e & RAGE TWVWO Mr. and Mrs. Geo Small of Libertyville were M visitors Friday of last week in Chicago. Mrs. A. L. Dorfler spent Wed-- nesday with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Yore of Lake Forest. Miss Dorothy Shanks of Ivanhoe, Mrs. F .M. Harding and Mrs. Mor-- ris Chandler attended the Wednes-- day afternoon meeting of the Lib-- ertyville Women's Club. Mrs. Lie-- ber gave a very interesting address on "Club Ethics" which all the mem-- bers of the club who were present enjoyed thoroughly. e csassy!. tonsils removed this week in a Chi-- gnflufidhntfingdonghia-- The many friends of L. A. Mur-- rie regret to hear of the death of his mother Wednesday afternoon, following an illness of a few days. Mrs. George Ross was a North Chicago visitor Thursday. The members of the Five Hun-- dred Club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Thomas Russell on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chandler were Waukegan visitors Thursday Mrs. R. D. Cook will hold the Summer opening of her gift shop on May 19. § The measles are spreading rapidly through the school and very few children are escaping them. How-- ever it is a very light form of Viednesday afternoon. °* ' Carroll Porteous was a Waukegan visitor Monday evening. Rev. C. Arthur Jevne motored to Quinecy, IIl., the first part -- of®: the fering very much from them. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Thalero who have been playing in and around Chicago this winter with their dog and pony show have arrived at their home in Mundelein for the summer. months. . Mrs. A. L. Fry, Mrs. Ruby Ayers, Malcolm and Howard Fry of Chica-- go motored to Mundelein on Teesday and called on Mrs. W. D. Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Knigge, Mrs. Charles Chamberlain amd son MUNDELEIN Phone 287--] For the Boudoir Iron by Hand Z -- Are You Taking Full Advantage f of the New j Low Rates Electricity? who had her C*% visitors spent week to attend the Congregational Conference whitch was held there. A. H. Smith of Lake Bluff called on Mundelein friends Thursday af-- 10:00 a. m.; Ivanhoe, 11:00 a. m. Worship Service: Ivanhoe 10:00 a. m.; First Church, 11:15 a. m« -- PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Mother's Day--Wear a flower in honor of her if she is living and in memory of her if she is dlead. Appropriate music by the Junior choir at the servies in First Church. Appropriate music by the Choral society and choir at: Ivanhoe. Sermon subject: Finding God in a Mother's Life. 2:30 p. m.--Boy Scouts. 7:30 p. m..--Union evening servi-- ces. Sermon subject: "Behold,q'l'hy Mother." Wednesday, 7:30 p .m.--Teacher Chc# practice at the home of. Mrs.| Misses Rena Parker 'and Bertha J. H. Rouse. | Doolittle, who are attending school Friday, 3:30 p. m.--Boy Scouts. 'at DeKalb spent the week end at Friday, May 14 at 8:00 p. m.----s the'r respective homes here. They Musical Stunt Nite put on by the, wore accompanied by Miss Heinz Y. College Quartet of Chicago. Come | afd Miss Guardy,. of Waterman, Ill and hear musical novelties and; Ed. Adams is making some very stunts never before seen in thi!'!ine improvements about his place. county.+ See the impersonations of| The old barn is being razed and a over with fun and bristling with in-- teresting -- situations; stunts that startle and amuse; music that spar-- kles and glides at the Mundelein Community House at 8:00 p. m. Thursday at 7:30 p. m.--Junior Chc# practice .at the home of. Mrs. Now is the time for Libertyville citizens to start getting their front teeth tightened up. Corn--on--the--cob isn't so very far away. stunts never before seen in this county.> See the impersonations of Director Campbell. Hear the quar-- tette in its jolly, laughter producing voeal numbers. Tickets are 50¢ for adults and 35e for children. Saturday, 10:00--Explorers. Saturday, 1:30 and 2:30 p. m.-- Girls. Saturday, 4:00 and 7:00 p. m.-- Boys. is Saturday, 7:30--Young Peoples Society meeting. R Mail carriers make good money and Center avenue from the Congrega-- all they have to do is walk several, tional church north to meet Route thousand miles each year and blow 21, will be one of the first to be a whistle. May 22--Dramatic Stunt Nite. In-- teresting one act plays bubbling Ivanhoe men for Mundelein, and Ivanhoe mothers and their daugh-- C. Arthur Jeyne, Minister flanld_D.élhnq.SdslM PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH 2 Correct lamps in every socket to insure proper lighting. 3 Ample convenience outlets for the easy connection of lamps, sweep-- ers, fans and other appliances. Watch for New General Lighting Service Rates Effective May 1, 1926 © cents net per kilowatt hour--for initial consumption in themonth $cents net per kilowatt hour --for secondary consumption in the month ; 6 cents net per kilowatt hour--for all additional consumption in the month,. Now--with the already moderate cost of electricity still further reduced--is the time to make sure that your home has: 1 Themany modern electrical é';'hi:s. ances that lighten household OUR new low rates for light-- Ying service were effech%?ehl;la]ay Ist. Remember that you can purchase an electric refrigerator, ironer, sewmil ma-- chine, sweeper, toaster or any other home appliance and pay for it the easy "Little by Little" way. Under this plan you scarcely miss thesmall payments madeeach month with your regular service statement. We also offer free new installations and renewals on the new inside--frosted 60--watt lamps. Phone 144.W OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS -- 8 So. Genesee Waukegan Gus Krumrey, bglt' Representative class and Teachers meeting *»Mothers and Daugh-- date, to be given by for Mundelein. and | 21, will be one of the first to be {paved under the new $730,000 bond Mrs. Annie Adams and son Rich-- ard of Lake Villa spent 'the week and at the O'Dell home. Miss Anita Whitmore is spending the week with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Victor Johnson was hostess to the ladies eard club on last Thurs-- day evening.> Five tables were play-- ed. Mrs. Aura Shaffer received first prize. 'Merub Neville second and Mrs. T. Hook consolation. -- ° -- 'The party was one of the most en-- joyable held this season. Dainty re-- freshments were served by the host-- ess at the close of the evening. Mrs. Howard . Hamilton under-- went a major operation at Lake County General hospital on last Thursday morning. At; present writing Mrs. Hamilton is doing as well as can be expected. Miss. Fraza Shanks of Chicago spent the week end with her sister Mrs. J. J. Longabaugh and family. (Mr. and Mrs. James Sherman spent Sunday with relatives in Wil-- mot, Wisconsin. The condition of Mrs. Mary Hall is reported a little better. Dr. Bell-- ows of Waukegan was called for consultation one day last week. Dr. Palmer of Waukegan was a professional caller in town on Mon-- day. garage Will be built, new porches built to the house and also exten-- sive remodelling on the interior. _Mrs. J. J. Longabaugh and Mrs. Annabel Whitmore motored to Wau-- kegan on last Sunday afternocn. Miss Leone Wightman and. bro-- ther Mancel were home from the Ill-- inois University for the week end. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dietz will operate the filling station at the South side of Belvidere street at its intersec-- tion with Route 21, for the coming season. This station is under the control of the Liborty Oil Co. 'Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Row-- ling at Lake County General hospi-- :lflon Thursday, April 29, a baby The residents of this village were much pleased to learn from a Wau-- k: gan paper that the paving of Libertyville, 111. GRAYSLAKE THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1926 issue. Every spring this strip of road is well nigh impassable. ' Early on Monday morning Mrs. Catherine Murrie sustained a severe ;trokem of her entire u'l'itht l;side m: hemmorage. rs. Murrie 68 .years of age, wife of the late John 'Murriec and mother of the lo-- r'm.&oduhum fl the grocery business in Mun-- one son Howard still occupies the old homestead on Alleghany street. An only daughter, Miss Mabel is as-- sistant at the post office. As we send this out Monday eve-- ning, Mrs. Murric's condition is very grave, as she is still unconsci-- ous. -- Her children have all been ealled to her home. 'The second team of Bowling un-- der the direction of Henry Knigge bowled a game against a team from Park®Ridge last Thursday evening and won by about 100 pins. Good for you Henry's. . Mr. Albert-- Bierwagen attended Teachers Conference at Meringue last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Gust HoHand assisted | her mother at house cleaning last Thurs-- day. g2 & Mr. and Mrs. A. .N. Larsen enter-- tained Mr. Hansen and daughters of Chicago Thursday. e Mr. Edw G. Nagel started working at the Bowman Dairy plant at May-- fair Sunday. Miss Selma Rabe who is employed at Elmhurst spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Landohl of Chicago vis'ted at the F. L. Schuma-- cher home Sunday. Mr. A. G. Schwerman and Mr. Al-- vin Hitzemann of Crystal Lake took in the Annual Military Tournament at Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, Saturday evening. -- % Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Meyer and family and Miss Eda Schwerman vigsited with Mrs. Carl Meier of Lib ertyville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfiel of El-- 1!! kinds of Auto Repair Work Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. MUNDELEIN, ILL. Day and Night Service Phone 317 * Comfort in Sickness THE STAR Garage Basier Washing gin were entertained at the Henry Weber home Sunday. 5 Quite a few people drove out from Chicago Sunday and spent the day at Sylvan Lake. The young fellows had their first practice of baseball Sunday on the grounds at Sylvan Lake. ter visited with Mrs. H. Fisher Palatine Monday. % --Mr. August Weber of Mayfair spent Sunday at his home here. -- _ Mrs. H. W. Schwerman and Ches-- 'The basket social given by the Fairfield Public school last Friday evening was very well attended. A . 'Mr. George and Edwin Fasse and Miss Eda Fasse of Chicago called at the H. N. Schwerman hcome last Tuesday. very nice program was arranged. About $72 was cleared. f Mr. Wm. Krykenberg motored to Roselle Sunday. (Miss Louise Schwerman of Chi-- cago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Martha Rabe is at home for a week or so after having under-- gone an operation for the removal of a gland on her neck, at the Lu-- theran Memorial Hospital in Chi-- cago last week. > : Miss Vera Vasey of De Kalb spent the week end with her parents here. Howard Converse and family, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Lusk and the Lusk girls saw "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" in the Majestic Miss Johnson and Mrs. Lusk took the children of the Poultry club on the poultry tour planhed by farm bureau last Friday. Christopher Dillon died at the Will Dillon home last Thursday. He was 75 years of age. His wife Rose Benwell Dillon died last October. Burial was Saturday afternoon in Volo cemetery, Rev. Tompkins offi-- clating. 6 ary supervision--"A SQUARE DEAL." -- -- Pens easily accessible for Truck consignments. References--Stockyards National Bank, Chicago. Live Stock Commission Agents | Uniorn Stock Yards, Chicago Specialize in selling "REACTORS" as well as all other grades and claiees of Cattle;'Hiogs and Sheep. _ _ | WALTERS & DUNBAR All "REACTORS" 'handled under Government Veterin-- Drovers National Bank, Chicago. Write for special market report--Free. ; VOLO -- of Mrs. Tom Vasey Sunday. There will be a social at the M. E. church Saturday evening to which all are invited. Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Rossdeutcher and Mr. and Mrs. Boor have moved into the house on the C. Thompson Mike Knapf had his Willys Knight sedan badly smashed in an accident near McHenry last week. . Ben Rosing is having a fine sun parlor added to the front of his Walter and Son are doing the car-- penter work . a week--only $2.00 per year. The Lake County Register--twice CITIZENS BANK BUILDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Plain and Ornamental Plastering GEORGE A. JONES Rckert R. Dawson 9:00 -- 12:00 A. M. l:w * ':" Po x' FPhone 287--W MUNDELEIN, ILL Mundelein, IIL Phone 368--R DENTIST Great Idea' --this handy Utensil Drawer Mothers will appreciate getting Flowers every day in the year, but most of all she appreciates getting a bouquet of wonder-- ful blossoms on Mother's Day. It costs very little to make her happy, if you come here to buy. & CASEY'S INN and TELEPHONE 174--] _ _ Flowers delivered by wire anywhere Mother's Day OOKING forks and spoons, spatula, cake-- turner--everything you need, right at your finger--tips. A convenience every woman will appreciate--for in this new Estate, a handy utensil drawer is built right into the range. No running back and forth across the kitchen miles of steps saved. Yet this feature is only one of the "14 points" of superiority in the new Estate Gas Range. A brand--new range, more beautiful, more efficient, finer in every way. _ And priced so low you'll scarcely believe it. Come in today--see the range and learn the price. Kohout Flower Growers FLOWERS State Bank of Mundelein You can do it on the installment plan out of your current earnings and you'll soon have a steady in-- come. Identify yourself with the indus-- trial development of this section, or of the nation, by buying conser-- vative stock, bonds, or first mort-- Our Bond Department will gladly help you select the investment or investments best suited to your GAS RANGES SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. Be An Owner Or Be A Creditor---- But Be Something with the "double--boiler'" or that bakes with fresh air D Come In And See Us STATION