¢ Mrs. Robert Dawson entertained § company from Chicago on Thursday-- Mrs. M. Hynding and Mrs. C. * Dinnsen of Chicago were visitors at & . the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz 6 . s Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Chandler and Morris . Chandler motored to Belvidere Wed-- o nesday and visited Mrs. Chandler's # sister, Mrs. F. C. Miller. _ PAGE TWVO Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bader. have moved into the south half of the McBride house on Seymour Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith vis-- ited friends at Prairie View on Wed-- Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Small were Waukegan visitors on Monday. W. D: Porteous and B. F. Porte-- ous were business visitors in Wau-- kegan Tuesday afternoon. visitor Monday. -- Mrs. Francis Browder entertained her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Whitnell of Florida on Friday of last week. (Mr. and Mrs. Whitnell were enroute to Toronto, Canada. _ Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Charles Tattler who was formerly Lena Stahl, on Satur-- day'evening at her home in Tacoma, Washington. Mrs. Tattler was an old resident of Diamond Lake and is gwell known in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Leland,Jarrett, and Mrs. Lester Jarrett and children vis-- ited Lester Jarrett at the Victor Me-- morial: hospital . Thursday afternoon. He is reported to be doing nicely. The funeral of Mrs. Spoerl was held Wedndsday morning at the Fremont Center Church.-- Mrs-- Spoerl died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin Wagner with whom she resided. Miss Julia Bargeras of Gilmer spent Thursday at the R. D. Cook MUNDELEIN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dishinger and Mrs. John Jarrett visited Les-- ter Jarett at the Victor Memorial hospital, Wednesday evening. Ivanhoe, 10:00 a. m (Ivanhoe Sunday school has its meeting at this time 'because of Union Memorial Sunday services). Mrs. Frank Druba of Waukegan spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of her mother Mrs. W D. Worship service: 10:00 a. m. Union Memorial +Sunday services at the First church. The Diamond Lake, Ivamnhoe and First churches join in this service in honor of our soldiers dead-- Rev. W. C. Payfer, pastor of the Diamond Lake church preaches the sermon. Special music by the Junior choir. * * 2:80 p. m.--Senior Boy Scouts. 7:80 p.. m.--Special services in recognition of Mr. Harold D. Kin-- ney's fine work as social director for the past seven months. Special music by the Junior choir. After the service there will be a reception for Mr. Kinnéy at which light re-- freshments will be served. pices of the local committee and the American Legion of Libertyville. Rev. Edwar® Savegean chaplain of the U-- S. Army Station at Ft. Sheri-- dan will give the address. The band will mh some musical numbers. The squad of the Legion will fire a salute in honor of the dead. Taps will be sounded. Children will decorate the graves with wreaths. It will be a very impressive service Decoration Day Exercises will be held at Ivanhoe church on Monday May 3ist at 2 p. m. under the aus-- A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ritta Thursday, May 20th. Both mother and child are doing finely. The Mothers and Daughters Ban quet given by the Ivanhoe men a Plymouth Larger Parish C. Arthur Jeyne, Minister Harold D. Kinney, Social Director Sunday school: First church, 10:00 Painting and Decorating OFFICE AND STORER: 2 w. Phones : &MMN FURNITURE FINISHED TO HARMONIZE > WITH TAPESTRIES Lake Forest -- Libertyville -- Mundelein R. J; Lyons was a Chicago TV ANHOE We are now engaged in the general cement contracting business and are in shape to take on any kind of cement Phone 287--J JARRETT BROS. Muridelein, L. Phone 248--J LET US BID ON YOUR NEXT JOB nnouncement D. A. YOUNG the Ivanhoe church Wednesday night ky 20 Tor the mothers and dough-- ters of Ivanhoe and Mundelein will be an event that we hope will bring out all the mothers and ~daughters in the community. Miss Munsell of the Womans Training School of Chi-- cago has been seeured to entertain this happy gathering. Supper will be served at seven o'clock standard time-- . Afterward if the weather per-- mits a moon light frolic will be held on the thurch lawn. Do not miss this wonderful supper. Plans are being made for Decor@-- tion Day exercises which will be held at Ivanhoe Monday, May 31 at 2 o'clock. The Ivanhoe Ladies will help serve dinner to the American Legion Boys at the Libertyville High school. Those on the dinner com-- mittee are as follows. Mrs. Shep-- herd, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ransom, Elizabeth Wirtz, Ruby Kuobker, Mrs. George Meyer, Mrs. Clark Dunn and Mrs. Orville Smith. The chairman of the flower com-- mittee is Miss Emma Radke and everyone is asked to assist in bring-- ing flowers. All will meet at the church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock to make wreaths and boquets. A speaker from Ft. Sheridan will deliver an address at the Ivamhoe Church Decoration Day and a Band will furnish patriotic and inspiring music > o The Ivanhoe school will close Fri-- day, May 28. A picnic to celebrate the occasion will be held in Mr. Joe Obenauf's woods A fine picnic lunch with lemonade and ice cream will be served. Everybody in the Little Marvin Leroy Alois Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keisler was christened on Sunday afternoon May 16th at the home of his par-- ents. Mr. Hy Cordes and Mr. Alois Keisler, both of Palatine were spon-- sors. The grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kleinsmith were also present. A fine supper was served after the Baptism. Sunday school at' the Ivanhoe church next Sunday morning at 10:00. There will be no service as memorial servides will be held at the Mundelein chuch. This will enable the children to practice for the Childrens Day exercises also. district is urged to come. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dunn and family of Highland Park visited at the Clark Dunn home Sunday. Evangelical Church . _ _Carl A. Stadler, Pastor Sunday, May 30th S. S. starts again at 8:30 a. m. standard time. that we can practice the program for Children's Day on Sunday, June 6th. Teachers and pupils, please be all on time. German service at 10 a. m. Everybody welcome-- Memorial Service At 8:30 p. m. (standard time). The parade forms at the school house by the parsonage. All the school --children of Long Grove and neighborhood are invited to take part. A delegation of the American Legion Post from Libertyville, Hon. Forrest Flagg Owen, Commander, with the Colors and Firing Squad, also the Legion Auxiliary, the Na-- tional Daughters of the Grand Army and the Boy Scouts will be with us has you stiffened up. don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs QOil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame-- Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating'oilneeflstobeusedmb once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. Emi@ magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else lum! sciatica, berkaiie "or Thrumatiom 28 prompily. It never disappoints! Quch! MyBack! Rub Lumbago Pain Away Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old "St, Jacobs Oll." LONG GROVE or again to pay the Nation's tribute to the Civil 'War Veterans buried at Long Grove.: <#z 4~ 9t .0c c A short program.will be rendered in church with recitations, vyocal and instrumental selections and the Me-- morial Address will be delivered by Hon. William P. Carey of Waukegan, a Legionaire. ' All who love our coupntry and re-- members with love and gratitude those who fought for Freedom's Cause, ought to attend this service. The communities of Long Grove and vicinity are cordially invited to this patriotic service. s ' Members of Long Grove's Evan-- gelical church, take notice: The semi--annual mesting will be held at the school house on Wednesday, June 3rd, beginning at 1 p. m. All mem bers ought to be present. Children's Day will be observed on Sunday June 6th at 77:30 p-- m. The teachers and scholars of all Sunday school departments try their best to make that evening's pro-- gram one of joy and inspiration. A free--will offering will be taken up for the benefit of our Sunday school. All members and friends are cordi-- ally invited to attend. Memorial Day service will be held at Volo sunday, 2 p. m. at the ceme-- tery, followed by services at the M. Miss Zelma Russell of Wesley hospital Chicago, spent Saturday night at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel spent the week end in Chicago. Miss Fannie Foyer is spending her ;:tion with her mother at Hamlet, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon and fam-- ily spent Sunday at Henry Krueger's-- at Wauconda. ; Mr. and Mrs. Gussid Townsend visited Grays Lake and Libertyville Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith of Chicago, Mrs. Harold Stroker and children of Gilmer spent Friday at D. V .Waits. * The 'Stanford family motored. to gvanuton and visited relatives Fri-- y-- s Mrs. Bernard Geary spent several days the past week visiting at May-- Mrs. G. A. Vasey, Dorothy Dillon and Esther Lusk motored to De-- Kalb Saturday and stayed with Vera Vasey. The Ladies Aid of the Volo M. i Church will meet at the home of rs. Gussie Townsend Thursday, June 3 as this meeting will be an annual election of officers, all in-- terested please plan to attend. -- nounce the opening of their fifth Retail Branch You Feel Quite At Home The Community Bake Shop of Waukegan an-- Occident Flour Pure CIKNE Sugar Pure Milk *R Swift Silver Leaf Lard CC & j * j . | B1 _ ns Yeast And Nothing Else e s Kmadown Cake Flour --, -- tter (table grade) ~ Rumford Baking Powder You will find our sales M%lrl?always in cha of this Department of Mr. Murries Store;, v will give you prompt and mhelligent service. 2 Daily Deliveries--Hot Breafl at 4 P. M. Good ingredients will produce good results. We use the s;r::higfizdients in our Products that the most i housewife uses in her own kitchen--namely : openinfi our Main Store just a year af our policy of Baking Exeeptionally Hi Unusual suceess has attended our effo k _ ue 4 . _eour bank to ~extend COUI' { 2 Ous reaso'm;lble'fa;':.iligly th; SQPVICE | Wsucwallow The WHEELING STATE BANK WHEELING ILLINOIS > L. A. MURRIE'S Community Bake Shop THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1926 Grocery & Market YOLO 129 No. Genesee St. WAUKECAN Mundelein; IL Store at 3 ,Thirty-flvc children of this com-- munity have enrolled in the Daily Vacation Bible school the last two weeks. of June at Volo M. E. church, under the ~direction. of (Miss Stoné from the University of Evanston. f a: and Mrs. Albert Kautenberg daughter Mabel of Waukegan spent Sunday at John Walton:. ~Mr.--and Mrs. D. V-- Wait spent Sunday at the home of their daugh-- ter, Mrs. Bohmer at Wauconda. Mary and Frank Vogt spent Sun-- day with their sister Mrs. Chifford Benwell. _ Mrs. Jay Vasey and children spent Sunday at the Harry Passafeld Miss Eveline Neish is spending the week with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait Miss Georgia and Helen Vasey and Earl and Erving Townsend at-- tend@d the Flying Circus at Liberty-- ville Sunday, --~--_ Mrs. LoN. Lusk Miss Bernice Johnson @And Miss Naome Raether drove tq' Chicago Friday night and spent the night at Miss Johnson's home. ly Saturday morning the started for the Johnson cottage at Brandywine Lake in Mhichigan, but after driving 19 miles decided it was to cold and stormy for a camping trip so came back and spent the day in Evanston. The Volo and Fort Hill schools will hold their school picnic togeth-- er at Gages Lake Friday, the Vasey school will close the same day with a picnic at the school house. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Mrs. Ray-- mond Lusk spent Thursday after-- noon at the C-- L. Thomson home in Libertyville, 2 The Logan Cabin, one and one half mile out of Lake Zurich will hold their .grand spring opening Satur-- day evening. A four piece orchestra will furnish music. The Nestlerest will have their spring opening Saturday evening May 29. Dancing to good music and cafeteria lunch will be served. ' Miss Mary Patton has named her parking --grounds--Breezewald and will open for the. summer season Sunday May 30. Mr. Fred Grimm was in Parairie View Tuesday morning on business. Mr and Mrs. E. Goodluck and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Prehm left Thurs-- day morning via auto to lTowa to visit Miss Dora Prehm and other rel-- atives. Mr. Mullins, Prin. of Wauconda high school called on several of his pupils Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs-- Weaver and Charlotte were in Waukegin Monday shopping. -- sour 'bank to extend every reasonable.facility that is fi nancially ethical. Do not -- hesitate to call on us. _ -- lnourbaxikmextendacfi--' dial greeting and offer a courteous service to all our patrons, especially : to the ladies who come to us for helpful advice.. We strive to make all our callers feel at home. It is the policy of LAKE ZURICH For our 6 uk Mrs., O. I. Rockenback and daugh-- ter Lydia were in Chicago Tuesday shopping.. _ -- .Mrs. A. L. Payton delightfully en-- tertained a group of ladies at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday. Bunco and cards were played afterwards and a pleasant time had by all who attended. _ Remember June 1st the Woman's Society's play at the Baptist church, 8 p. m. Standard Time. .c | There will also be several musical numbers. Miss Margaret Fink has returned for the vacation after attending school at De Kalb The Lake Zurich base ball team will play the Elgin cubs Sunday and Monday the Chicago Pals A. C. both games on the home grounds. The boys have new suits and are looking forward to a successful season--and here's hoping they have a winning streak for all games. The Commencement exercises of the Lake Zurich school was held Thursday evening, May 27 at St. Peter's Evangelical church. --The address--"A New Day" was given by Dr.. C. C. Jesse and the diplomas were presented by Mr.: Chas. Rud-- sinski, president of the board of di-- recors. Those graduating from the 8th grade were Lydia Rockenback, Elmer Diehl, Alfred Grese, Virginia Sigwalt, Charlotte Weaver, Selma Steil, Iva Ernst and Julius Geary and Harry Berghorn and Hazel Gar-- vey from 2 year high school. Mr. and Mrs: Heybeck and Mrs. Rockenback were in Wheeling Tues-- day evening to OES-- chapter. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kruckbaum has returned from the hospital greatly improved AUTHOR ADVANCES and Wednesday, June 1--2 to the "High Steppers." ---- The theory that the leading of a jazz mad life in youth may possibly lead to a sober and prosperous ma-- turity is advanced in "High Step-- pers," which comes next Tuesday Sir Jazz--Led Youth in New Film, A BOLD THEORY Between Libertyville Mundelein and Chicago Libertyville. . . Mundelein . . . Effective Tuesday, June 1, 1926 New Rates Of Fare Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. for "Sir Philip Gibbs, -- who wrote "Heirs Apparent," upon which the film story is based, draws a picture of high stepping youth, wasting its hours in extravagant living and lov-- ing. When the crisis comes, how-- ever, the jazz mad children of the rich come to their senses and turn out to be praiseworthy examples of industrious men and women. Auditorium Theatre. | It is an Edwin Carews production for First Nation-- al, featuring Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes. 'These reduced--fare tickets will be good via Lake Bluff Shore Line Route or -- _ via the Skokie Valley Route In taking this stand, which is at variance somewhat with the gener-- ally accepted notions of the final consequences of jazz living, Sir Philip is expected to provoke con-- siderable discussion to this intense-- ly interesting and vital issue. Others in the cast of "High Step-- pers" in addition to the featured players are Dolorés del Rio, cele-- brated Castilian beauty: Alec Fran-- cis, Rita Carewe, John T. Murray, Emily Fitzroy, Edward Davis. Charles Sellon, John Steppling and Clarissa Selwynne. 10--Ride, 25--Ride and 60--Ride Tickets y 44# Plain and Ornamental Plastering Robert R. Dawson Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. , MUNDELEIN, ILL. \ *{j~4« of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service THE STAR Garage THE HIGH--SPEED ELECTRICALLY--OPERATED RAILROAD * Welding Day and Night Service Phone 317 Mundeletn, TL Phone 368--R Downtown Stations on the Loop; Wilson Ave. also Roosevelt Road and Gramf Ave. -- Howard St. 10--Ride _ CHICAGO Re--enacting the rhyming legend of ; Pied Piper of Hamlin, citizens of| Mason City slaughtered 1800 rats in | the past month. Prizes were cffered ; to those who led in the 'campaign, Lourie Seward winning first money with 430. 'ihe Association of Com-- merce suggested the movement and: it has had the effect of completely ridding the community of the rod--| ents. I naddition to the prizes two. cents was allowed for every gnimal RATS DRIV EN OUT OF TOWN And we have trained men to help you select the investment best *suited to your needs. Invest your money now in con-- servative stocks, bonds, or first mortgages, and in the future you will enjoy a steady income that will make you independeéent. Our Bond Department can help you. We only sponsor investments that we have investigated and be-- lieve in. State Bank of Mundelein Invest Now! Enjoy Later'! $17.00 $15.72 So Come In And Let Us Help You H $6.16 CITIZENS BANK BUILDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY GEORGE A. JONES Regular Hours 9:00 -- 12:00 A. M. 1:00 -- 6:00 P. M. Fhone 287--W DENTIST «5t