W"? -heth-rt-tttnehtxtttteagrtniia. Mvmhdv-Hudb 1N-oteruetrkitr"ttte-t a" "u-tite-nd-tdis. trltatnht-tifettsarretrs- -rerArttoatamtt-treetgts. -ttu. Windham)»- Atattu1-eitiearnmdfsGtt.. etry.er1trti-rttitsiitean,tmr. 'Y'tu,'gtgegeett: tmm-do- d-si-st " 'ketrieltrwiItoemtrtnther-tgs - Napalm-libido.- mmammumd 'httmetnntthi0r-mrttu. "ehttatotti-rmeutofe1eetrio. It, in the my will be that "Jt0M0tt90tt kilowatt- houn ro- mbhtqthr-tietoentroatttt8.- 'ttMttMtttrkfuqreatt-srairnetat "tr-e-te-ttmul-ttttnts, "that"!!! ttter-tmid. 15- report {mu (Inf - Ithvmhimtedbym mudMCInymlOb. tllTdfd'ht,gfgttirt"gr,td:,t, bps-alum poun- M'mmmomm was... _ -a-eitimnrsdmrurttautamrt. ,Htt.dtrrhtethetaext-rota my r-tttist-ttinfer- 'thttirthoertthtteitieruehtitthq -tur-,t-sedirttrtrr a It "daemmmm "theGreatuu.avkixm,tati- .tMuetrietdehta-stntitm. _1\omamdthuhad minus. CrmlAG0.tgnretsgr--hm- -itet1irtateeemdttiat-trt tho SEE MOVEMENT T0 SMALL TOWN Jlhur--afmrmemorviaeorosettheWorutatrtr-t ,'rdftteeintraPsriodofthreereamand-S- Fr". a*yhtttt-srt19isettreiteterteuttimas.eurtpiiur himdmaflmcmudtmpmtomy tSi.tmeuttheumerieommta-ethenaiiut'uLiiiiii", 'rftheUotkemttrr-xotiutruittr.caatitttertuaaetut oarPtmidentandrtmetieallrat1meanttematourtat-have 'roldtmemttoourenemimt _en-/utthiiamrostritritin-a'tuteurs"ttrain. Mhrr--Has the date for Senator McKinley'n trial ban at? mathejurytseentseleetedt ' John--ThetrialdateuonTuesar,Arrii1-tathe juryiatheRepublicanmenandwomenvoteraofminoia. All why believe that Senator McKinley is guilty of sustaining the 1tertttttieanPtmtdentecontrr-pdtuNationatrtattumGii1 ,mNforhiamtamttoWaahintrtnn. Thooe'whodeairea '.eerfrxtmriiinoiswhourioinedwithtumseda,Bomu, 1ilruuttm,>uotrharttondotherreut-iomimuir,e will voeforCol.trtstitit. . phak in their platforms? And do not the Cannes-ions] tn-sit the wg'u'irfw. records show that all Senators save IT voted far the 60m 'drirttule,rt,ht ',,15uti t afteranfetrttardintrr-timttsltadbeen'ndorttedt AndtheliGuiaeiiiiifriFariri'ii"i'r. knot-HonseOfConzrusslsovotedwltoZSinfsvox-ofthe---Ur-'m°P§MII-m . . t 'tetrrtnrtrtxtgrieu. sheath-hm mcmfdsmfismwgnmmvoflncnfsvormmmmm'm ." _ _ t Ittm.-tairrrtmtaeortr-, John--lutnmbuttheimmentschmssmfionaide'fihmmmm' "', trretyttaytPra.te1eteth1te1iritrrter to 'tttrite/ttrt-ttttester. mgmdwqmmwwmmmmndsmh FF Wmmmmumwm mm' With " r ,msttmtndandti-baisdltererue.9tettuii nom- ttiriuherei" _ ttpetett." 11' 1'.r.'.'ee.1uy,tyeftsoou" Ji-Political ambit: an almost perform miracles when Marr--D.id in" both the Répnblican. and Democratic national oomentioorof two yen-s ago place a World Court Marr-uit it has taken him two years to find out and declare that he so voted? Suppose Senator McKinley had voted "No" in Congress. wouldCoL Smith tunirwrdeeiarisar that his voted "Nt" in the national convention? John logging up from a Chicago daily he has beep needing) --I see that Senator McKinley from our'state is being charged with committing an unpardonable sin. . f) . ms summon Mcmm comma!) AN UNPARDONI" yrs. all!" people on. ma Am SIN BY fRlPHNtlrllNG PRESIDENT momma Ate' " W "W it-ttan, T which seems to be about the molt ANp THE REPUBLICAN PARTY rum: the "on, m... who"... at . 'Lll. Wood, editor ofadown state paperlut-lthudtad the . v-.-6- _ following amusing dialogue in which he comments on'the ' A Inn's Mylo! i mm attacks being made . on Senator McKinley by his political $0,331: 'tye,, '33:; d',' enemies for his vote in the Senate in support of 'he policies ,eert. ' of Presideht Coolidge and thO Republican party: . -o- tSeene--A home in Illinois. Husband' and wife engage in a , tetimerr "me not, more conversation.) -. . l Te,i't,,c,'Aa,',t'.rtt,yete JEEP... Mhrgr---But I understand, inthe National Republican Con- vention two years ago that ca. Smith was a delegate and when the platform was adopted there was only one negative vote from the Illinois delegation and the records show former layer William H. Thomuon of Chicago not that vote. Would notthefactmakeCol.Smithanncceosorytothecrime ofwhich they are min: Senator McKinley? John-tNoord ism beittttpasaed outtrvCoh' Smith that he voted "No" (in n whisper) on the adoption of the platform. * Marr-Who is making the accusation and what is the aims charged? " - Marr-ls there no way for Senator McKinley to be freed from this infamous charge? Can he not prove an alibi.' Jbh,n--1 fear it is impossible for him to prove an alibi, his opponent, Col.Franlrtetnith.hasthat. 9 T John-Senator Reed from the Missouri bulrushes. Senator. Borah from the bleak Rocky Mountains of Idaho, and Col. Prank L. Smith of our own state. are the chief witnesses. Their charge is that Senator McKinley voted in Congress to sustain Hesident Coolidge and the National Administration, and to any out the Nations) platform pledges. - mm: B. war. Editor T any of an. m. who as nw'w_r.hn, m .t.oiuuLrv,.tidrtl' W-- """'""""""'""r"""""""""'"""" _tt"tnetuiyuitttytomtrtAaiuttrjrirtedettiid_andTiraiia a." " -d-et-tut.rotstotter 1916iattttet om." unapowhr "tartahaoattteohir. my. 'omottthtetottratrot. _ "with, hldrll', and» Act 'if Huck t"iAt"dt2tl gt, will. bitiem, format at!) tup1ttltr when I'm watching T04 Irttltt, who itsn't _______._..._.__.'__._________________'.___ 112m: to electing. the togisttxttte' workout: any beta, Beg lihelrtu mgr-om: PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. " who voted on an prohibition "and "out Joe's family tad wipe the thretttedhititt-aiu4taast'd. W18" . eltramtmsottsrtt-enoaenitrs. PM", of UM electricity phylum-put.- Don la. "an, Edith L'ls'dltvlhtt'i8ftut'it nampaue" Come' in and take. advantage of ihe tdd,l1'.'d,2i1'tdlra, l'; . _ o . _ other 1ranilltarfy bargains A ,er!iirii':ii'i!tisi' u m our stores . V . LEONARD BLANK J. N. BERNARD 'tu. *ftdltittdJittt -.. I'm. n_;;,u:n . fad1'8u"rptr.s'/,tatt rid-antacid A . 'rtiHlttt,rtd,i1'2hiidiii: Cam. Em '10enele, and W95:- Duty. April Lind: "Seven Keys Balrdpatis" AUDITORIUM My-Wednuday Much 30atat. 'mneanndhuiiof. My: "name." MPBrlirmltATLAtrrt . JisrtesCmste's "The Potty Etttre tstr"" I "Ade: A l -- - "teen-tedt/hi-ou-, "tttte-tht-ttmth. " ' ". . . hotriteefatihurmmu- don for .itentat and solitude. Mr. Godmoin {activating world of Manna-hips. Than-thew" and it in than], nrar--tn which h-tnhUroBeies 'TAXI SMITH'S "Inner-n onttteoNrhnnd. 'rttttat1hiemtntimttortteil qrttttttim,nndo-tdhtrrs.'. . _ "ttftrritar,hstMtirteotturer. atmateltnmet-ftutw, u- in that Mr. i'd'lfAal2ei Why President Coolidge!" Sean- tor Bomb rarely thee in diseased in this mk'i Liberty' by Williun Hard. who says. "The comes; I; New the may" of Inabi- Bge and the Mt: of it. Bo. mh is the greatest mt political W_mctacle in Washington. tenants". Honda "Me.'Cootidgif' he an, "and" itetrNe..awhiui.Borattit, reading .0me Examinat- tinttaequninted with somebodynow. Bonhhmmrythmht Until betiatatthmteltthtthi-trr. Cool. j4q0gstne-ttrrt-tv-ina- tu-ttnth-rt-tsou-. A man's My for' a m» Batman simply expresses the thought that his own wife did v.17 well. , Old-timets were not, mote prudiah nut :13me nor. ugh": ngy owed petting pnrtieg phying "Ptkrtomee." . even tn the old (Hymn! they wen; not and a "dominating personal- tty." . port Leah: Tiffany. The erstwhile Wt. amounted among other WU": that lie was raising the Frank L. Smith,. candidate foe t'nited States Senator. is using the Wankem Sun 'to initiate propo- ganda in his behalf. Prank L'hu. . preu bureau busy writing World Court sum. It is printed first in the Sun, then sent antacids and!» ed " editorial expression ot that Joseph C.' Ending announces his, withdrawal from the Sher"? con- test Ind, may!) his. kind: to any PRESIDENT Mil BORAH DISAGBEE love with an ankle hunt an ankle knows no little about cocking. MaatdatBmdh.eetrnstnoU. my max: " ' mama: Thasthmttotitahamtitan'that sort of game during the Small trial in Wakes", and readily functions as a prom organ. The objoetbu'to falling in PORK LnINs, whole or half, per lb. . . . 25C CREAMERY Itthnr, ER Ite finest Wiaeontdii, per lb; BIG VALUES ll Where will you find values C like these? . _ . - I manners, at the a ,Ths home folks are endow in: Em Shauna. who. usplres to become state mum-r. His printed literature indicates metional differ; Iff. mum lo not 680" in Lakteountars i endorsement of his candidacy " Everybody about here seems to be for Bill. _ . , " Bill leg the job I hope he foe doesn't-m Lett Small 'tnitotnee his 'if/"i';i"lfldt' it! matters of interest on with" funds, and I presume he won'f "g.', because of Ian's experience and my "Nunavut regrets Swim has the loved priced at! in the.thtitmt Sum. needing 'otuminouCumtserafthm-. "WutqHttttethemsuttt {mu "ornerrtatruiitatrtmtitt.w whither" when Mr. Coolidgerbdng a m of "no ttPt-o_o-ttttiris. ralt/rtrol1tkrttahirtartmvhomhsa. 'ott-iitthitsk that It. Barth be Wamdbm,wmuhlll ttPt-cette-ei-ty/oth, A'tterieatn-N-hoarthim. . "his," tk-ith--.-:" how at». numbness nonfat-on! Andeaeh.htekeditittte atheism N "American Hutu-y depends 'dpon what will tum in the and"? 'Mr.Ctrotumtoottemmathdt 'tteatittr-hweeentttaenemies" 'ee.Bttmhioeitotitimnrimrersom nltltntupotittenttr do" not an may»: people are his was! "tuits1rai'etirtiiernmdoxieatr- not why Mr.CtiotidtrenndMr. Bonn mm ' hitidit)yard '-', 8', of the, heart: of the peo- iiiiik pk. it" in a world of bookish hum-ti "with of abstract issue: striving _ _ "it 65-: . . g "tft. 000%. "he. lune- when an In! ther We bean mule in people9 run I: ninth. "lr. Barth invpuu them." 'YOI ulrttataxrthorremnrhatutotteo, "in the Wham between both men 'tr'lr is that Initiate-sen: em to be ri-tnl W ups-m1 -ities and 11fPh I'm "with. To: sum, who isn't overlooking any betas' He": likely'tu Adopt Joe's {unity tad» Wipe the mm 2',ttt and than where'l' the can: She! tantrum be t ertNtrattta do? Ind than where'l' my half of the churches of this 'h'rf'tl.trtuf "pinata be , country hug become mere filling rr" r 'd. ' ' -4F-.s . station» when the ignorant Ina, About all the Wining a modem my up, of l-Sundny morning, to [rock he. in tret., ' ttivdiiietr cerebral tanks pump- . --o-- "'> ed-fu'll of pfedjudice, hatred and There's not"! like an April had feelbig toward their neighb- fool.' of? __ . bots of other ends. colors and rac- cal ttrotrrymtreato" avering that Whichever of the Sheri" eandidatee tteta the "Trornmr vote" will be high mm a N coming primaries. These tum have it doped. out Voliva holds the than" of power" in the Sheriff contact But what to dot "Wisconsin chu plea migrate by Icon- to Waukegan with proper "quaMeationa, and ttt course our boy accommodate them It: admitted ftea. We: every- . mm _ happy over it What wild Jlfaii'2'l'2, editors have In dot I'm a t so fond of %ttfva picking our She!!! and wish it might be other-fre. , Wisconsin" newspapers con-. tinue to human, what they please bi term the. Wanted" mnrrfatre mill. T tt'l x? Y), Casey'slm I td ':'ittiiiiiiatiiiiiiig Where? I M. arekiirek, Inc. I hear politiw R'rf, 't.tatmtrrtettuauehatthriterieai] ahr TIC", them-am mostly Mule 'trtmnryhtstineta. _ "Professional molding have tried "convict mervfes,themodmstte- 'itm.threnod.md-sdtti,Gii- "'otr1etndr-stttereaasei of ',rGtu"utetgt',,ije,iil. "a!" "an. Inhale!- 'etotturatteriiGi"irii'i"i"iir. drain like that that without)"- 'ee meeting the men! publie's I!!!" but. Illd shattering the IPP'" The inevitable result is in these words, Lloyd C. Douglas, D. D..., Congregational minister of Akron, Ohio. addressed the South Central State teacher: convention in session " thr'tingtle,1d. . Ht is to be doubted if ever a more disturbing intolerance or a more dangerous iconoclas'm has been at work ir. our republic -than at the present hour." continued Dr. Doug- we ertetunretttionii, in... Em: _ resolutions and pmions in a. by. history of the we": no. af Mat einrndr, clutter and ehatter heard in the world before. New: were there to many societies, eatrmttimioets,i committees tiring Mucus, fawn, slam. "Plan came the peace- only slightly he: disturbing than the war with governments tottering to g fall, Ind insolvent states impotentiy shouting maledictiona at not: other, while the whole economic structure of civilintion seemed ready to club tar donen like Yoknham. "We came into this state of mind dtuhtq the wgr. Everrdeviee that ororaiamu and professional mob- hypn-uis could remember or invent m practiced on a scale so impen- dous thnt- nobody tried any longer tty" any or clearly. r' "The public ur reverted to tho. out-lived day: of mob stampede and the torchlixht procession. It about: for a literal acceptance of the scrip- heres on the same terms in which the Kopil grove] before their totem lndicts " Churches Mt, Filling Stations For Rumor And poles. w~smns"sm Interest Payable Semi - Annually. Titles Examined by the Bank's Attorney Amounts trt,thtje $200 to ttim--. Maturitiel One ear toHihre Years We recommend this form of Investment For safety and good interest return Call and Let th 1tustttittheir Merits We have on? hand and offer can't 1'JBle)]RTYVILLE liN'flltiit BANK '» Buy . First Mortgages 6% First Mortgages Too May In» War To Blame such a volume on. w nil m 'tdrier plan t.iiaittt road a. any dish, 'gtttTg,2t,t 3mm. any nub-1 with ttgeeriebera. Shin She" Protthe" "The eottaervntive wing of the public'meeta nightly in huge mod- ern. abet-nucle- to seek lie-veal, light under the guidance of shirt sleeved prophets whose oratoricnl disbursement. appear to be quite in excess of their intellectual income. "There is_no prophetic office quite so important as that which is held by the men and women who and behind the) desk in our public schools. It is your task, as but. era, to proMde for a new new morality in America." concluded the speaker. _ - l Starting out by "trawling out" some of his own Zion Junior Guards, for smoking in Zion. Wilbur Gleam Sunday Uterttoon, hit at agen- yewerday afterno6r., hit It every- body in general and. "eordine to reports from that city, has created quite a faroye in the Zion amp. He talked at tentrtirturahttrt the sale of pox-kin Zion. which has been going ortiritutettrfttr-thrse. VOLlVA HITS l"). SALE OF PORK Wei If the 3,428 miles of gas mains ii, Chicago were laid in a straight line, the min would extend from Boston to Los Angela with enough to ware to continue the liné through San Dietro.to Tia Juana, Mexico. On the site now occupied by the Federal Building " Jackson Blvd. and Adams at" Chicago. the first Jewish house of worship in Illinois was built, in 1851. "Anyope seen smoking is an en- emy cf God and Zion," he in said to have stated. _ . _ Amoximately 7 $35,750,000 in paid- nrmunBr to employes of tel- ephone companies in Illinois. Praetieallg " of this spent within the state. FOUNF-A and] sum of money Lerr--Bladk leather wallet, front Luke County National Bank. Re- mud of $1.00 will be paid fot return to Register office. 25-ltopd 'Sunday night latch 28 a North Shore Line station. lam Ave, LihertyviN. Owner will please identify " out n possi. ble nnd pay for this nd. Can Budd MAgertr, 1531, or Uninv- - (M) 7391. 25-10. m we: st98tlrt8k Jrms -..-P- rims, between Diamond Lake and Mandelein. Rev. W. C. Payton Handelein. HOMES for 932'; 5-le "fin time of such 'emi/Ui," and Manned " dare in any one your ", "All embargo with a loud limit o' '/htirpoumu"uatuiGiGari,'iiis unpaved roads in Kane county. ne- } "MM. That a copy of these I"- . - Bohttiaets be spread upon the record: gam'tmfmm 2:; Itll' af a... wave Council and ..... 7 _ m ' in, when of Neighbor Heydecker'a way Mk. according to the state; " kw. may now detirtiteb Ite.e..tei/""il'.i Re Head Clerk highways prohibiting the ooeraiin,l II; E him Director. of vehicle. harm; a you weight l . e, Council 'Committee handing the weight of the which ' Excel!" . gym-Name: 'Jtgfl2 and. Comp-all. to the amount of bus- . P V, . ,_a-brsttrneoftttelprtreart "ygt.rr'iud.underrthiraittutttv, - _ _ _.-__ " - - _ - bowling to the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club. An embarpn of 6.000 pound: you weight is being enforced in Kendal county. Roads in Ir. Pave court's aw no! clpsed to trame at presse/tt. hut A Ml08t as the had: not soft may: w " 51% to all trucks woio'Hne C, no pounds on over, including the aroVmurvo has been, - GiGiii dirt mandarin Kmknkee county" h one mandated, Township of Fremont, m . Annual Election Tuesday, April ti, 1926 FRANK DOLPH, _ Town Clerk. mo pounds Ot (we might of the truck 'An,embargo has not yet been Plug!!! in McHenry county, but a: "my! the next thaw satay in the had 'ttttit, of' 6,000 pounds win be ahead. No what; has been reported on crafty road: m Lake county, Ind. Cl sarriililrii,"'riioim, i-. Tlakethiiroeeasion Specimen Ballot ltd FRANK DOLPH "J GEORGE mm foil (litgmttiiii,a.' ij",;,.?,",.: 'i,ii'ii'i'i'-,i: h and B005nmAcqmunted . jirith tl,,ricrrt,rtinetive -, i8!lleetilitii bemart 3F mainline" ' Hats Shoes and Sports Aibarel for Men algd'Boys, at - Prices in. Keeping Greater YItjhto Sim 'eoples C, Ticket By Petition Ton Gut r tgit'"'-" All Easter Clothes For Men and Boys Purchased up to 5 o'eloek Sgturday afternoon in our New . Evmton Shop Will be altered and Ready for Easter on Catapults to the lmount of bus- has an. by tom of the lgrgest Industries in Illinois, the farmers of th. as: mutated comparatively through I" Millions nearly two him" 'tgtnrs with of product. duh: "t . k "Mug temit, Winch", Smith Smart Shoes *Stay Smart 'Bvery seam is 'uaouy2stitched. Every edge is rolled. It's this detailed perfec- tion that assures superiority Ray N. Smith with members of It. IDI