'Fhere is a large majority of phhnlhdlwhowilhhm _good candidates elected, m-horltywho desire poor candidates in office vote solidly back of their candidates, which Tuesday, April 13, the primary election will be held. If we wish to see good men elected it behooves every man and woman to vote at that election. For the eighth district William F. Weiss, representative, Waukegan and Charles H. of Woodstock, for the same office are up for our consideration. county polls so many more than McHenry county that there no doubt of the election of the for-- mer. man, but unless Lake County ecasts votes for Mr. Francis also we are in danger of losing a fine man, the choice of all conservative men, and of the women as a whole. votes of the majority we have poor about organized effort, but all of were the dinner guests of Mrs. Olendort's aunt of Chitago on Mon-- Harry Muhlke on Wednesday after-- noon. Richard Kress and Kenneth Hag-- gie spent their spring vacations in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Muhike will leave April 1st for Cleveland, Ohio, where they will spend about two weeks with the daughter, Mrs. H. S. fourth birthday party of Betty thkoeuhn. A Dodge Roadster was struck and demolished by a St. Paul train, Wednesday afternoon shortly fol-- lowing the funeral of.John Carolan on the crossing north of Deerfield. The driver fortunately escaped un-- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer attended the wedding of Miss Marie Mueller daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mueller of Arlington Heights and Eugene Stroker on Saturday after-- noon. Mrs. F. Piepenbrok, Mrs. August Klemp and Mrs. Carl Lange. At-- tractive Easter baskets and favors arranged on the refreshment tables gave a seasonable appearance to Circle IV of the Dorcas society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Charles Piper Wednesday afternoon instead of last Wednesday as was previously an-- nounced. This circle meets the last Wednesday of every month. The cradle roll of St. Paul's Evangelical church, their mothers and grandmothers enjoyed a delight-- ful Easter Party in the Sunday school rooms last Wednesday after-- noon given by the superintendent, Mr. Paul Fuller is ill with pneu-- monia. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hole of Shelby, Montana announce the birth= of" a daughter born Wednesday, March 24th at a hospital in Great Falls, Mont. Mrs. Hole before her mar-- riage was Lela Glynch of Wauconda Mr. and Mrs. George Engstrom entertained at a Covered Dish Din-- ner twelve of their friends at their kome on Central atenue, Saturday evening. and has many friends in Deerfield where she taught for several years in the Deerfield Grammar school. On Saturday evening of April 10, a masquerade dance will be given under the auspices of the Deer-- field Chapter of the Easter Star. Tickets are on sale for 60 cents. Prizes will be given for the best costume. Good music is assured. On account of the inclement wea-- ther of last week it was found nee-- essary to postpone the April meet-- ing of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul's Evangelical church. The meeting was scheduled for Thurs-- aay April 1st at the home of Mrs. John Willman. Mrs. Milton Frantz entertained a number of her relatives in celebra-- tion of her birthday anniversary, at her home on Deerfield avenue Sat-- urday evening. Mrs. James Golding of Highwood entertained the Just Sew Club at her home on Tuesday afternoon. | DEERFIELD | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Labahn were the dinner gueses of Mr. Labahn's parents of Evanston Sunday. Mrs. Nieber and family of High-- land Park visited Mrs. Nigber's sis-- ter, Mrs. E. P. Osterman Mcenday. On last Thursday evening the Parent Teacher Association of the Presbyterian church school met in the school room and the following program was presented: Easter story dramatized by the Senior girls. 'Interesting talk by Rev. Andrews. Duet by Mr. @nd Mrs. C. Fried-- lund. Solo by Mrs. M. Andrews. Group of children songs by Mrs. W. Koebline's class. Ruth and Russell Patterson are spending their spring vacation with their aunt, Mrs. A. E. Arnold of Mrs. Fred Labahn attended the gthday anniversary celebration of 'r niece, Margaret Daugherty of Chicago Tuesday. furnish their usual delightful mu-- gsic. Refreshments will be served. Arthur Johnson spent last week at the home of. his aunt, Mrs. A. M. Johnson of Chicago. The Progressive club, will hold their next meeting at the Wilmot school, Wednesday afternocn, April On Saturday evening, April 17th, the Progressive club will sponsor a dance in the Wilmot school. The 7th. A group of children attended the A social hour followed the pro-- and assisted by April 4 (Easter Sunday) 9:15 a. m. Sunday school. ©10:15 a. m. Eng-- lish sérvice and Holy Communion. Easter is always a memorable cay at St. Paul's church. In this day we commemorate the Ressur-- the majority to vote for the candi--, rection of F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor April 2 (Good Friday) 10:30 a. m. German service and Holy commun-- ion. date who really represent them in off'ce. "Charles H. Francis is end-- ing his third term. At the last ses-- sion he did effective work in gett-- ing the Tice bill for tuberculin cat-- tle amesnded for the protection of the dairy interests of the State; is rec-- ognized 'as one of most hard working and indcpen::mmbem; has habitually voted against ex-- when memebrs are elected from Lake Forest, Highland Park -- or Deerfield, we should give our sup-- port to Representative Francis next Tuesday. record" is what the Assembly Bul-- letin of the Legistative Voters League says of Mr. Francis. for school directors for Deerfield-- Shields Township High School 8t. Paul's _ Beautiful Homes in Mundelein _ voting receive the 'true Easter spirit in the boly sacraments of the Chris-- your heart and life. Special music tian church, It was instituted by will consist of a solo by Mrs. Bar-- Christ himself. ~ Jesus says: "This bara Huncke and a selection by the! do in remembrance cof me." Are choir. !you following His command? Don't The Lord's Supper will be op.| let anything be in your way to served--in Good Friday morning in' come to the Lord's table. Get right the German service and on Easter With God and man, repent o_f_}_'g'nr e\# / f ,Q. "'.~ /A ;'4' K * --~J). . s ChisBank extends Grectivgs Our Easter Salutation The WHEELING STATE BANK -- WHEELING ILLINOIS |\ & | & jeins and come.' Don't walt until you, your eholee, either Good Friday "or die. Now is the appointed time, Easter Sunday. The pastor expects come now as you hear his voice. A 3°"* and surely will be pleased to frank confession of your sins to| °°* ¥9u there. 4# xGv(!d is good for--your soul. You have| Remember the special Easter of{-- "Every time 24 hours roll ar< > American public has bought another twenty millions of new life insurance."--FEDER ATION,NEWS. ' 9 & 18 . Republican Candidate:For SHERIFF rdb&G4 ** t * 4tARAEAAGAObbAEAbAGAEAGAbGGaG L _ » Getting Your Share? TIFFANY erinf to be brought Easter Sunday. This offering is not to be mistaken for the Communion offering, but will be used for the benefit of the church. If you have lost or mis-- some other envelope and write your name on it. Lets make it the big-- placed your offering envelope, use (Continued on page 6)