_ -- ITS SYMPATHY PR Eus e tik L v .L C eP es Wedsals td en 2 __.~ putatim above reproach. ysocarski Chicago; ?~ _ "Therefore--Be it resolved that in x;mwmeku. §::: Chicago. _ _ _ the death of Mr. Kirschner we have| po,} Terrien, Waukegan; Cecil y 'j'WfihbfldlM"Ofi Treadau, Waukegan. E 'flthwnmtfi' Louis Hoske, Waukegan;-- Claris i > d .to enjoy, and we bear will-- | Lacomb, Waukegan. _-- * ing testimony of his many virtues;| Elyer E. Pearson, Waukegan; _ that we offer to bereaved family and | Catherine M. Morrissey, North Chi-- '_._ row tas hung her sable mantle, our| Anton Maciejewski, Milwaukee:; _ _' . heartfelt condolence and pray that| Louise Nage!, Milwaukee, ~ infinite goodness will bring speedy| Edwin Bohl, Chicago; Rose Pizy-- Pme 0o e To «weres ffi;;:@wgm ~'* mdopted a resolution which is to be '\/-- sent ic Mrs. Fred Kirschner, widow of the former chairman of the board. (_<"#t readls as follows: es > nce n Ringif t c d onhe over with _ #Whereas--It has pleased the Al-- mighty to remove from our midst by death fltut"l_!_nd'm and fellow supervisor, Fred Kirschner, who has for many years occupied a prominent rank in our midst, who has for many years Occupl@0] jomes Lisco, Milwaukee; Emma a prominent ::»kdlh our _ midst | rapp, Milwaukee. fi w cire .:iba. : Mathew Stephenson, Waukegan; , er untarnished Mamie Jenkins, Waukegan. -- _ résolutions be spread upon the re-- cords of this County of Lake, State of lllinois and that a certified copy be furnished to tha wife of our de-- In contributions for diccesan and general church work, St..Luke's, Evanston, stands first, with $20,-- 828, followed by the Church of the Redeemer, Hyde Park, $15,675; Christ church, Winnetka, $15,446; St. Paul's, $13,370; St. Chrysostom's, $13,509; St, Mark's, Evanston, $8,-- §43; Gace, Oak Park, $8,376; Holy w Lake Forest, $8,308; St. John's, $7.996, and Trinity, Highland uted by members of LEpiSCOPAL churches in and near Chicago last year for par.:sh, diocesan and general church work, according to statistics of approximately $150,000 over giv-- ings of the previous "year, is shown by the report. -- Episcopalians in the Chicago dio-- g..pv.ml.'RIfcntflcflyparo- chial purposes, according to the sunt-- mary; $247,035 for special purposes and approximately $200,000 for dio-- eesan and general church work. Re-- '#d.nn'llldd-fllrm izations amounted to $281,142. In-- creases in all these itms are shown St. James' church leads the dio-- cese in parochial contributions, with $48,261, followed by St. Luke's, Evanston, $45,616; St. Chrysostom's, $43,422; Church of Atonemenut, $33,-- 443; St. Paul's, $28,722; St. Mark's, Evanston, $28,657; Grace church, Winnetka, $27,246, and St. More than $1,500,000 was contrib-- JANE MORTON IS AUTO AGENT Miss Morton has sold ei@ven care of a high--priced type. And she has "m--mtuwldl'! g.m.oonbetnonuhb Forest's first "50,000--a--year girl," Other3 of the socially elect who have turned to the business world are Mrs. Volney Foster, who owns the very smart shop bearing. her e ue C COO0 Ts Te + d u "!'s. :" Both Miss Morton and her sister younger set in Lake Forest, and are splendid horsewomen. Mrs. Swift is One more Lake Forest society lifl: ELECTION PROBE IS NEARING END Chikago, July 16, (Unifed Press) _mmmndiuzh'ufio- tion into vote thieving in the April primaries here, which has been in progress during the last month, is expected to reach"its climax tomor-- row with the jury réporting sev=ral indiectments. j ' Already, it has been reported the jury has named: more: than f'i{z ele~'" clerka as ha tering them to another, «_ . Bartet P __ 0 2 l hm'""'""""" M * _ itl_ks»* tanik the at the office of Bishop /that it was the. Crowe-- S\ -- SELLERS & PETERSEN MARRIAGES LICENSES Emma Kuehl, Milwaukee. Harry > Glowinski, -- Milwaukee; Pearl Strube, Milwaukee. _~Will Garner, North Chicago; Mary Brooks, North Chicago. -- _ -- _ . -- ~Edward William ~Nicoll, -- High Point, N. C.; Charlotte M. Rudd, Ke-- ion Remitz, Milwaukee. Louis -- Ambrozich, ~Milwaukee Helen=aFranczish, Milwaukee Inles La June, Chicago; Claraett t George Mason, Milwaukee Tingstad, Chicago. Raymond Waswo, Chicago; Mil-- dred Shannon, Chicago. Paul Redfield, Racine; Light, Racine. . 2 M # ib A. Panzer, Milwaukee; EVERYBODY DRIVES E.\'h A USEDCAR -- (| 8. Bronson, Portage, s I. Smith, Pardeeville, ibolt, Lake Forest; Mar-- », Lake Forest. o, Chicago; Florene La go. ( . Norman, Chicago; Ma-- CHANDLER SEDAN ............_._.__._.__._._._._.._._._ STUDEBAKER SPECIAL _.___------ 2 CHEVROLET TOURING CARS . FORD LGHT TRUCK -->~ 4 CHEVROLET TOURING CARS 1 STAR TOURING CAR _ 1 1 VELIE TOURING CAR , 1 CHEVOLET COUPE + Here are a Few Bargains Seldom Offered S LUCE AND EARL, Proprietors Towing Service * u We are building homes in Copeland Manor and we feel that a very important item in building a honie is the kitchen. We want your ideas Mrs. Housewife, and will pg h'g'ou for them. Just sit down and draw us a plan of a model kitchen. Outline just how K:' would like your kitchen arranged if you were building a new To the make of the first plan accepted we will pay $25.00 in gold; to the semn&fl: plan we will pay $10.00 in m% the next 3 best plans $5.00 in gold each.. Five plans will be accepted; yours may be one. © Your idea of a kitchen may beJust what we want. | "Plans placed in the mail Saturday will be accep ted and submitted to a committee of three prominen t housewives in Libertyville who will make a selection of the winners. R «> The names of the winners with the plans of. the model kitchens will be published in this paper about August 1st. Address all communications to SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY To the Housewives Furnishing Us the -- Best Kitchen Plan LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE: ; -- Lioyd W. Simmons, Chicago; Edla | Mae Williams, Chicago. --, . ,. Gus :Dickson, Burti Eva Sharp, Burlington. AMU;Lm'. Burlington, Wis.;! : Some--women are red--headed, and Mary Lexow, Burlington. mmtry-\tomthhn. ~P. O. box 581, Libertyville, Open Day and Night 9(;)::: to the 9:6011 Johnson, Chicago; ut ¥ w The Soda Shop IcE cream makes a success of any func fin--hmdmn.m.dinw.otcbeem' cookies at the side of the plate. And everyone likes ice cream--especially if Ice cream is easy to serve--just it is BrommER's--our ice cream 18 SMmooXUn and rich, made with fresh fruit. _ . Ice cream delivered for parties packed in a freezer--ready at the exact moment you Burlington, GOLD §$15 No. Milwaukee Avenue a Phone 448 h en " '!'" [ 3 Ii!n;?'ii,sz - ¢ I\\ gii',',l?f' 5> RA LAA\\ i uh --# *' ; .. .'- Ks "' \G * .'&l the C}KGJIi"aJ m 's--our ice cream is smooth . Cheap Few things make a man feel so nerior as to hear his wife rattle few $50.00 -- The Completition of 'Eleven Years of Successful Servige' Last Three Days of Our Anniversary Sales Remarkable Values Are Offered In This _ Sale of Turkish Bath Towels 36--in.SilkMixed Crepes _ ~89¢ 1 |\ 15e 1 good weight--offered for anniversary selling far below the regular marking. Very absorbent and durable; Good Size Individual Bath Towels Tfiousands and Thousands of Yards of At lL1¢e " At Savings of %, , and More Than ~ Values such as have not been offered in standing Bargain Event of its kind. > MAIN FLOOR You'll hfiu hard work to think of any washable fabri: '"at does not appear I some length or color. The majority of the patterns on .in enough for a dre g?:melf, for miu: %k'ch;lf;en'; 'apparel, or curtains gn(}i' fdnl;:eries. Thes uses, » p shades, men's shirts, wash frocks, ajamas, Hmm robes and what not, Tin following desirable materil:ls are i Lingerie Cloths, Year--round Zephyrs, Printed Crepes, _PT Rayon Novelties, Ginghams, New Madras, Plain Voiles, Japi Suitings, Tissues, Beach Cloth, English Prints, Soisettes, P Ginghams, Cretonnes, Curtain Goods, Plisse Crepes, Poplins ings, Cotton Charmeuse, Rayons, Etc. SA e l ns oo e shgs s * SS 0 sard in this remarkable exent You are assured of e: very thing you had in e lce" e ole * .6 e 2y e es o ns >* : Conngoaitie 42 3P ie ns ons Pss + + ine Remnants Ne Lea t PRG . oo oear 'The Rest ! The Lengths Come from One to B 36--in.FastColor | 39.--in. Imported Broadcloth Voiles 547¢vs | '69¢ y« al values on every yard in in the remnants offered. sports appare! fTasnioned i broadcloths, which assures Wide and narrow stripes, and multicolored patterns in a most comprehensive . assortment,. They are fast colored to everything. Every pat-- tern an outstanding value for Anni-- versary selling. These all white double thread Turkish bath towels are especially soft and will ity, Store ~On the Novth Shove 18133 Inch Bath Towels At 19e 1 jot 40t tain smartness in the fashioned from printed Your Midsummer's Need May Be Met Here With Great Economy! 277€¢ Voiles, Japanese Crepes, DFCBS Soisettes, Percales, Cotton Challies nes, Poplins, Novelty Batiste, Lin-- make t appear in this tremendous '""I .:mn ch""' for a dress house frock, new 'SMOCE! *tAd this Remnant Sale the Out-- The finest of Imported Cotton Voiles are here offered at»--noteworthy values. Pricted in chic patterns and color com-- binations in great numbers for your selection. These cotton voiles are closely woven and 'the colorings range from light to dark effects. Charming, cool frocks may be fashioned from cool frocks may | these fine cottons. Hcusewives,. boarding houses and In-- Striking values in pajama check cloth, These are splendidly made, which assures you a full cut, per-- * feet fitting garment. Turkish Bath Towels from the great-- est mills in this country to you at the articles that are in every day 476 Share in the Savings--Buy a full season's supply. A good heavy Turkish bath Towel, sold n'ulgfl'ltwycfffl'd.tfllew possible price. Housewives will greet inic affoer with eager attention. 22x44 Inch Double Thread Bath Towels _ _ Men's Athletic Union Suits, 85¢ MAIN FLOOR At> Prices Are Far, Far will surely find the This is an event that LA for for