the hospital or the precinet wherein . the same is situated, his permanent .! place of residence, but if the facts and cireumstances show that the hospital is a mere place for the tem-- porary sojourn of the patients and :nahl,thonithd.r\ht&y do not have the right to vote. 'thymktom_'fln'hhg them to .establish their right to" 'do « The opinior. in. part, follows: "The statute provides that every persoa who has resided in the state every occasion do outvote the vil-- lagers. -- Upel" asked Secretary Em-- opinion. advising the villagers how the patients may be prevented from If Secretary of State Louis L would help 'them out of an election difficulty they have been experienc-- ing for years. , The Edward Hines Memorial hos-- pital, housing approximately 900 pa-- tients, is located at Broadview. Ac-- tients exercise the right to vote on tion. _ However--section 66 of the general election law provides that a "permanent abode" is 'necessary to constitute a residence. As a gen-- eral rule it may be said that a per-- merson makes the race for govern-- or in 1928 he may count on receiv-- ing every vote in Broadview, Cook county, Illinocis. Broadview polls 200 votes and the secretary of state appears to have one year, in the county 90 days and in the voting precints 30 days next preceding any lection therein, shall their places of their former resi-- dences nor acquire the right to vote in the districts wherein such insti-- tutions are located. "It is conceivable, of course, that an attendant may become a voter because of his intention to make vote is where the intended voter means to abide and become a citi-- zen until duty or convenience may compel him to elect a new home 2s his place of domicile, It is a gen-- eral rule that persons supported in institutions maintained wholly or in part at public expense or by charity neither lose their right to vote at <ame indoors with a wet, half-- starved kitten, and on temonstrating with her to take it out at once, she procedure of challenging the pa-- tients as they appear to vote. ----is--our specialty. We have a large sassortment of material for you to select from. Come in and see us. A little girl, one dark, rainy day A_ttot_-_noyw&rhtromm. Will Erect You A House or any kind of building;furnish-- ing all laber and material by contract, so you may know just what entire cost will be before ink gimegam" Phone 551 CONTRACTOR &--BUILDER Libertyville 145--R R. L. Gensalves masculine sentiment. -- Funny, but most men fall for that 'petite stuff!' Not more often than the fat man is the tall girl lucky i. love. The man her own size ought to appeal to her, but he doesn't, possibly because he is looking for the 'sweet little thing' who «i.l look up » him as her hero. And the small man whom she secret-- to co--nmit himsel? for life to a ty desires to 'mother' and who is strongly attracted tc her hesitutes nased--Plain Jane will pick the win-- ning number in the matrimonial lot-- tery. Billy, you've--had experienced. What sort of girl does a man like most ?" p Alas for Billy! asked a question that bas feazed the world's wisest sages, how could he hope to answer it? He couldn't! We hope he didn't we are to credit our own eyesight. In spite of our young friend's cyni-- cism we doubt that. type ever quali-- fies a girl for happiness. As far as we are able to judge every sort of girl some man likes most! t What are some of the national ideals of femining charm? The Terrible Turk is supposed to desire plump pulchritude, but the What Sort Of Girl Does A Man Want? A Big Question Myahhfidmmmm ¥y, but not infrequently the | of the ball is her dark--haired sizs-- And in this Land of the Free it matters not a whit if a girl be tall or short, dark or fair, as long "Five foot two, eyes of blue, But oh, whatsthose five foot can do! , Has anybody seen my gal?" : lovely. as she is wholesomely healthy happy and chic. = ter. SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE DR. HESLIN is fully equipped to take care of » c 1 No matter what they may be. By the use of Drugless Methods. Osteopathy, Chiropratic, Massage,, Electro--theraphy and Pre-- cision Instruments for Diagnosis and Treatment. CONSULTATION placid Mam'selle desirably DR. B. T. LYNCH 406 Milwaukee Avenue John P. 0'Neil may wonder if love is not an en-- tirely inexplicable thing, anyhow, and not to be bounded by rhyme and reason, certainly not to be de-- Never sidestep an opportunity to shoulder responsibility; it will devel-- op the only backbone that can sup-- port you in the next world. The thing the world needs most is breathing time, time to play more and soak up the things that never come to a man when he is in a hurry. money. You wouldn't marry me for money, would you dearest?" . He (Absently)--"No darling. I wouldn't marry you for all the money in the world." If we are to credit knowledge of Most of the Great Fortunes on Record Nationally or Locally Have Been Based Upon Wise Real Estate Investments 4 * United States currency to thefolhvhomttombufo investments. We know local property and will give you the benefit of our real knowledge. for _ Wife--He was a very absent--mind-- Young wife--Hubby, I've made a cake which is really a poem. & Young husband--I suppose I'm the Harrison 2815 Libertyville 236--W WILLIAM P. WHITNEY -- Hours: 9--12, 2--5 and 79 -- EYES TESTED FOR-- GLASSES Electric Wiring & Contracting Fixtures and Supplies Exide Battery Service Station CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. PEYSICIAN AND SURGEON Libertyville Batterey & S. L. TRIPP LUMBER CO. Branch Yards, Prairie View and Gilmer -- _ Main Yard, Mundelein, HL _ _ Telephone 103 Where Poems Usually Go * Time to plant Shrubs--Trees, Vines, Evergreens, Pereniel Flowers -- "Some of these flowering shrubs will add beauty and value to nare mminairo . y w Painting and Decorating OFFICE AND STORE:.. 23 W. Phones: Office Lake Forest 254 FURNITURE FINISHED TO HARMONIZE THE LAKE COUNTY RECISTER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1926 RBridal Wreath Fairholm Gardens ----_-------- wWITH TAPESTRIES > Lake Forest -- Libertyville -- Mundelein D. A. YOUNG HC.BuntSom Nurserymen & Florists Telephone 57 DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian. Telephone 66 DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 &to 8 p. m. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 998 Phones: Office 163 Res. 20--J Charges reversed on all business LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate DWIGHT EDRUS COOK ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Build TEACHER OF YOCAL B. H. MILLER ATTORNEY--AT--LA W 539 Milwaukee Avenue opposite park Real Estate, Loans and Insurance "A good office to do business with" 201 S. Milwaukee Ave FOR SALE--New 5 and 7 room brick bungalows. : Heated garage. Quick buyer can have selection of Odd sWaped corner lot about 181 feet frontage. Bargain for cash. FOR SALE--Lot in Dymond & Aus-- tins Sub. 4 block from Liberty-- StrictlynewSmombmbnlow. One of the finest small homes in Libertyville: Located in a very choice section but priced for quick sun porch. Two car garage. Beau-- tiful trees on lot 50x150. Must be FOR SALE--Nearly new B room . modern bungalow on East Park _ Ave., Paved Street, has breakfast room, fireplace, built in book "cases, shower bath, furnace heat. Lot 50 x 150 feet, fruit trees and strawberries. $2500.00 cash will handle, balance Mortgage. Zoned . for business. FOR SALE--Apartment site, the .: best location in town, centrally tions. zoned for three story apart-- ment buildings. -- Right location. This is an investment opportunity. Beautiful location at prices that talk. The best proposition in town. Grays Lake 7 room Dutch Colonial--hot water heat, garage, lot 50x153. Lake priv-- ileges. $3500.00 cash takes it. Bal-- ance like rent. 5 room bungalow new and entire-- ly modern. The price has been re-- duced for quick action. + A complete listing of modern homes. -- Investment opportunities and vacant lots from which to make selections. : SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Milwaukee Ave. Libert FOR SALE--Purebred Bronze tur-- Realty Company 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. Pho%.zs Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. : There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so shott a time and at so reasonable a cest as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convincé you. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you. want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. FOR SALE--5 room home and bath furnace heat, hard wod® floors, lighting fixtures and decorations. -- extra large lot, hot water heat, wonderful location, with plenty of An ideal 8 room home with large : Apartment Site One of the very few choice loca-- Building Lots ; West Cook Avenue building lots. 0R SALE--Tested Murdock and Plowman seed corn. Also a few purebred Chester White brood sows. Osborne Farm, Mundelein. Phone key gobblers. Also spring lambs, 30 to 60 lbs. and some heavy hens. Seed wheat, seed barley, seed oats, seed.corn. Quantity of hay and straw. Pure bred Collie pups, 5 weeks old. Bergeron Stock houses for rent. SELLERS & PETERSEN McKinley Avenue AUSTIN & SCHWERMAN West Cook Avenue , Lake St., 2 miles west Classified Ads and lots. Also Quantity of hay same 88 FOR SALE--Modern seven room frontage. No assessments. for quick sale at only $4,000. FOR SALE--Nearly new five bungalow with extra lot. Im-- provements in and specials all paid. Fruit. Berries. A nice lit-- FOR SALE--Strictly modern seven FOR SALE--Fifty foot lot on New-- berry Avenue. Southfiont.\icryi close in. W'iflloflhl'n--l er. Large lot. Specials all paid A real snap, and only $5,000 cash will handle this. FOR SALE--Strictly modern dx1 room home with double garage or FOR SALE--Twenty large, class homesites with sidewalks, sewer and water all in. Located 111 W. FOR SALE--Steel Safe 24 x 24 x 36 high. Heavy construction, fire Specials all paid. It's a very con venient home and a real buy. large lot, on Lincoln Avenue. A goodeomfortallebonoatano-} sonable price. | DR SALE--Nearly new moden| six room dwelling and garage 0 al--sized lot on Second St Very good transportation. Prieadfi'i $800 upward for-- a short time only. Terms very easy. and burglar proof. Apply at Reg-- for cash. Phone 425--R. ~ 85--2t OMESEEKERS NOTICE--Have several good buys both in Lib-- ertyville and in Mundelein. Some new houses, some not new. Prices right and terms to suit the buyer. Bargains in good houses will be-- advances. Better not wait too long. "Buy a home and you buy a Bank." Lloyd C. Ray, Phone 990M . 81--tf Offered by CHAS. F. FITZGIBBONS Milw' Ave & St. P. Ry. for a small family of 3. FOR SALE--Thirteen patent 0o# FOR SALE--12--20 Rumley oil pull into the creation of Cable--made and Cable--guaranteed instruments. We have further reason for pridé in the very reasonable prices at which we are~able to supply you with these instruments and the easy terms of payment. We sell directly from our factory carries our very which entitles you at any time with-- in a year to exchange the instru-- ment first selected for any other on onrflg_orofsinihrpdee. Liberal allowance on FOR SALE--2 puiverizers, spring tooth harrow, land roller, corn planter and two rolls wire. Phone Uprights is produced in the factor-- ies of the CABLE PLANO COMPANY. We have two factories, one in Charles, Tlincis. To either of these you are welcome. Pride in our pro-- duct is well founded on the work-- YOUR OLD PIANO and only a small initial payment. The balance can be arranged on our budget plan to suit you, at no high-- er price for the accommodation. Our nearest factory branch to you is CABLE PLANO CO. CANARY BIRDS with cage $12.9%. Sold $1.00 down, $1.00 each week. Guaranteed -- Pedigreed Rollers. Roy's, 82 N. Genesee St., Wauke-- gan, Illinois. K.2 FOR RENT--Modern flat. 5 rooms, sun parior and sleeping porch and parage. 312 Maple Ave. or phone FOR RENT--Modern flat on Court. Call phone 204--M Permanent position. Call in per-- son ro write Grayslake Gelatine Co. WANTED--Married man for gen-- eral farm work. Like to board two men. Apply Register Office. bulbs. A.W. Koenig. WATKINS DEALER 426 E. North Ave, Phone 188--M. stanchions, litter carrier and ca-- ble, Janesville Sulkey Ploy, almost Phone 600--R--2. sell for half its value. J. J. Rouse Mundelein, IIL. 32--4t "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, en t mwthlmg"g;:""or- ers in the last .'m"'m u:oodforgiq.-.*".- bago, backache, spraims. Fhone 600RZ. day work. Basements a specialty. S. J. Groves & Sons Co., Liberty-- one o rtwo days a 653--R--1. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOES PLANO BUYERS FOR KENT Woman -- for PAGE SEVEN $1--383--36 81 6t