"iii'iiiiutsitsrterqtee "iirheaAmmnTtA.t.Mru.thearo 3 men! "In." wamAvu-umw" «In... M! nn--.. "Nathalie"! Dahrh- Faiio.itttiuntt-het"e"". mmwmofm'" a"i7iritTi%iri-"""'" f""'jiiiiiIi.iyt)lIiliijl, l Mm.smhiuiaed.t", " - wrm not!" "mm 'Grl,2CriiiiiFnitee, 'a"iu'N"iFiiLAtt,te,eeeSt' ",'lllh',tiirrTkiieete,!!l bold _ A_-Mh-M. a}... ' will. Ii.-.-.".'" V" -""V N. Y. than my "Rpm "lat. 'iiiiiiiye11'et,2rtdlr'l'lii Joseph mm - 2'i'i'liiirGFiiiittedPeerAP: Adan. Lob Ads-I. a - in f,ti"iiGri'iirGoestotu.Ad-"trr ,uD-itutetA-elt_ar,t lath titypit?a'lh,'t'ittii1'iluh1tif 'l'hh1'lSdJl Lrhgttt thd aii'iuyiGatr-thwtele w at aural-um" 'iiiiiGLGFruik9rietr.e1y GiaCtaia1uetfetfet gm. -,rGsdtrutrsorte 'i'iri"i7oii'iGtiinutrtreiietttt. Vow iiiribitatatN_orthchiettro" with s "ttoe, rocker, chair. 1'03, W mum: rGrser,eohine stand, 'iiiioG%isiru.itiiiute.epe1t: m of 150.00 dollars, Tats. room {:1th 'rha-tttr-afther'terr "iiGGiiGiietGutmasafyeit "rieravseeeeatttt"lrrillt mbloomlndnwhhm'. '"iiialGiiFan-s.prit.ut' iiserserai1dGnrdenet_"'tr" aateeurrr, 'iriiirihiGiriiuik _ i. 50"" ii"'Tii-iilajialiutdtetih.dtst- mam-sheen -rriatsd. Mr. ,rtttt-E-h.h-b-lrt health fora-pal unpaid}! kind-01m mamin,tsrittrmt,?frtttdu od'iGGF,'dntttinastlbtyrltu. "aTiiiiriYioiir-ur-.PieMb. kr.Liaetrtreytlert JO"! mum ritttron,Mrs.Bmehftt. "ariaotd,htmritlbon, In" GG7Airitaa.woreqthosBtr. m. blue ribbon. Mian Gandhi; red ribbon, In. Jada. (a. club. ginning. bin. ribbon. In. Brash-u. red ribbon. list "my, yellow ribbon, In. Hood. Mo mam. Mm. Our! and In. Patterson. Whom". "vermin- tai"iT'v"rrirr"iirtta,9iei.rdlr. tiBerwrftttsogt)rtr. Hood, - .bhmention. In. Woods, lets. Dunerldn. In. Goal-yuan Writhtt-a tie-had-tttross-ttpe. aLulxtatrrAkrsWnmsr,9r' numwcmcny. 8m 2uiiurtamiG.rterv.andMrsPur AiitAtrnmoio'ragst-urraet" 8M8.- fhoi'i-trsehadedMir-.Wt "MMMMW. mmmu-nma 'rsa'oatu+arnhwtoeedyet' "au mid Becker. ,tr.a-.Heosireamtfetlr "mmkmdinw Ir.nIInCulAm and airiiliirtymthrisyyeprt "iirrGiioto.ertP't1he Siam-1mm irTiii -_, w W in MIr._Arthry J. if"? iriiiiFGa in iiG'iriiiiGartteDe.efte: -ii'"GiTiii'iauriee8ottlt,t tGiiriirT"i'Fiiite""ttePuet was My de-ttad for the oeatai-,theeolor sch-I bah. Bandwidt- hummus-duh."- ,ciiT0irii-tuiriiiitet.1rt, - -iisu-t-tete,, madame-m '!"iti'2'yii2yghtgtgdra,tf may". and wounfnekd'mmlldc'r- riodnbouqodclm. Tum" with" I"ttgtte"2'eh'AehP,at _ostofthomd¢lllb'b yiuetmedttusamii-i_6. W": "it. pi Mm. Marry mama and tttttttr We" and lib.- beth qt "r nun-Goons- mdhh M which tnetrit, 2rr.. - Mailfaid, Mr. and In, 1ltatHrt u bid of Highluuil'uk. Mt all In. tiaetmt Rook, Br., and a. Ndtttnst. "LIII'IH-MWM mum-.0903??? Cai. N5 .. tiiuritrbmt,MS. A. avia'htonu WWI". InGMryJJi. 1'l'li min. 1 iririiiatiMet tod, Ban-QB} Foods. In?" "Atrr 3n. ribbon. _kea-,teqtoltiiiuaAii.r1lllMlF, {an and In. manna lwnmtu. . - _'. 2,egtsttto"tt ',iferfil'.'t" . ,'l"d'd'rlmi'i)11riiG"iaiG"ii'ri wind: Mr. "with lurid. um maiden ae-tark-rr-tr-te otTiaFiuat-ddtrtetrteu. hut-thy m- iii-tmutt-iii-tttlat-tll fd',tMg2',ttd,e. In". Milan. Lam 1ih-a-rrtfA..tehyA3: a Willa-n. HWY-MM who. I Dr.L.A.D-ituefMinu ,ei1et_atthtBmhrhtm"er"r unwind. Ms.getttnta-ar..artd - Muhammad" Aiirr.iirtee,urs,t,'Mt.rag,7 JiGtduirrirtmtmthoh vand $tm.Ptagt1rrt1qrte., ii-gutmmdierroted tutmdar 'ral-dit-l-ret-Pre" itur-t,aurtr.iA.9tertt. Dr.ndln.w.3.wd "iirrGiiiiG.'iiAt.IttttePhe "ammuwum' -ia.nirisrtnavrt%-Pe. riiii"riursii-trh-yebin- touegt-tho-Ttt-nrr Tunes. . _ iiirGdsu.rtanhtth-dan4 (eGiriivlrtiu-nrtd.h-r-d "Murat. _ 2'g""V""'t h AM mama-Wham- MSMy,Ir.and In. Cari F.gtametGitt-ahterm3anet "Mott-Gun... Human]. AMI" "via PM amra-hthat-duaeCbk1tersMr., d.g.guit-ttadatt-Wrrsod Mr.natdihu.n.duuhnttndan MMonThnby,II-I.Ed- ,yderectltt dnqhtaau, ,tr.ani.G-gtts-ofEv- agtatatn. nanny-mil a! but Mantra-No.0". cl "Iota-CH- MN m iiA.wm.udwar,mtrhinetd_PMtt Liiaiiii,iauithrmiup.trtyrh" ".mgmmlrut; I'm-lo Sage, iitGtratuirterto?etret "i'iGriViiAmut,meaiWp.i1t. "iiiiaaA.De-Su,m.aA._fhrua, FWHJ. Mag. gag-9: irGoRda.D-futdrJ.P._puirt Winks)". not; v. P. cm,mcromt;MBu- GGriaaiuwin.t1.h-.r9h- "Punk. Gm-ttat, M iai-,ni./u.tuCttrist-,pt- tteai,rrGtrsmtr1,rtuh.1ePehr tattarttam.Wehtand M; Dr-l tiiamnu,muhtadPtriNo.....Wlr J. M. Kw,i.lhl'oult;__1. tleV "n,ctgeaiio-,Cttrlari,pyt Nd;W.H. (anBnahar,,iriaittnn_tt PaA-,B.vettttt,metthtnttpet G. c.rtkdngritmioqrtrLDit.tr,yrey Dutchman-t Mar-n. mtthiamt Pith" Wt. Mid. 1ti.adenevqttar,mahtarqtPtq&iA. Manama Pathln. C.'rti- ,r,rrdiru"hrierrptrret,r9h." 1utdPtHrtPltimr1t1qts, Highland FiArrL.aiiiseur,mittrnt1rtt, J.now,wm:m deru.rttiN-tPsrhtH1rbttt ty,ni¢hmd.m.;My Btshrttat, tiitrhtadNAuhhr.P._1teeey WP"; Gm. "an". Ianond;H.B.Ba-un. Doer- AertdrMrn.tt.P.Wgtehi-, Doe!- fteidaEB-CaruoahMuhtnrtdhrV, agm.ita.-oniihtnndNrV California-3t North Sign MoanhmM, ws.rut-tE.htttnaneidarttf. MJmmthn-bdlu. Pare. . ' h Mm.g.rte-th-rdiet Mr. Funk Runo'n brother, Ttil haul. Bum,m3ttopoy 016041 Ed-1rrtnee,atietto'i.-r-r' tkdWadr-dnrtoMianEmtra" {01on Kin-Guano found-If ttt.llht_tt-Ctdbeoar-daf mymmvhowu «new Aihteaf810Athe -ittr_rfthruetyttrmttm, ,aogutedttrm-ttrthett-. ,r-t.-HtesttteCtutt. Mru.rt_1and-pahtter, -teera-ntterafr-hanb-it '_a-t-etuttnhnNtrCtritr.A :mvuhdduthm BeiihMotetfothrneirtethe mrddirtg M'. Mru.BdearMnnatutdmtddnntrha. is MA6teie MW. of Put Ilia-3'!- _éh!.W_ arpd It. mmasaml "iaettterutoeMruiiehett,3k,: My. _ i "MWmthegu-t to! In. William M Hath ad inn-mm Bath of C'a"i"ai'"aGTii"iii"iGiikiiG0t.E - film a Chicago. visited the "but! mic-last whit. this my. "unit-rm may mom!" "I" M 0m imam-M t-utd,ntt.o,Rr-dt mttParhtM.PUhaeu 111.;Mym .-Mm.P.Btrrehnrdt. ;Chu.l"itzgenld. ELEM Doer- " '. {oi-chub in -rg.A-,limt- I My. _ tr. tgttNtlttUd'-so. 4pitqt.e"..rt0tt. altueittrtiihirauoetmstnt" Mta66. murmur". ' Themthlymnlusu- "Namath" ammi-gtoot'tttntrattherhtmterae is.rmraBuro,'rt-ar-i" £831 anp'ormhfomdn "Gaidtumiu-t41- iii"iFuiAriihteyyuHft_tt Magoo-inhuman! "iiiiiiiiiu'ttiutrt-ndirtthdr, "Vans-w. iiiAi,-tiniwemrteto" siidiur, Sex-vie. a 11.00 A. I. Vac-dominant. Windchill. 15. game M_M.LW°..": Atuiniaemyrtut.ttt.tr his iiiiirtirr-rsrttrsdtiiMhyr GGiiiiiiribrtsrietrrufedtth, "mighty? Artisan" uhdel- lit-tttret-bat WWW I6WI.-- 'érariiii7iiCTaihi.' 11a,Wounn'a link-my and." ,raetuttsedtxudtoa'rt-dFt. T. And missionary spirit vat maatif-tedtturmtrhorrrthetrtytttttr. The ttttet- were lam ttt-.-ttttrrtkrg1rter.eaaiki 'ss.uari-d..toe.tp8trth- mumdbMonWoha- diraft-tn.aerrt.H1h,anr- thumb-middling," ttrinttthettotherehamAufomet. on Nired-dnrnugttatth00outte1r_1, wrnnhrmyer.pninmdm- bteatmtrhour. Allmvcblnoto this-dee. . mmuamm do" t-hem add 0M... mutt-Oahu" "mmummm mummy fmiydthm lmConfamabutdnh-w Lag,g't2'eg,rttg2rer2' _ Went-I of the MomtrBtb4uhsatttate.rB1tt-ttt ,a.agittogietthtftttmtt-tt -ttittii-tehhttr-?ht aehtre1iu_teaAe..' W3 and sad at on; A. M. will! 93"!" at, 19315. A: Ms, eoiimi.tse%inD-fuldmntrnret nine at 8 o'clock. Rev. My Wm monk at the evangelistic "rviee, trut-ttrat-ttm-run)." ftlemiihr1tlam)t maths WWW?" 315.09."; . "ahoagiaort-twiithtridtttttir mrir-ettmoet'rt-dqnpqt. 14th., WynMuhod-M "enitoktarsnko-tutrteto no "or! it"!!! "LIFE": . Eva-soled hunk. (that In. R. M. Willa-I. m Sunday School, 'ttl' A. M Bomb; Worship, lbw-A. M. anti-thin Emi-tr., 7:00 P. M. St. rur- I'M Ouch he Y. F. I. c. and." their Merit--- . . and merit alone! i 1arrruthrteitr,ittinpridhtlre,tdlif Woodtstoiikrrhtt mud: has been" said by thous- and: of enthusiastic operators. unduly thi: iudrero und of ood will.-- ,,2eht, good perfoiirriiiar--tUt as}; retrponti. tiutoritirtmgitms Uiersmnltel.lryutheWoodrtttekit1UnHt exceptional trpeiritter-ra compodte of y) im, provements 'mndnctive to ettitittasts writings-- plus a ran beauty of type and sturdinees of con- iitruetion that stamps this machine as a thing wooi7ii"Tdck. '"r, Add" "itudiandtrter-rti_d_.tlvmerm Ji,ii.dAte1ttttrtei?tCrt a'irt.hgmttmtmet*tr, to M! "an?" "m...th MAM - -nts jdtid'gxctgtatt1,'d'l1rt'll tobdthhmity. I'MWI- hnu tii,trhtfp,ttg",trd Bankn- oiaynew51ior- 'iaiiiati-Ceh,ttt..f,tt-, Injured)!" 1tP,t Jteety i7i"iriiiiiaGirdiirih.' who}: iin"GriiGaiisiirtuy.andtr.Pkrn!t nmaChtehtd.t4tltfi, colum- irGiritue-trittefrthtirt- 1m. ".mbn-ist- "in. trtiiuteettdulAin isa-ttttoath-at-et'. ft ELEM! me mm mm PM tVttitod .P_--PNne)t and British "been have completed {M which it UMP" qriilbe pd tnto-tu. vary-colic} the oieetriileatittat of Whyeauing the - at the Eastern lunar- ramp to ftoqr over a fstraoo.t ridge berdeetng the pout, the!" through |aeanalentoat otsttittrodr,whettee the when would hid WM: domttnenntrnowtgt-rdrorirttol Lah- 'l'lbdua and the Dead Ben not. than can thousand feat under the Wet t,'2',tg1'lr2 - ltheatina thntthecuetrfeen- ugy capable of Being thus develop- ed vault! be 838$th far Palestine Syria. Asiatic Turkey and Egypt. The total 'eost It placed " about m.ooo,ooo. Able nientista have calming! the net energy at 426,0tt0 "Nestine in the elude land of miracles?! slid Edouard ImbauX. the but: asqtert, cynic! when! tt-tothieortbed.rttoettte United Pun." I firmly hum mod- an we. will accomplish mind" then in its turn." ., H. but": has sent to the Aead- en, of Seine" I long, detailed mm or the -atshte "a other condition: fnmsrmethertnxt torttitrtAentuet of Palestine. Boom that button the agataeG-asqtttoenttr-rde- -trttrsnmehnrttite.ttdthe --ofttte3oednn.aahtrttrtrtus "setitkDead.teea,tt-uotitra 1owrtd-hantxrorrti1eorue. Kama-Wh- I. Construction of a maritime eanntetmnmtittnritht+1etelt' ramdunrtrr-tjst1-y+sfthe. "etesetttrBittu. I nimiEFe1r tuaoemaitttktntFremthoeeti. .ittretrether'Htr?Uetittetettheremrs- sure-tofthe-sims. 8. tytgsstmetg-r1nntwhidtt would "eetmthefal1inq tenant mtrouttqmtmtmsdmdfe,settteUw)ttat .toveuhe'nt-hm.Anotherrr1nnt wrmidbeeo-tmeud,Nrtt- loath "rtnittiNrthyrdrtttfetrV 'hmrhmtdadfeetirstotheNndt%t. "We have calculated." eoagttmted I. 1inbeaanrf that the you m PruttgtrtNGendCLlitANTNG is done right at WI rm: Shop. Pt-rt-lee, J. CICIiY, Proprietor onlWAvulo Phat"! - " "but 't,,I'2t tttii-ttseas: new unfit-553w the 1tNaeterrttt'i'.hms "In I: up to the part-11h: In: no- duet or! "ttto. I. P., orW" kilowatts attMgtegtt for " hta.tttt" railroads, industry and Wm This enormous inftttx of ,mter into ythe valley would be up}: than are of by "mention. trrfgattom which jig one of the crying needs of Pakis- tine, would the can td the rest." M. lube": 'hu been mm»: every "I. of the problem M that years. B. in been in communication with the British Government. which has a and." out Who tad believes thar tho execution of the project in mntter of a short time. Be- ferring to the bet thnt Nina" Full: develop eioertrleat m 'hieh serves a "dtrtt'of twelve hundred miuashonhb-. It you draw I circle of Mar hun- dmdir-tttttt_snhthtesc tine tooNetitmn referring"! eentm'rert1tyttatr,tpmt.t?t close 'Mui. an Mia-h-Adn. reaehiritiitk"ttiht8edr9r1't plan which mil W W Ita 3pm. all that cpl-rim; Wat sin st 1:11th Mutton, tutdsittrttmmr#te; bsitatitareand "aidiu'iriexrttiiktreireRuttt Ihouidtutut?thmttnewhntit wnaht "chasm The" is "n1ir no nut" Ott- uncle. The work on our Mum scheme would take nbotrt m 70!" Labor a ehearr. The 10" tutttrm1' " Tel-Am an: may no capabl- or tram-dou- tub." POULTRY Imus mom m DRY-CLEANED was odtrr 'Giqtr1esiirdrt"n and} blast hung one to four eeetta.peri iiiraiGiiGrth-tmreienntdlr" "iiiFGiiiirutttioii.mijit1tttyoftht (iiiGGiiraiperuettvertrtrtanir iairrueoet"Gatht"efom'do Ltf'uty'gtt,ttugl'/i'l ,ttaeedoetnasemdt-e-eror, of hither "Baruch cuties irttoav-msehnmber. The! under low pressure! "it!" agatmtthesettgB. mundan- triirttsesetrem,iueedattomrr.t"t' iiRtiiitrit"rirsmsther-ndie. 'rhmeirtthsnewmnehtn_e-t lt m, - otemmrudnr. Formedynggl ,rerenmaheit%th "uusdimtirNttth_i-sth.?d.trtdt- iaittuatteiuandhaatentsddt6tr- ",m,ea-nuruirue-namrr?d Ga-rms-toar-tit. i/GG ii hind Pt 9M do? otrtr Area-stirs-mst-thrs" wastttnetirr-rriltres clan: st-iris-v-teats' q 0mm and Church-Evanston ' Get Ready for School in Our New, Evanston' Shop ttiittttiir (2.1:;Eamn850ns amino!" no mnterintob. 2&3?" button Shop Open Tuesday, Thunday and Satifday Evenings t TATA, :5 '"""P-"""""r'ettttCrcT.Pirs2Fd2Tsii T '"'-', MWr. T" " - , , b " tytlt,lf"i' t1',',ttht"tltt,, as": an "t-ttermiptattatJr at tho tel eiaiming mi; mmwoummmmwumw , Midi! athatd the PM -------,------"'"""" low: of m M, a " 'e P""-.'-""""""?'"'" iriiiai Grit; homo" "at the thtitgt _ new in Wuhan. in baid GM. on the am my ot NW iiikiriiieii,AmqiaitdMeai,i.rr- _ditrksrini.A'ttr-ttmtatH.ar 'tataniiiitttmt1anderefo iGaitilirsoteonidCtsrutfbr ;Won. 1 HARYHILLER. 1ttursrain.mrth'eirdeyint- tiGiiimtuusioreeei1fef.t ,TGiiuiiiiitirwurm.t,aetf" iGiitatatoktui-rii-ithaan "We!" NOWISTHETDIE Spare 'rim',',,?""""""" EVENING SCHOOL The Moody Biblihetitute The Moody Bible Institute "Slam-flu. . ' It." 1510 1arspljimealy - "mulls-11M" gtg YOU Frartraiping in - StudyandGospelMusc qutembel' lo, at GM RM. ReaHig.th8t sNirtl1iir Aiep. m7.6m9 'M. - Maven The"? Friday when 6:30 to Bo. Tothooe 'eiia-diFsahrert1rt.a,fge m "mammal: 5:15to 6:15 lot 2Se. Enmlhnent fee only suntan. ' ',idiii2iii1'gP,tt.rlhff'flfre was up. Fullinfar- when" "as: "iisrc'ri.?ifj'sst' -'i We in" u election of 5:..me / Fall TermBegins W £0me wahaastbdrmtet _____._ 00090.0 tfitifll If You Want What's "Right" See These New Double Breasted Lytton Hi Suits 2 Pkirs of Long, Wide Trousers-- Unmatched Values at w Au. mum. AND SURGICAL DISEASES at the KIDNEYS and BLADDER = ' 300w. DISEASES . Sriehi,x"ggti'xta1,utp,eg',gett The" mustbea aariGiiunriiuu-eqii-aiu drapedtthouthun htti-ewLrtmtHifMqeyerret aiGtiiuatetreniistrNtusueasfyilowed. 000!!ch t,5,r:.r.yt,tgeetr'a,gta,,ettit, 'ruruhidtt"in momentum Othalymu Ftsure64s. tMice.. lOOSo.Cnnnty$¢-.COI-w _ PHONE"! conituGtsGuothtsehtnte- attractive mint-d BmMdoeh Shim thlke-eud--tu "lemma-duh. $7.50 1 . y I "g'l',,,t'it"ttg /ctttl, 'htt,at,',',t1ft,trt,ttt,t D0ctor'hlm P. O'Neil ,routPrsttta-aa+etemr-dtre-t-ntrFt2os1' 'rt-G-as-rl-h-bet-fret-dt-ees, $2.50 thobrhn $25 $30 $35 Q0115 to the QC tit,? T he Soda Shop 'rr-if,? Ia-aunmkaamof any {use 'iiaLU.iuncutm,tea.dinner-th- Gaiii iiriituaidiottup1ate. "iGiiGiaes--<,uri-nharttmth andria.madewithfmhfruit. k-Sikh-vera-tie-bd"" amaer--eeadratthees"t-e"r'u "' N6.MihrmiheeNremte D ' " , I ' i' ', / " u' Cid Ln' " f g th " I. eOfai.v,, J A, I "It. ated Water St., "I" m Tuh-duh-e- "but. We!!!" serU. And the tum 'mf. -iiFiaisoetirityeettti,i' thohdinSmhw 1§ a. " I I