dol-- The -- land involved in the suit lies in McHenry and Lake coun-- office of the-- attorney --general, was on --hand -- to present argu-- ments for the state, while Albert Hall, local corporation counsel, represented several farmers in the HATCH LAND CASE AGAIN involving property valued at a mill-- ion dollars in the Fox River valley between Lake and McHenry counties was started again Friday in the court of Judge Earl D. Reynolds in For over two years the matter has been fought back and forth in Lake county but no results have been ob-- tained by the litigation and at pres-- mediate settlemnt of the problem. Local Counsel Up in th case are being made before Judge Reynolds. O. 8. Fuqua, of ent there is little hope of an im-- 6 w amp Land Case In ~' Are Involved Will Be Up On Although the doors were barred to Plans were made. Tuesday for e ~sending of several local dele-- The long fought swamp land case for the next at the In reports have it that thousands of collars are to be spent in develop-- ing the property, Fremont Township report that land sales are increasing rapidly and re-- are in progress at this time. brought the highest price of any iand in that locality. Although namé has not yet been revealed. The geal was transacted through Lyons and Rouse, Mundelein realtors. weeks ago to a Chicago invester for §2,000 an acre.© As far as it is the county: schools -- togetber ~with their parents and tescchers are in vited to the pupils' day cxercises at the theater. J. M. Appel, president of the Highland Park state bank, will speak on "Saving," followed by Philip Fox, instructor at Noafthwoest-- The tounty school fair and pu-- pil's day Will be held in Libertyville on Saturday, March 6. E}xhih'ts from all the rural schoo'ls 'will be shown and may be inspected at the T. A. Simpson, county superinten dent of schools, who is promoting the affair, announces that thig iz the sixth annual fair, all of which have been enthusiastically attended© by The latest big deal to be reported is the sale of the George H. Radke the county schools. * Mundeléin have continued to rise ac-- cording to reports from realtors in that section and the sale of farm lands involving thousands of doll-- enced during the more favorable GOUNTY SCHOOL --FARRPLANNED aswarding of a beautiful Hudson coach and a Frigid Air system of There will be prizes for the largest family coming the greatest distance, the biggest family in one Ford, the oldest-- Ford and many-- others not listed as vet. SALES CONTNUE _ AT MUNDELEIN Ford and Glenn of WLS fame may be out that day to say hello and there will be plenty of good music throughout the day. The evening will be filled with a varied program of music and dancing and, of course the old familiar midway in full Big --E vent Is Slited For Libertyville Marcn 6; Expect committee, this is to be <a real snappy day, full of fun and--frolic for both old and young and a date that will go down in history as one of the high spots of the community. Plans are being made for some high class auteo and motorcycle bodies was held at the Libertyville club rooms at which time a Liberty-- ville Day Committee was elected. The committee which is to have charge of the celebration consists of George Ives, preskient of the Liber-- tyville Club as chairman, C. 0. Carl-- eon of the Legion as secretary and Full details will be announced as they are worked out by the com-- all civic matters of the community, its officers and members feel that the time is ripe to stage the first of these annual events. The first joint meeting of tht two Wednesday, July 22, 1926 is the day set for the monster celebration which is to be known as "Liberty-- ville Day." This event, which it is planned to make an annual affair, is sponsored by two of Libertyville's live and up--to--the--minute organiza-- Set Date of tions, The Libertyville Club and Libertyville Post No. 829, American Both of the above organi-- nflwshhumvmh All pupils of the uprer grades of And last, but not least, will be the of -- 107 acres for Celebration of of ! j ;"'"'"'l *~~@ue@> HI€ .."' Thomas Murphy, alias--Tom Mur-- a--hmmu;.: this the county, _ Stanley Janus North Chicago, lar-- :"'fl'fid-c-dwvuthem of a car belonging to Irving Theo-- bold, on Nov. 10. ---- _ Stealing radio. supplies from the store of Albert Edgarton City on Dec. 18. in Zion .. _ _Oscar Lance, forgery. He is uwen Carmean, larceny The in« a sum of money from the ticket office at the North Shore Line sta-- tion--in Washington street or Feb. 25. Curtis Donley, Anthony Imbo,. and La Verne La Roche, soldiers from Fort Sheridan, larceny. They are alleged to have stolen a machine on Dec. 16, Major Reed Landis. " in hVflhMuv'b Hutchinson Fort sn-u..-h% 'm'-fififiuh"': a land Park, on October 29. P John Plie# and Joseph Ricks, bur-- complainants are two young Wauke-- gan girls, Edith Burman, 16 years old, and Irene Kempi, 15 years old. George Richter, Bernice Holder-- n0me in North Sheridan road on August 20 and carted away furnit-- $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Chicago and after learping of her plans to go to Clnapbrofiwfl fired fivre ghots at her. One shot instantly. ~. . John Brown, burglary. He is all-- eged--to have robbed the pool hal} of Dominick Barber in Waukegan on December 21, t """':;Pfllld. larceny. He i6 charged stealing money from Oscar Olson. operating m con-- fidence: game, The crime is alleged to have been committed on Nov. 20. Zion City, on wey "J, * 1 Reed of m%ahb.'l's George Miller, |Zion, larceny. He i' from ?O,Nullflrniannkg:ne::b dictment was for operatinzg a con-- fidence game, while the belance of the true bills charged either lar-- larceny, robbery or burglary. The true bills returned follow: -- ~ Archie Burgess, eo:ud_ North hmbk'iled', 48. is charged that Burgess' is wife to a beauty shop in Nor -- Sidnv Shialq, ppruy on Nov. 29. P ® larceny. He is chareq wuuP 2100 m'l'bnul-phydiu'l'q Murphy of Libertyville, both charg-- ing forgery, while Oscar Lance of Waukegan was also named defend-- ant in a forgery indictment. One in-- Mhmmfh court complimented for the service performed, while State's At-- torney A. V. Smith also lauded the One true bill for murder was re-- turned, the defendant in this indiet-- ment being Archie Burgess eclored, a North Chicago merchant, and reported in the court of Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwards that 19 cases had been investigated and 19 true bills returned, in which 26 per-- sons are named defendants, This is gaid to be teh first time in several who is wife. Two men, John Mondro and Stanley Moran, both of North Chi-- cago, were indicted on rape charges. The grand jury .completed its work at noon Tuesday after being in session for one and one half daye GRAND JURY VOTES MANY Archie Burgess Na: Murderer; Stanley And John Mondro Attack Case. s Ben Noren, John Mondro and Stanle» in North Forgery Charge --He is chargd with the theft Name Carmean. ' _are alleged to. have the Samuel Schwerts &5 Nased As . He¥ is 4=§. Whe Hit In

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