mess visitor in Chicago Thursday "When the legislators at Washington passed the Federal Reserve Bank Act, they made the wisest financial law this or 'This law has given STABILITY to business; it has given greater security to depositors in the Federal Reserve System LAKE CoUNTY NATIONAL BANK-- banks of which we are a member. We have brushes for every need. Our brushes are the best made. The bristles don't fall out. When buying brushes it pays to get the BEST; ours give perfect satisfaction and, if cared for, will last for years. _ _ Our PRICES will suit you. ¥> X: -- ; Let US be YOUR druggists. * 2k S Your Business Say it the Kohout Way ~-- _--_----With Flowers -- We are Lake County's largest rose growers. Also other vari-- eties of flowers and plants. > Try us. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Start Saving Regularly NOW. KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS -- B.. LOVELL CO. "The Bank of Service" Mrs. S. P. Majors, who has been {ill ftor the past few weeks with in-- fluenza, returned Monday to-- her duties at the Register shop. * | Mrs. F. J. Murphy was called to d--LK-puchatweklwtheufiou . *iIness--of her fother, B. David. »--*.. ILLINOIS 174--] YVe Deliver whovis very low. , s bfl " Mslmig.' red to _ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helfer en-- tertained Mr. Otto Giese and Mr. Wewetzer, both of Lake Zurich, on Ground was broken-- Thursday morning for a new filling station at the corner of Milwaukee and John-- son avenues. It is understood that this will be a Texaco station and will be operated by the-- Ree Motor Sales company. toner o on mesk m $ one Chamber of Cmm:unhfll National Bank Building, Waukegan. Mrs. Jackie Wilson and Mrs. John Mrs. Lois Bockelman and daugh-- ter Blanch of Chicago have been visiting.this week with the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Leighton. Mrs. Edward Schneider and Mrs; Peter Hansen were Chicago visitors Wednesday. 'The district representatives of the International Correspondence School have arranged a display in the Gridley block recently vacated by the National Tea Company.. This is a part of the spring drive for new enrollments and will continue for the coming week. . The Rt. Reverend 8. M. Griswold D. D., the Bishop Suffragan of the Dioccese of Chicago will wvisit St. Lawrence's church on Sunday morn-- ing, April 18 at eleven o'clock to confirm a class-- of children and adults. The public is cordially in-- vited to this service. Thursday night to participate in the ceremony of instituting a new chap-- ter at that place.,. ° s Wednesday. l Mrs. P. J. Bockelman and Mrs.| One week more before the Legion William. Whecler spent Thursday| minstre! and the finishing touches afternoon in Waukegan. are being put on the performance. The~costumes are to arrive' on Sat-- Mrs. F. B. Wilson and sons and|urday and a dress rehearsal has been Mrs. E. W. Butterfield visited with| called for next Monday night to get friends and relatives~ in Deerfleld|the boys accustomed to the spang-- on Thursday. les. There will be a.few new faces # in the circle this year but the end Ground was broken. Thursday| men will be the same four gloom Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser call-- eéd on Mrs. Flora Eger and --F. L Flagg at the Victory Memorial hos-- Abner Taylor is ~very ill at his home 6n Fourth streeét. He is the Two autos locked horns on Mil-- waukee avenue right in the busi-- ness center Friday about noon. Both machines were going north and one attempted to pass the other with the resultant crash. The autos were Mraand Mrs. Elmer Lawrence are the parents of twin bables, a boy and a girl"born at the Victory Me-- morial hospital Tuesday night. spring luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago on Tuesday of this A number from here attended the funcral of Mrs. Rafter in Chicago on Monday of this week. h PRESSING and CLEANING is done right at Cichy's Tailoring slightly ~damaged and-- the matter settled with a few heated words. *The ladies of St. Joseph's church will hold a bakery sale at the Farm Bureau office on Saturday, April 17 at two o'clock. J. CICHY, Proprietor North Milwaukee Avenue Phone 551 were shopping in Chicago LIBERTYVILLE HOMES Interest Payable Semi-- Annually. Titles Examined by the Bank's Attorney We have on hand and offer for sale anemia and his condition We recommend this form of Investment For safety and good interest return _--_ Buy First Mortgages Amounts Running from $200 to $3500-- Maturities One Year to Five Years 67, First Mortgages Call and Let Us Explain Their Merits . LIBERTYVILLE Skvmcs BANK friends. Beautiful baskets of cut flowers from friends decorated the dining room. 'The guests were the three sons with their wives and four grand sons--Bobby, with . his summer saults, was the enjoyable feature of the evening. -- A birthday 'ptoryofgnnhtmrudin_'hich She said that it snowed on the day she was born and twenty--five years afterward there was a' heavy snow on that day and she went sleigh nignt at the regular program of the Libertyville Musical Society at the M. E. Church, An éntertaining pro-- gram has been arranged and will be put on by the young folks. The first be enough to make anyone want to PAJ go. flc:etsannow:&lfl"fldthe 1 Piano reservation . charts be opened | p,, ude, C Sharp next week.. f Minor o * &' k The Womans Catholic Order of - Forresters have installed their new-- §( CA n 1y elected 'officers as--follows: High| *3. Sweitzclheit Chief Ranger, Mrs. J. N. Bernard; per® _ Ruth t Vice Chiet Ranger, Mrs. Joseph Ko--|; g,;, hte hout; Recording . Secretary, MYS-- J--| When Song is S $. Duba; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Blanch Garrett Newbore; Treasurer, MrS.| _ Marparet Smi The Womans Catholiec Order of Forresters have installed their new-- ly elected officers as follows: High Chief Ranger, Mrs. J. N. Bernard; Vice Chiet Ranger, Mrs. Joseph Ko-- hout; Recording . Secretary, Mrs. J. S. Duba; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Garrett Newbore; Treasurer, Mrs. James Clark; Trustees, Mrs. Ada Pester, Mrs. Kate Bernard and Mrs. Mary Madden. _ _ : Mrs. Glrrett Newbore entertained the five hundred club, Saturday eve-- ning. The highest awards were given to Helen Johnson, Mr. Wm. O'Carroll, the seconds to Mrs. J. Welch, Mr. J. Clark. Third Mrs. J. R. Mulholland and Gregory J. chasers.© Bud Kimball has prepared one of his original skits for p entation in the olio and that will be enough to make anyone want to riding. Mrs. Hoskins has rounded out her three score and ten and is beginning on another score. Her hobby is flowers and when spring comes she' may be seen in the gar-- den with her rake and trowel. Yahnke. (Mrs. Roy Waters entertained the bunco club at her home on Thurs-- day evening. -- -- _ CHILDREN TO GIVE PROGRAM 5. Peer Pan ........ Patricia Johnson Margaret-- Gridley at the Piano WANTED: I warlt property to SELL if worth the money I-- can move it. See my advertisement un-- der "Real Estate for Sale." If your property were thus. advertised, it would move, wouldn't it? ' ;s R. G. Kaping. Interesting News of the Local Clubs and Lodges sOCIETY Mrs. Sweitzelheimer Attends Opera ... Sarah Venorshriner When Song is Sweet........Sans--Souci « ; Planche Triggs ~|A Margaret Smith at the Piano Richard Earle,; George Morris and Jack Swan -- .. Triangles: > George Wehrenberg, Jr. Forrest Flagg Owen, Jr., Charles Hoskins, Garland Ingra-- Opus 22 ~_.««~* Dorothy Kramer Hildegarde Hapke at the Piano Tambourines: Edward Richard # Jack Williams Mrs. Mabel Wallis at the Paino Drum: : Charles Swan. Conductor, David Morris Joy Grummitt at the Piano (a) The Toy Horseman ... Fabthil (b) Madam --Swallow ....... Gaynor Foster Bruner h Directed by Elsie Graeff. ;fi We have a large assortment of them all the way from Onions to Flowers. Bulk or Pack-- 100 Frost--Proof Cabb%e Plants, which we will sell at 50c per 100 or less quantities 1c It is an absolute fact that the Onion Plants are fast killing a large cen flemckqandmflp:oftmkeamoothonm% er. -- You will also find that where any one has planted the Hiring A Car From Us plants cannot get them to ; dry and bes gflu%m%mmmmnm wii wWoonas ul ag_o Lucy auro YURY auu naiuy, Un wnup Te' mkmdthoouterleam'ambm When in this condition they can be shipped to territory farther north and be planted in the open ground a month to six weeks sooner Mtbohomagmwnhotbodsoreoldmmphnh. Thesa Frost--Proof bagePhntavfllshnda%nt:'nsdls degrees above zero without injury. The land freezing, or the The plants make a slow but steady growth, until at or ten weeks of age they are very tough and hrdvz.flwfi'm uogreens udovo EcCO wivnnuy Eids . AITE IGRE ZAEOCRGE TT ETY covered with sleet mb:vhhfpot ice, orsnowaftati:eym Marguerite Brumm Dry Onion Sets, white or yellow 2 ll-zs. for ........__.._........_.._;ye...l.}...._ TRIGGS & JOHNSCGN\ "Important Facts About Frost--Proof SNOW'S TAXI PART ILI. See Our Cleaning Ad on Page 4 4 as»--------....... Weiniawski The Service Store Phones 24 and 25 -- Libe have 20,000 Texas Bermuda On-- PHONE 306 -- ~© o Plant American Legion Minstrel at the Auditorium Theatre. . Wednesday, April 21 The members of the Libertyville Woman's Club will present two . 'Tlldl'v M 20 Annual --Village election:-- Village Clerk and three trusttes to be clec-- short--plays~*"The' Happy Day" and "The child In the House." & . _ #% *# | Friday, April 23 ; Masquerade at the Hawthorn _ _ . _--_, monday, April 19 ~Juvenile program --of the Liberty-- ville Musical Society at the Metho-- dist church. e * Consolidated School. Investments That Endure May 6----7 High School senior class play Adam and Eva" at the High School Friday, April 23 at the © New Colored Bed Spreads W. W. Carroll & SonsICo, m 2. 8 Sn t . nysn *THERE'S NOTHING TRE!| MATTER WITH THE RISING GENEPATION--AFTER._ _ + TAEY ONCE GET UP FORTaC PA Libertyville Lumber Co. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or building a home of your own. Open an interest bearing account here today now pay out in rent, if deposited :?hly'h an interest bearing account here, buy you It you will an interest bearing account here, we wfifmghdly help you accumulate money for the first payment. After that you may look to us for: further help in buying It means merely easing up on petty luxuries until you've accumulated enough money for the first payment. From there on it is no harder than paying rent. + Cream with colored stripes, blue, gold and rose. All colored in blue, 1y3 gold and rose Buy Happiness in a Home of Your Own LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 417 NORTH FIRST STREET $3.00 m 0o r e than the average home abroad. 'A good grade of coal and prompt delivery is what you must expect of us if our customers are to be believed. 8 p. m. And its homes are