"*I got your letter this morning. I have talked with our board of di-- reetors. Can I have an appoint-- ment with you tomorrow morning !' "That impressed <us. ~Here was ~"When we started to hunt for a location we sent out, in one day, 60 letters to 60 small towns. We want-- ed to get into some good, live, small town. We mailed the letters on an afterncoon: The next morning be-- fore 10 o'clock the secretary of the Syeamore Chamber of Commerte had me on the telephone. He said to me something like this: I would ask the men who are do-- ing these things how and why ther are doing them; the men who came to Syeamore bringing their plants with them why they came. That seemed a.reasonable thing to do. I shall try to be brief> Robert Floess president of the U. S. Art Binder company, said: When I arrived in -- Sycamore these thoughts were foremost-- penditure of about $1,500 000 Could taere be' a lesson in the story of Syecamore's development* Might I find here some message to carry to other towns? Has Syca-- more any m.#e that other town@ do not have. I went to Sycamore to Sycamore is paving practically every street in town with concrete. Its banks are modern, in new build-- ings with tile and marble finishings. Sveamore's bank resources total about $5,000,000. It's population is about 5,000. Sycamore's develop-- ment program, now pretty well nlong, I was told, calls for an ex-- and moved in--the Hero Furnace <ompany, manufacturer of warm air furnaces. This company, long es-- tablished, had units scattered about in a number of places. Much of its work had been done in a Wisconsin city. Now everything is consoli-- dated in Sycamore. 'The state of Illinois will be repre-- M on the progr=um of the Amer-- SAcean Institute of Co--operation which en= its four weeks' session at Uni-- arsity Farm, between St. Paul and polis, June 21, by the follow-- * authorities: F. S. Betz, Ameri-- --<an C»>uperative Publishing com-- pany, Chicago, Ill.; Dr. L. E. Card, University of Illinois, Urbana, IIl.: «C€. B: Denman, president, National Livestock . Producers' association. icago, Il1.; F. A. Gougler, Illinois Ag association. Chicago, Oscar Hormnbeck, of the firm of T and Cossett, Chicago, IIl.; . B. Leeper, general manager, Tl-- mois Fruit Exchange, Centralia, Ill.: «€. C. Mast, manager, Adams county { Shipping association, Quincy, T.; J. W. Nicolson, manager, Safe-- seed, Inc., Chicago, I!l.; L. J. Nor-- *ton, professor of agricultural eco-- momies, University of . !llinois. A couple of years ago the Art Craft Products company came to Syeamore. It does a manufacturing business in plated ware, makes lamps, candlesticks, book ends, sta-- tuary, picture frames, novelties of many kinds. a Not very long before the coming of the Art Craft Products company another organization had arribed Down the street a little way a new garage is being started. It will eost about $40,000. In the edge of Sycamore a new industry, the U. S. Art Binder company, is just com-- pleting a new factory. It has come to Syeamore with an established business.-- It manufactures sample cases, advertising novelties, loose leaf binders, catalog and bonk cov-- ers. advancement," declared Secretary Charles W. Holman. "It's support-- tirg organizations include all the old--line farm organizations and co-- aperative groups, that alone repre-- sent a million and a half farmers who sell their products or buy their about $125,000. "The American Institute of Co-- «eperation today represents prac-- tically every important force deal-- ing with the problem of agricultural supplies through co--operative asso-- ciations. In addition, the institute has the support of the U. S. depart-- ment of agriculture, the U. S. de-- partment of commerce, and the va-- rious state officials such as the com-- ture has just been completed with modern "shops" in the front of the building. Its cost was about $120,000. Across the street a new Cl mfl agriculture and state officials who come in .con-- tact with this problem. Indications point to a good attendance from many states. (HWMlinois Chamber of Commerce.) Fourteen merchants in Sycamore have ut in new store fronts in the BE REPRESENTED Rediscovering and direct action. We liked ithod, It gave us a good first xt B. COLBY, had. But once we tried it we liked ""'Opportunity to buy into this husiness brought me to Sycamore. For a year or two I commuted. ar-- riving in Svcamore each morning leaving at night. Finally we staved at a hotel here. Then we rented a home. Adijusted. we became fixed In the beg@inning we didn't want to live in a small town. We never This classic remark was made on Thursday. On Monday morning he was presented with a deed to the lot. A small group of business men; anxious for a good hotel, had got together and bought it. In a cou-- ple of instances bonds were sold to Sycamore business men. But they were certain that the bonds were good. Sycamore does not lean to the bonus method of getting plants that may prosper and may not. William F. Page!l, president of the Turner Brass Works, came to Syca-- more several years ago. This com-- painy makes blow torches, fire pots braziers, bronze tablets for frater-- nal organizations, clubs, etc. He safd : is developing. These people are awake, alive. They have faith in Syeamore, believe in it, are confi-- dent. They sold me on Sycamore. 'That's why I'm here." more. We found the factories there doing well. We were struck by the progress being made in new build-- "I also learned that the people of Sycamore were anxious, eager to get us. We found them organized in a businesslike way to make us happy and successful here. We were fortunate about one, thing-- the banks knew us and our business and were willing to co--operate with us in reason. In other words, we found . friends in Sycamore. We have been prosperous and happy." "If you are going to make money pick a place that is developing. The faster it is developing the better chance to make money. Sycamore In all this development in Syca-- more the only thing that 1 found that might be classed as a bonus is this: One day Mr. Fargo chanced J. V. Patten, president of -- the Hero Furnace company, ,takes his place in the story. He says: "1 was looking for a place where L.could bring the scattered units of our organization together. I want-- ed to reduce overhead. -- Consolida-- tion would do some of it. I must get away from high rents. I was looking for intelligent labor; also, labor of a certain class, primarily grey iron molders. I found these things here but-- H. B. Fargo of Geneva is the man who built the new motion picture housé and is building the new hotel and garage. He has some other in-- vestments in Sycamore. All of them will total about $300,000 he told me. His business philosophy is: ~"If 1 bad that lot over there I'd build a hotel on it." ings, paving, the municipal park. "The place had a prosperous look. The business men seemed keen and active; not like proverbial -- small town merchants." J. W. Becker, president of the Art -- Craft Products company, "With these thoughts uppermost 1 began to search, I investigated Sycamore along. with a number of other towns. When the Sycamore people heard about it they instantly began an aggressive, organized ef-- fort to convince me that Sycamore was the town to : come to. Briefly, they sold me on Sycamore. I'm still sold on Sycamore. I'm accomplish-- ing everything here that I set out to accomplish," speaks next: "In a vague way 1 knew there was a place called Sycamore. Fi-- nally I began to look around for some spot to locate. In making my selection I had two > principal thoughts in mind: ' "1--A place where I could make money. "2--A place where I could live rmong congenial people. ; S 4 South Genesee St. pige * '%m""".. Thone: 1 7 m m io P 9. m fthony F i on io 1 D. m. f o e e n «»»«*«» * MAIL THIS COUPON ------ ... NORTHWEST SIDE LUMBER CO, 4 So. Genesce St., Waukegarm NORTHWTET erNFr 1.!!'MBER CO. Without obiigat.on,show me how $1v uow .. will give ic a weet Built Income m it A iO.....Q.q-0..0..0.."..0"....- *awe na n e na 00 8 6 0 # # a «+ t# 1 have not tried to convince that Sycamore is a marvel town. That's the last thought I want to convey. It's background is normal; the town itself normal. First settlers came in about 1835, mostly from New England. Once, a half century or more ago, it had a boom. C. W. and W. W. Marsh, inventors of an early type of reaper, manufactured Finally a knot--tying machine was invented. The March brothers re-- fused to pay royalty and more pro-- gressive _ manufacturers ~ forged ahead of, them. 'The business pe-- tered out, vanished. That was a blow from which Sycamore did not recover for two generations. Syca-- more. you see, has no exclusive se-- »ret for success. _ A y Philyaw and wf to J H Drury | . w C Parker and wf to F P Nolan and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 2, Web |and wf, jt tens, wd. Pts of lots 15 and Jensen's re--sub. s and 16, see 16, Waukegan. J "'m " wf to J Bajcrek C Girot and wf to C S Crawford. and wf, jt tens-- wd. Lots 37. %5 |oed, Lot 6, blk 96, Zion City sub. 39, 40 and 41, blk 17, Washbura Park, North Chicago. JUNE 18, 1926. C E Daniels and wf to L E Con Louis Harding to B Eisenberg and ley, wd. Pt of lot 10, Washington|wf, wd. Pt blk 49, S Wkgn. Heights, Waukegan. Gentile Bros, incorp, to Catherine F Kelsey and wf to E H Wold and|Gentile, wd. --Pt sec 15, Benton. wf, wd. Lot 1, Kelsey Grove, se--| T E DeWoody to L B DeWoody, it. You couldn't get us out now." O R Iverson and wf to P L Cari-- som and wf, jt tens, wd. Lots 4. i €. 7, 8, blk 2, Hayt's resub, sec 15. 16, W M Ernst to J T McKechnie and Clara McKechnie, jt tens, wi. Lot 10 of Ernest's subdn, see 13, Grant. Cosmopolitan State Bank to 1 Stackler, deed. Lots 4 and 10, blk 12, Villa Heights subdn, see 32, £ Santi and wf to G preti and wf. jt tens, wd. --Pt of lot 59, Highwo 1 Everts and Jeffery's div. JUNE 17, 1926. Jennie Kelly and L Kelly to D i Dunn and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 3, bik 10, Ravinia Highlands, sec 36, Deerfield. * Avon. Real Estate Transfers e County Title and Trust Company 220 Washington St., WAUKEGAN Tel. 4 Abstracts of Titles AYy --L O Brockway to W J Brown deed. Lot 54, Everts and Jeffery's divn of land in sees 14 and 15, Deer-- field. -- F Bahr and wf to W J Brown and wf, wd. Pt sec 26, Deerfield. F Odehnal and wf to E H Ahrens qged. Pt see 12, Antioch. W E Herr to A Gordon and Ben-- W A Nichols and wf to T Corlett. wd. --Pt Sec 21, Libertyville® George Anderson to N L Meeke, wd. Pt sec 17, Wkgn. G Anderson to M B Stupey, wd. Lot 240, Glenwood Heights. + C W Morton and wf to F Thomas, ged. Pt sec 9, Cuba. ~ T E DeWoody to L B DeWoody, ged. Pt sec 32, Benton. _ Cosmopolitan St Bk to J W Doer-- scher, deed. Pt see 32, Antioch. jamin Zide, qed. Pt see 28, Wkgn G C Gridley and wf to H C Mc-- Neal, wd. Pt sec 17, Antioch. © Dora Moran to Donald Gordon, wd. Pt lot 12, Dora Moran subdn, A Schmidt and wf to C Christen-- son and J Oden, wd. Lot 216, Pleas-- ant Hill subdn, see 18, Avon. C E Stah! and wf to A A LaBelle, wd. Lots 36, 37 and 38, blk 3, Kel-- logg's subdn, see 10, Antioch. _ Cosmopolitan St Bk to J W Doer-- scher, deed. --Pt blk 2, Goetz resub. Antioch. R J Dady to M Kaucic, deed. Lot 4, blk 3, E A Cummings and Co's add to Wkgn. * L Schmidt and wf to Mary E Tot-- terdell, wd. Pt of lot 1, Lincoin Heights subdn, sec 20, Waukegan. J Gamash to T Brown, ged. Pt of N half of blik 20, McKay's Second Wkgn. addn to Town cof Lt Forf now T Brown and wf to Mary E Kin-- ney, wd. Pt of N half of blk 20, MceKay's, Second addn to Lt Fort, now Wkan. J D Bradley and wf to D Scott and wf, jt tens, deed. Pt of sec 29, Shields. o B Dowell to J O'Connor, wd. E half of NE qgr--gad SW qr of NE Cr of see 12, Wauconda. C Larkin and wf t0°J Hodan and wfi jt tens, wd. Lots 15, 16 and 17 Christopher Larkins Duck TLAke subdn, see 14, Grant. w9 . C C Conklin and wf to F R Low-- rey wd. Lot 34, Ravine Forest sub. wt to O O Soder--| > John Stone to Pub Service Co, ged. 6.. Sheri-- | Pt see 7, Fremont. DW Williams and wf to E Nel-- ', wd. E& )son, wd. pt secs 28 and 33, Wau-- If your nostrils are:--clogged and your head is stuffed .w ean't breyathc freely because of a or catarrh, just ret a small bottle of Ely's Cream Baim D W Williams and w to H Hawk. wd. -- Lot 179, First Addn to \_Wil- liams Pk,* Wauconda. # D W--Williams and wf to W W Cummings, wd. Lot 83, sees 28 'and 88, Wauconda. --_ D W--Williams and wf to H R Fa-- gerkon, wd. Lots 138 and 153, First addn to Williams Pk subdn, Wau-- D W Williams and wf to C Givens. wd. Lot 155, First Addn to William:s Pk subdn, Wauconda. TD W Williams and wf to L J Geils wd. ~Lot 185, First Addn to Williams --Pk=subdn. Wauconda. D W Williams and wf to J W Hillman, wd.-- Lot 194, First Addn j D W Williams and wf to A Guet-- lich, wd. Lot 66, secs 28 and 33, Wauconda, D W Williams and wf to H C Haase, wd. Lot 167, First Addn to 'Williams Pk subdn, Wauconda. R E Hayes to D W Williams and wf, wd. Lot 63, Williams Pk sub, secs 28 and 33, Wauconda, ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER SOCIAL BISEASES Office: 100 So. County St., Cor. Water St., Waukegan, IIl. * PHONE 465 Doctor John P. O'Neil y a little of cream into it -- penetrate O A--Nelson to C Webb and wf, et al, jt tens, wd." Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 12, Sunny Slope subdn, see 20, .Antioch. * D W Williams and wf to A Woll and wf, wd. Lots 828 and 329, First Addn to Williams Pk: subdn, Wau-- conda e to Williams Pk--subdn, Wauconda. D W Williams and wf to J Bel-- arch, wd. Lot 270, First Addn to Williams Pk subdn, Wauconda. D W Williams and wf to F E Huels, wd. Lot 319 and 320, First Addn to Williams Pk, Wauconda. IFyoumttoinvectmoney we can show you how to do so safely. You have heard of how fair we are in all our busi-- ness dealings and you know you can have implic!t faith in our business advice. Propegty Is Valuable On Pru-- .deaeeBo.d.'It'sASafe/ Investment For Your «1 Topk SELLERS & PETERSEN FOR QUICK SALE--We offer 2 de-- Real Estate, Loans and Insurance "A good office to do business with" 201 S. Milwaukee Ave WE have very desirable 5 room home located on Park avenue that FOR SALE--Nearly new 5 room cases, shower bath, furnace heat. Lot 50 x 150 feet, fruit trees and strawberries. $2500.00 cash will handle, balance Mortgage. Zoned be glad to show this property by stands out as an exceptional buy not only because the house is mod-- ern and carefully kept in repair but because the house is built on a one acre lot which is well devel-- opedvifl:fine-hadetnu,% and berries in abundance. chaser can sell off at least one fine lot facing Park avenue. We will street, sewer and water extended into lots ready to build on. Price only $1000 for one lot or $1900 for Ave., Paved Street, has breakfast for There is o way you can reach as many people in Lake county innshonatimeandntnmmbleauotummi!m-fi your wants known here. A trial will convince you. room, If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. _ Minimum charge, 25¢c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. modern SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Milwaukee Avenue SELLERS & PETERSEN on East® Park of PRESSING and CL EANING is done right at Cichy's Tailoring Scientific Examination of the Ryes GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 998 Bank Bldg. Waukepran DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Office in First National Bank Bldg. Houn:ltol:flnnd?to.'.-. Ruidm,Brouimy.oppodh--t DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 -- LIBERTYVIL DWIGHT EDRUS COOK _LYELL H. MORREIS ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR Harrison 2815 Libertyville 236--¥ WANTED--Carpentcrs. Foulds Mill-- iing Company, Libertyville. Phone WANTED--Bdululytonllpu'l:: ty in Libertyville,, Mundelein. cal women will make big money FOR RENT--Two stalls and garage. 205 So. Milwaukee avenue. 49--2t FOR RENT--Rooms for rent. E Church St. Phone 388--R. FOR RENT--Rooms to rent. 228 First Street. Phone 249--W. Ask for Mrs. D. Herrick. A454f TEAMS FOR HIRE--Contract or Meets First Tuesday--Gridiey Hall WILLILAM P. WHITNEY 3 J. CICHY, Proprietor Nerth Milwaukee Avenue PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Jochheim's Bakery Hours: 9--12, 2--56 and T9 * Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. apartment in Mundelein, $60.00 per month. Lyons & Rouse, Mun-- delein, HI. Phone 288. 48-- three months. Modern, desirable. Garage. $100 per month to res-- ponsible _ parties. References. Phone 220M . _ * . M this summer. Auto furnished for prospects. Write P. O. box 1989, M"&M Fixtures and Supplies PHONE 400 Libertyville Battery & VETERINARY SURGEON ssistant State Veterinaria TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 5389 Milwaukee Avenue Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS FRED GRABBE B. H. MILLER : J. L. TAYLOR FOR RENT Phone 551 LIBERTYVILLE PAGE SEVEN 140