f 'r'." Only 1 more day tii 211$0pening " V . , day, June Ah, when fate trains g; l - - wilrhe whining thw' Shokie ' " Valley to Chicago's loop 'I "if? Transportation is the biggest factor in' the development of a subdivision. By it alone come people-busi- ness-profits: Copeland Manor subdivision it adequaielyfurnished with quick. easily accessible transpor- tation facilities. The new Skokie Valley high s'peetittleetttie willStart sei/vice next Saturday, June f, with fast limited-trains to Chicago each houti1eiithtiiig"trou from Libertyville to Chicago loop in 1 hour. _ . . Lots in Copeland Manor subdivision 1iijt new lowest prices; now. Riee in values is inevitable. For a . _' Mailmant down you can seeWe excelled location; A phone call will bring you complete information COP-ELAN I, jlillLpta' A new day nitrogen for Littertyirilu.and Copeland - . a n |_ , . - e . . . i , . ' y " [l _ _ T, ' . " J F, '. _. MP, _ KI " m ' 'LE wr, = .- , " . . . , rr "l C in " LT t, I l. at? O ' a, ' V r sap, - Manor 3W) '17 " HAT LrrrluliMpiltt'rolt Your: DrtEAMS-the Ideal Home Ted': down _aiii"itmeriittet trees and flowers where' children . can mph 11ljtitAlllt attil nominees, is now within your reach! Warfhtitrt-rttttitte. 1lmYAL0T,W1ilWrTRE REST. You "I" phi your own home. _ as sis 'itll', ll g" s, . I J, Lj'ititlk"iiaii V STATE 5" Copeland .Manor stands but dis. tinctly as the best investment along this new transportation. Best locations are beirtg bought up BUY NOW! ETA V" as