CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 15 May 1926, p. 7

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i#f in lockstep. Stop the procession at any station you like. Or review the whole parade and return to the one you like--just as you would scan the headlines in your newspaper. It is possible to get them all and make your selection in the time it takes to revolve the dial slowly once. are inspiring sights among the in-- dustries of Illinois, The other day in 'Ottawa, with a guide who knew the trails and by-- paths, I went through a mighty col-- lection of buildings devoted to the manufacture of plate glass. Here work 1,300 men. Out of the plant comes a stream of glass, 24 carloads a week, 25 tons to the car. Eighty-- five per cent of it all goes to one ecustomer and is used for one pur-- plicity in radio operation close to its limit. Anything much more sim-- &:onld have to be automatie. is just one dial, and just one controlled by the cne dial provied a mechanical exactness of tuning not From Chicago to New York in & split second. 2e From jig--time jazs to grand op-- era with one small twist of one small room, a single room 1,092 feet long and 170 feet wide; 4.6 acres under a single roof. Imagine another room fanking it 172x572 feet, devoted to storage of finished goods. Imagine these as mere units of a great group of buildings with more than 25 acres veloped in a new receiving set re-- cently placed in production by A. At-- water Kent of Philadelphia. This new set seems to carry sim-- trol marks another definite step in sadio development is recognized by all who have followed the progress of inventions that become of daily previously possible. The errors that creep in when all the combinations are set by hand are eliminated. (Illinois Chamber of Commerce.) Picturesque and impressive sights do not all lie out on the open road. Xthmytoflgmnothrm quite different hills and moun-- Such is the plant of the National Plate Glass company, in Ottawa. It is a subsidiary of the Fisher Body company. The plant, brand new, eost to build just a little less than $8,000,000: Yes, we have some size-- able industries in some of our Ili-- nois cities! The pavroll? I asked. Well, nearly $200,000 a month. It is a plant "built upon sands." -- Building Nine carloads of raw materials eame into the plant for every car-- load aft finished glass shinoved out. The stnrage capnacity of the vnlant is 65.000 tons or 160 carloads of ma-- terial -- approximately one month's sunnlv. * We start our journev in a great room 840 feet long. From its roof tower 13 giant smokestacks which stand above rows of roaring fires. 'These fires cook enormovs« pots of white hot liquid glass which boil and foam for hours. When the boil-- ing is done huge ladles, carried by cranes, scoop up the flowing white 'hot mass and pour them upon metal the grinding room each sheet of glass is inspected for flaws. These are cut out and the parts of the sheet that are perfect go to the From here the sheet of glass. about 16x23 feet and a half--inch thick is moved into the "lehr." Each sheet of glass is moved slowly through the lehr, about 350 feet I said the sight is inspiring. It is. Imagine a row of husy machines of floor space! marked permanency. It is buil+ apon the special sands which -- abound beds. This bed, or table, then runs under the rolls. Even the ladles As it emerges, in the rough, into Rediscovering . to cool clowly for hours under By LESTER B. glass in plaster of paris. Each side of.the glass is ground for an hour ie and 40 --minutes, then polished for the same length of time. ON THE RADIO |.. > z3 >« & xo se of the Illinois river, sucks in more than 8,000,000 gallons of water o fetmten 0) oo ~.~~ Fevery day. This is used for steam, for adjustments , has & permanence which belies.the story of the legendary house. I saw mar-- for loading. That's how the win-- dows in your closed motor car are made. 'l'hhllonoofminoh'jobl in making the world's motor . cars. bles made.: Marbels of all colors, out of the molten pots. No matter what color they ali look alike, white hot, as they first take on their globular form. The Peltier Glass Co.. is the home and rouge used in grinding and pol-- ishing, and for other purposes. Then it is discharged back into the river. The plant has eight 600--horsepower boilers built for 250 pound pressure. The storage room can hold 1,000,-- 000 square feet of finished product. Freight cars come into the building Around Ottawa is where the most of the best glass sand of the nation is mined. That is because the St. Peter's sandstone outcrops here. Un-- damanlthwmrn. | There are in Ottawa 17 panies whose business is recovering or dealing in silica sands. These sands have been the direct or indirect cause of the building of not less than 200 homes in Ottawa within a year. * Geologists say that La" Salle county is, from their viewpoint, one of the most interesting districts in the whole United States, They say Five dams will step the water down the Chicago to Gulf waterway between Lockport and Starved Rock. Workmen are now being assembled at Ottawa to build the Starved Rock dam. That is a $2,000,000 project. The payroll for the job will run about $200,000. Otherwise the in-- vestment will be mostly materials. Illinois will furnish practically all of them. 'This dam alone is expected to have a potential capacity of about 16,000 horsepower. The above cost estimates do not include the hydro-- e!ectricpoweroqnipmt, for of marbles. The marbles roll down heated, grooved drums and gradu-- ally cool. This plant makes color-- ful glass, for. lamps and church win-- dows. The coloring is said to be a secret process, handed down by the family, known only to the eldest son. There is in Ottawa a factory that is not called a factory. It is known as a studio. It employs 95 girls and young women. It is in an old high school building. They work in "classes." The gzirls are "gradu-- that the ~recoverable wealth, from mineral deposits, is greater in La Salle county than in any other coun-- ty in Illinois. There are other industries in Ot-- Daflyuipbcimwudafiap and intermediate points _ FURNITURE MQVING A SPECIALTY. Prones LimEatrviLs 144M. RAvEenwoop 1607. ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL : DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER -- Office 223 Washington St., Waukegan PHONE 465 Doctor John P. O'Neil WILLERS MOTOR EXPRESS , for SQOCIAL DISEASES facturer of men's garters, recently increased the capacity of his plant 250 per cent by the simple expedient of inventing a machine to perform a certain operation formerly done by hand. -- Cucumbers, raised under glass, are grown in Ottawa in large quantities, _Ottawa's population for 1925, bu-- teau of census, was 11,542. With about 200 homes built in the last 12 months it is growing. With its va-- rieties of mineral wealth, with its manufacturing, .with its rich sur-- rounding farm lands, with its green-- house industries and the Lakes to Gulf waterway coming -- probably just about two years away--Otta-- wa, though many of its more pic-- turesque industries are "built on sands," is nevertheless a city of so-- lidity and soundness. Yet Ottawa to a visitor appears to have a weakness. It is, speak-- ing generally, not keyed up to its opportunities. It is placid. Mer-- cm?seonnotto be --disturbed a this thing called "service." grown slowly. Ottawa's placidity means that when developments come they come, mostly, through outside investments. Outsiders, T judge, will reap the greater rewards in the coming growth. Ottawa seems to be peaceful and ratlher unambitious. Great indus-- trial developments are knocking at thcdoonofe&ulongtboubr- way. Today wa yawns . and rather wonders what will happen Ottawa, peaceful city, not worried at all, a bit careless of its treasures. ated" from one class to another as chemist is always on duty. Radium is costly, you know. A player piano plant in Ottawa employs about 85 men, --Very re-- cently the headquarters of the Am-- erican Magnetstone Co. was moved to Ottawa. Other plants make farm machinery, <~barn 'equipment and millwork, Men's garters is another _ This "sutdio" is ope the In the industrial awakening, now forecast. one wonders if Ottawa will remain nlacid 'or if it will rise, anx-- fous and wakeful. to the new dav. Perhaps it is because Ottawa is We'll show you safe and sound realty propositions. There is One Investment--Un-- brella for a Rainy Day and BUYtulesuutha_tyonknow to be a good, sound invest-- ment and it will bring you finan-- / It's a Real Estate L.3 conveniences of electricity so that they can take maximum advantage of the many services made possible by electricity. "But a smail percentage of the home--makers of America realize to what eftent their household can be lifted by electrical % said Mr._Davidson. "This is not fault of the home--maker, for she has never been told the complete story. The electric light and power indus-- try, by proper advertising, can in-- crease the sale of electrical mer-- chandise tremendously and show the companies, with the aid of news-- baper advertisements, to explain to the housewives of America the many little Joh 'nh.'hfifi(lu-i' ; won't even know an ice man," J. E. Davidson, president of the National Electric Light Association, said recently. President Davidson, in his address given in Omaha, his home city, re-- mmmamm industry. It was his farewell ad-- dress before going to Atlantic City for the 49th convention of the Na-- mmmmmmlt time he will retire as the head of the power andlight indus-- try of America. "Electric "refrigeration has come to stay and it will be but a short time when there will be an electric refrigerator in every home in the United States," he said. f President Davidson said that it is "It will only be a short time -- just a question of a few years--when Will you give a Penny _ for its Life? 2000 extra quality Apple trees at $1.00 each. * A fine lot of Mountain Ash. . * _ [ (~~!~_ _ Libertyville grown stock will do the best in your yard. Branch Yards, Prairie View and Gilmer Main Yard, Mundelein, HL ~~Telephone 103 . Some of these flowering shrubs will add beauty and value to Painting and Decorating FURNITURE FINISHED TO HARMONIZE TO DK Japan Barberry Bridal Wreath _ Zoral Berry OFFICE AND STORE: 23 W. nes: -- Office Lake Forest 254 Fairholm Gardens <~~~ _ ITH TAPESTRIRS -- Lake Forest -- Libertyville -- Mundelein 8. L. TRIPP LUMBER CO. Time to plant Shrubs--Trees, Vines, Evergreens, Pereniel Flowers i6 -- D. A. YOUNG COUNTY REcistHK, SATURDAY, MAY is, 1926 H. C. Burzmor & Sons * Nurserymen & Florists BA COME AND SEE IT. electric service." Special emphasis was put on rural "Rural electrrfication will lift the burden from the farm women and from that great body of men, with-- out whose industry and energy the nation itself could not survive. How-- ever, in the final analysis, the ques-- tion rests with the farmer. If he uses the energy when it arrives at his door to the extent that it may be an economic success, the time will Mr. Davidson is the first mid-- western man to be chosen as head of the National Electric Light asso-- ciation.-- : His rise in the electrical industry has been meteoric. He started at Port Huron, Mich., as an oil wiper and coal heaver. three minutes it warms the sore spot mmzmrod for a jar of Rowles m Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles be <quickened when the majority of farm houses in America will be electrified." . Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" ht funt your aho i cotminly stops thes outhm suff i g ust P Mnsd nor w on it denentre lief known. Nothing has such concen-- trated, penetrating heat as red peppers. T eul 4t mwon is you apply Aod Lepper Ts o wl 1ed the figlng hast. in ClR {m SALE--Girls Summer Coat. « Rur trimmed. Bargain.. Phone Realty Company 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 23 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 23 6 ROOM new brick bung, tile bath, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance "A good office to do business with" 201 S. Miwaukee Ave Real Estate and Insurance _ Phone 276 -- Register Bldg. ' 111, W. Church St. Libertyville brick garage, everything up to date, lot 50 x 153, the best built home in Grays Lake. 11% ACRES, finest wooded site in Libertyville, suitable for an estate, club or road house. paved street. Good well. 100 ft frontage. No assessments. Priced for quick sale at only $4,000. FOR SALE--New, Modern 6--room dwelling on paved street in most desirable location in town. Close 65 ACRES, good house and out buildings, 1 1--4 miles N. E. of FOR SALE--Strictly modern seven good barn, fruit and shade trees on one acre lot 4 blocks from bus-- iness dist., price $6500, terms $2500 down. 4 ACRES with frontage on three FOR SALE--Summer bungalow in 'Mundelein. 4--rooms and two big porches. Light and water inside. Wonderful scenery, cbest location in Mundelein Will sell low be-- cause of business. Inquire of B. Veseley, Mundelein, Ill. . Phone Odd shaped cornemlot about 181 feet frontage. Bargain for cash. FOR SALE--Lot in Dymond & Aus-- tins Sub. %4 block from Liberty-- Phone 276 111 W. Church FOR SALE--Frost Proof Cabbage FOR SALE--Nearly new 5 zl',oo'z modern bungalow on East Ave., Paved Street, has breakfast room, fireplace, built in book cases, shower bath, furnace heat. Lot 50 x 150 feet, fruit trees and strawberries. $2500.00 cashOwill handle, balance Mortgage. Zoned FOR SALE--Apartment site, the best location in town, centrally OMESEEKERS NOTICE--Have several good buys both in Lib-- ertyville and in Mundelein. Some new houses, some not new. Prices right and terms to suit the buyer. Bargains in good houses will be-- come more scarce as the season advances. <--Better not wait too long. "Buy a home and you buy a Bank." Lloyd C. Ray, Phone 220M. 81--tf Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 _ Rates: b¢ per.line per insertion. houses for rent. cash will handle this; balance on trees, 1 mile west of town. room dwelling on paved stlut.l close in. Equipped with oil burn-- er. Large lot. s.-am.n,.m' A real snap, and only $5,000 cash will handle this. | Specials all paid. It's a very con venient home and a real buy. and Tomatoe plants, Bermuda Onion -- sets. Mixed Gladiolus bulbs.: A. W. Koenig. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. -- You will get results. mhunymmrud:umywphhhhm in so. a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. room home with double garage or _ WATKINS DEALER 426 E. North Ave, Phone 188--M. for ROOM HOUSE, electric lights, AUSTIN & SCHWERMAN AUSTIN & SCHWERMAN . Offered by CHAS. F. FITZGIBBONS Real Estate and Insurance Milw' Ave & St. P. Ry. on 81-- 1--8 Let us show you this beautiful 90 x 240 ft. lot ¥n Lincolin Ave. Im-- provements all in and paid for. It will pay you to investigate. DUTCH COLONIAL 7 room house, located on Harding Court, Grays Lake. Finished thru-- out in hardwood.. Hot water, heat. Lot 50 x 153. m-m;::.&uy desirable home can be at Lot 110 x 367. Beautiful grounds, plenty of shade trees, berry bushes, grape vines and other fruit. 'This country home is located on a main highway just at the edge of Libertyville. It is surrounded by permanent homes and substantial es-- We are fortunate in being able to offer this proposition and suggest that interetsed parties see us with-- out delay. tates assuring plenty of open space and continued beauty, nevertheless convenient to schools, business dist-- rict and ideal transportatioon. FOR SALE--A teanwof black geld-- ings, 7 years old, weight 3200. A 'The above are only a few selec-- ted from a complette listing of Lib-- ertyville and Lake County propert-- fes. We can meet your requirements _ SELLERS & PETERSEN Phone 451 551 Milwaukee 'Are Libertyville SELLERS & PETERSEN Phone 451 Libertyvill FOR SALE--Thirteen patent cow handle, balance less than rent. Sunnyside Place--all improve-- ments, zoned for three fiat building. We will prove to you that this is an opportunity for investment. A SPACIOUS BUILDING LOT CHICAGO PEOPLE in increasing numbers are leaving the congested city to secure just what we are off-- ering in this column. A Moderate Home with plenty of space, 5 rooms and bath, tastefully FOR SALE--For one week we are offering small apartment Grand Pianos at very special prices. Terms as low as $10:00 per month. Ideal Birthday or --graduation gift. A small deposit will hold one for future delivery. Cable Piano Co., 28 South, Genesee St., ment and decoration. Located on paved street, very desirable section. Small down payment. Move right FOR SALE--2 Refrigerators; one, listed with us for immediate sale. Size of lot 50 x 140. Compare val-- ues in this vicinity, then see us. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FOR SALE--Purebred Bronze tur-- FOR SALE--1 Bay Horse for sale; 12 years old--1200 pounds. Good and sound. Geo. Everett. Phone 679--M--1. 88--4t FOR SALE--Girl's summer coat; like new, Call phone 297--J. 38--2t room 'brick bungalows, each with heated garage. See them at once and make your own selection of lighting fixtures and room decora-- Here is an attractive building lot, located on Homewood Ave. Oak-- wood Terrace, that had just been CLIP THIS AD fiO YOU WON'TT FORGET TOQ INVESTIGATE FOR SALE--Four acres covered with beautiful timber. Situated in Sec. 31, Fremont Twp. about % mile from Lake's Corner on Rand Road.~ Ira Smith,> Grays-- ble, Janesville Sulkey Ploy, almost Waukegan. key gobblers. Also spring lambs 30 to 60 lbs. and some heavy hens. and straw. Pure bred Collie pups, new. -- Gordon Ray, Phone 600--R--2. Bay and Black team, weight 8800 Phone 796--Y--3. Everett, IlIl. Plowman purebred Chester White brood sows. Osborne Farm, Mundelein. Phone Farm, Lake St., 2 miles west Alaska Star with 100 lb. box, open at top--$20.00; other not as new with 50 Ib. box, for $5.00, Phone New 5 room bungalow, strictly oats, seed corn. Quantity of hay Two new McKinley Ave 5 and 7 SELLERS & PETERSEN SELLERS & PETERSEN sSOoOMEBODY'S LUCK APARTMENT SITE or 88--1t--pd 87--2t DKR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Harrison 2815 Libertyville 2386--¥ DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:380 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park WANTED --Man for night work at garage. -- Honest and reliable. References. Phone 456. 87--2t Scientific Examination of the Ey GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 998 Bank Bldg. Waukegar and pain follows a, gentle r with PS yacote but» * ° FOR RENT--Six room house. Kd-- FOR RENT--Rooms with or with= out 'board. Apply 1106 N. Mil-- waukee ave., Libertyville. B4 WANTED--Man to help with gar-- den'ng. Call 509, Richard Klaver-- in. 87A WANTED--Girl for General House-- work. B. H. Miller. Phone 98. We see a picture in the papers llnnolinivithafiddlehhh_', Wasn't his predecessor, Mr. Nerq, aho;uy!ondotfln-i.'- points and doesn't burn the skin. . _ Straighten up! Quit complaining! moment will forget that fou evel i ever utm':'h&.mkv:"th-t or be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get acobs " from your druggist now and get this lasting relief. WANTED--Working man to shear sheep. Bergcron Stock Farm, Lake St., 2 miles West of Liber-- tyville. Phone 678--J--2. 38--+f WANTED--Couple with two child-- ren wants 3 or 4 furnished rooms or _ aparitment in _ Libertyville. Phone 100. Ask for Mr. Beatty. Meets First Tuesday--Gridley Hall WILLIAM P. WHITNETY ATTORNEY and COUNSEKLOR Ah! Backache Gone Rub Lumbago Away DWIGHT EDRUS COOK TEACKER OF YVOCAL Libertyville Post No. 829 AMERICAN LEGION Rub Pain from back with small trial bottle of old "Bt., Jacobs Oll." LAMS FOK HIKE--Lontract of day work. Basements a specialty. 8. J. Groves & Son«s Co., Liberty» ville, IlIl. Phone 659J2. 190 +f Ah! Pain is gone! win Austin. CHAS. N. STEPHENS, K. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Jochheim's Bakery"nlfl ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Build Professional Services LYELL H. MORRIS VETERINARY SURGEBON sickly?--»--Y¥es. Almost instant 1 DR. J. L TAYLOR 539 Milwaukee Avenue Wiring & Contracting 'l"icxtu-nlm PAGE SEVEN 1 Oul 1 back, and fike "St. Jacobs Oil" h1e, lumbago and

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