Swatting the fly has been useful, both as a slogan and as a specific© program in the warfare against the chief agency for the--spread of disease. But it has not gone far enough. The destruction of few thousands or millions of flies by the fly swatter or the trap is a poor alternative for the abolition of the insanitary conditions under which flies breed and accu-- mulate tm:"' germs. If the enormous number of deaths from preven diseases is to be reduced and the burden and .cost of sickness directly traceable to the contaminating touch of house fliesare to be lifted from the community, the protec-- tive measures will have to be more effective and far--reaching. * Perhaps an absolutely flyless city is a dream impossible of aegomplishment. But every house wife knows what screen-- ing has done for the home. And the vital statistics of death and disease tell the story of the deadly work of the flies. If we are to have a cléan city, if the people are to be taught the perils to health that arise from uncovered garbage receptx-iea _andnnpnt.ectedma'nmhup,itcanonlybebrought ut by cooperation on a larger scale. The chairman for the ensuing year will be elected and a committee appointed ~to select committeemen from each of the misging 34 pre-- gincts, Mr. McDermott said. Dele-- gates to the state convention which starts next Friday, will be named. DEMOCRATS IN 19 PRECINCTS Committeemen for the Democratic party werd elected in but 19 out of 58 precinets in Lake county, accord-- h Cgenly Clork hongAerNendse. oA by Clerk Lew A..Hendee. -- A meeting of the Democratic county committee --was <~called for Mon-- day afterncon by Chairman Peter McDermott. The Democratic precinect commit-- teemen follow: a SWAT mm > > _ The "swat--the--fly" season has returned with its millions of disease--carying, house--infesting insects. The battle for the extermination of the house fly has been waged with a certain degree of success for a decade and should not be relaxed this year. The time to swat the fly is in the breeding season. Every one killed now will mean thousands which will not have to be There is more reason to expect improvement in this respect in the future than in the past. For one reason. health and hy-- giene forces of the country are better organized than ever in the past. School, pre--school, baby and even maternity clinics are guarding the health of the child from the pre--natal period to adulthood with encouraging results. American children are no longer permitted to grow up with physical defects which are easily remedied in youth and the infant mortality rate is being lowered by education of mothers and proper care of the baby. Civilization imposes upon society many exacting responsi-- bilities but the rewards exceed their cost. 4 In spite of these startling statistics,, life is safer for the American child than it was a few years ago. But there is still room for improvement. The United States stands low in the international list of childbirth mortality and there are far too many fatal and crippling accidents to children. 7 Forty thousand schoot children in the United States die of preventable diseases in a vear. One--third of all erippled adults are injured during the first six years n' their lives and & *ery large pe--centage are roedlossly handicapped. A baby born in this c=untry today has orly slighktly mor» chance of living a week than has an old man of ninety. ¢ Entered as second--class matter October 13, 1916, at the post office at Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of March 8, 1879. Issued twice weekly. To save th» forests, to protect and utilise wate: power are admirable and necessary enterprises but tiwe country's most im-- portant duty in r;:e conversation of her ratural resources is to save her children from preventable injuries, defects, diseases and untimely death. R > Antioch 1--William L. Morley, Grant 1--Thomas E. Graham. Grant 2--Edward H. White. Avon 1--A. A. MacMillan. Avon 2--George Richardson. Waukegan 3--Harvey Miltimore. Waukegan 4--Daniel Grady. Waukegan=7--Peter McDermott. Waukegan 9--James Chambers. Shields 2--Frank Geraghty. Shields 3--John Strong. Shields 4--Matt Dewey. Shields 5----Edward J. Bradley. Duce and Enamel Valentines Valspar Used All Work QGuaranteed JOE HUTCHINS KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. / The Lake County Regtister Succeeding the Waukegan Gazette Established 1850 RACE CONSERYV ATION FRANK H. JUST, Editor SMITH'S TA XI ! THINKS IT'S POOR } Fggagess 'ao ~~~ e waAs 'Ar HoOMEe ! ,A' Stand at Bradford's Barber Shop DAY PIONk 51 NIGHT PHONE 497 Cuba--Mark L. Riley. Vernon--A. G. Maether. West Deerfield 1--Peter J. Deerfleld 4--John O'Keefe. Prairie Ave., Highwood, IIL. K TERRACE EAUNDRY --Thomas. Dooley. ¥a S Me Ne ce To on n TB eP i c Aalpl-- on A0P Pfi ied may attribute the big vote he got in Lake county to the wets. One has to'accept Stewart's nomination as indicative of changed sentiment in this district, at least in the de-- gree of his vote. It seems to me the wets are "coming back" some here-- abouts. With an avowed wet cham-- pion in the lower house we're sure-- ty not going to be as dry as we were. ~It means something when a wet candidate is eclected to the leg-- Roy:-- J. Stewart .of 'McHenry county, successful legislative nomi-- nee on the republican ticket, is cars marked in a distinctive way so they can tell them in a crowd. while some will reflect that the po-- lice can tell them, too. * avowedly "wet," making his cam In former days you had to save the ccuntry in order to win zreatness, but now all you have to do is to amuse it. A good many folks seem to be willing to support churches to the extent of listening to their services over the radio. Je 'The market reports quote all kinds of prices except the cost f votes in the recent primary. Bill Weiss received the: larg-- est vote in Lake county last Tues-- day that has ever been given him in hiz numerous campaigns for mem-- I suggest that another time we wive Bill all the votes, just to de-- termine if it is possible to satisfy, him, a ber of the legislature. Bill regis-- tered high man in the district in the legislative vote, as usual, de-- spite his pre--election worry that it might not so happen. But Bill is always ~worrying about that, or making folks believe he .does, and evory two years pretty imuch every-- body falls for Bill's scare. x Some people like ALONG THE--CURBSTONES Observations by IoAMILI\ 1. 1 . Y AkekaLe Mx 2 ; % (OFEICIAL PUBLICATON) SavingBmk,()onhmlythhoabonm ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above corres-- pond with the Stems and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Il!-- inois, pursuant to law. -- ; q use o in ie A. E. SUTER, Cashier. State of lIllinois THE DIRECTORS OF THESE BANKS ARE PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS MEN AND ARE REPRESENTA-- TIVE OF FINANCIAL STRENGTH. BOTH BANKS ARE OPERATED BY OFFICERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE We invite your account on the basis of our soundness and the courteous, complete banking service we are rend:mg When you have funds to invest, call on us for consultation. Your business with us is held confidential and our experience is at your commany. State of Iilinois, pursuant to law. 2. Sur T ) c eeveaninin it brnia ied c uiac in antpres tm 8. Um-(d )Proau (Net) (8)......... 4. Time M ) c ccirerccirerrenitning se 5. Demn?ifidh CAY ) i. ... rronfrrorm g.' Due to . (:'c)(..'..)._._.....w 13. Other Liabilities (10)..................... Over $800,000 Total Resources (SEAL) . OOE "IQARS ALC) ... 31«.104+" 100004 rtofhers wnr c servrictg's e XJYEEEEE .. AALY:...0..>.. cA esn Nn rnrnnrintnrnnrr zenc 5. U. S. Government Investments (3)........=.. 6. Other Bonds and Securities (4)............... 1. Loans on Real Estate (1a).......,.........~....$} 89,200.00 2. Loans on Collateral Security ..~............... 67,008.05 1. Capital Stock (1).. I, A._ E. Suter Cashier of the Libertyville Trust & Joseph C. Reuse, President Arthur E. Suter, Vice Pres. & Cashier * Cwilliam E. Larsen, Asg't. Caskier i < DIRECTORS LIBERTYVILLE SR BANK STATE BANK OF MUNDELEIN CHARLES R. GALLOWAY P. J. Mc ENROE of Lake Steady ~(?rl'ov'é;%i:\c')f These Banks is Evidence of Their -- ---- . Service to the Community . 9 ERTYVILLE M BANK ---- .. STATE BANK OF MUNDELEIN OPEN AN ACCOUNT AND BECOME ACQUAINTED -- When you see two men in front seat and two women in the lback they are married. k For instance, suppose Senator Borah gets away with the Illinois delegation in the next Presidential contest, on the bunk issue Frank L. has popularized in this state. And that isn't altogether among the im-- probabilities. glorious -- independence, hasn't --forgotten how "Charge it to dad." The Voliva vote in Zion proves to be just about 1,600. An-- alyze the primary returns in the five Voliva precincts in Benton and you'll find my conclusion quite cor-- rect. I'm glad the old boy is slip-- couldn't survive the follies employed to defend it. . I like Frank L. Smith a lot bet-- ter than I do the issue on 'which he won, and which may prove so disastrous even he will come to see the error of his ways. 3 own. quarantine is the swell head. Spring seems to be operating on the frost--plus plan. er you How time flies? . Only -- cight months(. until Christmas.> And in a few --more weeks it will be less than that. 4 islature from this district.-- I take it we're slipping. P Many a man spends most of his time wishing lie had it to do over again. ~ OFFICERS Resources The faster Subscribed and sworn to before me this sixteenth day of April, modern girl is full of Notary Public. ou . eat the quick-- entfnz forever. $429,555.42 but she AY its £1 the Sheriff nomination everybody is for him, and that is the way it should be. Larry will make a good official and conduct the Sherifft's office, to which he will be elected, with credit to himself and the host of admirers who contributed to his o I, James P. Scott, Cashier of the State Bank of Mundelein, do solemly swear that the above statement istmetothebeltofmyha'hdxlndw.mdmt the items and amounts shown ve correspond with the items and amounts shown in the rt made to the tAonld'itoroanblicAmtt,Mofrmnd-,mdmt '. e uas c{tpalty. JAMES P. SCOTT, Cashier. county hoped that Bill Strattor would be the successful nominee for State Treasurer, but that wasn't enough. Bill's defeat was a sorry blow for Governor Small, which doen't so much disturb me, however. Bill's vote in Lake count; was a personal tribute. He got it in spite of Len Smaill ' © The things that make -- life worth living always seem to be the things that other people have. who can have just*is much fun be-- fore dark. they won't see how in the world we got alon@g without using airplanes Things are so quiet in Chicago now 'those not being shot at can catch a little sleep every night. William J. Stratton was re-- elected chairman of-- the Republi-- can county. committee and Peter McDermott was re--elected chair-- man of 'the: Democratic county committee at meetings held Monday afternoon at the court house. Other officers® of ~the ~Republi-- tan drganization follow: Max Prz-- yborgki, secretary; A. J. Walsh, Highland Park, treasurer. William J. Stratton, Max Przyborski, John D. Thomas, A. N. Tiffany, R. W. Churchill, Joseph -- Slomer, John Oliver, members of the executive committee. Mrs. Clarence G%odwin is secre-- STRATTON HEAD -- OF COMMITTEE State of Illinoh,}' Eon en en . y Pm e ie n e oo 20020 0 f f Subscribed and sworn to before County ' of Lake me this sixteenth day of April, (SEAL) 12. Now that Larry Doolittle has 2. Loans on Collateral Security (1b). 5. Other Loans {16).--.«.....~«..--.....«/»=~«<-- 4. Overdti{ts -- (2)........~.--.>..<«0----.<smmamcrenss 5. U. S. Government Investments(3). 6. Other--Bonds and Securities (4). 1. Loans on Real Estate (1a)........................$ Due from Banks, Cash n.nji Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) Other Resources (12).................. Sur B ee: ie cintenethness convnnnncousnnalins Undivided Profits (Net) (8)....... Time Deposits (4a@)........__....._._._.. Banking Ho Banking H : Forniture and Fixtures (6)...................... Capital Stock (1) Joseph C. Reuse, President s Robert F. Rouse, Vice President Arthur E.. Suter, Vice President ROBERT F. ;fl _ _ TMOMAS J. PEDI ARTHUR E. °6. L. TRIPP SAMUEL INSULL, JR. JOHN H. ROUSE P. J. Mc ENROE Total Resources Total Linbilitles .............:...... : James P. Scott, Cashier C DIRECTORS -- Resources MD)......:--s«+,----+«<»<----r--«sscou«< APOpRIOAE D) serse rnrrven o on uc reciovnncnnie t ce 868.00 WILLIS A. OVERHOLSER, -- Notary Public. seemed to get. When he reached the studio, he went to Irvin Willat, director, for advice as to using makeup to hide the blemish, but Willat told him to leave it just as it was--it was per-- fect for the role he was to play. So for four days Beery sported the natural black and blue eye, perhaps the first time in the history of the screen a "shiner' was photographed as natural. FOR RENT--Modern flat on Wright Court.. Call Phone 204M. -- 31--1t mal swung up just as he reached down, with the result that he was almost knocked unconscious by the blow to the side of his head. LOST--$ bility. Just prior to starting work on his latest Paramount picture, "The En-- chanted Hill," Beery gave a barbe-- eue at fi' ranch home. While he was holding a bucking bronco for The next morning Beery discov-- ered he had one of the finest "shiners" obtainable. The more he tried to doctor it the blacker it NOAH J P HOMESEEKERS ~NOTICE--Have several good buys both in Lib-- ertyville and in Mundelein. Some new houses, some not new. Prices right and terms to suit the buyer. ©Bargains in good houses will be-- come more scarce as the season adunlces. Better not wait too long. |"Buy a home and you b a Bank." Lloyd C. Ray, Pbcg 4 220".1 317" * ing pa riect o leave ward. Noah Too Late to Classify .$ 50,000.00 :$390,062.03 $890,062.03 mall change purse contain-- per money, in business dist-- fi)mmv's "SHINER" YES TO BE AN ASSET ' Mundelein. Finder please at-- Murrie's Store. Re-- # Bl1--It. Beery, screen villain par e, is prepared to furnish g proof that a black eye n asset rather than a lia-- 109,438.30 41,198.00 $71,085.179 1,200.00 51,712:00 11,399.46 92,029.76 / *The Enchanted Hill" is Peter B.| plement the old fashioned "shoot-- Kyne's thrilling action story of the|ing ijrons" amdi the faithful horse. modern west which ran serially in|-- Jack Holt,--Florence Vidor, Mr. the Cosmopolitan Magazine.. The| Beery and Mary Brian are the fea-- picture is a rapid fire mixture of| tured players. mel:drama, romance and comedy, in mm mmmmmmmmmmzmmmmmm_ which the up--to--date inventions of' The Lake County Register-- cwice machine guns and atrplanes sup-- a week--only $2.00 per year. +\ Ten Days House _ Cleaning-- 10 Bars of AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP for 60c and 1 Bar Jap Rose Soap FREE 7 10 Bars AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP for 60c and 1 Small % of Amerrcan Family Soap Flakes FREE tke 4 Bars Palmolive Toilet Soap for 2%¢ © 4 Bars Creme Oil Toilet Soap for 29¢ wmmfwxmm&m Clothes Lines and Pins. _ earer Silver Polish, Stove Polish, Enamel, Brass Wash-- Scrubbing Brushes, Each 4 fi _ to A L _ 1 Can of Sani--Flush and 1 Toilet Brush hk :. 1 s c d T L e e o L se e ut w.muun%mma Pails full of Proctor & . Soap left, at each........ Who wants them quick? AUDITORIUM $ #2 Thursday and Friday, April 22--23rd TOPS ALL "WESTERNS" With Blanche Sweet, Myrtle Steadman and Hobart Bosworth Johnsons Floor Wax and Electric Waxer POLISH YOUR FLOORS Dr, H. W. Steinberg, Registered Optometrist, who has been coming to Libertyivile and vicin-- ity for many years will be at the New Castle Hotel every Saturday ; hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Eyes examined and glasses scientifically fitted --__-- All Work Guaranteed Special Sale From APRIL 14th To APRIL 24th Inclusive en e ooo ie Added attraction: -- Buster Brown Comedy Announcement "The Far Cry" Also two reel Century Comedy KRlectric Waxrer. We will deliver and call for it, at the very low rent-- -- al of $2.00 per day. ... which to use our new Lb, Can 1 Lh. Can . & Pint Bottle ........ 45¢ 1 Pint Bottle ........ 70¢c 1 Quart Bottle ... $1.85 15¢ 10c * LIQUID WAX HARD WAX _$1.29 49 7 0c