----| Primary Day, Tuesday, April 13th ALUMNL PRESENT L. T. H. 8. BANKING _ At the first of the year our bank-- ing record was fairly good. The Sen-- jons kept up 100 per cent until al-- most Christmas. At this time the whole school took a slump for every-- sunnouaimns, aS PAE SA C o e w s i He has a charitable habit of helping|' I noticed all the old hats, gloves pretty women in distress, which and galoshes, to say nothing of de-- hodshimintonouble,udaxrmfmpit slickers, were hauled out ly judge feels the only safe 'again this morning and aired for the atsgqlags.s> l Butdou':fbo'.dheomnd.jwtbo- The cast is a large one, including membersfroncldeh-"vm"".oumwmmn' be published in the next issue. ,fikmwhmwm Save the date, MAY. 10th. 'is no sign that Spring isn't biling nc# Arannd tha anrnar The freshmen class is now at the bottom of the list but we hope to mitbethltoelinisool.whlfl to the first place. Watch out, Jun-- fors! -- Go to it, Frosn! --~(Show the other classes what you can do). HORSE--RADISH The fellow who has no enemies misses a lot of free advertising. When you get to the end of your rope, ite a knot in it and hang on-- There are two kinds of people in this world, those who borrow a pen-- Honor Roll in the "Thrift Almanac" _ A fool can stay up all night, but it takes a good man to get up in jured. Do you remember the in-- cident? Yes, it ran off the bridge as usual and went on its way. Yolume 2 | -- LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHWIP HIGH SCHOOL OFFICIAL PAPER The largest lemon in the history ' mankind is now growing in Let 100%, L. T. H. S." be our mot-- Republicans of Illinois! For United States Senator KX )Vote for Frank L. Smith ing our school up to T. H.S. RATTLE In 1920, rejected in Woodrow Wilson' m&mmammw 4 mmégmmwmnwmm joined 36 Democratic Senators, and into the Supreme Court of this League, hypocribcnllyafithemldmt. To get out of the League's court and keep out of the League committeeman for thirty--two y state committeeman fawmyymsm't;n&kmmmwndm ful campaigns; Loyal to American 1 the faith of Washington and the mmotmm%'mmumndm withdrawal from the of Nations World court; to Illinois farmers and to work for their Lwal,.tel.md 3 Inledaasl_ yal to Illinois interests demanding increased Panama mnalmtolh.. andoompletmm i ythehkutoGulfmdhkuto to continued tax--red government economy and Lmll. ols uction, ' Loyal to labor, and to the rank and file of the public-- business man, banker, farmer-- * grs To get recognition for Illinois as a great Republican state; Service intheScnate,likehehs'mudflm of the Illinois Commerce ission, 1 is saving the people $12.000,000 a" year---- over $r0p00000 since Smith becaine |_ Papa: Let it go, son, some yun \'might tink ve is Chews if you pick d suppose '.~>De these bravely ind er? * t F ie * s forth weath-- inspection of the critical. f But don't be discouraged, just be-- carse Old Man Winter wants an-- cther fling before he goes to sleep, is no sign that Spring isn't biling just Rround the corner. So dear little girls and perheps boys. (I heard Dick Flagg talking about double--breasted blue suits yes-- :erday in the hall,) keep right o2 thinking about how beavenly y3u are going to look in that new «dress, and *ll forecast a little warm weath-- er right away. Everyone seemed to have such a dragged--out look this week, but now since the serious set--back of the weather, I suppose our girls will all dcon their winter vigor again. I am led to believe by several of the fair sex that complexion are donned That every ume i Botany Lab to sweep as necessary as two That Spring seems to help puppy love a lot. ~'That the peanuts get sold every night there is to be Senior play practice. SEEN BY A MAN AROUND 8SCHOOL DANCE Gentlemen 75¢ Saturday, April 10 SPRING McCormick's Orchestra A Legion Dance at the Town Hall Every Saturday Night TOWN HALL AMERICAN LEGION LIBERTYVILLE POST NO. 329 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS AN AROUND / SIGNS OF SPRING . IOL | 1. Robins -- and _ meadow -- larks : I go into the| heard in the --sub--division. ueplfeelahont!' 2. Kids jumping rope at all hours. ¥o cents. . 3. Hikes in gym classes. as to help pum't 4. Joe Sikes inspecting the track. ! 5. The janitor raking the yard. s get sold every| 6. Gentle rains and thunder be Senior pBYlshom . 7. Marbles, tops, and jack stones. boys are getting| 8. Miss Dawson digging in the Given by the 'That Miss McNicol is planning to make little Dutchmen out of her Frosh gitls. f 1 That Mr. Crawford can't get any work out of his Shorthand II class any more, he thinks they must all be in love. _ ns t s That Mr. Best still finds a laugh in life, whenever he comes into first hour assembly. : That Edythe had < to walk to school Wednesday morning. That Marion has decided"to buy @ll her clothes ready--made after she gets out of sewing class. That Elinor and Luther are hit-- all dated up for the Prom already. NEWS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS Deerfield--Shields High School at Highland Park is giving "Merton of the Movies" as their annual admirer--Have you noticed? Class play on April 9. will wear white sport outfits of crepe de chien, flannel or flat crepe, trimmed in cclors, and white shoes and stockings. They will wear dark silk dresses for baccalaureate and evening frocks fo.r glu,s night. o 4 * New Trier, Winner of the North Shore title in basketball is a con-- For commencement, Senior Girls at. Maine Township High School tender for honors in the National Basketball Tournament held at the University of Chicago 3 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, w M at 11. Mud and rubbers. _ _ _' 12. Several cases of "spring-- fever" reported. _ ripeg ~-- 18. Operetta practices after of ~blue peeping through fieecy white clouds. Crisp, friendly breezes bringing the odor of new tilled earth, . How we love it all. 14. Prom dresses discussed, "taf-- 15. "Adam and Eva" still hard at 16. Warm sunny days with skies . Couples strolling on Park Ave. " * Sale Of Stunning Spring Millincry $% Nearly 100 Beautiful Coats At This Price ! . LA Smart and the tailoring is of the best. These Coats are every one new Spring models. A batkward Spring gave us an e ' x opportunity to secure them at decided re-- f duction and, as usual, the savings are being a passed on to our customers. The group of j Dress Coats include charming models of ~ o satin, Lorsheen and Poiretsheen, the most & : popular fabrics for Spring. Every one is fur trimmed, beautifully lined with silk crepe FTER EASTER SALE s fa k ® f * + e B & l : %\ > Zf*-". x + o * L o es hss .@: é' se e A es ns ts & B« } * : 3 M * # 6 f: & g :' : ; ! ' ~~*~. "ADAM AND EVE" The cast of the Senior Class play,| "Adam and Eva," which will be giv-- en in the High School auditorium on Thursday and: Friday, May 6 and 7, is rehearsing diligently. aet ce The play is a very clever flu-ae-i act comedy -- James King (Chsn; Farker) finds himself unable to curb ; the desires of his extravagant fami--| ly, consisting of his married daugh-- | ter, Julie (Josephine Eger), and her; husbond, Clinton De Witt Durley Curran). This was als6 true of his younger daughter, Eva (Elinor Cor-- coran) and 'his housekeeper, Aunt Abby (Lucinda --Miller.) -- _ _ Eva, like all contrary daughters, refuses to do as her fatner bids. The family plot with Dr. Delamater to get rid of their father by --sending him off on a long trip up the Ama-- THe Hem Company You may purchase a coat on our Ten--Pay Plan 10, }Aa.m Smith, (Charles Landis). \'Then the fun begins! Just how Adam iwt&m'fl!b@ you rock-- | ing with laughter. In fact he manag-- ;ez:nstnn\ve!lt.lm;agoodnmny:lorely| 'pressed and discouraged "Dads" may | 'come from "Adam and --Eva" with: 'renewed determination and hope.| Don't miss this big event of the; i)m. The date is May 6 and 7-----in; 'tke auditorium of L. T. H. S. j zen giving as their reason, an ap-- parent --nervous breakdown of -- his. Uncle Horace (Lawrence Foulke) everhears the scheme, spills the beans, and is desperation, Mr. King hands over the supervision of his Don't worry if you haven}' much. Think of how NMitle you have to get to improve your situation. . Hats For Misses /~ Hats For Matrons .___Large, Small and Medium Head Sizes Your Choice, Saturday Only-- ',=i ~<al s !J" se "/ t P //- ) *\\\'*\ M lR s . 4 SAAV// z2s '% : a""\\\\V/22 55 ty ES es 43\\?- rea fi PE y ANNZG 4i# ) 3 p3 w :;:': \ um [ > *4 s 4 ':7_' 4 ""}'J., \-'.', "Thes £"* 2 k +. C t3 ~ We . ilf 4* MUCC ns 22-- M > s_}' \gt}':'v G \ ( i C Y use M / + Y heace2, f 1B | ;. '--L'--': 3' B ' ssm § & } ."-"'--"'---1"}': x / § N 6 w'A'o:f' 3| 6 : 3}}$ | &5' C q § 51t ? + s Af . i 1 { 2 ) W 'si * Af l > *~ C Charming original modes in a most pleasing collection styles at this special one--day » SATURDAY ONLY. Smart silk and straw -- combinations,. Gage . felts,' crochet, » pedallene and milan hemp straws--a most complete showing in new shades of wild y, terragon, Italian blue, Marie Antoinette, greens, grays, navys, bois de rose, black Thile hin 7 Hlowers, belting and hund made effects add to the attracti dallene and milan erragon, Italian l_totrlmmiulofl rlove!y.flats,sor Values® to 1 We heard a Libertyville man say that popularity consists in listening to the other fellow's troubles in-- stead of telling his own. 'The Department of Agriculture]kltod by the kids, food pro has decided that lightning rods have | wouldn't cost as much. value after all. Pollhcmuknewl »wltigrinnifaplscoame un fimppeminmnprenpinfeminte that long ago. Read the Classified ads--now. fiqumwm- After the ~average Libertyville m'm,fiq'fltb.httheylmhunrvedonajury a few can't change all of the streets that times he quits believing everything are Jumedv for him. yesterday that one advantage in having a home of your own is that when you get oyster stew there you get oysters in it. & Wise is the man who has learned Swagger Top Coats of tweeds and rough-- textured sports mixtures in the striking new checked and@ plaid patterns are included in this one price sale. Colors of Brittany blue, bois de rose, green and sand will de-- light the smartest women and when one considers that this is the height of the sea-- son the savings to be effected on these Coats are especially worth while. Values to he Another pleasure that comes from r':ding in a friend's car is you don't A "transcontinental hiker," is a fellow who gets across the country by begging automobile rides. If the grown--up men of Liberty-- ville would show the same willing-- ness to dig in the dirt that is mani-- fested by the kids, food products have to worry when a fender gets smashed. Swagger Top PAGE FIVE --pel