of the noon--day demand for milk on construction jobs.. It is not un-- Paul, Mirin., "and they are unani-- mous in their opinion that prohibi-- tion is responsible for a large part oftbohcn-od-h,d-nkmd other dairy products. We meet monthly with the distributors of milk in the Twin Cities and they tell us that one of the features of «"a2ys it was a common thing to drink beer and eat lunch in a saloon mear a factory. There is also great-- er thrift today on account of pro-- *tion at Detroit. "This is accounted for by the fact that in factories it is common practice for workmen to «jrink milk with their noon--day Tunch, while in the pre--prohibition "hibition, thereby enabling the peo-- ple to buy milk more freely. of the association's department of dairy marketing. Of the 51, 38 definitely© stated that prohibition has an efect upon the increasing consumption of milk by the American public, 7 said "no" and 11 were non--committal. The opinions as to the degree of effect of the Volstead act og! from 50 per cent to "very , with a majority attributing about cne--fourth of the increase to scar-- city of beer, wine and other intoxi-- cating liquors. "I am inclined to give prohibition «redit for 25 per cent of our in-- «€rease in fluid milk sales, "wrote This information was reported to the Lake County Farm Bureau. Fifty--one leading dairy experts em-- ployed as heads of dairy depart-- ments of agricultural colleges, agri-- eultural agents of railroads, man-- agers of cooperative milk distribut-- ing agencies and milk dealers ans-- wered the questionaire which was sent out by A. D. Lynch, director between 1918 and 1924, according to a nation wide questionnaire survey role in the 27 per cent increase in JRY LAW A FACTOR IN BOOSTING CONSUMPTION OF MILK, L A. A. FINDS FARM BUREAU DR. B. T. LYNCH 406 Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE DR. HESLIN is fully equipped to take care of $ Chrox:&ic Diseases No matter what they may By the use of Methods. Osteopathy, Chiropratic, xra-nge. Bl_ema&tb:'am'md Pre-- JALZ Fum, Tamie Tis, ctc. Glfi"isté"'né"en f :»®Coe tion in a glass of milk. I do feel, however, there has been a greater increase in the consumption of but-- termilk as a result of prohibition. a large construction job is in pro-- gress. Workmen 'did not drink milk before prohibition. -- There has also been a very marked increased demand for butter and ice cream. We attribute a large part of this to the fact that housewives have more money to spend than in pre--prohibi-- tion dayy." "My opinion is that three--fourths dfitmhduftodn:ficnd advertising and one--fourth pro-- hibition," stated C. Larsen, dean of "At least 10 per cent is due to prohibition," stated J. W. Bartlett, professor of dairy husbandry of the New Jersey Agricultural Experi-- ment station, New Brunswick. P. M. Brandt, professor of dairy C. H. Beckendorf, general man-- ager of the Milk Producers Associ-- ation of Central California, Modesto, said the increase is due largely to population growth of cities, and pointed, as an example, to Los An-- geles' 700 per cent growth in 25 "My opinion is that 50 per cent of this increase is due to prohibition end 50 per cent to advertising and telling the value of milk," stated E. H. Parfitt, dairy bacteriologist of Purdue University. of the New England Milk Producers' husbandry of the Oregon Agricul extent increased the use of milk." a fourth 0 prohibition. l CHICAGO Write for free booklet Corvallis Y.mryofthe company, Chicago, to an appreciable or stated that : is due to *p editor CHICAGO, March 27-- While the Mississippi river and its tributaries have been hopelessly outdistancing the farmers of the middlewest by their age old leaching away of 21 ay-- erage of one tenth of a ton of lime-- stone an acre annually, nevertheless Illinois farmers during 1925 tighten-- ed . their belts, gasped for second wind: and when the final consump-- the other 75 per cent to education of| Association it . was . reveAIo0 _ ARC the public to the food value of milk.| more limestone had been placed on LIMESTONE ON . SEVERAL FARMS ""';*":;"mf ion .of fluid milk) Illinois 'farms than ever before. now _ gallone a year per| The total is 800,000 tons_<accord-- capita in the United States, "says| ing to the association's phosphate-- A. D.Lflummmww department, and this is period by any other state or simil-- «_ _--___'_ar terretory in the North American continent. The Illinois consump-- LIMESTONE ON | |efsate n e , | stone 'used in the United States for ; m ; l x "-&', ge L &'_ CC TA ~ / >\\ s [ fy MA dn o . ;? / f is not watching the market to going to slump and leave him in the lurch near the poor house. He is contemplating the future with judicial calm when he awns real estate. Our advice is valw B%'t'lu'oh(}mkhnl Real Estate and Plan Becurely For The Future making man who owns property is sure of himself.~ He mhtfluta?w""oureifleloouldmintheirownpo- hr?nmthmdm.thmovficfia Agriculture at the University of | C metieeee «We An ie and the Illincis Agricultural Assoc¢-- | l In--1924, Illinois used 525,000 tons, & record whkhhgdhd one--fourth of call agrieul limestone used in the United States. In ©1923, $50,000 tons were used; 1922--274,-- 000; 1921--247,000; 1920--300 000; and in 1918--350,000. _ ""Tu hally *' *--Hubbard't Bread 2 ST EEL ie Soolh Hheae, t" this record use of the soil . "---v-wmw.-l"'" ts umt _ i ahiive commesapeni e ols aatp in '"'hmdwwlnudothrfm self 'that he likes -- esd on |es~which 'deplete soil fertility, par--| as he likes turkey.. for "The Why wouldn't it be a Mmmn&yAppkmusl.OOadx A fine lot of Mountain Ash. Libertyville grown stock will do the best in your yard. Some of these flowering shrubs will add beauty and value to Bridal Wreath oral Berry Fairholm Gardens Time to plant Shrubs--Trees, Vines, Evergreens, Pereniel Flowers COME AND SEE IT. H. C. Burrmor & Sons Nurserymen & Florists in a place where they make up cir-- cgscloyns. + 1l0r@; but when some girls come out of them they look like they'd been They may call them beauty par-- »Arbor Vitae FOR SALE--Bungalow, seven rooms and bath, hard wood finish, mod-- ern in every way. For informa-- tion address S. B. Care Repgister. FOR SALE--Black Mare, 12 years old, weight 1250. Henry Hapke, Mundelein, IlL -- 6G24R2. 27--.2t FOR SALE--Corn in shock and sev-- eral hives of bees, Phone 620J2. FOR -- SALE--Team Bay horses, wt., 2400.-- Charles Butterfield, But-- terfield Road, Libertyville: SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville MUSICAL MERCHANDISE LOOK OVERTHIS LIST OF USED PIANOS. One Behr Bros. Upright $85.00. One Bastrow Upflg::, $165.00. One Kirchoff Player $298.00. One Pianista Player $369.00. | One Smith & Barnes Player $898. This last instrument is just like new and--regularly sells for $700. All these Pianos are fully Guran-- teed, and any may be bought on our liberal payment Plan. CABLE PIANO CO. 28 South Genesee St. fee Forrest E. ~Sellers, special Salesman with SELLERS & PETERSEN This Week's Specials 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTS on Cook Ave., on concrete street, water, sewer, gas into lot line, ready to build. Price $1800 each. * BIG LOT on Lincoln Ave., 90x240 ft., Price $3,000. FINE MODERN 6 room new Bun-- galow, Mundelein. Hot water heat, hardwood floors, finish. -- Only 2 LOTS on Johnson Ave., on con-- crete st., sewer and water into lots. Only $900 each. FINE MODERN 7 room heme on Sunnyside Place. Gas heating plant. -- Instantancous gas water heater, hardwood finish, 60 ft., lot. . Nice shrubery, fruit trees, garage. All ~ complete, only $12,000. One half cash. FOR SALE CHEAP--1924 Oldsmo-- bile 6 sport touring. Bargain at $325. Eddy's Barber Shop, Mun-- delein. 17-- FOR SALE--Grain drill, land roller, « spring tooth harrow, fanning mill FOR SALE--Bull milking machine, double unit, in good working con-- dition. Phone 36. 16--tf MM'MM Acan, 1144 Jnerman avenue, "a good ofrice to do posiete itc | . Evantion, IL -- * * Shaone 201 S. Milwaukee Ave HOMES FOR SALE--In Mundelein, wheat, barley, mixed hay, sun-- ary articles. E. Wilcox, Munde-- to occupy March ist. W. A. Ray, Mundelein. Phone 452%--R. 10 handle, balance Mortgage. z~0.."" for Minimum charge, 25¢. _ «~ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: b¢ per line per insertion. Lot by zx 150 feet, fruit trees and strawberries;. gzeo _0 00 cash will cases, shower bath, furnace heat. JB ~LB--Nearly new 5 room modern bungalow on East Park Ave., Paved Street, has breakfast SALE--Apartment site, the QiaAt * Hmmhmmtun',or&youhnm;ufl, or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these FOR SALE i _ LoNNEDY BROTHERS ® hk se lm»nmm.m Phone 280 Pss ooamiioec U Yelyr. m e s BUYS * > x 28--2t--pd ' FOR SALE--Pure bred Holstein TEAMS FOR HIRE--Contract or LOST--Pocket -- book containing small sum of money, bank books : end keys on Milwaukee avonue between N. S. Station and Audi-- torium theater, Sunday night. Re-- ward for return of keys and bank book. Call Phone 122J. 27 --2t WANTED--The best modern home in Libertyville that $5000 or $6000 FOR RENT--Rooms with or with-- out board. Apply 1106 N. Mil-- waukee ave., Libertyville. 23+f FOR RENT--Light Housekeeping rooms. Phone 425--R. 26--if FPOR SALE--Purebred Bronze tur-- FOR SALE--The only real low priced lots in Libertyville--Munde-- lein district. Fifty foot lots in Indian Heights at Diamond Lake, FOR SALE--Steel Safe 2 x 2M x 36 high. Heavy construction, fire and burglar proof. Apply at Reg-- ter office. 24--tf FOR SALE--Business lot on north Milwaukee Avenue with 116 #&% FOR RENT--6 room lower flat. FOR SALE--13 acres of land in a good location ripe for subdividing. FOR SALE--Many choice lots and day work. Basements a specialty. S..J. Groves & Sons Co., Liberty-- ville, IlIl, Phone 659)J2. 19--+f will buy on reasonable terms. Ad-- 121 Fourth Street or Phone 196]. Call Phone.867J. Seed wheat, seed barley, seed oats, seed corn. Quantity of hay and _ straw. Bergeron Stock POR SALE--Beautiful 8 room home FOR RENT--5 room home and bath key gobblers. Also spring lambs, 30 to 60 Ibs. and some heavy hens. FOR SALE--A regq) bargain for work for gas station. $5500. frontage. wonderful location, with plenty or thousand cash, MSCELLANEOUS AUSTIN & SCHWERMAN REALTY COMPANY 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. AUSTIN & SCHWERMJ REALTY COMPANY 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. avenue, FOR RENT t¥ old Phone for few oppor--