CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 19 May 1926, p. 7

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C > % mmmmm -- ~--~--<ealf--out for me? p Mfi en m _ _Bhe--Then please do, I'm tired and % tight--corked flasks. + " e&:' : * a e s-- * l _CO _ i caur ic3 P Dedicated Lord Andrew CGordon Myhuqnirh'a.hdn, Amfle'a.,z*ge-ut', ME Ong whose mind is a little keener, -- _ are meaner, ; That's what I call a friend. ~----you sadly, ar--4*s i One who'll welcome you back again gladly, One who though angered will not speak madly, That's what I call a friend. --_-- A Chemical Mother Gooze r --and * 9e "¥YE SMILE & DIMPLE COLUMN" Consider for a moment: from what are sausages made? We all know that they are made from dogs--bull dogs as a ruis. Now what do Jogs eat? Cats, of course. And cats eat birds--Birds in turn eat spiders-- spiders eat bugs and bugs germs. Hence we have: A germ in a bug. % A bug in a spider. The spider in a bird. The bird in a cat. The cat in a bulldog. 'The Bulldog in the sausages. -- . 'The sausages in you---- _ -- * So when you eat sausages you eat also these other animals. Now if these beasts should start to fight ?-- Its too terrible to contemplate: let ns turn from the sctene-- THAT'3 WHAT I CALL A FRIEND Oufi-nfl'haflthw. One whose is a little brighter, Qne whose deeds are a little whiter, That's what I call a friend. One who'll lend as quick as he'll '-'l",_ *# | One who's the same today as to-- morrow, Ouvh'llshnyurjoyuduo-l row, That's what I call a friend. «--Dedicated to Charles Landis Wives of great men all remind us As their pages we turn ¢ That we are apt to leave behind us Letters 'that we should have burned. One who is always willing to aid you. One whose advice has always paid One whose been fine when life One whose ideals you have not for-- * gotten, One who has given you more than he's gotten, That's what 1 call a friend. And then I want to see all of those "u::::::hd the Junior people working so hard on. I am glad I am going to the Prom because Mr. Best is going and I want to see him eat. (That wasn't all, either). Aubrey Wells. I am glad I am going because I know just how lovely it will be. Be-- sides, I want to see John Colby danecee the Charleston. (We didn't.) v~ L. DOBLe--li¢ was buried in an iron casket and had magnets in his John Colby. I am glad I am going to the Prom because John Colby has promised to dance the Charleston and I think we Why are you glad you are going +o the Junior Prom? I am glad I am going so I can see Vern Hall's date. (Too bad you got mow and everyone is busy learning 'his part. Mr. Walker hopes to have «this opera ready for production on June 4. > +Bob Spellman was absent a few days last week on account of illness. The Biology Lab. added a Luna 'Moth to its collection. This is a re-- markably interesting specie and one about which the late Gene Stratton Porter wrote in her novel, "Freck-- Jles." The Juniors were very busy last week preparing for the Prom. ~It was a great success and everyone had an enjoyable time. uating class of the Grade this «week about enroiling in L. T. H. S. in the fall. Drawing for the boys tennis tournament have been made and games will be played off as quickly shall all have a good time. (We did, (Continued from Page Six) al field trips last week and on "Thursday went out to Harm's Nurs-- «sery to study evergreens. _ Miss Kisch spent the week end at "her home in Evanston. John C.--How did Mohamed rise flayed 704, . That's what I call a friend. Mr. L. T. H. S. RATTLE M. In The Parlor ----Leslie Clough. A Christian is the l"i men: but then he is a man. _ If we lo , not in truth, can Bm s whaiever chances may happen. charity for all. The clearer realization of God as the loving Father of all His child-- ren must underlie any true manifes-- tation of the brotherhood of man. To begin by seeing one's true self as the image and likeness of God. the réflection or spiritual Ide« of divine Mind, shows the nothingness of any-- thing unlike good. Al things whatsoever mg w ye that men should do to you, do 'ye even so to them.-- ~ It's cracking on your nose! I love to see those lovely eyes Beam from your painted face; Let's find a Justice of the Peace, And wed, before it cakes!" In far away New Hampshire, Where I never care to dwell, There lived a lonely spinster, In her family hotel. Her sweet--heart called to see her, Just to pass the time away. His heart was set; he hoped to own The nice hotel some day. "Say something sweet," the spinster "Say something sweet and true." "&ymwwvmmhm The world and all of you!" l-r"mwmmq Mind put his pipe away, And then these blessed fatal words, To the spinster he did say: > "I love those dear enamled cheeks, As lovely as the rose; I think that its been on three weeks, The corks described las mfln&smblmmms. An Essay from the Freshmen Class The mewl is tougher than the guse or turkey. It has to legs to walk with, 2 more to kick with. and » V --." q I'.I.l'l 'Ih" F3 _ FURNITURE MOV_ING A SPECIALTY. PHonwnes Lreeatrviis 144M. RAvenwoop 1607. ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER Office 223 Washington St., WILLERS MOTOR EXPRESS Her Enamled Checeks on the side of its --Longfellow. SOCIAL DISEASES . John P. O'Neil E W Buttrfield and wf to Annie Donovan, wed. Pt lot 24, Block 1, ~--E W Butterfleld and wf to Mary Mitchell ;wd.> Pt lot 24, block 1, Channel-- Lake Bluffs subdn. Sager Lock Co to M D Glasser, wd.. Lots 7 and 8, subd of lot 2, see¢ 4, Shields. f C L Haas and wf to D S Collins, wa. --Pt lots 3 and 4, block 1,. F.H Kuebkers subdn,, Libertyville, D S Collins to C L Hass and wf, Jt tens, wd. _ Pt lots 3 and 4, block 1, F H Kuebkers subdn, Libertyville. E Rundquist and wf to Hilda Niininen. wd. -- Pt section 28, Wau-- Bluffs. Donovon, wd. Lots 10 and 11, blk 8, resubdn of Lot E, Channel Lake HEN the real\ estsite you 'ine---ineluauhwht--ulb sure to do--you'll realize the Take this friendly advice--buy Lake County Title and Real Estate Transfers Trust Company 220 Washington St., Abstracts of Titles MAY 8, 1926 WAUKEGAN PHONE 465 T» OFFICE AND STORE: 3 W. W D Baker and wf to C Gordon, wd. Lots 161 and 162, Grand Ave Highlands, Waukegan. J M Rundberg and wf to W J Kelly, --wd. Lot 85, Dora Moran's subdn. * s Lot 61, ist--addn to Washington Park, Waukegan. _ ; C T and T T Co., tr to R L Sand-- wick, deed. Lots 17 and 18, J. 8. Hovland's 1st addn to Highland A Bartel and wf to A Zainer and wi, jt tens,. wd. Lot 4, block 4, Dreyer's subdn, Waukegan. Nurserymen & Florists: _ ; Some of these flowering shrubs will add beauty and value to FURNITURE FINISHED TO HARMONIZE 'WITH TAPESTRIES Te Lake Forest -- Libertyville -- Mundelein ness, -- Pleasant, work calling on homes in --you make money on each sale and build up business on reorders, which give you a steady income all year. > You will have no competition a10VVIuV @il J VBLe 4& NP CE w-u_vvwwml in your community--all the business will be yours. Write for complete details. who wants to make money in her own busi-- WANTED--A Libertyville High School Girl THE LAKE COUNTY RECISTER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1926 is impossible' to get by home laundering methods. J > ~ _ Try us and see. Fairholm Gardens Reliable Laundry . * Dry Cles + ---- H. C. Burszmas 5 Sons PHONE 290 -- _ D. A. YOUNG 4603 W. Roosevelt Road stock will do the best in your yard. =-->>-- -- t "at se Jeffery's addn., N Brandonisio and wf to L Bran-- donisio and wf, wd. Lots 3 and 4, E Ashley Mears, Highwood. L Brandonisio and wf to N Bran-- misie, wd. Pt lot 62, Everts and b:g garage, everylhing up to d lot 50 x 153, the best built home in Grays Lake. a 11% ACRES, finest wooded site in Libertyville, suitable for an estate, ~ eclub or road house. 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. -- Phone 28 65 ACRES, good house and out buildings, 1 1--4 miles N. E. of FOR SALE--Summer bungalow in Mundelein.. 4 rooms and two big W and water inside. 'Wonderful scenery, best location in Mundelein. Will sell low be-- cause of business. Inquire of B. Veseley, Mundelein, Il!. Phone wBOO0FL.. . #>. 81--12t Realty Company 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 23 111 W. Church St. _ Libertyville OMESEEKERS -- NOTICE--Have several" good buys both in Lib-- ertyville and in Mundelein. Some new houses, some not new. Prices right and terms to suit the buyer Bargains in good houses will be-- good barn, fruit and shade trees on one acre lot 4 blocks from bus-- iness dist.. price $6500, terms $2500 down. ACRES with frontage on three ano " Fomatoe plants, Dermuda Dnion sets. Mixed Gladiolus ?--? W, Koenig. _ 1. WATKINS DEALER 426 E. NMorth Ave, Phone 188--M. long.~ "Buy a home and you buy & Bank." / Lloyd C. Ray, Phone 220M. K: 2PA 81--+ houses for rent. f AUSTIN & SCHWERMAN trees, 1 mile west of town. Specials all paid. It's a very con venient home and a real buy. cases, shower bath, furnace heat. Lot 50 x 150 feet, fruit trees and If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these ' columns, You will get results. ~*'There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so shert a tin:e and at so reasonable a cest as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. Minimum charge, 25c. : 6 insertions for $1.00 _ --_ Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. AUSTIN & SCHWERMAN Offered by CHAS. .F. FITZGIBBONS Milw'*<Ave-- & St. P. Ry. Real Estate and Insurance t Proof FOR SALE--Thirteen full cement basement. y Lot 110 x 367. Beautiful grounds, plenty of shade trees, berry bushes, grape vines and other fruit. This country home is located on a main highway just at the edge of Libertyville. It is surrounded by permanent homes and substantial es-- tates assuring plenty of open space and continued beauty, nevertheless convenient to schools, business dist-- rict and ideal transportatioon. We are fortunate in being able to offer this proposition and suggest that interetsed parties see us with-- out delay. : * FOR SALE--1 Tudor Ford Sedan. Russell Rouse, Mundelein. FOR SALE--A team of black geld-- FOR SALE--8 year work horse, wt. SELLERS & PETERSEN Phone 451 Libertyvill FOR sn&--lnqh&rn for sale; 12 years old--1200 pounds. Good 679"'19 ""t will pay you to investigate. FOR SALE--Lampshades of all FOR SALE--Fresh Crisp rhubarb, right out of the garden. Inquire of Miss Marsh, 128 Newberry Ave. FOR SALE--Puorebred Bronze tur-- key gobblers. Aln-flghnh 30 to 60 lbs. and some heavy hens. ments, zsoned for three flat building. We will prove to you that this is an opportunity for investment. A SPACIOUS BUILDING LOT Let us show you this beautiful 90 x 240 ft. lot on Lincoin Ave. Im-- provements all in and paid for. It 7 room house, located on Harding Court, Grays Lake. Finished thru-- out in hardwood. Hot water heat. Lot 50 x 158. This new and highly desirable home can be purchased at The above are only a few selec-- ted from a complette listing of Lib-- ertyville and Lake County propert-- fes. We can meet your requirements CHICAGO PEOPLE in increasing numbers are. leaving the congested city to secure just what we are off-- ering in this column. A Moderate Home with plenty of space, 5 rooms and bath, tastefuolly decorated; oak floors throughout, §$51 Milwaukee Are Libertyville TIMMEDIATE POSSESSION New 5 room bungalow, strictly modern, tasteful interior arrange-- ment and decoration. Located on paved street, very desirable section. Small --down payment. Move right wood Terrace, that had just been listed with us for immediate sale. Size of lot 50 x 140. Compare val-- ues in this vicinity, then see us. CLIP THIS AD §0o YOU WON'T FORGET TO INVESTIGATE Two new McKinley Ave 5 and 7 room brick bungalows, each with heated garage. See them at once and make your own selection of lighting fixtures and room decora-- OR SALE--Good six--room house on large lot with water, sewer, gas and electricity all in. 'Convenient to station and stores. ~Priced for quick sale. $1,000 cash, balance ble, Janesville Sulkey Ploy, almost ings, 7 years old, weight $200. .A Bay and Black team, weight 8300. Phone 796--Y¥--8.: Everett, IIL. purebred Chester 'White brood sows. Osborne Farm, Mundelein. Phone 622M2. .: 209--tf like new. Call phone 297--J. 38--2t shapes and sizes. Orders taken at 410 Milwaukee Ave. 39--6t 1500.. Henry Volling, RD.. No. 2 Plowman seed corn. oats, seed corn. Quantity of hay and straw. Pure bred Collie pups, Mundelein. SsOMEBODY'S LUCK Here is an attractive building lot, one 600--R--2. SELLERS & PETERSEN SELLERS & PETERSEN APARTMENT SITE e Ray, 89--1t--pd DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON DR. O. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway; opposite park Scientific Examination of the Ey GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 998 |[ protessionat Servics a Lake St., 2 miles West of Liber-- _tyville. Phone 6780--2. 8B8--+f WANTED--Girl for General House-- work. B. H. Miller. Phone 98. Meets First Tuesday--Gridliey Hall WANTED--Couple with two child-- ren wants 3 or 4 furnished rooms or apartment in Libertyville Phone 100. Ask for Mr. Beatty. WANTED--Man to help with dening. c.nm,wn; DWIGHT EDRUS COOK' Phenes: Office 163 Res. %8--J Charges reversed on all businesn LYELL H. MORREIS ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR EYES TESTED FOR GLASSES s FOR RENT--Six room house. KEd-- FOR RENT--Furnished Rooms. $12 Maple Avenue. Phone 290. FOR-- RENT--Rooms with or with-- out board. Apply 1106 N. Mil-- By U.S.Government Veterinarian Will Erect You A House or any kind of building ;furnish-- ing all labor and material by Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION what entire to#t will be before Klectric Wiring & Contracting Firtures and Supplies Eride Battery Service Station CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. Libertyville Battery & CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis PHKYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office ever Jechheim's Bakery Hours: 9--12, 24 and 7--9 CONTRACTOR & BUILDEER Libertyville 145--RBR day work. Basements a specialty. 8. J. Groves & Sons Co., Liberty-- Free of Cliarge Inspector in Charge-- . Office with Farm Burean DR. J. L TAYLOR TEACHER OF YOCAL-- _* R. L. Gonsalves 589 Milwaukee Avenue Phone Libertyville 829 Phone 659J2. 19-- ~----_-- PAGE SEVEN TLLINOIS

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