Abner Taylor. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chester A. Wolf and Mrs. Wilson of Deerfleld called Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Schnei--|on Libertyville relatives Sunday. «der amd son Kenneth spent Sunday Mrs. Wilson remained here for a few with friends in Racine Wisconsin. days visit. Mrs. Will King of Antigo, Wis-- consin is visiting this week with Mrs. Abner Taylor. Miss Vera Morse was a visitor Monday. We are a member of the Federal Reserve System None but pure, fresh drugs go into the prescriptions we fill. This is w{hy you always get such good results out of the drugs you buy from us. LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL. _ We do not allowanythin&.tomddo-mlbelnlhtbu in such quantities that our gs are "moving" all the time. You can RELY on anything you get in our store. Come in. We will be glad to meet you. Say it the Kohout Way ------with Flowers The Wealth of Our Nation is behind the Federal Reserve System of Banks, of which we are a member, and which gives grdtammtytomrdcm We give not only security but SERVICE. We will al-- ways be glad to "talk over" financial matters with you whether or not you are a depositor in our bank. Come in. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Start Saving Regularly NOW . We are Lake County's largest rose growers. Also other vari-- eties of flowers and plants.> LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK TY uUs. KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS F. B. LOVELL CO. Drugs -- Prescription Specialists Let US be YOUR druggists. * The Bank of Service" Lreertyviuce '..-.. J LLH;OIS 'l;%imm 174] d by wire anywhere Incorporated Mr-- and Mrs. James Doyle enter-- tained Mrs. J. J. Lancaster and Mrs. Jno. Numsen at their home Sunday evening. ~'Mrs. P.. J. Bockelman and Waiter McLaughlin spent Sunday--with rela-- tives at Half Day. Wilson ~Olendorf : spent Sunday ith friends at Lake Geneva. VWe Deliver PHONE 5 Mr.-- and Mrs. Thorsten Sundell and daughter, Gloria, spent the week end at the home of the latter's par-- ents, Mr. anmd Mrs. Peter Johnson and family at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Corlett are in-- tending to motor to Wisconsin Sun-- day where they will visit their daughter,-- Roma, who is attending the Beloit College. * _--Kenneth Schneider entertained nine of his small friemids at a birth-- day party at his home last Saturday. The young folks were entertained with games and the party ended with refreshments. his new home on which work is ex-- pected to start immediately. Mr. and Mirs, Howard Wilson, late of Milwaukee, spent the week end with relatives in Libertyville: They left Monday morning for Oaklarti, California, where they will visit with a sister of Mrs. Wilson pre-- vious to taking up their residence in San Francisco. The trip was made by auto. «» . Plans are nearly completed for the annual armistice night ball by the local post of the American Le-- which will be held'at the High School auditorium on Thursday, November 11. The music for the oc-- casion will be furnished by Benson's Blue Jackets, the feature musical or-- ganization at the Opera Club, ex-- culsive rendezvous of Chicago's four hundred. This orchestra is on the regular programs of radio stations WGN and WJAZ. They will appear in their Venetian gondolier cos-- A number from Libertyville are planning'to attend the opening dance at the new "Danish dance hall at Antioch which will be held on Sat-- urday evening, October 2. (Negotiations were completed Sat-- urday in the sale by F. R. Sellers of Ris home on Sunnyside Place to Elmer J. Murric of Lake Villa,. Mr. Murric will move here on October 1. Mr. Sellers is moving to the C. Fred Stewart bungalow on McKin-- ley avenue until the completion of Mrs. Abner-- Taylor entertained eight friends at her home Tuesday in honor of her guest, Mrs King of Antigo. c There will be no Methodist Church Services Sunday, October 3 in the moring or evening: Sunday School session will be held as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Kruger and three daughters of Chicago arrived here Sunday. They will make their home with the James Laycock family. There will be a special Wardens Night at the lodge rooms of Liberty-- ville Lodge No. 492 A. F. & A. M. on Wednesday evening, September 29 at 7:30. . Work on the Master The Royal Neighbors wil} hold a Card and Bunco party at the Grid-- ley Hall Wednesday, Octaber 6. Mrs. Veronica*Wilcox and daugh-- ters Lenore and Ruth and Miss Orah Linder were Waukegan visitors Sat-- urday evening. U. T. Roberts of Waukegan made a business trip here Saturday after-- noon. T. 0. Carisgn was a business call-- er in Chicago Tuesday. > Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Chicago were guests of relatives here on Sunday. * »Mrs. George Sturm is attending the Mystic Worker's Convention at Miss Beatrice Numsen spent Fri-- day afternoon in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. William Netz enter-- tained company from Chicago Sun-- day at their home on Third street. George Follett and family moved Tuesday i?'to their new home just completed in Oak Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Tripp attend-- ed a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bluhm at their home in Mundelein Saturday evening. Madison, Wisconsin this week. mhnflmmsaxmoedfer Monday. 4A Your Own Home-------- Something to live for! LIBERTYVILLE saUimnct -- BANK T. F. Swan, secretary. NOTICE Without it, life soon loses its charm. With it, your happiness is complete. Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 Save for it here! The Auxiliary of the Legion will motor to the Government Hospital at North Chicago Tuesday, October 5 to entertain the boys there. All who wish to join them are asked to hnotify Mrs. J. Weart and get full particulars. * The public is cordially invited to the annual harvest home services on Sunday, October 3 at 7:30 and 10:30 a. m. at St. Lawrence's Episcopal church. There will be special music with a soloist at the later service. The church will be decorated with flow-- ers, fruits and vegetables which will afterward be distributed in one of the diocesan institutions in Chicago. The local High --School has sug-- gested a new idea this year as to the sale of tickets for the various schol-- astic meets. About ninety one per cents of the students voted for the pay one dollar per year. This en-- titles him to attend every game of the season and to receive the high school paper put out by the commer-- cial clagses. Various colored tickets John Numsen returned games. There will be no house--to house canvassing. Season tickets will be sold at the games also and anyone who desires to purchase one may do so. "% visited with her mother, Mrs. Cath-- erine Wegener of East Church street Sunday. y The front of the Frank H. Eger store is being treated to a new coat of paint.. The work is being done by Henry Biere. s evening at Waukegan. from their motor trip to the East. They report a wonderful time with nocartyoublow).hm. F. E. Sellers will move October 1st from the lower Hutchinson flat on West Park avenue to the Stewart Bungalow on McKinley avenue. 'Mr. and ~Mrs. Henry Ward of Evanston visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown and family over the week Miss Louise Wegener, Frank Well-- Woerth, Miss Beatrice Numsen and ness caller Tuesday. | Cecil MacDonough spent Monday in Chicago. visited here Sunday with his family on Second street. Mrs. S. C. Kimball entértained the Young Matron's Club at ner nome Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Fredericks of Rockford, Illinois spent Sunday at the 8. C. Kimball home. BANK Sunday The active participants in the juvenile cireus which was successful-- ly staged last month, were.entertain-- ed Monday night on the lawn of the Lynn W. Beman home on Brainerd avenue,. There were about seventy-- five youngsters present around the big camp fire which banished the au-- tumn chill and every one of them seemed to enjoy every minute of the evening. They were entertained with a display of fire works handled by Mr. Beman and Wilbur iM. Krieger. At the close of the entertainment the guests were served with ice cream and cake. George Evert of Rondout passed away at the Grant Hospital in Chi-- cago at four o'clock Sumday after-- noon following an operation. Mr. Evert has been in business at Rond-- out for many years. The funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at St. Joseph's church. The bride was beautifully dressed in a white lace gown with a corsage of white roses. Miss Fredericks wore a dress of yellow georgette crepe and carried a bouquet of yellow roses, while Miss Wirtz was clad in pink and had a bouquet of pink roses. Two nieces of the bride acted as flower girls. Miss Margaret Wirtz, a sister of the bride and Miss Marie Freder-- icks of Libertyville acted as brides-- maids. Mr. Herr's brother of Chi-- cago and Edwand Wirtz, brother of the bride were the attendants. After the ceremony the young cou-- ple enjoyed a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, and from there left immediately for Cal-- ifornia where they will remain for several weeks. After their return they will reside in Chicago. ~Miss-- Ida Wirtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wirtz of Fremont Center, well known in this locality, was married to Walter Herr of Chi-- cago \Tuesday morning at nine A. M. by Rev. Father Bay at the St. Mary's Church, Fremont Center. TAX ~TRIGGS & JOHNSGN Sure you want healthful fruits and vegetables to "balance" your meals.= There are several grades. We sell the BEST and we sell them and everything else for the LOWEST POS-- SIBLE PRICE. . ~Saturday Specials Only POWDER, 5 AMERICAN -- FAMILY SOAP, . 1 of Flakes, 2 Jap Rose Soap, 80c value for ................ 67c FANCY JERSEY SWEET POTATOES FANCY BORBON SANO-- 'TOS COFFEE, regular 45c Per Lb. 3 en /~ . --SNOW'S TA XT Yellow Cab Equipment The Service Store Phones 24 and 25 -- Libe 39¢ church. .. Sunday, October 8 Harvest home and Home--coming festival at St. Lawrence's Episcopal A big turnout is expected at the stag «linner of the Libertyville Club at the club rooms tonight (Tuesday.) Numerous items of business are to be tiken up and the finishing touch-- es of the club bowling league will Baturday, October 2. | First annual policemen's ball by Mundelein police department at Ray Brothers' pavilion at Diamond Lake. Prize dances of all kinds. #% son's Blue Jackets. The Mystic Workers will give a card and Bunco party Tuesday eve-- ning after lodge. Everybody wel-- We Look Out For Your Interests Annual Armistice night ball by Libertyville Post. No. 329 American Legion at Libertyville Township High School. 9. p. m. Music by Ben-- Saturday, October 2 Qpening of the new Danish lodge hall at Antioch with a grand dance. is ready at a moment's notice to drive you, speedily and safely eith-- er short or long dis-- eal Estate, Loans and Insurance A good office to do business with" 201 S. Milwaukee Ave. tances. Our Auto Liv-- ery Service is at your disposal day and night, and is dependable in every way. Metered rates. Phone 306. © TOKA MALAYA AND SEEDLESS CALIFORNIA GRAPES, arm _ FANCY WISCONSIN WHITE POTATOES,, BEANS LUX, 3 Packages , Per Wednesday, November 17 Annual bazaar of the Ladies aid ciety of St. John's Lutheran Thursday evening, November 11 taken care of at this meeting. MRS. C. BROWN, Chairman Social Committee. c s PdG NOTICE u.t 39 their families shall be comfortable. We sell heat -- contentment by the ton and invite you to test our speedy de-- And it makes men and women desire that livery. Mrs. Geo. McDonald COMMERCIAL CLASSES Intensiye Training. Positions sécured for students, New Arrivals In Dress Materials f LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS PAYING BY CHECK IS A FAVOR BOTH TO YOURSELF AND TO THE MAN WHO RECEIVES THE .PAYMENT 5 Libertyville Lumber Co. 7 All Wool French Serge, navy and brown, 86 inches _____________ Satin Back Crepe, All newest shades, 40 inches .______________________ $27 . W. Carroll & Sons Co, "FIRST NATIONAL BANK --and good service and person-- al interest are assured if you carry your Checking Account at this bank. We'd like to supply you with a Checking Service! M _ e Arorirs _ > E. £. fisnor 417 NORTH FIRST STREET Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 311 West Park Avenue PHONE 130 now forming New LOVE'S A FUNNY 'THING-- 7 T MAKES THE YOUuNn6 « SHEIKS GROW MOUSTACHES ~AND THE OLD UNS SHAVE E EM OEF }~____ _ > 22 8 p. m.