CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 21 Aug 1926, p. 2

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K. and family left Wednesday to spend : and her mother Mrs. Taylor return-- E'* _days with Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith E of Rockford. «x' 3 1 § Mrs. Craft of Indiana spent sev-- h C. Meyer. O l:-lohammundafrimd Friday miorning on a motor trip . _ visit at the home of her aunt. s Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder spent z* Wednesday evening visiting relatives hl:.!hlcnwmflnrg f of Augusta, . * IIL, who is visiting her mother Mrs. ..s@ J. Hecketsweiler, entertained a friend *- % t _ Mrs, Charles Kuebker iand chiliren ; C +% ~b#t Graysiake returned home Wednes-- | _ _~ _ day evening after spending a week gn with her mother, Mrs. Fred Vcelker. «_/ _ _-- Mrs. Emma Rouse moved on Tues-- *Lf;,;;; day to her new home. _ 'in Helen Smith retarned Sat-- s urday t» «: honfs in KRochford af-- _ . Rouse. » oi i\ +o9 be d ; _ _ ter spending the sammer with het wranduiarents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'PAGCE TWO Mrs. James B. Robinson and son of Elmhurst who have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shaddle returned to her home Thurs-- i: Hemp. ; Cook made a business trip to Chicago on Monday. _ * Iane ~ Mr. O'Connell is entertaining his oldest son from Dowagiac, Mich., this Mr. and Mrs. Will Zersen and Mrs. Herman Zersen attended the funeral of Mra Herman ZTersen's aunt in Mirs. R. D. Cook entertained her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Géorge Smith of Fon du Lae for several days this week. ' Mrs. F. M. Harding and daugh-- ter the Misses Helen amnd Dorothy Harding Feturned Saturday after spending several weeks in Colorado, und with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hard-- ing at Sioux City, fowa. Mrs. E. W. Fenner and daughter Evelyn and Mrs. Frank Cady and daughter Vera of Barrington spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Poarl Herschberger of Long Grove spent Wednesday afternoon 1:;%]&6«. A Rouse left Thursday eve-- children spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Knig-- ge of Lake Zurich. Dr. E. V. Smith of Rockford spent Tuesday at the J. J. ouse home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kueblank mo-- Mrs. G@orge Ross and son were Chicago visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russelltand Mrs. Anna Gehrke of Des Plaines was the guest of Mrs. H. C. Meyer Mrs. W. 0. Bell and son of High-- land Park spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shaddle. wAil of the business houses in Mun-- delein will close at noon next Wed-- nesday, August 25 to join in the big farmers picnic at Diamond Lake. . Residents are requested to make their purchases. early. 'been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman have returned met with Mrs. Lula Gillings Wednes-- dya. Mrs. J. W. Gray and Mrs. John Bottger will be hostesses at the nmext meeting which will be held at the home of the former. 'A community farewell party was r'fithMMonM --d:'fulev.ndl(rs.n.n Amstutz who were presented with a MUNDELEIN Tug., &f which Mr. Melvin Amatuts nolia returned ome Tursday Morning the seventy--ninth anniversary of his birthday and congratulations were Miss Evelyn Trueher: and Frank on a business trip to Wiscon-- Phone 287--J Del -- Storm, -- little grand-- HALEDAY association to Miss t day bert were visitors in the city last Saturday and enjoyed seeing the fashion show at the Ohicago Theatre and "You never know women." _(Walter McLaughlin of Libertyville visite dthe home folks here last Sun-- Miss Anna Lindstrom was a pat--| ient in an Evanston hospital last Wednesday when she had an ope-- ration performed on her nose--she returned to Rer home in the evening and is gtting along nicely now. _ -I-l-p'--'---'*"-'" ® \ Rev. Edward Wilicox and his wife From Sivux Falls, Iowa were visitors heer last Sunday a&n dthe people of the Half Day church had the plea-- sure of hearing their former pastor preach the evening sermon. Mrs. Lindstrom and her daughters Lillian and Frances returned. from their trip to Minnesota last Monday. _ 'The Misses Myra Gerbert and Eve-- 'lyn Peterson are working at the Benjamin Electric Company and are some very busy girls these days in Des PNaines. Rev. and Mrs. Towne of New York are visiting here for a while and are the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cook -- they are the parents of Howanrd Towne pastor of the Half Day church who is happy to an-- the Miss Bertha Frillman, Art Kuester and lady friend, Miss Reba Jones, Mrs. James Matousek and son of Libertyville spent Tuesday with her parents. > Mrs. Ray Busch and family and Miss Moneta Jones of Lake Forest spent Friday with relatives. ----Mr. Frank Houch is sporting a formation call Mrs. Carrie Schroeder, Churd:mt---Sundfl} school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. llcv.'ruvnoofNeyg come ---- Howard Towne, pastor. The Vernon Cemetery Society will be entertained at an all day meet-- ing at the home of Mrs. Grace Bec-- ker at Loon Lake on Thursday, Au-- Herb. 'is employed at the Nigh factory at Kenoubs, Herb Weidner called at the A. Mrs. Paul Radtke and Mrs, James Waukegan Saturday. _ * Mrs. Fitzpatrick and family, Mr. spent Friday night James Matousek, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Busch. Callers at the 'Alex Bunton home Sunday evening were Mr. N. F. Busch and Mr. and Mrs. James Matousek. Mr. and Mrs. Irvind of Zion City are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. George Heinsohn. They have just returned from a trip H. T. Woodin and his father re-- Woodin and family. turned Monday from a trip to New York where they visited with George to the British Isles. » Mrs. Hickman and daughter, Ethel have returned to their home here Mrs. Gordon Ray returned home from the Wesley hoapital, Chicago on . Sunday. "'The Community Club will hold a bazaar and bunco party on Satur-- day, August '28, commencing at 1 p. m., standard time. This will be held at Ray Bro's." Picnic Grove. There will be many useful and de-- corative articles sold.~© There will al-- s be a bakery booth and grab--bag. Every one come and spend the af-- Denver, Oolorado. A number of relatives from Wau-- kegan surprised Mrs. Mary Allanson Wednesday evening in honor of her birthday anpiversary, A corn and "weinie" moast was held out of Nellie Johnson is spending a week visiting her grandmother and i@unt Mr. Van Oer painted his Hup-- mobile and now it looks like a new _ Edith Sibley had an operation per-- formed on her throat last Saturday, Sunday. guests at the N. F. Busch me were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Mat-- DIAMOND LAKE that his father will preach PRAIRIE VIEW APTAKISIC Is Afforded Business Men The WHEELING STATE BANK ¥og a year in WHEELING ILLINOIS ~The Missionary Aid Society had a missionary program last Sunday grev's Home and Aid Souitty spoke Pm lee, Setar exianbe o The Missionary Aid Society had its monthly meeting at the parson-- son spoke on the work of the mis-- sion fields. . _ Meetings of the week beginning 'Ausunday 10;00, Sunday school i Smd-y: flfihn&u § ;.3 mY)"m!'Lg'n | Aug. Meyer Sr. l Mrs. J. H. Cromwell and sons of ]Vdurdn,mvidfinc.tflnWm. Puhm home. Miss.: Eunice Reese of Barrington is visiting her cousin Irene Ernst. Mr. H. G. Hillman left Tuesday night to buy cattle in Minnesota. The Royal Neighbors Dance was iwell attended in Oak Grove Satur-- | day night. < s Miss Eliz Towne is spending her varation at home. Quarterly Conferences --. Wednesday, 8:00,.Prayer meeting. On August 29th. there will be no preaching service in the evening as we will} attend the encampment at Little Francis Young has been un-- der the doctor's care the past few Those who attended the Ladies' Aid picnic of the Evangelical church last Thursday enjoyed the day and the usual picnic lunch and contests made up the days attraction. Mr. and Mrs. Payton were in Chi-- family Lake Zurich base ball team won from the Elgin City Cubs on the Rome grounds. Sunday, August 22 they will play Lake Bluff and Lake the formers sister at Lake Zurich. Misses Lillie and Martha Sauer called on relatives at Wheeling, Thursday evening. Miss Lucy Koch of Chicago spent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koch. _ Meeting at Lake Zurich Thursday were Long Grove visitors, on Sun-- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meyer left Friday morning for Red--Bud, Ili-- nois, where they will visit with Mrs. Meyers parents, Rev. and Mrs. Kalk-- Mrs. Henry Laseke, Jr., and chil-- Robert R. DBawson Plain and Ornamental JARRET BROS General Cement TELEPHONE 541--J Complete Battery Service Competent Mechanies Day and Night Service ' * Dhone 317 book and. check book show LAKE ZURICH Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. We are prepared to accom-- individuals in business with A consultation with us is ad-- Contractors Mundeletn, IIL Phone 368--R of Auto M Work 46 .--Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koch en-- tertained Company from Chicago, ter-- Bessie spent several days last week in Chicago. Mrs. 1. Barber and daughter Lu-- cile of Highland Park were callers at the William Umbdenstock home Ivanhose--camp of the Modern Wood-- nn,»i'inrtzally', wipt of a communica-- tion from 8. 8. Tanner, one of the directors of the organization, stat-- ing that the death claim in the case of the late John H. Wells has been allowed in full and that payment would be made immediately, * . Mr. Wells had been a member for 28 years and on a $2,000 Policy had paid in $660. -- . MANY EXHIBITS . AT STATE FAIR Among the many attractions which will be offered to visitorsat the Illinois State--Fair, Springfield Illinois, August 21 «o 28, will be the -- exhibitions given by the fam-- ous sixhorse team owned by The Union -- i company Mrs. Walter Gosswiller and daugh-- WELLS CLAIM PAID COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS INVIT ED . State Bank of ) F3 ER. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21. ~ MAKE IT BETTER ! This strong financial Institu-- you get the largest available réturns from your business. Start your account here. xi % clerk as well as in the gix--horse hiteh. ings with te markings will in-- clude Scotty, a registered Clydes-- dale imported from Scotland, who weighs 2175 pounds and stands 18 hands high; Victor, a . pure-- bred who now . wWears tue.. UEaLL horse --champion ship . crown -- won at the last International Live Stock Exposition, and he also was cham-- wion gelding at the Illinois State Fair ,i; 1925; Tony, the champion of the 1925 Iowa and -- Missouri State Fairs; Sir Hubert, champion olis to Richmond, Virginia 'They| were undefeated on the State Fair circuit last year and captured fl"! championship for heavy six--horse teams at. the 1924 International. Their 'driver, William J. ("Billy") Wales, has handled sh teams «m-sim:ehomo,dehtllmt"the arena at the third International in 1902. During his long career in the tanbark ring he invaded Great Britain with the famous Armour grays and exhibited them for three CITIZENS BANK BUILDOING WEDNESDAY : SATV 2DAY song with circuses in this coun-- . His perfect understanding of GEORGE A. JONES 9:00 -- 1200 A. M. 1" # ':" P- 'o 5o q94 his charges makes their flawless . Among--the feats performed by the hitch are the figure--eight, cir-- cles, zig--zag, swing--around--to--tail-- gate, -- leaders--eating--sugar--off--the-- footboard, and ~the spectacular gallup--out at full speed. The three ton show wagon which they handle as if it were a mere toy is gaily decorated in the colors of the Chi-- cago Union Stock Yards--yellow wi®l.= /I/' OPUI:lr\\Route s to f wisconsIN pQPIllal' }{eso Lake Geneva ffi% _ /g _ q lwhappykidomukummvinhamphdmthmbv&flflovfimwnohhgchw Tribune. TheywanonduNod:Sha.Uu.ndheu'lvha&Hy]omewn,wfifin'i.d. Tribune, said of the trip: "What a ride it was, and how we enjoyed it! We couldn't keep up with nflthedghoeveryonepoinudwhdntninwwn-nauhvu'd.ndl'nmwe'dhavebeen glad to ride all day, it was so much fun. But the train was even faster than. we thought, and before we knew it the conductor told us we were there." WMM@W&M we w yhaw xdabercppcons vugee yoe hk pnand wnlene V P cmcc m -- rsge nWns P dd.ziwuitwuwiththmhdde.abauthefimnm-flinkwwuhuhwekw ¢ over and it was time to come home. There was one comfort, though; we still had one more great minridewenjanwwmhamnwfikdinwthem&acmndthmn&dm' Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. 'The highspeed electricallyoperated railroad 'The New Light Six... _ KENNEDY BR tions. Now on display. Come view it Y Libertyville Ticket Office TELEPHONE 74 for the golden corn--and green for the grasses lflt: The out-| fit in action presents--a stirring | picture of.color and motion thar | will long linger in the memories | of those fortunate enough to be | present at the approaching Illinois | State Fair. | Bobbed hair is --all right. I know it is because a professor of psycholo-- says it isn't 1A C# 34 330 MflMee 19 o ma 1. : _ ' ' " ; ERS We ce R except when they are permitted to play first violin. : be able _ A good bookkeeper should a to balance his accounts, but he *'vg ouldn't jurrle thent a Eternal viliyance Mly en-- auunmantnkeeponeumbreul for six consecutive days. . Light Six 4--Door Sedan '995 Ave. Jjuggle £. o. b. factory z> «it

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