DECLINE NOT --FORESEEN NOW | gerie and household linexa that! "3"*,_' h'. embrgidered thomse'veos " are actressos", says Miss Morloy. ; 5. " C women do not annser to e time to devote to this oc~~-- _ patio Wwhich used to whi'» away | _~-- so --m: hours \1::; membergy ¢ . ~the gentler sox ore they too' :} men's professions and socr's. | gac * in the country t:>=~ 3 --x;{ ve little time for em's>~'l--| zy bec after they have #~-- _ Hshed their work, they go in for| Leutdoor life, for motoring and| Women in the city plazy' , Snd will pres & the next two w on tive Pol Keept in the 4s evid: Ahe cours Desni j D ite the fact that high levels ive activity and of general osp srity have been consistently outai {:'two years, and that rin that time there have been ala-- epts in the situation that might ave ceveloped into positive adverse ifluences, economic conditions in eral remain ~surprisingly free om th w'vhie::'ordimjrgy 'i':- the approach of a ma = ie in business levels, the Guafanty ust of New York points i6 in the current issue of the Guar-- "G of all kinds are moving through tue successive stages Art of Embroidering 'wuvmbh features the gituation are clear-- in the ascendancy at the nt -.&Mdmr;kf i#es should not be Opti-- am-mmm. too often based on rather Alico Morley Says Act-- 'resses Still Make Their i QOvwn Lingerie e hexat €wo monthas. Wt m_ .'f't Policies Maintained fiuu 1e o) in the security mrket.s j'mzznm;'?of: fi evidence of speculation. | :Téate 2C San egourse of commodity 'ity. ~An c ¢ bears witness to the conserva-- the kidne fing policies of wholesale and from the dealers. -- In buildisig and real paralyzed ; thie speculative activity of .tnezs get go appears to have subsided ieve t 'entailing serious difficulties. | waste." c ilar situation~ exists with * e labor, str re-- | heada W 5.0::"'.'."" " M fi m"'Cbé "Emgp ent is :mdmd instead or hind the fl',' level, flve ad curced ipidly thar the cost of livinz ¢ in an ually even distri-- [ *tm 1 g power anc of wfpr the various Casse« «S w' 's Cnmequentlv, botn in-- retivity and prices are we!\ bution, '--the" St "Employment is on of the banks : levels has not yet. ap-- of industriai Ana--~Com -- """"firm.c *A monéy at : = presumably J:o own, tu; oA hesttict the® Survey c the la 1 fiv serurit y col vet; own, Tell me it's true that you Are mine a--lond ... inss o Gat . on f No k 1 L. a n Ns _ oecte 4 e M Fome oo ( 1 e m o Thal ce e Ptane "CL in S uie on e SX P oo t p ae s {fac ' Potential Sources of Danger. | :"That the present volume of nusi-- iness appears to be based in an un-- 'usual degree on large and possibly 'abncrmal activity in a few key in-- _ dustries has often beéen ment:oned as 'a possible source of danger. The 'decline since a year ago in the aver-- Age purchasing power per unit of agricultural commodities has tended to retard economic recovery on the farms, and emphasizes the fact that prosperity has not yet been fully re-- stored in all the principal agricu'-- tural sections. The presen: disiri-- bution of the world's gold is clearly abnormal, and has -- contrib»=ited in some measure to a not wholly reas-- suring situation in our security mar-- kets, The redistribution of this gold and the commercial and financial re-- adjustments which will be necessi-- tated by the international ijebt pay-- merts and by the --slow process of economic revival in Europe will in-- evitably. impose #reat obstacles to the progress of trade. _bere ~and abroad. -- Finally, it is likely thas the installment--selling movement in this ecountry has been abused . or over-- done in some cases, and that its ad-- 'bfldgfl and golf when they have leisure. # When you wake up with backache and A4ull misery in the kiduey region it may mean you have been eating foods which sreate acids, says a well--known author-- ity. -- An excess of such acids overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the glood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kid-- ys 'get sluggish and clog. you . must :Zeve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache ug headache, dizzy spelis; your stoma sours, torgue is coated and when the weather -- is h?n'? have> rheumatic twinges. The is cloudy, full of scalds.and you are relief two or three times during the night,. _ be doubted; but the experience of the not distant tg:t offers sufficient proof that this prosperity may be broken by periods of severe depres-- s10n. ;'Eni{lie{" consult a i:dd."réliible',hyd- at on rom your ost about. four "ounces: of Jm *.Mn' s of water before breakfast for a g'_days_a_u.d If Kidneys Bad T a Says Backache Often. Means Have Not Been Drinking _-- Enough Water widuysmythenmfine. This sailts is made from the acid of maflmiiuh.mbhedwith and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate sluggish kid-- neys, also to neutralize acids in the %n&q&& ."'m&mzwdmh- a Aort Afarwatet drink: Drink iots of ced aro Aff ects mu c or concert Rumvers, sliy effective, 133 S.OrieY 18 &i ballads as %'w *3*s haln to tske agway * modern livin® gsincs #ow, ABoUT * 4 L144 Bem GaAmE THIS ul 7 Hor im lg DEéAR 2 STAY AFP | on evenitually ~be dA ce wPT $ a>~ ie n is P o s y Aily K4 uE0d ~Cas CC m d ie C e CC * pt see 29, Waukegan. Lots 1, 2, 3, 8 9, 11, 24, 25 and 26, Sandstrom and Bairstow Industrial subdn, pt see 29, Waukegan. CEA n o es F J Petru and wife to Josepfa Oborny, QCD. Pt SE qr of see 34, Grant. T McCann and wf to R McGann and wf, jt tens, WD. Pt SW ar of see 8, Antioch. S Sponenberg and wf to J A Thomas«and wf, jt tens, WD. Lot 84 Hyde Park, pt see 20, Waukegan. resubnd Fowlers Cedar Lake subdn, pt see 32, Antioch, -- x * F R Sellers and wf, to E J Murric and wf, &teu. WD. Lot 7, blik 1 Johnson, WD. Lot 82 Fowler's Cedar Parkhurst and Cunningham's subdn, R E Reynolds and wf to G Lages-- chulte, QCD, Lots 1 to 11 in Rey-- solds subdn, pt see 36, Cuba, * SEPTEMBER 25, 1926. Nellie A Brown and hus to Harry Hoyt, ged, --Pt S E qr of see 17, and pt S W qr of sec 21, Waukegan. M A Steele and wf to A Hein and J Watry, wd. Ptlot 6, Pearson, Lit-- tle and Brogan's subdn, Waukegan. heffihrmathc ce se Aibcatnn 15, block 15 see 29, Wauk State Bank Oliphart and 28, Ravinia ] fieid. son and wf, WD, Lot 18, blk 6, Ra-- vinia Highlands, pt see 86, Deerfleld. t e enens Sormch son s ( Rounduh\;l:w.'lmlo.Am R J Dady, master in chancery to Edith M. Clark, Deed. Pt 8 E ar of sec 18, Ela, M Fuller to Edith M Clark, QCD. PtSEf"ofml'Bknn. E H y and wife to G Prins and wife, jt tens, WD. Lot 87, ~Indian W Walker, Jr. and wife to W C Wrase and wife, jt tens. WD. Lot 2, M Zelesnik to Maria Tersar Zeles-- nik, ged. Lot 21, block 2, E A Cum-- mings addn, pt see 28, Waukegan.-- _ J J Murphy and wf to Waukegan National bank, tr, ged. --Pt S W qr of section 29, Waukegan. i Waukegan Natioral bank, tr, to J J Murphy and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 15, block 15. Northshore Park, pt SEPTEMBER 24, 1926, E G Gantxner and wf to G Daw-- sonandw!.ittuu.WB.ptlohm and 139, J L Shaw's subdn, pt gee 18, Avon. G T Johnson and wf to F W Dow-- ney, WD. Pt W fracti hf of see 8, Antioch, § * C T & T R Co,Tr to D Aikens and wf, it tens, deed. Lot 4, blk A Tal-- man and Thieles Lintolnshire subdn, pt see 21, Libertyville, C M Nelson and wf to G Ander-- Mound subdn, pt see 23, Grant. Mary Seppels to L D Elliott, qed Lot 8, Sutherland and Jensen's sub Waukegan. hm n k .. J S Fraher and wf to Frances Ot-- c 29, Waukegan. _ _-- f z. State Bank of Chicago, tr to C H iphart and wf, jt tens, deed.: Lot , Ravinia Forest, pt se¢ 36, Deer-- Furnished By . _ ake~County Title and . Trust Company 220 Washington St., WAUKEGAN HARRY MADILL BARTLETT ~Justice of the Peace : Office 172 W. Lincoln Ave., Libertyville,"IIl. s Phone 442 M o Near Skokie Valley Station, Libertyville Abstracta of Titles T he Soda Shop Ioe cream makes a success of any func on -- luncheon, tea, dinner, or the even-- mg puty ++ > 34 Ice cream is easy to serve--just. unwrap LAKE COUNTY SERVICE 515 No. Milwaukee Avenue ILLINOIS Wanm-nmum e & Wl place a few home made THE LAKE C f | SULPE [ ROUGE jar of Rowles Mentho--Sulphur y Phoy a Megtho--Suipbur improvement quickly shows. Sufterers from skin trq&lg should obtain a small eome one of the leading industries of this country. Broadcasting has be-- come an indispensable part of Ameri-- touch of radio, as. for exarmple, the otion picture industry. The future ?;velopment will not be considered as spectacular, becanse the word "imnossible" 'has still to beassociat-- than half a billion dollars, and the industry as a whole employs more than 800,000 persons in its factories, broadcasting stations, offices and In the same brief time the unde-- sirable elements that are always at-- tracted by a new discovery whether it be a new science, a new country or a nw goldfield, have been elim-- inated. Certainly the time has --ar-- rived when a receiving set bearing the labe!l of an utabli&ed manufac-- turer can be purchased from a reli-- able dealer with the knowledge that full value is being received for the dollar expended, y > dustey hns Fedahed ds fall prowiiy industry has reache nor that its development period is ended. The growth will be as Jarge in the future as in the past, and many new felds will feel the magic can life and a radio set a necessity of the modern home. ¥ven those in-- timately connected with 'radio find it difficult to remember that only five short years ago broadcasting was an experiment and the listening public a few enthusiastic amateurs.: The evolution of radio frowr a fad into a luxury and then a necessity has de-- veloped an annual business of more The growth of the radio industry {:ubmnmfinmbodym onger. thinks ubfim. Ithunot':bn.l:uhnlh as an old--establ industry, but has be-- w"'"*'fi'-. ; n -- C B Wetzel and wt to--F--J Allen wd."Pt#tao,Cmt'yM'ouMn sec llm + C H Bilson and wf--to C E Carl-- sten, wd.~=P; N E qr of zsee 34, Avon. So--a?:'hcn. & n:&%uhm': sec s W A Tavier und wf to Rose Mui lay, wd. Ft 8 E qr of section 7, RADIC GROWTH I$ REMARKABLE [ SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH, RED SKIN Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made: Smooth, Says ate2ve. oC o @ days they may see the picture of thfl:hcbeutywhounredlylwlm'. Vur advice to Libertyville 18 '!otb,dn-vm_smeomn 'The old. fashioned mother had no difficulty in seeing through her five sons long before the X--ray was ever casting. During this last year much progress has been made.-- Stations have been grected for the purpose of mmuwhu fairly well s hk Aoly (€ Our advice to Libertyville ~~ _ This Is-- The .Biggest Bargain in Lake County Price $7,500 Terms $2,500 Cash > New Five Room Bungalow Fo This Bungalow is thoroughly mod-- ern, has asbestos shingle roof, hot water heat. -- & .¢ Lot 50 by 133 in very fine section of Mundelein, three blocks from New North Shore Terminal. rall ] Cj p l are--bloused & x :'5/' LYONS & ROUSE AY 7 3 f AHUEE A P Y MUNDELEIN, ILL. Phone 284 J ky VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Vetwhu'hn Telephone 66 LIBERTYVILLE Office in First National Bank Bldg, --_ Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD 44 * y DR. J. L. TAYLOR -- For Sale No matter how it is achieved, the blouse is there; slyly, subtley or _ boldly it makes itself known in the newest Fall Coats. Sometimes there is just the tinyest bit of a fullness intro-- 'duced by a dart or two over the hips. Or per-- ' hapns the wrap is belted with its panel back o w s wapo h oo t tan / ce ho "As o .t uces o ds . Tas ts ce o w tot wl ts he Best Stove ~ On the Novth Shore Travel Coais &)): S $19.75 to $97.59 YL/J Woven mixtures in large and small designs and--brilliant colorings, as well as two--tone effects are favored in travel and utility Coats. In many shades of red, in black and in grey and shades of brown such as caramel and beige promise a cheerful autumn. Straght. line and belted models are com-- bined with varied shapings and decorations of pockets and #ur trimmings. ire--bloused s6950 to s1 9(50 Others $19.75 to $59.75 #3 oc Pockets Characterize aor in T | -)',:"'f' ] ' // g(Gua=mg/¢ :: Poiles , ' @f%t:'l'.\//\fi'""z o7 M (¥A '___n","""f? oAE § \ Beg&* ; K \ l yA / \\\ ' l"/' ; //\/ . ' JP 2A, 3 S lig EoS _ M A -- Swaes 4s on es r i aodies ee S e es t _ oc o ie k ® OCS . _.~ Then again you are often unaware when your wheels are a little out of alignme#it which is mighty hard on your tires. Let US care for YOUR car. -- = Save your tiree--tubes--time--temper and prevent a big percentage of all tire troubles by having us inspect your tires Libertyville Avoid Tme Trouvsirs ; Csme to Us 4 LA o Bilg ~b.2 'Then when you pick up a nail or otherwise puncture a tire, **spare" will be ready to slip on, while we repair the punc-- SUHLING GARAGC WILLYS KXIGHT -- OVERLAXD 2. on oo . eacesccse nWe , \ Phone 131--M 4*