CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 23 Jun 1926, p. 3

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«_ _ of Trinity Churech, Highland Pk. | DEERFIELD | The Garden club had a most en-- joyable afternoon at the home of Mrs. Richard Farmer on Wednesday afternoon,, June sixteenth. There was quite a display of iris, Colum-- bine, Oriental poppies, pansies and daisies brought in by the members. The elub will hold its annual June flower show on Monday, June twen-- ty--eight. Anyone interested may exhibit. It will be held at the Deer-- field Presbyterian church. A very interesting report was given by the chairman of the civic cemmittee on the work done on Journal Place Park. The co--operi tion of many people living in the vicinity of the park is making it a Plains, Wisconsin, is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. George Karch of Deerfleld avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McGuire are entertaining friends from Min-- subject for the day was in the most competent hands of Mrs. A. R. Warner who proved more than equal tc the task of acquainting the mem-- bers with the various varieties and species of "hawthornes." There are Mrs. Amelia Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bigham and daughter of Chi-- cago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugent Ender, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Deck are zldh'afudaynwithnhfim Pilgrims from New Jersey and New York who came to attend the Eucharistic Congress are stopping at Henry Juhrend's hotel on Wankegan part of the country. Their blossoms ir the spring ana the fruit in the fall make them a valuable asset to landscaping. A walk through Mrs. Farmers' garden which is beautifuily Misses Eva Ender, Margaret Krees and Florence Corcoran were the guests of Mrs. Gregory Sheahan of Highland Park, Sunday. Mrs. A. G. Klemp spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Ernest Diebert of Irving Park. Te mat'dcht o'clock. -- Twelve prizes will be given to the makers of high scores at bridge, five ing afternoon. Miss Margaret Carolan of Chicago was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Pfister, Sunday. -- Deerfleld friends of Miss Agnes Carolan of Chicago will be interest-- ed to know she has chosen Saturday June 26th as her wedding day. Mr. John Tully of Everett is to be the bridegroom. Mrs. Chas. Moran . of Pasadena, California, a sister of Miss Carolan, is expected to attend the ceremony. 7 will be included. Mrs. Glenn Bow-- man and Mrs. Clarence Huhn are in On Saturday evening, June 26th, nistead of Monday, June 28th, the Deerfield American'jLegion Auxil-- mmhdd;pnblicardpanyfor and gentlemen at the Masonic "Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willman enter-- tained at a six o'clock dinner in com-- of Mrs. Willman's aunt, m. Monahan of Minneapolis, Friends night will be observed at the next meeting which will be held Thursday evening, July 1st. , Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kress enter-- tained at a family dinner party in bonor of Mrs. Kress' sister, Mrs. P. Monahan.. C ~ charge of the tickets. Proceeds of the affair will be used for the ex-- penses of the auxiliary. Miss Eva Ender was the guest of her aunt, Miss Florence Ender of Chicago, Thursday. ' t e On Thursday evening the members of the Deerfleld Eastern Star chap-- ter celebrated the second birthday anniversary of the local chapter. Following the meeting the members enjoyed a social hour. Refresh-- ments'were served on an attractively decorated: table with a sumptuous birthday cake as a centerpiece. Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow of Norwood Fark, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt Tuesday evening. _ ° The class of 1926 of the Deernield-- Shields high school had so many outstanding pupils of,,. unusual abil-- ity that instead of having a com-- mencement orator, as has been cus-- tomary for a score of years, seven Whitlock of Nebraska, graduates of Bush Conservatory of the class of 1926, who presented a pageant with pupils of the Northbrook schpol Fri-- day evening, were the dinner guests of Mrs. Robert E. Pettis. *4 Miss Catherine Donnelly: of Pitts-- Priests' March from Athalia of enterprise. of My The standard set by the girls of the class of 1925 in wearing plain white sport silk dresses was adhered to by this year's class. Instead of the customary white flannel trous-- ers and dark coats worn by the boys of the classes for at least seventeen years, dark suits were worn this year, and the class marched in couples and were seated alphabet-- ically, a boy and a girl, instead of the boys in the rear and the girls in their dazzling white loveliness mass-- ed in front as at previous commence-- ments, except last year, in order to facilitate the conferring of the di-- plomas upon such a large class. The majority of the students expect to attend college. Many have taken the easter college entrance board exam-- inations. Sunbeam cottage built by the boys of the vocation department of the high school is ready for inspection. It has five rooms and bath. The liv-- ing room is 12x17, with a fireplace and built--in bookcases, and a sun poerch. The kitchen is equipped with modern labor--saving cabinets, also a breakfast nook. All equipment is of the latest style. The cottage is Iccated on a 50x152 corner lot on Athletic Lane and Centerfield Court, g:dngthencwhighlchoolathletic 1d. To every township in the county each year is awarded a Lindley Scholarship. Before the establish-- ing of the many high schools which are nccessible to the eighth grade graduates these scholarships were considered worth securing as they entitled the holder to a four year eourse in a normal school; now they are 'ooked upor as honorable men-- tion only The list of honors an-- nounced today by T. A. Simpson county school superintendent is as followa: k Township 46--12--Stephen W. Sexton, Winthrow Harbor School 46--11--Grace V. Shields, ---- Wadsworth school 46--10--Homer E, Edwards, f _ Hickory school 46-- 3--James E, Runward, o Channel Lake school 45--12--FE eanor G. Vlack, Central school, N. Chicago 45--11--Sophie Skwarkowski, Stafford school 45--10--Jack Horenberger, Graysiake school 45-- 9--Hazel Nordstrom, i Fox Lake school 44--12--Leonard Lighthall, South school, N. Chicago 44--11--Psul G. Wells, » Mundelein school 44--10--Robert Wilcox, --__ Mundelein school 44-- J--Louise Baseley, Wauconda school 43--12--Bessie Kostail, . f Everett . school 43--11--Dorothy COUNTY SCHOOL $ HONORS GIVEN lutatory--"A Great American Leader" ...._.......... John Benson, Jr. Favorite Book...............__._.._._._._. Hawthorne Cbnsolidatod 48--10--! miftan Mirecki, Ruth 1. Anderson, South school North Chicago. Esther B. Ball, Ceneral school North Chicago , Murray Campbell, Everett school. Theresa M. Corrington, South school, North Chicago. Henry Damm, Ingleside school. Homer E. Edwards, Hickory . Francis H. Geary, Grayslake. Clyde Helm, Lake Villa school. Jack Horenberger Grayslake. Dorothy Hughes, Oakland school. Martin Johnson, Monoville school. Ariee A. Jordan, South school, North Chicago. Bennett school 43-- }--Albert Roesslein, Courney school The following are the names of the fifty pupils who made the high-- est averages in the final examina-- tion; these are arranged in alpha-- betical order, not in order of stand-- ings; the difference in the stand-- ings is slight and all are entitled to this hcnorable mention. Steve M. Balen, Central school North Chicago. CA y school, North Chicago. Frances A. Kapple, Grayslake. Marion M. Kelroy, Mundelein. Gwennie C. Killey, Round Lake. John Schropp, South school, No Chicago. Stephen W. Sexton, Winthrop Harbor #school. 4 North Chicago. Mary A. Vondracek, . Diamond Chicago. s KA Lillian C Mirecki, Bennett schoo* Hazel E. Nordstrom, Fox Lake. * Emogane Olson, Rosencrans. Helen V. Papp, South scheol, No Anna E. Petranek, Beach school Will R Ray, Mundelein school. Lydia Rockenhach, Lake Zurich T. Albert Rosslein, Courtney. 'Harry M. Rouse, Mundelein. Georg» A. Sankiewicz, _ Central school North Chicago. Georg> T. McKenzie, South school North Chicago. § Seeks Thrills in Polar V oyages \ to both . North ana \Rmoles, preferably by airship, Annab«l F. Junge, Round Lake Mildred Tegen, Crayslake. Thomas Tiffany, South School, N Everett Tromblee, Grayslake. El:anor G. Viack, Central school Grace V. Shields, Wadsworth. Sophie L. Skwarkowski. Stafford Barrett Snyder, Antioch. Rose S Strryz, Oak Grove. Genevieve E. Wells, Mundelein Paul G. Wells, Mundelein. Robert V. Wilcox, Mundelein. Mesec, North school, N E. Kapheim, Nh w THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1926 Grayslake School Harry Lusk, Elizabeth Christen-- sen, George Churchill, Chester Ben-- ning, --Fdward KRKrumery, . Francis Gearzy, Helen Pech, Philip Hilde-- brandt, Buddy Haas, Walter Krum-- Ardis Taft, Orville Hawkins, Ken-- neth Hills, Raymond Hills. Flsy Wait, James Neish, Friank Vogt. . Dorothy Champney, Andrew Mag-- ger, Letty McCoughey. _ Wright School Mildred Lee, Frederick W1 Lyman Bonner, Phyllis Lorfin. wards, Harrict Edwards. Murray School Martha Batz, Kenneth Batz. h Everett School Robert Douglas, Murray Camp-- bell, Steve Kostial, Julia Verbeke. Deerfield School Carl -- Freeman, Anthony Thomp-- son, Charles Orsborp, Alice Simons Junior Simons, Ernest Hertel, El-- sie Samueison, Mary Hoffman, Jesse Mericle, -- Dubby Peterson, Ruth Homer Edwards, Harold Kennedy Ward Edwandis, Iillian Wells, John Nielsen, Howard Wells. Franz, Eva Lange, Harriet, Stryker Marion Taylor, Stanley Fredrick-- Elose F. Williams, Mundelein. Lovise Zelesnik, North school, No Perfect In Aattendance For Year Emily Wilton. Fox Lake School Helen Eiter, Frances Stafford. Honey © Evelyr Reese. Ralph Giss, Gladys Giss. John Anna laulu. Pomeroy School. Pauline Fisher, Bernice Fisher. Irene Koffen. Esther °_ CASEYC'S INN ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER Office: 100 S6. County St., Cor. Water St., Waukegan, III. PHONE 465 Doctor John P. O'Neil YOUR HOME DESERVES The PREMIER DE LUXE Warm Air Heat-- ing System combines in an ideal manner for even temperature with abundant provision for severe weather conditions--oceans of heathful humidity--and gentle, but constant circulation of air. that provides all the venti-- lation the average home can possibly need. You can duplicate June weather or the balmy +ou can du%xcate JuIIC WEeallie, O UIIC Udiili Y climate of Florida in your home all winter only by. means of a heating plant that gives you that combination-- warmth,© humidity, ventilation! ' North Prairie School Avon Center School. rfortable All Winter-- _ And With less Fuel sgs HOME COOKED CHICKEN OR STEAK DINNER? «If*so place your reservations now with Bean Hill School Milwaukee Ave. and Belvidere Road PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 36 _ _ FRANK H. EGER H A RDW ARE * Phone 17 Pn s Do Y OU want a real Glenn Ed Ander-- THIS NEW COMFORT Lillian Lindetrom. -- LaVern Gil-- man, -- Maranerte Stancliff, neva Gleason, Russell Gilman, Verna Schroeder, Evalyn smail, Vera Ma-- Lotus Country School Nora Watts, Wilbert Watts, Hel-- en Schueneman, Alvina Adams, Min-- nie Dahlider, Raymond Adams, El-- mer 'Adams, Gerald Klaus, Gene-- vieve Robis, -- Arthur Schueneman Charles Schreck. Town Line School George Shelley, William Ruff. Long Grove School Bessie Gosswiller, Arthur Reim-- ers, Rarbara Koch. Lenore iamond Lake School Sarah Kane, Alicc Hutchings. * Flint Creek School Kathryn Pepper. Grange Hal) School Emily FKeckey, Evelyn Novotny. Gages + ake School Nancy Seake, Alice Van Zandt. Big Hollow School Helen * Lone Oak School Clifford Hogan, Catherine Rior-- Rosencrans School Emogene Olson, Blanche Leable. Kelsey School Anna Pepper. Plastering and Telepione 48 Anywhere on the North Shor Francis Ptasenskie, John Ptas-- NORMAN L. MADOLE Oakland School. Lathing AYear From Joday What will your Carbe worth Lhen Or in Two Years? Or in FIVE*? Dopse BSRoOTHERS MOTOR CARS Blue'thnelCoauandGnyFlnnnele «_ §$27 Mohair Suits in blue, black and colors . $22.50 to $45 PuhnBe.chsubwlfilZM. © 6 8 + Om'" . Ran'Gray and White Flannel Trousess . . $8.50 19 $15 Waukegan service--an astonishing record, when you think of it--and ample justification for Dodge Brothers well known slogan--Long Life! Special Coupe.. $967.29 Roadster _ $862.70 Touring Car .. $863.72 Sedan ... $968.74 These vital questions create no worry in the minds of Dodge Brothers owners. Six, eight and even ten years of faithful service--with mileage running well into six figures--is not an uncommon record for Dodge Brothers Motor Car. _ In fact, 90% of all the cars Dodge Brothers have built are still in See the Dodge Steel Body on Display in Our Showroom JAMES MORROW & SON New and Used Car Salesrooms 202 SOUTH GENESEE ST. egran PHONE 228 Me! McHenry PAGE THREE

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