hi : i PAGE FOUR While a few romantic motor tour-- ists exclaim on the beauty of coun-- try scenery, the chief question seems to be when do we eat. Principal reason why the world rumwildomofthegndn- essays, seems to be that it is l!ohdoluttoubetheirgoodad- Climbers on the social ladder have thrown off the handicap of clothes. bor's daughters cultivating their mu-- No matter how much the farmer plants, he seldom is able to raise the Graduates now looking for jobs, are some surprised to find that the business men are quite as interested in the marks they got in their stu-- dies as in the positions they held on the ball team. c s tion will be sure, says Diogenes Din-- Another fine thing about rural life is that you can't hear the neigh-- them generously in your will. ke t a s do the fiying About the only way to make your friends remember you as long as your enemies will, is to remember A picture of political corruption that surpasses the activi-- ties of Newberry in his palmiest days is being presented to the nation through the hearings being conducted by the Senate Select Committee on Campaign Expenditures in the state of Pennsylvania concerning the recent Pepper--Vare primary con-- According to the testimony before this committee the whole primary organization throughout the state is "made to order for fraud" and presents, in the lavish expenditures of funds, af unlovely picture of the rotten--side of politics at its worst. Even to those who are on the outside, so to speak, Senator Borihdoesnotreeommendhimselfforsuchahighoffke. As a senator where he may indulge his flair for oratory and violent disagreement, he does very well but one cannot imagine him as the level headed captain of the ship of state. Rather he reminds one of the old time bucko mate who roamed the decks with a belaying pin in each fist and a torrent of abuse issuing from his mouth. To most political observers the Borah boom is but a flash in the pan, interesting fireworks, but nothing more serious. moneythaniseondudvetohonestyiqa_ny campugn Of course, this is an expensive age. One cannot conduct a primary campaign on nothing any more than we can 'still buy good butter at 15 cents a pound. Thus an unreasonable limit should not be placed on expenditures. Butwhenwelenrnthqt $247,000 was spent for the Pepper hck!t in Pennsylvmia'g pri-- mary 'we--realize that.it constitutes the expenditure of more + THE BORAH BOOM & Senator Borah seized the publicity bull by the horks in an attempt to prove himself Presidential timber, when he made his scathing attack upon the proposed New York state wet ref-- erendum, but, like a blank cartridge, the attempt was noisy but did no harm. Senator Borah is an excellent mouthpiece but, in the opinion of those in power in the Republican party, he is not a promising candidate for the office of President in 1928. It seems a fatal mistake not to limit the amount that can be spent by prinmary candidates in their campaigns. Pensli-- vania's neighbor on the east, New Jersey, has such a restriction on the various candidates, and, while it may not have entirely eradicated the money evil in the primaries it has certainly re-- duced it greatly. : People's ideas as to their occupations and enjoyments need to undergo some change when they enter marriage. If they think they are getting married merely for a companionship in sportsand amusements and for a high time generally, they have not the right idea of this new relation. The community is deeply concerned in them too, and they are not merely personal occasions affecting two people and two sets of relatives and friends. The community \wants to see them true unions of heart and good common sense, that will ereate happy and lasting family relaiions, "~and bring up worthy children. . e There are too many young people who look at matrimon§ as a rather casual thing, something that they can try ou awhile for the fun of it. Then if they don't like it, and don't like the particular person whom they--have chosen for a mate, they can dissolve the union created by these solemn vows, and try someone else. f "sa 7 While the community will probably never return to the very strict views of divorce that. once prevailed, yet it does believe that marriage is a sacred thing, to be entered upon only after the most earnest reflection, and to be dissolved only for gross misconduct. : THE MARRIAGE MONTH June is famed as the month of weddings, and the usual number of happy young couples are entering the matrimonial state. These halcyon occasions always seem very charming and vital to all who attend the ceremonies, because the interests involved are so very important. -- R Entered as second--class matter October .13, lsls,atfl\cmofflua rtyville, lllinois, under Act of March 3, 1879. Issued weekly. ALONG THE CURBSTONES KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. THE PENNSYLVANIA PRIMARY Succeeding 'the Waukegan Gazette Established 1850 FRANK H. JUST, Editor Alas! most of those who can af-- fordamidhven'tmuehtodo,my. day, except tend to the canary. k. C * Apparently the way to get a lot of home runs is the first to see the kidathatmtmndandmdyin case you don't. port his supporters, but he sympa-- thizes with them after the election. It has gotten so that when we see the name Wills on the sport page we bave to look twice to see whether it is Helen or Harry. Neuter Gender doubtless was in-- vented to fit the man who can en-- joythemvmaflonvl;enhdium discussing frocks. ; quires no actual money seems to be £ debt settlement and a real estate Florida newspapers announce that the state is no longer a gold mine-- but they sal nothing about the gold brick selling being over, . ant men care a whoop whether the world was made in seven days or seven It isn't hard to mplor::'t Just make something peo: need and let nature take its course. Whilawemnotapeuinist,vn don'tupeettohurmpdeudfi oil and gasoline drop with a liehnhgthndhwnnlmmin. vestigation has been ordered. Mr. Coolidge doesn't actively sup-- Very few of t.h? world's import-- The only big achievement that re-- Automobile traffie on Thursday will be barred from Park avenue or Mechanics Grove road as it was called, and will be used onlygv pe-- destrians. -- The highway I1 . be ;from ,Lake Bluff to the sem-- so that the pilgrims can wall from that point to-- Mundeleins .. It is a foregone conclusion that Libertyville's food providing e:flty willbeuxedtothentmgt o7 aif cal rdnntl in anticipation -- ficulty are urging their regular ens-{ tomers to purchase enough rations at least two days before the Con-- gress to tide them over until the Eucharist mset is over. v According to the plans announced by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul officials, all trains coming from the south will be unloaded at the old depot and trains from the north at the Milwaukee avenue station. It is interesting to know that for the one big day alone at Mundelein 1,000,000 bottles of milk have been ordered and over 25 tons of weiners-- In addition to this thousands of cases of pop and other boattled drinks are stored in nearby barns rented by the concessionaires for the purpose. The Libertyville Village Board at a meeting Tuesday night passed a resolution modifying the zoning or-- dinance during the Congress® per-- mitting the erecting of refreshment stands in any part of the village. Officials of the North Shore road made a final inspection tour early in the week and following the ride an-- nounced the road bed in excellent shape and everything in readiness to care for the vast throngs of passen-- parking spaces an hour or 36,000 people an hour counting from the nine parking spaces. Figuring eight hours of travel 288,000 people will be taken in over these routes. The balance of the million expec-- ted will be carried to Mundelein via the North Shore Line, Soo Line, and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Nine trunk highways will be used for the thousands of automobilés to reach the great impressive scene. It is estimated that with all the roads used for one way traffic, 1000 can be handled from each route an hour. Figuring four persons to a car there will be 4,000 people taken in the Charles Harvey, 49, proprietor of a club for colored folks located at 667 South Sheridan road, who a few days ago shot and seriously wound-- ed John Scottie, also colored, 138 Browning avenue, waived examina-- tion Thursday morning when ar-- raigned in police court and was bound te the grand jury on bonds of $1,000 on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. Harvey furnished the necessary bonds and was releas-- ed pending grand jury action. .Th» shooting occurred, it is re-- called, following an argument the pair engaged in over an alleged Railroad. ALL IS READY (Continued from page 1) IN SHOOTING FOR CONGRESS Sunday School at 9:45. Our church and Sunday school are asked'to attend the meeting in the play ground work which will be held at the High School on the evening "The Meaning of Protestantism" is the evening subject at 7:30. This will be an interpretation of protes-- tantism for the purpose of finding how churches of different denomin-- ations can be more friendly to one another. We expect a large crowd. The 'Epworth League meets at The Eucharistic Congress will be recognied Sunday morning and the subject will be "The Real Presence of Christ."' This sermon will be preached in the interests of mutual understanding and Christian unity and tolerance. Over a hundred spe-- cial invitations are being sent out for this service and for the evening service. The morning service is at *L Sunday school, 9:45 A M. Services: Sunday, 10:45 A. M. June 20th,.' Subject: "Is the Uni-- verse, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" FIRST PRESBYTERILAN Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor --Miss Ruby Williams, Organist. Mrs. Cora Hull, Choir Leader. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. German services at 10:30 a. m. English services at 7:30 p. m. This will be an informal service in which the pastor will speak of his impresgions on his recent trip to St. Louis to attend the opening of the Missouri Synod. % CHURCH s John E. DeLong, Pastor The church whose members all attend. « FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE §OCIETY Third floor ¥First National Bank Choir rehearsal every week as June 28, at 7:30. Sunday school BOX LUNCHES And Dinners Served Daily _ Also Rooms to Rent AT 311 WEST PARK AVENUE * ALL HOME COOKING® * Beginning Sunday, June 20 . We have a large. bulletin board in|-- Mike-- Menas, proprietor of the the entrance to the church which pic--| Royal Billiard hall, on East Wash-- tures some ideals in church finance.| ington street, Waukegan who was Numbers are used instead of names, | arrested a week ago following an al-- and your number will be sent to you leged assault on Harry Windes, 19 individually, and you only wil} know | years old, 113 North Jackson street, your standing as a payer to the| was granted :a continuance of one church. The Official Board voted| week by Police Magistrate Walter unamiously to carry out these plans, Taylor Thursday morning. and this is the first step. Our goal| Menag,is charged with picking uy will be all bills paid every month. ia billiard 'cue and striking Windet Please watch the bulletin board. °It: over th: head following an argu-- changes the first of every month. ' ment regarding some change which ; Suminsatmes Wind»s claimed was due him. Disappointed A Yankee from New England was lounging on a park bench in London when a great excitement arose. Peo-- pleruh:it«onrdthestmt,falling over each other in their haste to get thkere. "What's it all about?" asked the Yankee, starting to get up. "Mon, mon," cried a little man, *"the king is coming!" + it was a fire."--Country Gentleman. All the average man expects his wife to be is a sweetheart, a valet elasses and other organizations of the young people are invited to at-- tend in bodies, and seats will be re-- served for them when requested. "Thunderation!" said the Yankee, settling back on the bench, I thought an audience and a nurse. This will be an informal service in which the pastor will speak of his impression on his recent trip to St. Louis to attend the opening of the Missouri Synod~ ~Choir rehearsal every week as an-- munced. 0 ¥ 8ST. LA WRENCE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor The services on Sunday, June 20th (the Fourth Sunday after Trinity) Sunday school at 9:30. German service at 10:30. ' English service in the evening at Chruch School 10:00 a. m. Services on Daylight Saving Time. Holy Eucharist and sermon 11:00 ST. JOHN'S EV. LUTHERAN Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor ASSAULT CASE IS CONTINUED LAKE COUNTY CITIES _ sHOW BUILDING DROP The survey shows the May mark this year to be $229,337 and that of the same month last year to be $482,585 with the April, 1926, mark as $429,469, For Highland Park the mark last month was $248,107 and for May, 1925, it TA XI was $278,840. Waukegan and Highland Park, the two Lake county cities listed in the building survey by S. W. Straus & Co., show construction cdrops for the month of May as compared with the same month in 1925, Waukeran reports a drop also as compared with the monthk of April of this year. SMITH'S Stand at Bradford's Barbe: DAY PHONE 51 NIGHT PHONE 197 Heavy plain white Coffee Mugs, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Vege-- tables, Oatmeals, Salads, etc. All fancy pattern dishes are open Coffee P Water, Sherbert, Parfait, Iced Tea, Lemonade, Wines, etc. Our Basement Salesroom For Household Utensils Granite and Aluminum Ware 11-- J. B. Morse & Co. , {fryi : ketfl # 3 _s ' # pooodfirend bmg, pirc pane, on ThR OR -'ME UUL é«%i fi «-- C e 'Sfraw Our straw hats have just the right snap and style and are light and comfortable. "EVERYTHING FOR MEN* Phone 14 Libertyville, IIl. PR Hats