*hmupMmewfi Into whe smoker, i. appearing that he was attempting to make his es-- qc.ohmnomodtbomidou of Policeman Carroll and after ask-- ing.a few questions, the patrolman took him into custcdy. Cooper and O'Mara acted as if they had never _ seen each othe. before. The -- motormin on the North Shore ca. told the police one of the men hat carred a bag and upon ---- making a search Chief Tiffany found .~ . the bas four seats in front of where Cooper raa been seated. Find Money in Bag. s Carrots, radishes, onions and cel-- ery protruded from the paper bag and in the bottom was found a pillow ---- there being about $25 in change and Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, at the office at mfx'umh.wm.fma.?m."wmm. over. We are not celebrutring "De-- fense Day" any more. : THE SOURCES OF PLEASURE If one were to compare the typical town or small city of 25 to 40 years ago, with the typical community of today and note the difference between the aims which people chrished then, and thos they seek after now, there would be many revolutionary The Libertyville man who works only for the pay he gets is never "i-- able to think he is very well paid. .' ¢ In the game of politics it appears that too many leaders ma'y be worse rl--t.uch.. k -- An Eastern doctor says "diseakes are. dying out." But we suppose there will always be such a disease as an itching palm. Chief 'Tiffany called the Milwaukee police and learned of the bank rob-- bery and got descriptions of the ~At the outset < O'Mara said his rame was Burke and refused to an-- swer sny further questions. The pri-- being taken to the county jail and wrilled. He denied knowing O'Mara President--emeritus Eliot of Harvard university, who as a great educational leader has had an immeasurable influence on succeeding groups of young people, gave out an interview in Collier's Weekly some days ago, in which he remarked that the high standard of living, with its impulse to continuous pleasure seeking, carries a penalty. He felt that this standard has re-- sulted in dangerous emulation among the so--called prfessional and salaried classes. R One of the most striking differences that has come about in these years, is that it seems necessary for a great many peo-- ple--to spend money very freely in order to amuse themselves. The boys and gir's who could formerly divert themselves with simple picnics in country scenes, have grown up and they have children who must go to elaborate dances and entertainmeuts and belong to expensive clubs and travel around in powerfui automobiles, before trney can be happy. bandits ~The descriptions of two of the men fitted the pair in jail and er having any connections with the After being grilled for agbout an hour without any success. Cooper was taken back to the city jail in And yet a hopeful person can find many of the younger peo-- ple who are learning to get their fun without extray It does not necessarily cost them much to get out with th: tennis rackets and ball bats and running~ shoes and swimming suits. The musicat clubs which so many students are joining are not Demtly. There are plenty of inexpensive means for pleasure still open, if people can only be led to take an interest in them. ALONG THE CURBSTONES KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. s that the war is FRANK H. JUST, Editor been driven out of barber shops by 'The Ladies Ba.-o.kl.lunl. It's begin:ning to look as though excngressmen seeking re--election will kavre to stutter when they start tell-- ing what they cit tor the framer. that the Police Gazette would have of the old--fashioned wor:as wto 1----, We often wonder wha ha Dresses Dresses , In rayons, crepes, broadcloths, pongees, tub silks, etc. at _ Prices from $2.95 to $8:50 #7y!. You will find here a wonderful assortment of summer dresses at prices that are right. Printed silk dresses in the most attractive styles -- sizes ranging from 16 to 58. 5 : Prices $8.95, $12.95, $14.95, $16.95 $19.75, $23.75 yer Wash Dresses > naming "Blackie" Williams as the third bandit. The confessions were written and signed by both prison-- ers. Extracts from the confessions when arrested was wearing a "shiek" eweater which it is claimed was stolen from the machina awnad he "We stole a Hudszon coach in Mil-- waukee and drove to the bank in the --bank first and we followed close behind and carrying guns. We had five guns between us. "There were five employes in the bank, forr men and a woman and to one of the men ran out the rear door wher he walked up to one of the windows. We cleaned al} the money out of the veult and drawers and then backed out and drove back "We abandoned the machine leavy-- ing three guns in the car and "Black-- ie" went in one direction and we got Cooper furnished a description of 'Blackie" Williams and Chief Tif-- fany rotified the detective bureau sleven inches in height and wearing a blue serge suit and brown felt hat. He was schedu'ed to meet his feltow in Chicago, supolying the descrip-- tion of the bandit. He is described as a man 24 years old, five feet Th're were four notches in the gun, + *»* calibe: Smith & Wesson, which was fourd in the possessien of O'Mara. | "I arways pack a gun," gruffig declarea O'Mara when asked by | Chief Tiffany why he was carrving | bank, who--was in the place at the time of the robbery. He said war-- rants charging Cooper and O'Mara with robbery would be sworn out in the Chica The car which was stolen in Mil-- iukee and abandoned, belonged to Silk Dresses want to See an 6 o'clock Wednesday at the machine owned by * Babies' Day will be observed Sun--| English service with Holy Com-- day morning at the eleven o'clock | munion' at 10:30. service. There will be a baptismal| 'The newly confirmed, including an The Epworth League will--meet at 6:30. -- There will be no Junior League. The W. F. M. S. will meet at the parsonage Tuesday aftéernoon, and the auxiliary from Barrington will have charge of the meeting. | Our prayer meeting is held on Wednesday evenings. _ > service for those who want it, and a service for all the babies All the parents and grand parents are invited. Come and help make this one of our fine programs. ~'In the evening our church will at-- tend the service at the High School auditorium for the -- baccalaureate sermon. x Miss Rnhy.'mll--. Organist. -- . Mrs. Cora Hull, Choir Leader. Morning worship at 1,11._-00 The pastor will speak on "grace abound-- ing." meet at the parsonage Monday eve-- ning at 7:45. Please come on time as nearly as possible. e gst "The Real Presence of -- Christ" will be the subject of the sermon for Sunday morning, June 20. Children's Day will be observed with a program Sunday morning, June.13, at 11 o'clock. Bring an of-- fering for the--Children's Day fund: School . We will have no evening services on account of the Baccalaureaate to the graduating class of the High TAXTI The services on Sunday, June . 6. (the first Sunday after Trinity) SMITH'S ST. LA WRENCE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. H. B. Guwyn, Pastor: Stand at w'm Shop firnon ; $ . i}: ""':' ) ' y é" Church school, 10 a. m. t All services on Daylight Saving Holy Communion, 8 a m. § Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 J. CICHY, Proprietor North Milwaukee Avenue Guy E. Smock, Pastor Cb The newly confirmed, including an adult class of three, will participate in the Communion for the first time. the pupils of the grammar school is being held at the school hcude today (Friday). --Examples of the work of all grades is on display and the par-- ents and friends are invited to ex-- amine them. The exhibition is open from 2 p. m. to 5 and from 7. to 9. Mrs. Maria Lill, Miss Effie But-- terfield and Mrs. R. J. Lill spent Monday with Mrs, Emma Rouse at Mundelein. R. J. Lill--were Waukegan callers Services at St. Patrick's church, Wadsworth, each Sunday at 8 a. m., standard time and at:Druce Lake at 10 a. m., standard time. Rev. Foley ADDITIONAL LOCALS Sunday school at 9:30 next Sun The annual exhibit of the work of ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Wadsworth Our "BUYING AND SELLING FOR CASH ONLY" Policy means that values are always 8 boxes for Star Naptha Fels Naptha Large Granite Mixing Bowl filled with 6 bars Crystal Whiite Soap and 2 bars Creme Olive Soap and 1 box of Soap Chips ............ ONLY 87c Royal Blue. Pork and Beans, 3CANS AOK u.009 ¢..--.--..s nmrivammnss Finest Pure Lard, Per lb. Sale June 4 to 11 Inclusive PREMIER to give the ownér a more efficient heating system -- a --heating plant which is more economical in upkeep, and more durable. Your comfort and convenience is assured if you purchase a Premier Heater. ROYAL BLUE STORE Warm Air Heaters The PREMIER is designed and built FRANK H. EGER Phone 17 H. A. ENGELBRECHT, Proprietor hgfi'tm Investigate * _KFor Yourself? H A R DW A RE ents and grand parents and great grand parents. . 6 Rev. and Mrs. John E. Delong of the « First -- Methodist Episcopal church attended. a wedding at the Methodist church at Barrington on last Saturday, and Mr. DeLong per-- formed the wedding ceremony. BRAKE TRAP I1S NOW THE THILNG Jchn Schneider and family who have been visiting with relatives here have returned to their home in Fort Wayne: Jack Amant of -- North Chi called on friends here Monday. gone the "speed trap" one better through the invention of the "brake trap" according to British travelers returned from Constantinople.© ~A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney at the Victory Memorial hospital last Sunday, May Turkish legislators recently pass-- ed a law, specifying a certain profi-- ciency fc. automobile brakes. Now LONDON '-- Modern 19¢ ~Frim a hiding place along the road they toss the plank into the road about fifty feet in front of a passing automobile. If the car stops in time, it is con-- sidered to have "legal" brakes. If \Dolores Costell | George OHara 4 Directed by Millard Webb 1. &gm.:"".fi,wfl.mm'&'( 2 by Herman Melville Sunday June 6th. A MATRIMONIAL Tuesday--Wednesday June 8--9th. : Saturday June 5th. Monday June "th. _____ A MaTRmmonTAL MiRTHOUAXKE: "The 'l'rofiblms" with Florence Vidor, Tom Mi#a#e,-- Esther Ralston, --and mhhdtmhh'.ijmblmde,ndcbflyof * M:'lh-m*"ndlhm News. Srenario by Befé;s;_fl*ered?flf We want a few good 5--passen-- ger cars with drivers, Sunday, June 6, between 2 and 6 p. m., daylight saving time. Lake County Land Association Come Where It's Cool AT THE AUDITORIUM THEATRE Telephone Your Name and Address to --_ LIBERTYVILLE 410 "'TIT'wo Fisted Jones" Private Cars Wanted Also Aesop Fable and Pathe Review REX BEACH'S Moby Dick J clvilie AWeredyth ates this year will do well to remem-- ber that the fellow who is afraid of a fall will never get to the top of the ladder. The Libertyville boy