[ DEERFIELD | Mrs. Sophia Taylor of Kankakee, Iilinois is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Cooksy of Osterman avenue. Mr. and. Mrs. Louis Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Trute and daughter Eva spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Rockenback of Cary, IIL. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gloden and fam-- y attended the wedding of Miss Irene Kuper and Mr. Frank Evans which was solemnized at St. Francis Church, Chicago Satunrday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Savage and son, and Mr. Herbert Savage :w returned to Deerfield after several months in Exland, Wis. Mrs. Jennie Wilson who has spent several months with relatives in Libertyville has returned to her home with her daughter Mrs. Ches-- ter Wolf. Mr .and Mrs. Earl Frost had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. WYonmdfanflyovamtt. Mrs. Carman of Rosemary Ter-- race will entertain Circle No. 1 of the Dorcas Society of the Presbyter-- ian church Monday evening. May 14. 'l'anutScw'dnbwqhmh- ed by Mrs. W. W. Clark, Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. George Harder will entertain the Progressive club Wednesday af-- ternoon, May 19th, at her home on The Reading Circle met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Brackett, Wed-- nesday afternoon . _ . s Mrs. George Engstrom was host-- ess at a May breakfast at her home on Central avenue Friday which was followed by bridge. Mrs. Glenn Bowman will entertain the bridge club next Tuesday after-- noon at her home on Central ave-- Mesdames Chester Wessling, Geo. Deck, R. M. Vant and Mr. Harold Vant attended "Young Folks Night" at Lake Forest Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Morgan, Mildred Beckman, Mr. Shear, Ed. Bucher and a couple from Highland Park received prizes at the Old Fashion Hard Time Dance given under the auspices of the Progressive club at teh Wilmot school, Saturday even-- ing. The affair was one of the most successful of the season and was the last that will be given in Mr. and Mrs. George. Deck, Mr. and Mrs. C. Friedlund and two daughters spent Sunday with Mrs. Deck's and Mrs. Friedlund's mo-- ther, Mrs. E. Bargren of Chicago. the school house. The next social event will be held in the new school house which will be erected during the coming summer. Tickets are on sale fof the enter-- tainment to be given by the Young Ladies of the Presbyterian church in the Masonic Temple, Friday eve-- nin, May 2ist. "A Parliment of Servants," a clever one act comedy contains the following cast of char-- Mrs. Serphina Grey, Vivian Hag-- gie; Mrs. Angelina White, Hazel Easton; Mary "w Taylor; Trudel Schmmidt, > gomery; Annabelie Estella Darling, Ruth Patterson; Hepzibah Strout, Louis Kersten; Lydia M.-- Porter, Alice Ulfers. £ Hard Time Dance given under the| Gospel se auspices of the Progressive club at| Rehearsal teh Wilmot school, Saturday even--| choirs will ing. The affair was one of the|pointed tin um:f-%;ug;q"i: o newey was the We "Mrs. Oakley's Teleybone,h " a com-- edy in two acts has following cast of characters: Mrs. Oakley, a bride, Verda Var-- ner;'Constance, a friend, Irene Cash-- more; Mary, the cook, Eva Cooksey; Emma, the maid, Clara Aiken. Clarice During the intermission, the Deer-- field Melody Boys will play. Under the able supervision of B. H. Kress, Arthur Ender, Chas. Piper and G. H. Newcomb, there will be to assist at any affair are always ready and willing. . _ e By your co--operatioon and liberal support in this campaign, the goal of $1000 can easily be raised. The W. C. T. U. will meet. in ithe Presbyterian church Tuesday, May 18th, at 2 o'clock. A full attendanee is desired at this Reports from our Joint Institute with Highland Park will be given and arrangements made 'to attend our County Institute. " All members are urged to come and visitors are welcome. m ..nuun-'-u'hiula_»q m.naamw » bers of the church or not to give it and the attendance at the service was very good. Whose day will it be next Sunday? As you read this an« nouncement will you decide to let it be your day at church? Let's make it every body's Sumday. Come to Did you ever take time to esti-- mate the value of a church in the community and consequently its val-- use to each individual in the com-- munity? It's value is inestimable. Bernard E. Sunnery who is chairman of ths board of directors of the IIl-- incis Bell Telephone Co. recently said, "I have a conviction that the church is an institution essential to the welfare of every city and com-- for the day and the week to follow. St. Paul's Erangelical Church F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor Church school, 9:15 a. m. Bervice, 10:15 a. m. avenue. serphina Grey, Vivian Hag--| music at s. A""g.nn' White, Hazel| eveneing Mary ooligan, .Rosetta| Trio" Annabelie Estella Darting, regular 1 atterson; Hepzibah Strout,| day eve Juhrend; Maggie Callagan,| o'clock. services. Special Day at St. Paut's $ 'May 23, Penticost Sunday and cel-- ebratioon of Lord's Supper. May 30, Memorial Day. The Deerfield American Legion Post and flnBoyseoutlwm)ufldpah!n June 13, Childrens Day. A spe-- d.nma::npumvtflb-m mw&ummmm and try to attend. , _ s an ! The young men's class will meet Thursday evening at the Sunday school room. Mrs. Hy. Scheskie is a new mem-- ber of the Ladies Aid. The Ladies Aid will give a spring Bazaar and Bakery sale in the very nouncements. This day will be observed as Field Day aunder the direction of the Board of Church Extension of the Chicago Presbytery. Peniel Insti-- tute, a work among the Jews, will be represented by the Rev. David Bronstein and Miss Peltz. Laird House by Mr. F. A. Watkins and Mr. Guy Schuitema: These workers will speak at the session of the Church--school and also at the morn-- ing service at 10:45. In thhe even-- ing Dr. Clyde Smith, Associate Superintendent of the Church Ex-- tension Board, will give an illustrat-- ed lecture on the various phases of extension work. This is a part of a campaign by the Chicago Presby-- tery to infornt and illuminate Pres-- byterians in regard to the colossal task of christianizing the alien pop-- ulation of the congested centers. Be sure to be present. Mid--week service for Bible Study and Prayer, Wednesday at 8 P. M. The evening service of Sunday, May 23, will be in charge of a group of visiting friends from Chicago.. Always a cordial welcome to all Inf keeping with the season, as it was forty days after the Resurrec-- tion that Christ ascended on High, Rev. Williams will speak next Sun-- day morning on the Theme, "The Ascension." There will be special music at the Gospel service Sunday eveneing rendered by the "Fehr choirs will be held 'at regular ap-- pointed time this week. w'l'henibleelmwhhhmod'son % T mt ~I fantly mbohghddhm with the prayer meeting, it becomes an hour of great interest each week, the testimonies and prayers make it an evening of great blessing. Come and enjoy it with us.-- To 2 . K ' P. . C regular monthly meeting nevt Tues-- day evening May 18th at eight o'clock. This meeting will be of special interest to the young folks as there are five new members to join. The orchestra, under the direction of Mr. E. W. Cook are planning a fine program for Sunday May 30th. .hy? weiner and marshmallow roast before returning. -- Mother's Day will long be remem-- bered by the many who attended the ecents, which goes directly to child-- ren's work. On Tuesday afternoon the Mission Band met at the Church at four o'clock and went on their May--walk, while in the wood they held their regular meeting, also elected their officers for the coming year, then vice when the Mission Band gave their annual Thank offering Pro-- gram which was very inspiring. Their offering amounted to (34.34) thirtv--four dollars and thirty--four Deerfield Presbyterian Church Mark J. Andrews, Minister Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Gospel service, 8:00 a. m. Evangelical Bungalow Church €CONSULTATION FREE Phone 26 No matter what they may be. By the us of Drugles Mcthods. 4 mwmdfm Classes Now Forming is by attending the Sunday Individual attention given to each student. Intensive training--position guaranteed. MRS. GEO. E. McDONALD _ Abertvyville Phone 130. . Watch for further an-- 406 Mitwaukee Avenue Libertyville SUOCESSOR TO TME LATE DR. HBSLDN io fully equipped to uake care of DE. B. T. LYNCH In Commercial Courses . will hold their mmamwh day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowell. * Mr. and Mrs, Will Fink and fam-- ily moved to their farm home last day with hkis mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Dillon spent Monday in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Croker and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters of Libertyville visited at the Dillon home Sunday. » Lidyd Fisher and Milton Dowell are hauling gravel at Mundelein. Roseville school has a new wall picture of Sir Waiter Raleigh's boy-- hood. Also several new wall maps which they needed very much. Miss Vera Vasey of De Kalb spent the week end at the home of her parent Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey. The Peppy Poultry club are now counting their chickens. Junior Wil-- son has 31 from 44 eggs. -- -- , ~Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield and sons, Roy and John and Walter Va-- sev were Sunday gruests at the Lloyd Eddy home. Miss Esther Lusk spent Sunday with Miss Blanche Converse. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smith and sons were shopping in | Waukegan Misses Elsie Tuttle and Dorothy Dillon were in Waukegan Saturday. Walter Vasey, Clarence Hironimus Helen Vasey. Hazel Dillon, Sylvia Bednar, -- Beatrice Wilson, -- Hazel Townsend, Arthur Martin and Irving Townsend went to Chicago with Mr. Mullins and others of the Freshman class of the W. T. H. 8. Wednesday. Maurice and Roy Kruger of Wau-- conda spent the week end at the Dil-- Saturday. Mrs. Frank Dowell and little daughter are spending this week at day. in Wisconsin Sunday. John Vasey, Mrs. Jay Vasey and children Setah, Dorothy and Harold spent Sunday afternoon at the G. A. Vasey home. 5 $ Mrs. E. Bacon and daughter Vin-- nie called on Mrs. Mary Ames in Waukegan Sunday. Frank Dowell is repairing his fa-- thers tractor evenings of this week. He works in a garage in Dundee during the day. e 'The Ladies Aid met at the M. E. church Thursday afternoon and spent a very enjoyable afternoon sewing the Geo. Powell home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and little son. mo-- tored to Elgin Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Herman Dunrker and son Robert visited at the home of her parents Sunday. Mrs. Joe Vogt entertained Mr. and Mrs. Sevienson of Lake Villa Sun-- #u vYAILIEE + Ne Our Bobby class enrolled a new BATISFACTION GIVEN Duce ssm Rname Talntize Tehpar Haei al WeA rasssatas JOE RUTCHINS 208 Hast Cook Avesme 601 West Park Avenue FLOOR SURCFACING ~ District 'friends please attend and Mr. Fred Newton and grandson of Fox Lake spent Sunday at the D. V. Wait home. s --Mr. Harmon Meigs from Evansto spent the week end at the Stanford t Mr. Arthur Monaghon called on his brother Will at a Waukegan hos-- pital Sunday. Will is gaining slowly from the serious accident he' encoun-- tered some time ago. Mrs. Bochmer of Wauconda and friends from La Grange called on her parent Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait Sunday. Mother's Day services were well attended. . Fanny Troyer rendered a June 1st will be a big day in the history of the Woman's Society. The members are putting on a home tal-- ent affair----watch papers for more announcements. Mr. A. L. Payton was in Chicago Tuesday on business. + Mr. Sam Dickson, Fremont town-- ship was a caller here Tuesday af-- ternoon. 3 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Payton. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Briggs, Mrs. Seg-- walt and Mrs. Tonne were among those who attended the card party at Barrington Friday even'ng by the Holy Name Society. Mrs. B .R. Simons received the lucky number The members of the Wheeling Chapter OES held a social evening at the Rookenback home Friday eve-- ning and sewed for their annual ba-- zaar to be given this fall. on the first payment on a The Missées Lois Weaver, Margar-- et Fink, Elizabeth Buesching, Verna Rudsinski, . Ruth Dixon, > Gracie Branding and Helen Frank and Frank Bros attended the Jr. Prom at o ho t ies 6 + Mre The Little Red Schoolhouse _ of Printing PHONE 36 DINNERS, LUNCHES, GROCERIES, MEATS '_Free Crank Case Service : Mobiloils -- Oiling -- Greasing LAKE ZURICH CASEY'S INN and The Deerfield Interior Finish Company will reopen its plant on Monday May 16 under new management. * ¢ A corps of skilled woodworkers has been employed and this plant is now able to give its patrons prompt and reliable service on all kinds of regular and special millwork. ' SCREENS--SASH--DOORS FRAMES--PORCH ENCLOSURES * _ CABINET WORK--FLOWER BOXES ANNOUNCEMENT | ?--'--"" L rAGOCCE T If C i thi. e % ty 5o we dhipithe %m' hack me chars: teristic of the thing to be advertised. 'Good faces 'The ideal may not be.required in every piece of m'hfiam_flh'hgem solving the problem. By the characteristics of the human face one's qualities are often judged--and so it is with type either human or type, always create a favorable INTERIOR TRIM, ETC. Let us quote on your building needs. Deerfield Interior Finish Co. . ~FILLING STATION stone Printing Service "The Home of Cood Printing" a s 157 LIBERTYVILLE, LL sttend and| Normal school . a Theui-uv.m-m::k.mr: abeth and Rose Tonne seve _F""l""; rripggds "}' other friends spent the week end. -- , our types will prove a big factor in PHONE 136 MILWAUKEE & BELVILEDER ST. the Wauconda High School Friday day CANT BEAT T7 WREN FEET RURT * 'The Lake Side Hotel will hold their grand spring opening May 16-- --6th. Nichols Musical Orchestra of Arlington Heights will furnish the The Evan League presented their annugl home talent play at Bar-- rington Monday evening. A full house greeted the young people 'who feel amply repaid for their efforts. A nice sum was realized to be added to the trsasury. A great deal of ecrodit is due Rev. Dion who coached the play. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Maker of Geneva and Mr .and Mrs. R. Kainor of Bar-- Hringtc;n visited Sunday with Mrs. L. ertel. Mr. ard Mrs. H. Bauman and son ani Charlotte Weaver spent Sun-- Jus;l take your shoes off and flx those weary, shoe--crinkled, a ?n'gt. burning, corn--pestered, bunion-- tortured feet of yours in a "Tiz" bath. ~Your toes will wriggle with joy; they'll look up at and al-- most talk and then thefi:uke an-- other dive in that "Tiz" $ _ When your feet feel like 1 of lead--ail" tired out--just v""""?w It's grand--it's glorious. Your 'feet wil) : 'There's nothing like "Tiz" It's the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and cause foot torture. Afcweu'bbuyaboxof"l'iz".ui any drug or department store--don wait. Ah! how glad your feet get; how comfortable your shoes feel. dance with joy; aiso you Elll_gai'n_gg'e from corns, weary, shoe--crinkled, ach-- ng, corn--pestered, bunion-- eet of yours in a "Tiz" ir toes will wriggle with llookupat!'tlmandd- mdt.benthe{' take an-- in that "Tiz" bath. s jeruint day afternoon in Waukegan. _ :« Mrs. --L Fox.of Chicago visited last week with Mrs. Roy Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ernst and flywu'hy with ----Miss Ernst in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. --Sandman at-- tended the bazaar and entertaifiment at Long Grove Thursday ovening given by the Long Grove Evangeli-- cal church. NEWS NOTES w ---- RAY FURNITURE & PAINT STORE ol s --Open Monday, Friday and Saturday, Evenings * PHONE 9 LIBERTYYVILLE Eilwaukee, Wisconsin 1 LEight ventilaters in side walls keepinteriorfreshand sweet always 2 Deep,softlayers of fnenew feit-- ed cotton form luxarious cushion "Moving days" reveal why thousands --____ are'starving for sleep spring flowers. A wonder-- i i mike Tok l oaneo Win on ol, ch P . _Aut. flu.&«mfi%m& coach? The rates are reasonable. For full MoREthss 10000 oo i e ood i SIMMONS Beautyrest Mattress on behind are mattresses that 702 sensiti are lumpy, sodden, incapable of buoyant la giving the restful comfort that It shapes everyone needs. coaxing ne Let them remind you to study relax and 1 your mattress. Why not replace Lasting lo it this spring with ¢ themattress that ° will never sag or 50 pack down -- the cwammeme Simmons Beautyrest. & You see the moving vans lum-- bering down the streets and tied me of year for 1 Why not n echoolrcluts, lodge or church out then 100,000 persons last 0 tm pood food thak A rorved m hotre Line dining cars operating at times on 12 trains daily. cAbout theNorth Shore Line Published by Chicago North Shore and Mihraukes Rairoead Co. man yesterday. We asked him what he would do if he had a million dol-- lars and he said he supposed he would spend his time wishing it was out many cark.. A great many 'of We found a 3 Gentle, gielding support is given by the 7oza small sensitive coils 4 Astractive, durable cover. Gen-- erous rolledgekeepsbedneatandtidy o k Entirely different from ordinary kinds, it has an inner--cushion of 702 sensitive coils surrounded by buoyant layers of felted cotton. It shapes to every body curve, coaxing nerves and muscles to relax and rest completely. Lasting longer, the Beautyrest ' costs less in the end 0 than any cheaper . mattress. Huge pro-- smm duction makes its e _ low price possible. comfort. They cost us $86 apiecs in whole and Patten OGOymnasium at Evanseon, city of Vice President Dawes? > 0 ignta Shave Line sotor couchadld. h was the finest trip 1 ever had in a motorve-- for ----is our specialty. We have a large assortment <of material for you to select from. Come in and see us. 5 Sides and ends are of same fine construction as top and bottom 6 FEabric pockets cut open to show sempered coil springs under tension Cichy's Tailoring Shop 08 in gant North Milwaukee Avenue Fhone 551 T AILORIN G enc ng . me izvi,_-'g s