CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 10 Apr 1926, p. 8

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. Mae Daley of Waukegan spent a ;uamm«mp»l " Clyde Whitman who is a student E Knox College, Galesburg spent week here at the home of his . Mike Harvey and. Dean Baseley ma a trip to Crystal Lake Fri-- day and Saturday, last week. 'They ' rather bad roads. Benta _ Coxhead _ spent L,Mb&ndlywifllnh- ~ Miss Buz:fin (;lyl::a of Cg;} eago spent week at | home of her brother Joseph Glynch. Galesburg, spent last week at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. M W. Hughes. § eld home in Kentucky. His wife and two little daughters reside here Cilynche Mr. Coleman expects to gan Sunday. _ Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent last week at her home here. _ W. V. Johns accompanied _ his daughter Harriette to Grays Lake last Thursday. Miss Johns--is em-- ployed at the Wauconda Leader of-- fice and during the illness of Mr. aw:khi\pheentho where she most ably conduc-- ted the business of said office. She was assisted by Vic Carr part of the time. Miss Johns is a hustler and has kept the Leader on its feet when help was néeded. We guess Babe could step into a number of places and fill a vacancy as well as she has at the Leader office. The snow storms of the last week surely have been severe, and up to date the weather is not settled. There is much snow and slush and there are snow banks in 'places that obstruet the highways. Lesley Turnbull who has a route on Rand for a week and there seems no end to the hard work on his beat. The snow is so wet and hard packed, it is hard work to handle. road with an auto truck has had men shoveling and clearing roads Tyler Gilbert has been making the trip from here to Flint Creek school where his daughter teaches with a team for a week. There is no one in that school district that seems to want to accomodate a teacher. Miss Gilbert has a Ford coupe but as the roads were so bad she could not make the trip to her school. Bert. and Joe Dowell and two other men Jjeft Sunday afternoon for Wisconsin where they expect to buy T. B. tested cows. All these men lost heavily on the T. B. test of their herds, Joe Dowell losing every one of his twenty seven head. Mr., and Mrs. Albert Baseley will move into their new bungalow as soon as they are able to leave their beds. They havye had much sick-- ness this winter. F Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Daviin and daughter spent last week Wednes-- day at Elgin. Mike Harvey and. Dean Baseley -h.tfl)toWafiegn Monday. They brought home a ton of coal for Mrs. D. H. Murphy. Dr. 0. S. Hubbard who has been a physician at the State Epileptic several --years has severed his con-- nections with that institution and is now at the home of his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaeter of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Broughton. George Harris spent one day last ton caller Monday afternoon. week in Chicago. Harry Franciséoe took his place as janitor -- of ~the grade school for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helt. spent last week Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Putnam of In-- h-rp-uuflnmd Mr. Mrs. D. L. Putnam recent-- Elgin recently. Mr. and Mrs. Don-- ~lea formerly resided here and have many warm friends in this commun-- Mr. 1y. Mr. Froelke has moved his fam-- lly from one of the Kuebker cott-- ages to the house that formerly be-- longued to Mrs. Lucey Clough on the week end. ! Mr.:and Mrs. Albert Paddock who have spent the winter at Mt. Dora, Florida returned the first of last week and are now at their home in Round Lake township. T. J. Stahl of Waukegan was in town the fore part of last week. other ways and will run boats and accommodate Chicago people over Vie Carr and Earl Broughton vis~ ited Mr.: and Mrs. Michael Donlea of The primary department of the Sunday school and some of the in-- m*---nfl: ;'de-hofl Easter --at rated M%. The mem-- bers of the choir gave a cantata mm-flfld'nomm"m The members had been working sev-- eral weeks preparing for this enter-- tendance. nort "_"_____ WAUCONDA Bacon, --Lyle and .. Earl ' attended a movie in Chbi-- & health this winter. has been quite well. -- for k us t m}m Lois Broughton spent the fore-- part of the week visiting relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Howard Anderson --and dan-- ghters spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. M. W. Baseley's parents of Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham entertained at eucher Tuesday even-- ing. . Seven tables mfllbdvith' players. As this is the season. of the year that some of the fury tribe. sally forth,oaoofthcirfinm-' ber put in his appearance at the ecard game several times, though he did not route the players they had to admit that he called. Prizes were given those with highest scores. A fine lunch was served by the hostess. When old winter takes his departure these social gather-- ings will take a rest for a few months. Our sick list seems to grow larg-- er each week. There is a great deal of sickness in and around town. One family about four miles north-- west of town are all ill of pneu-- monia except one. All are reported better. © Three in the family of Al-- bert Baseley are ill with pneumonia not The mother, a daughter Leila, who is not so well this morning and the son Claude Jr., who is convalessing Dr. Wells of McHenry is in atten-- dance. Mrs. Baseley is improving. Henry Geary an aged man who resides about three miles west of town has been seriously ills with flu. He is slowly recovering. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphy was ill the later part of last week with a touch of pneu-- monia. He is convalessing. h&lfiananh of the Wauconda r is able to be at his printing office after a serious illness of three weeks. He had the flu first then tonsilitis which turned to quinsy made him a.yery sick man. Glad to see you out again Walter. . at-- been very ill at Cary is now in & Chicago hospital. Her many friends hope to have her home soon. On Sunday -- night Mrs. Grantham's name was announced over the radio among many others who are ill. Paul Rader who is owner of Tower Lake near here was holding prayers for this list of sick people. Clark Nickols and sister Grace are recovering from a severe at-- tack of measles. ® Mrs. Elma Grantham who has Mrs. Harriet Ruggles who had the misfortune to fracture her right leg two weeks ago and who is at the V. M.H. Waukegan is slowly improving. Mrs. Florence Green was among those sick with the flu last week. D. H. Murphy who is at his home here is about as he has been for| some time. He is able to be up part of the time. ; t ns *A part of the time. ; itonythatwofvwm Mrs. Beula Coxhead went to €hi-- very proud of our high school as ugolsstl'ridaymmingfortlnnhanmrymhbe,md week end and was taken sick at the all the more so as it is one of the home of her sister Mrs. Harry Bas-- smallest schools i sett and is now ill of quinsy. _ |receive this high Mrs. Arthur Powers who has been together lets keep seriously ill at her home is slowly and boost W. '!'.l The Girls club which is madle up of young married and single young women of this place entertained their husbands and friends Tuesday evening at the W. T. n.s.%l As usual a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by those present and the usual fine refreshments m1 served. Last week Misses Ross, Sphanundsuwutolthew.'l'.fl.' 8. entertained the club at the High school. Bunco was the amusement of the evening. Prizes were given those having highest score. Re-- freshments were served by the young ladies. o The young children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickols are now ill of #4484848484 48444 BE The grammar school has ar-- ¥, ... Wt W. F. Franzen Lumber Co,, ....... Gurnee Lumber & Coal Cog ... Lagerschuite & Hager, ........_.._..._._.. Evans Feed Company ........... Antioch Milling Co., ... S&L.. Tripp Lumber Co., .......--_.--_. A. J. Merchant, ........_.... M. H.Hussey Lumber CO., .................=----s--»--sem«s« J. H. Patterson Lumber Co., ... ... J. H. Patterson Lumber Co., ....._.--_.._._._._--=--.-- Barrington Lumber Co,, ....._._.___._._..._.___............. Barrington, Ill, Tibbits--Cameron Lumber Co...___._.___...___.__._._... Round--Lake, IIL. > FUVL--O:EEP | Give your chicks a charice to live and grow. Feed them Ful--O--Pep Chick Starter. It contains both Cod Liver Oil and Cod Liver Meal. These, together with the good oat-- meal and other ingredients, give chicks the start:they need. Feed it for six weeks--and see the difference! Be sure you get Ful--O-- Pep Chick Starter. ila,wnolnomemun- JL_ IH AHG GHTI 4 __ a m&ofixfilfifimumMWWcm She is very alessing} of North West Association contented and hopes to be able to nmummdhmvmmzmmbh«hmhnmfler {pmm.&n&oudihfmmomn&mmmh&mlw unwhoutiomnflhgthemm"f'"for_dnm often --seen Mof'hothcrmfiomofmmtrymm Many are sending M with| viz: North West Association, Mid.| Cards to help cheer her long lonely ranged for the loan of one hundred fine Sepia Porter prints for one day. . Art treasures : from lands, reproduced directly from the originals, now priceless in value and held in most famed art exhibits now of the world. With these excellent prints our sehool is conducting an Art Exhibit and will charge 25 and 10c admission from which they hope to raise funds to purchase -- and frame some of these prints for our school. rooms. 'The date is April 16 and 17 at the grade school, hours from 11--to 2:30 on the 16, 7:15 ebening; 17, 2:30 in the afternoon. All will be welcome. iWauconda . township © high school. was admitted to membership in North Central Association of coll-- 24¥#ee0--000 00050 se 20008 se00000 00000 08 Last Saturday principal Varner re-- ceiver a letter from Prof, H. A. Hollister, chairman of the Illincis committee . containing the glad tid-- ings that our high school had been admitted to. membership in the North Central assoliation of Coll-- eges and secondary schools. . This is the highest recognition possible for any school to attain in the north" central states or in the en-- uxfixmsm-mgmm of North West Association are than those of its four sister organi-- zations serving the same purpose in other sections of our country: viz: North West Association, Mid-- dle States Association, Southern Association and 'New England As-- sociation. These four associations plus the North Central include all the states of the Union except Cali-- fornia. da, NL . Dear Mr. Varner: Mr. Guy F. Varner, Prin., Waucon-- da Township High School, Waucon-- High School was duly approved for accrediting by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secon-- dary Schools at the annual meet-- ing held in Chicago March 16--18. We congratulate you on this evi-- dence of distinction for your high school and sincerely hope that you will observe all standards of the association in such a way as to be able to retain this standing without blemish. 'reeeinthhhithmeogniuon,loall together lets keep on co--opperating and boost W. T. H. S. and see cthat the educational standard which has admitted us to this select list of _schcols are maintained. | Announcement of the marriage of ' Eugene C. Stroker, son of Mr. and :;I'rs.Goo.D.Stmhrofehis_phee : to Miss Marie Mueller daughter of / Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mueller of Ar-- 'llington!!eidh. The wedding took | place at the home of the bride on | Saturday March 27 at 4 o'clock. r'l'hoe.nmonymporfomodbylav' ] Jenkinson of -- Chicago. _ Eugene | Stroker has lived in Wauconda | nearly all his life and is well known :\ and much respected. He is a grad-- | uate of W. T. H. S. class of 21. He Y¥ou will hear more definitely from the officials later. Very: sincerely yours, Chairman of the State c: "'u':e_""" ""','""'"'ndnl hour was spent in --contests The rest of the article printed in;""""'mw" m"f';'"fe. the Wauconda Leader last" ~linGnhmmh" muotbepnththism:uitlm'wmu:'mm Otis' will take too much room. Suffice Antrire td ~aens!' oz w was always a favorite in base ball, among the young people here. . Holister's letter follows: Urbana, IIL. March 25, 1926 TL bride is a charming young lady am has made warm friends among the people here where she has made actquaintance. 'Mr. Stroker is at present employed in a bank at Ar-- lington Heights, wlhere they will make their future home after a short honeymoon trip. Congratula-- tions from your many }fiends here Mr. and Mrs, Stroker Jr. (Too late for last issue.) Little Mary Alice>Dickson the three year old daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. Sam Dickson whoreddetw01 miles east of town on a farm, was playing with a dog in the home yard last Wednesday when the ani-- mal bit her in the face .inflicting quite a serious wound in the right cheek. Dr. Ross was summoned MM#M wound ~© at-- tended--to. -- child's. right: eye was just missed by the dog's teeth. It is hoped she may recover and not te. marked by a bad scar: on her Mrs. Harriet Ruggles who had the misfortune to fall and fracture her right leg two weeks ago is rest-- ing well® at the Victory: Memorial hospital Waukegan.. ~She is very contented and hopes to be able to return to her home here soon. Her many friends miss her smiling hap-- among them. Many are sending eards to help cheer her long lonely 'The little two year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Ross is ill at her home. A trained nurse being in at-- Grace are recovering from the meas-- tes. Other members of the family are awaiting their turn. 4 Mrs. Homer Lincoln is seriously ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm.> Daley ' and Clawde Baseley home by la grippe last week are able to be out this week. Mrs. Ella Powers spent last week at the home of her grand daugnter, Mrs. Geo »Scheid. Archie Foss of l;&tyvflle spent Sundiky with friends here. The Parent Teachers association held their regular meeting Friday evening March 19 at the grammar school building. There was a good attendance though the weather was school building. There was a good| attendance though the weather was bad. -- The regular business was transacted after which a pleasant social hour was spent in --contests and other amusements. Prizes wore given. Those to whom the 'prizes manxdednn:liucnham.' Mes. Werden. Mrs. Dickson, Otis Clark Nichols and his -- sister ¥ se <a W. V. Johns was numbered ABSOLUTE'Mom from all heating 4A . cares will be yours when the gas company heats your home. ; | 70° by day; 60° at night--or any other combination of day and night tempera-- A¥ B --and with no more care or attention to the heating plant than a pup can give; not even a glance for days and weeks at a time! Let our house heating department give you an outline of present day §28 heat-- ing facts. Just telephone Waukegan 37. NORTH SHORE GAS CO.| Potter, Charles Harris and ~Mr. Blackburn. A lunch of toffee and doughnuts was served by the ladies. 'f:enextmmqngwmbewuxprn This bit of news should. have came under the head of those ill. Mrs. Elma Graham better known as "Pet" Graham, sister of M. E.--Cook and Wilber Cook was taken to a Chicago hospital last week where she was to have an X--ray taken of the stomach, to ascertain what is causing her serious illness the last cently returned . from the Dakotas To te t o m Shall County Bonds for road purposes be issued by Lake County to the amount of $730,000 and an additional annual tax of 15 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property be levied for each of the years 1926 to 1945, both years inclusive, for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest upon said bonds, said additional annual tax of 15 cents to be in excess of the tax of 75 cents per $100 assessed valuation authorized by Section 8 of Article IX of the of the Constitution and in addition to and in excess of the statutory limit of all other County taxes authorized to be assessed and levied for any purpose? Fgsash 3yC but was taken ill soon after her ar-- house for her brother Arthur Stoxen ax_ld grandmother, Mrs. Laura Cook at the H. T. Cook farm on north Main street, gave an anniversary dinner at ul'd home Sunday in hon-- or of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. C. Stoxen's wedding. A fine chicken dinner was served by the hostess. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stoxen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoxen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stoxen, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cook, (Mrs. Natalie Stroupe who keeps Special election held on April 13th, 1926, in Lake County, Illinois, to vote upon the (Alsxestion of issuing $730,000 Road Bonds of said County and the levyofanadditionaltaxtog:)yinterest upon and principal of said bonds. FOR SALE: Nearly new dwelling just out-- :idevm.axnlinihonpandmt. Good well. 100 ft. frontage. No assessments. Priced for quick sale at only $4,000. FOR SALE:* Nearly new five room bunga-- low with extra lot. Improvements in and enasialse all naid. Fruit.-- Berries. A nice which to build your future home, let us show you some of the choice properties we have. Our list includes a good variety--something to fit every man's purse, and terms can easily be arranged. The follow-- ing are only a few of the homes and homesites which we have for sale FOR SALE: Hodemsixroomdwemm extnlmlot.donin.?londednl trees. place. Screened porch. This is a real buy and the terms are exception-- ; £4 ALL POLLING PLACES, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS | FOR SALE: New modern five room bun-- galow on paved street. Oak floors. Good will handle this. FOR SALE: Strictly modern seven room dwelling on paved street, close in. Equipped FOR SALE: Strictly modern six room home with double garage on large lot, close porch. Specials all paid. t's a very con-- venient home and a real buy. If you are in the market for a home, or a site for your future home, or just a good, safe investment which will make you a good profit, Wl'% HAVE IT, and now is the time to buy before prices go higher. A. R. SCHNAEBELE Phone 276 ROAD BOND BALLOT Before making a final decision for your home, or for a kite on home for a small family of moderate Specimen Ballot REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Miss Margarite and Preston Stoxen. Mrs. M. W. Baseley entertained at her home last Thursday in honor of her daughters, Mrs. Howard Ander-- son's birthday. Mrs. Alice Baseley, Mrs. Herman Hawk, Mr#. Lucien Cypher, Mrs. Clarence Daley, Mrs. Clarence Daley and Mrs. Albert' Stubbing. 'The ever present birth--, day cake was in evidence, Onetable' of eucher players and a table of bunco players passed the afternoon| pleasantly. Mrs. Anderson received. County Clerk. number of useful presents. Re--, 111 W; Church St. FOR SALE: Modern seven room dwelling with double e on large Lincoln Avenue. Afi'eo:hmhll?'h:m at a We also have a number of good buys in Wuwfll. muda:r&nin :lt'nal'hrnhm Before You NO _ March came in like a roaring lion and has been rather lion like nearly all the month but Monday night turned to a regular polar bear and the old fellow means to stay to see the display of Easter finery, by the looks of the clouds at present. All 'Tuesday the worst blizzard of the winter raged. The° roads were blockaded in all directions. The mail went out from here this morn-- ing by a team of horses hitched to a sleigh and met the mail at Lake Zurich which came from Barring ton with a team. Libertyville

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