'tfi wno?fl Say it the Kohout Way ----with Flowers Keep good red blood in your veins and will reflect HEALTH and BEAUTY. y08 LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK BEFORE you become sick is the time to think of making and saving money. Not only think about it but DO IT. § READY MONEY willbebe a SURE FRIEND in timeoo; ICKNESS or should you be unexpectedly thrown OUT WORK. You must have READY MONEY if you want to start in business or make profitable investments; it insures pres ent and future comfort and is the one safeguard against being in want when OLD AGE is upon you. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Start Saving Regularly NOW . We are Lake County's larges.t rose growers. Also other vari-- eties of flowers and plants. 1'Y UUs. KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS Use our HAIR TONICS for your scalp. Let US be YOUR druggists. A good clear skin often dépends upon the condition of your If you need face powders and lotions, come to US FOR F.--B. LOVELL CO. Hayve Mongey! north TELEPHONE 174 n"f'""""""bfiuzym "The Bank of Service" Plotz is quite ill of --«=.. ILLINOIS 'August Reickoff is very ill with influenza at the home of relatives in The local fortress of the Daugh-- ters of the G. A. R. will hold a card and bunce party at the Gridley Hall Wednesday April 14. Refreshments YVe Deliver PHONE 5 PRESS1LNG and C LEA NIN G is done right at Cichy's Tailoring The Lake County Register--twice a week--only $2.00 per year. Genesee St., Waukegan, Ill. tertained, a number of friends at al We wish to express our sincere birthday party at the Owen home 0n | thanks to our relatives, friends and Sunday. The little folks enjoyed|nieghbors for the help during the themselves at games and this WA#| serious illness of our daughter, Anna followed by reéfreshments. lm % ns .. en e S d s k l .. ._'__,I 4 Mr .and Mrs. Edward Krase carry our new Piano Gurantee and can be bought on very small pay-- The ladies bunco club was enter-- tained Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Louis Reickhoff. The fol-- lowing were prize winners: Olga Rice, first; Zelda Bock, second and Margaret Whaitney, consolation. We are offering several lightly shop worn Pianos at Reductions as O. P. Meyer spent the past week in Chicago on business. Libertyville Township High school will stage a play at the High School Auditorium on Thursday evening, May 20. The title of the play is "Thirty Days" and the parts will be taken by members of the alumni. last week. Her condition is improvy-- ing satisfactorily but her physician deemed it advisable to secure the ad-- ded attention possible only at the A deal was completed this week in which Damon H. Holmes pur-- thased from Mrs. Nettie Simen, her home on West Lake Street. The deal was handled by A. R. Schnae-- bele. Mrs. Simen expects to move to her new home in Oakwood Ter-- race on May first. | deal was handled by A. R. Schnae--| . The local Rebekah lodge will| they were betting on the outcome. bele. Mrs. Simen expects to move hold a class initiation at the lodge| which resulted in the pledging of to her new home in Oakwood Ter-- rooms tonight (Friday) in which| over eight hundred dolars for pur-- race on May first. ten appli¢ants will be ldmi'g:d t«; cxsing lots and maintaining a Boy * membership. The degree . f o ut cabin. ' Viclt:& nmfl':{ Te t'k"Ft:idt:" Waukegan lodge »will have charge| The campaign to help the Boy fternoon for treatment folipwiny|Uf'the work. Refreshments will be| Scouts is the result of the work of her operation which was performed| *°*Y2d t the close of the initiatory! the Boy Scout and Child Welfare The local realty firm of Bartlett & Morris announce the sale this week of the W. F. Meyér farm, con-- sisting of 1183 acres in Fremont township. The purchaser was Fred M. Clark of Chicago. Mrs. Roy Waters and daughter were Chicago shoppers Thursday. Rev. John E. DeLong and family went to Sycamore Wednesday of this week to attend the funeral of Mrs. DeLong's father, Mr. William Whipple. (Mr. Whipple was ltl'm.'kl by an automobile at Rock#ford and passed away in a few hours. . > ' _ Mrs. G. C. Brown entertained hel'1 sister, Mrs.-- DeCamp of Oakwood on Thursday of this week. | Ordinarily dust is not a very ac-- ceptable commodity, but it seems rather good to see it flying on Mil waukee avenue. W Bernie Diethorn is driving a new Dodge Coupe. gicfp s following her emergency operation for appendicitis last December, is doing nicely now but is not strong enough to be out. } has had such a long siege of illness J. CICHY, Proprietor North MiUwaukee Avenue Herman Schneider is ill this week LIBERTYVILLE HOMES Interest 'Payable Semi-- Annually. Titles Examined by the Bank's Attorney Amounts Running from $200 to $3500-- Maturities One Year to Five Years We recommend this form of Investment For safety and good interest return hk Call and Let Us Explain Their Merits _ We Buy _ First Mortgages -- 6% First Mortgages LIBERTYVILLE savmNc$t BANK on hand and offer for sale of WANTED: I°®want property to SELL oif worth the money;, I. can move it. See my advertisement un-- der "Real --Estate for ~Sale." If your property were thus advertised, it would move, wouldn't it? . work. Frank Suydam is installing a fill-- ing station at the rear of his home on East :Park avenue, in anticipation of the traffic which will pass on that street when the paving is com-- pleted. | which was 1OlI0Wed DJ <FCLICOIU® 1 _ We're wondering if it wouldn't meptl., t be possible to find a place which # * + .*® could be divided by a plate glass The ladies of St. Joseph's church] partition, with radio connections will hold a card and dancing party) between the two compartments.. It at Gridley Hall on Thursday even--| might be embarrasing Ladies night ing, A"pfi 15. The evening will|\ for some who would perforce be sep-- close with refreshments. The ladies| arated from their wives for a short extended an invitation to all. hme. On the other hand it might be $s > m w theqni:!ik;tmwagtogetDr.Gallo-i .. s * ;,, | way an 'Triggs over on to the e uen /s instelult 6 oL 2| blue sky side. A committee should on Rest Park avann!eu is anticipation| b@ apPointed to investigate the feas-- WA AL _ ~ husadtt .. -r'fin'.n nill mace ns ibfl'ty °f this pl'n' ' A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Max Mill-- er. Tuesday night to 'help him cele-- brate a birthday anniversary. The guests were entertained with bunco which was followed by --refresh-- iliary were entertained -- Thursday night at the home of Mrs. George Burridge on Mechanics Grgve road. After the business meeting a social evening was spent at bunco and five hundred. | The members of the Legion aux-- Interesting News of the Local Cluis and Lodges SOCIETY SATISFACTION GIVENX Vld or. New Work 601 West Park Aventue FLOOR SURFACING Card of Thanks Phone 236J ° The first discussion had a happy effect on the Boy Scout proposition at least, for some of the members signed up for contributions as if being the meetings will continue to be held at the Presbyterian: church. Third, that the final decision about looking for another plagée would be postponed until the peace pipe has been smoked by everybody. | terian church that smoking in the building be discontinued. _ ~ _ The other was the proposal to buy a cabin site for the Boy Scouts, The decision of the Board of El-- ders to place a ban on smoking was met with consternation by the "per-- sonal liberty" advocates of the club, while others like Paul Ray and Geo. Follett who have never known the flavor of the weed first handed greeted the anncouncement with ac-- claim. Out of the smoke that fol-- lowed were evolved the following decisions. -- First, that the wishes of the Board of Elders will be re-- spected. Second, that for the time POLISH YOUR FLOORS .50--and we include free a $1.50 flnm}.amw 1 bmwf.} Mop an.d; &A = 0 a half--gallon (§2.40) of Johnson orcmndl;ng' hanc;a'.ltgnd your es effortlessly around and even under h-Weldubnt Ibs, Runs from 9 w Stmdnybuilttoh::l: lifetime and guaranteed. Costs only This brilliant new invention takes all the work out of keeping floors beau-- tiful. It polishes ten times faster than other methodsand makes this house-- hold task a real pleasure. Gives a much higher, evener and more beau-- tiful polish than it is possible to ob-- TRIGGS & JOHNSG\ EKnables you to wax your floors SNOW'S TAXI Let us demonstrate it _ The Service Store Phones 24 and 25 -- Libe: Mn B Oc APVE m PHONE 306 ' p May 6----7 |_ High School senior class* play '"Adam and Eva" at the High School lAuditorinm. * " * Thursday, July 22 Libertyville Day, a day of fun and frolic for old and young. Spon-- sored by the Libertyville Club and American Legion. -- American Legion Minstrel at the Auditorium Theatre. % 4 ~ Thursday, May 20 Alumni Association will present "Thirty Days" at the High school auditorium. . Plunket dinner at the Methodist church parlors. Wednesday, April 21 The members of the Libertyville Woman's Club will present two short plays "The Happy Day" and "*"The child In the House." . Tuesday, April 20 _ ~ _ Annual Village election. Village Clerk and three trustees to be elec-- Thursday, April 15 Card Party followed by dancing by the ladies of St. Joseph's church at Gridley Hall. Refresnments. Monday, April 19 Juvenile program of the Liberty-- ville Musical Society at the Metho-- dist church. in liquid-- and paste form and in . all sizes Wednesday, April 14 Card and Bunco party at Gridley We have a full line of Johnson's Prepared by Friday, April 23 April 27--28--29 "America as 50 rercent ¢_>_F THE WoRrLup's GoLlp suppy Dw 96 PERCENT OF 1TS COOL _ SONGS /E W. W. Carroll & Sons!Co, ; E. A. BISHOP 417 NORTH FIRST STREET FIRST NATIONAL BANK Open an interest--bearing account here today or building a home of your own. frey To: the the thoes. iY i or payment. you may Jook to us for further help in buving harder than paying rent. It means merely easing up on petty luxuries until you've accumulated enough money for the first payment. From there on it is no A smaller proportion of your income than you nowpaymxtinmt,ifdepo-'ted'?uyh an interest bearing account here, buy you LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Just Arrived 8 a. m. Buy Happiness in a Home of Your Own Spring Sweaters Bright new shades clever designs *=-- ) of us if our custom i «) 2 are to be believed. : for -- Ladies and Misses more comrortaDie . than the average home abroad. 'A good \ grade of coal and \ prompt delivery is .whatyoumnstapaa -- of us if our customers And its homes are 8 p. m. <€