m es m'mvd'whg the week end wilh 12D0¢6I* the class of mawmuu.iwflm gnember. | 'Father Flyrin of New York has + Walter F. McLaughlin blossomed | been a guest at the home of Mir. and w week with a nefiFordi::.Gnrgchmformpn Start a Joint Account : HavrE Mongy| AQJUIALLD. ¢ Ifamnwhomkumwywfllluveitwhhm m.ni.they'mm~ a Many a man done this has found in time of financial stress that his wife had enough money to save their HOME or his BUSINESS. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Start Saving Regularly NOW. By a JOINT ACCOUNT we mean one on which either husband or wife may draw. They may also have separate ac-- Ward off infections and disease by using the right medicine at the RIGHT TIME. Every household should have a well stocked MEDICINE FT. ltwmnnm-nybmdwmnimym- lnhludth-didlumudnfle.-cil. w Our RUBBER GOODS are the best; they stand the test. Let US be YOUR druggists. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Say it the Kohout Way ----with Flowers Try us. We are Lake County's largest rose growers. Also other vari-- eties of flowers and plants. KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS . B. LOVELL CO. % "*The Bank of Service " 'mgmo:,n Bias. *#3 g';':\ f YVe Deliver PHONE 5 ® Ray Guion of w'w friends here Wednesday afi : " Joseph Kohout was a business vis-- itor in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark 'Neville and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carr of Wauconda. ~ and children of Waukegan Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A meeting is called for tonight (My)ofdltheeomnfimeshl charge of the various activities of the Libertyville Day . celebration which is scheduled for Thursday, July 22. The plan is to begin now on the final effort to get everything in shape to make this the biggest event of its kind ever held in Lake Mr. county. The major items have al-- ready been arranged and the meet-- ing tonight is expected to settle a number of minor details and start the committees in the intensive work which will make the meeting a suc-- John Haas <of Chicago callé e home of his parents, Mr. and at Diamond Lake. > : John Schneider of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is at the home of his mother Mr. Amelia Schneider, at 205 South _ @The Little Trish Gir]" Sunday, June 27th "A Woman of the World" Monday, June 28th Tuesday and Wednesday, June 29--30th Aesop Fable avenue. of Chicago called Buster Brown Comedy "BUSTERS SKYROCKET" sell of Janesville, with friends here A modern American love comedy death of his Kinogram News born on Wednesday, June 28. Toike 14 thoand Ser Wiliom Al home of Mr. and Mrs. William Al-- bright of Mundelein. ° i fonom"wm and family, ";: for four have lived Milwaukee, mnarr;ek to Liberty-- ville Saturday. They expect to make their home here until they are Able to dispose of 'their property when they intend to locate in California. For the present Mr. 'Wilson is con-- tinuing his work in Milwaukee, The refreshment stand at the par-- ish: house of the Episcopal church enjoyed quite a patronage from the pilgrims réturning from Mundelein Thursday evening after the rain. .Mrs. R. C. Higgins entertained her niewe, Mrs. Mary Lerrwick of Delara-- van, Wis., for a few days this week Henry Dirig and sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Dirig, Mr. Edward Dirig, Miss T. Cink and Mr. G. Link, all of Fort Wayne, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Walton and son of Waukegan; Mrs. Harry Joseph of Flint, Michigan; Mrs. T. Dunn and children of Sac-- ramento, California; and Miss M. Boler of Rochester, Minnesota. North Shore station Wednesday fif-- ternoon to greet the arrival of the Cardinals' special train which reach-- ed here at 5:45. 'The four car train was held here forsometim'hfls1 members of the local parish greeted the papal legate, Cardinal Bonanzo. Cardinal Dubois, the French delegate left the train here and was escorted to the Insull residence which had been prepared for the entertainment of him and his retinue. -- Mr. Samuel Insull came out on the special and headed the motor calvacade which was escorted to Hawthorne Farm by the motor police. © 8 Marshall: Limberry was called out Thursday night to take charge of a man whose erratic behavior attract-- ed the attention of bystanders. The man to the. village hall where an attempt was made to discover his name anmd place of abode but the still being held by the village Author-- ities who are trying to locate his --is our specialty, We have a large assortment of material for you to select from. Come in and see us. . Cichy's Tailoring Shop North Milwaukee Avenue large crowd. gathered at T A 1 4LO RIN G . Saturday June 26 Pathe Review > C--ag ' C. M. Wilkox was a business caller in Waukegan Friday. ~~ Schroeder visited friends in Chicago tained :the followiing. guests . who gress at Mundelein: Rev..© Cecora, Rev. M O'Callagan..of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Smith of Rogers Park. * Miss Catherine Ayfward of Wan-- saukee, Wis:., is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Grarcy Agnes of Oakes, North Dakota, are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Hoehm on East Park Miss Alice Smith of Grays Lake was a visitor Thursday at the home of her brother Orvilie, on West Lake The new ventilating system're-- cently : installed at the Auditorinm |] theatre is making a decided hit with | the patrons of that show house. The pleasant, even temperature of just the proper shade of coolness which | helps to make a pleasant evening |' at the Auditorium, is accomplished by the Arctic Nu Air. A short de-- ga-lpuonof-flnmethoduedisu follows: A large volume of fresh air in through an opening four feet square by a large blower. This blower is equipped with blades which are cupped. 'The cupped part of the blade overcomes practically all of the swishing poise of the mov-- ing air, besides gathering the air to force it into the auditorium. The blower is--propelled by a five horse power motor having a speed of 1800 | revolutions per minute.=. After the blower is started, air is drawn from the outside and forced into the audi-- iairheughtmdionedthmghtwo lmdehiehbmklitin- to small particles, deflecting them to '| various parts of the house. -- The natural laws do the rest,: the cold air will settle to the floor and the ; | warm, foul air will rise to the ceil-- | ing and escape through the venti-- Alator shafts. P *Furnished Rooms To Rent? and Mrs. L. W. Beman enter-- w Congress Week -- Specials _ Cold Lunch Meats of all Large assortment of sand-- : wich cheese f Fancy fruits and vegetables Watermelons on ice Bottled beverages Bakery ' goods TRIGGS & JOHNSO\ SNOW'S TAXI 'Phones 24 and 25 -- Libertyville and _ daughter oC it o :fas s Monday, June 28 * Opening 'of the > recreation and playground activities in Libertyville i with community meeting at the High School. and frolic for old and young.: Spon-- sored 'by MIM% and the American Legion. ---- ' Mrs. Cora Hull, Choir Leader. Sunday school at 9:45. -- Let us use the Sunday school for better train-- ing in 's word. PX | Morning worship at 11:00. The pastor speak on "The Best Way to Show Religious Devotion." -- : Young plumetingatC:SO. Evening service at 7:30. _ The theme "Our Rebuke from the Lives of the Deéparted." . Good music and 'a welcome to all. Morning worship at 11:00 pastor speak on "The Bes to Show Religious Devo -- Young peoples meeting at 6 Evening . service at 7:30. theme "Our Rebuke from the Third floor First National Bank Sunday school, 9:45 A M.~,~ . Services: Sunday, 10:45 A. M. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH _' John E. DeLong, Pastor _ Choir at 8:00. Miss mmtct Smock who nas been in quarantine for starlet fever for seseral weeks is agoin able to be out. Her father, Rev. Smock, and her sister, Jean, who have been liv-- iing with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kaiser sinco her iliness, will return to their Fome Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Church services at 11 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. ! Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30." . English Service. at'_lp:&. Drop us a card and we will bring Room seekers to your door. We have a demand at all times. FIRST PRESBYXTERIAN Thursday, July 22 uce o 1 5 e rer Srraunt .4 $s d ac00% . +7 P topl y e 2 ) e i rigale. hoi Nefi Hls, -- se a l fe . vidist sb o Bd a'+ evenings has God is our refuge and -- &A nrypmnthbh'w':filfi fore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. ~Be still and know that 1 am God. I will be exaited among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Peaimist That the Almighty does"make use of human agencies is one of the plain-- est statements of the Bible. I have so many evidences of His direction, zo many instances when I have been eantrolled by some other power than a:tmvfll,&'tlunotdonht this power comes from above. Abraham Lincoin. He who ruleth the raging of the sea knows also how to check the designs of the ungodi@ ' *J3 oo en Racine. _ I know not where His islands lift lwthn!mt&m 'msbveanda'n. X¥:2 44. Whittier. Put up again my sword in his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. -- 3 Christ Jesus. The motive expressed -- by Christ Jesus: in' all his words and works, purpose.. It was to lessen the hold of evil beliefs which seemed so com-- pletely to enshroud the minds of mortals, -- through demonstrating God's presence, power and availabil-- ity to meet the human need. i' Rf FOR GOOD PEOPLE The man who is en-- titled to his self ret-- spect is the man who feels after a job is completed that it is a real money's worth. That's the way we serve with roofing. -- No house is Better 3t -- Than its Roof.. ' , . oc rOn SUMMER MORNINGS W. W. Carroll & Sons Co, House Aprons Colors -- $1.00 _ Service Aprons White $1.50 & $2.00 Libertyville Lumber Co. i FIRST NATIONAL BANK -- [ 417 NORTH FIRST STREET BERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ~-- _ "THE GOLDEN RULE-- MEASURES MANY A MANS SELF REspect* tographed in a group, including the photographer, who sought the aid of a youth to press the--bulb. Every-- thing was ready at last and the op-- eration was completed. When the group was dispersed it-- occurred to the photographer to ask <the 'boy whether he had pressed the bulb ex-- actly as instructed. "Oh, yes," said the boy, "I prac-- ticed it half a dozen times before I took the group!" * day in the city. "My love is like a red, red rose," he said, as he kissed his wife. £ "Bertiec," said Mrs. Newwedd, tearfully, "don't be unkind! You'd be very good spirits after a prosperous cupation this spring discussing what they consider to be the most pecu-- liar weather since last year's. 4 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance "A good office to do business with" 201 S. Milwaukee Ave. We Look Out For Your Interests A large company was to be pho-- . VY People have had a lot of idle o¢-- Wrong Meaning. 8 p. m. t &\