CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 2 Oct 1926, p. 7

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Numbering possibly 1,500 animals, ::: herds dwfld&dowhiehm terri west of Slave river and me'::f the cmusim lake, in northern Alberta and the northwest territorie« and the buffalo in Yellow-- Tunming, a¢ large of the milhons of a ge of the ons m once blackened the west-- ern plains until the Wood Buffalo park herd was augmented by ship-- ments from the Canadian Wain-- wright herd. a C ul sl These anima'ls are entirely wild and 1ave never been *>ced in or domesticated in any manner. In the i heth naltoce ang whiles. _ With both natives and whites,. With the protection afforded them in re-- cent years their numbers have great-- 1y increased.--New York Times. Recently 'the Canadian govetn-- ment set aside for their use 10,000 square miles of the wilderness. With-- in this area neither the whx'to':_l't true, that the first internal combus-- was an engine that operated on gAs. was built in the plant of the Wil-- liams and Orton Mig. Co. now the Charter Gas Engine Co. of Sterling. They will like to tell you about it, Sterling and Rock Falls are in m&ty'::o city, straddling the Rock been the home of -nm the meckanics of metals. Many of these artisans, originally from the east, visited the centennial exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. ts By LESTER B. COLBY, (IWlinois Chamber of Commerce.) Do you know where the first gaso-- line engine in all the world was built? Go to Sterling, Ill., and local historians there will tell you, ready to take oath that what they say is One of the startling contrivances there was a mechanical marvel. It I'tu an engint ttaitnopenhd on 't.h'o made a grea Endou on minds of J. B. Williams and<«B. E. Orton. Gasoline was a waste prod-- uct then: run into streams or burned in fares to get rid of it. <If an en-- gine could be run on gas why not on Orton and Williams went to work on it. That was quite a time back. John D. Rockefeller was only 36 then and Standard Oil, as a trust, was not to be norn for another six years. Henry Ford was 13, a schoolboy in Creenfield. Mich. Harry F. Sinclair was only born that year. Yet how the gasoline engine was to affect their fortunes! Thev tell me in Rock Falls and Sterling that, Henry Berger, me-- chanic, now dead and gone and lit-- tle rewarded while he lived, did more than any other man to bring that first gasoline engine into existence. Unforturately there seems to be no written record of the years it took of the money it took--but an engine wa., in"ented the world's"market was estimated at 50 machines. That was tn be saturation noint. But more than 1.000 havs been sold to date. It's a husy world. If there is money in tha meachan-- feal de--fatting of over--stuffed ladies there's also money in bobbed hair Leo ' Wahl is building an 1%--rnom in Sterling. He is renorted Mll on his way to his first million. gomnrise one of the large«--? centore tar builders®' hardware in all the con-- tral west. The most of the man who entered the business came ovt of the Tawrencs nlant or the: enawinec far tory. Finally cama more comniliseat. ed machinery and wood warkin~ prow un. chine thar mates fat wamas-- thin: --8240 MA Fae mating laan ladias ant at hutThan, ansse! And an order t« in for 20 mare machines. The Fart Dearborn Mfe. Co., of Sterline makes 'em. The"nventor, 1 was tol4 got the idea when he came home ons day and found his wife rolling on th« Legend has it that this first en-- gine was sold to Lawrence Bros. makers of builders' hardware. in 1886, that they naid $1,000 for it and that it ran in their shov until 1892 when it was yanked out for one of newer design. es tionary engines,--is now making a heavv--oil envine -- pioncering again for erude oil is now the chean fuel as was casoline in the beginning. T --mentioned -- builders' bardware Fifty yeirs ago John H. and Edwin F. Lawrence kent a hardware store in Sterlinge. Then they began to make barbed wire and bnilders herdware. Thev nrospered. Other« frHowed in. Steel barn door hane-- ers were one of their *--«+t offering> to the trade. _ _ C es special machinery, One now being piecces of candy a chines made and This, g chine's snecialty is candy shaped v raspberries, cueumbers, peanuts. ba-- nanas and peas. One cougch drov company has just ordered 16 of '1'1",',' F;m the eoufh drops at n _ Nes 9,000 a minute When a vencer tavning machine was invented the world's"market was estimated t NO wmaniknl e mm o a o .o Original patents, I am told. were taken out in the name of John Char-- ter wh~ got control of the firm and renamed it the Charter Ga« Engine Co.. a name it gow bears. --It is in-- teresting to note that this company which has svoecialized always in sta-- tat man. tan. Tho machinass «al fa+ €1 ML so--h and 241 havs heen ma A, This company makes any sort of Rediscovering TIllinois FOR BUFFALO Rock Falls and Ste--N#»«~ one of the largo«t centore Micers discovered genius in mmandhomuifilliii% tory work. He invented a new type of electric hair clixpc. Simple and different, it is already to have saved the barbers of <the (United States and Canada not less than $6,-- Lloyd Carolus, his son, went over-- seas and 50,000 of the doctor's wire cutters went too. Uncle Sam's sol-- diers as a result waded through the gt;"mlemmu ecutting _ them. )ikc 000,000 in investment. The m per plant employs 40 people. hair and war did it. The well known world war --used millions of Em of Sterling barbed wire, too. t whether the war was won by birbed wire or the Carolus karbed wire cutter is a mooted ques-- tion in Sterling today., Dr. W. B. Carolus, a practicing physician in Sterling, invented a tool which will snip off a bolt-- or wire in a_twin-- kle up to three--fourths of an inch in diameter, Ever hear of Jrave stones being sold by mail? Walter J. --Moore, of Sterling, conceived the idea of mer-- chandising monuments by mail 30 years ago. The business today is large. He ships all over the United States. Another company makes limousine hearses. That business up when wagon--making became g:deut. But we will turn to live-- Used to be that Europe made our toys, cheap tin soldiers and pewter uhlans, tin wagons and fire engines They fell to picies in no time. Am-- erican wooden toys are running them out of the market. American wood-- en toys cost more, but they last bet-- ter and save many tears. n One of the outstanding develop-- ments in Rock Falls and Sterling is the wooden toy industry. Rock Falls is the home of the Hustler toys and other toys; wooden dogs that run and bark, wooden beads in many col-- ors, little wooden crews that row Ever hear of a glaamoli farm? Roy E. Shelley as a boy loved to hunt and fish, The outdoors was his. After he was graduated from high school in Sterling he went back to his father's farm, overlooking the Rock river east of Sterling. One day he planted 13 gladioli bulbs! Clare A. Wentzel, normai training schoot teacher, is credited with being the father of the toy industry in Sterling and Rock Falls, The toy business used to be seasonal, limited mostly to Christmas trade. Today it is an all--year business, due largely ly to more freedom with money. moreé travel and summer resort de-- velopment. Yet one plant in Rock Falls has 500,000 toys ready for the holiday trade. It is no untommon thing for the Sterling postoffice to handle 2,500 boxes of 'hdioli bulbs, outbound, in a day. ore go out in barrels and wooden boxes by freight. It was the work the boy loved and it has all grown up in a dozen years! wia Sterling markets--other farm prod-- ucts. Sterling on a tomato is like sterling on silver.-- Sterling brand Those 13 bulbs changed the way of his life. This season he shipped out to the world about 5,000,000 gla-- dioli bulbs. Edgewater farm, with 15 acres of blooms, is today . .one of the show places jn northern Illinois. Shelley is called the "gladioli king." Red Pepper_ Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints. It can-- not hust you, and it certainly stops that old rsheumatism torture at once. *Yhen you are suffering so you can hard)ym'gletuo-ld._ just try Red Pepper Rub you will have the quickest re-- lief known. Nothing has such concen-- trated, penetrating heat as red 'peppers. gasogna:dmapplyked!'ewu you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot get the genuine, with the name les :t'-i package Ts RED PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIG PAIN IT IS GOOD BUSINESS--OUR SWEET AND CLEAN SERVICE OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY Prairie Ave., F. A. Hutehinson SATISFACTION VEX OAK _ TERRACE LAUNDRY Old or New Work 601 West Park Avenuse FLOOR "SURF ACING PHONE 87 for a ;ar of 4+ tomatoes and adn{tii'u'-'nie to gain higher prices. A few miles out is & Diversification has made this dis-- triteit' pgswous.' giot only dé;:rct;xr" cation ing but.jn man = ing. Bum lmdinfi. metal prod-- ucts, machinery, tools, gas and gaso-- line engines, -- woodenware, toys gravestones, hearses, hairclippers, turns in the Lincoln highway be-- tween Sterling and Dixon. The Lincoln hishvui follows Heze-- kiah's footsteps,. He hewed the trail out, cutting the easiest pathway. The Lincoln highway through Sterli-- ing township @ paved ~with brick. You'll know w mdon get there if you travel the by that. This brick pre--dates concrete, It was the first stretch of paving on the Lin-- SAY "*BAYER ASPIRIN®'" and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds _ Headache _ Neuritis Lumbago Pain ~ Neuralgia Toothache -- Rheumatism Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of |DOESNOTAFFECTTI-IEHEARTI Your Cold Garage Is Worthless For Your Old Coal or Gas Range Towards the Purchase Price of a New Gas Range -- Equipped With a : "LORAIN" Oven Heat Regulator. . Cooks With Gas--Heats With Gas--No Coal or Wood and Emptying Ashes. Allow Y ou A Fifteen Day Free Trial on This Range During This Sale. We Will Allow You North Shore Gas Company We Will THE LOGICAL PLACE TO BUY GAS APPLIANCES. $8.00 | A--B UNIFIED GAS RANGE Towards the Purchase Price of a New $12.50 AcccEt' only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Hand bores 'of 12 tablets isw boitles of 24 and 100--Druggingt GARAGE HEATER BOOZE LAW IS Fifty prohibition agents have been killed in line of duty since the Vol-- stead Act was adopted. More than 150 p--rsons have been killed by dry officers and 185 coast guard. men lost their lives while on duty pre-- venting rum smuggling. Most of ghe guaxl"di;men were washed over-- oard while on work. Fints colhehtrl:o-lfedcd courts for prohibition law violations dur-- forcement of the prohibition !aW hAs cost the United States mofe than $114,724,000 'this year. . In addition to this money outlay, 835 jersons have lost their liver in the civil war between federal forces and> bootleggers. n e 24c L Operation of the prohibition unit. includiag money. to be spent up to the close of the fiscal year, June 30. 1927, has. amounted to $2,902,014 Coast guard activities for the pre-- vention of rum smuggling have cost m.'s'm- -- 6/ % 6 Mitiions of dollars have been spent by th= justice department for pro-- secut: n of liquor cases but no re-- (ott')rd w¥ the amouns is kept. Much of the --money spent for federal courts could be charged to prohi-- bition, officials said. x weak t . t 2 M deet C T0 C C These 'statistics were 0 by the United Press at tlu%ury from government reports today. . WASHINGTON, Warm It and Protect Your Car-------- THE SCIENTIFIC SAFETY WILL HEAT YOUR GARAGE APPROVED BY THE INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS ©~ Towards the Purchase Price of Any Radiantfire Room Heater. NC . | ...... ...... .. .. cnnn cce m e eh aeinee ue e m m l RFGEL ... .. .. .. .. e omanmegurnieakotc ns T EOWE * > -- > 8 «n concl e se oo en ceromncn ty Mail This Coupon Today. Our Salesmen Will Call. Adester of Salicylicacid From Sept. 15 to Orct. 15 This Coupon Is Worth Room Heater 33'.' For Your Old Coal or Gas Range Dry agents in seven years have T o iy. eataain . se o . confiscated property vaided at mr:l _/ ds a Presctiption for (PeierAdlice + Ruiicticn im fhat es caponl ie s t 1b «07 io Pn e, it A e mt of Grippe, Flu, Dengu gxe'g.fim luv': b'::n'.sq_ and z g*h' Fover M money--put into the treasury. Most Mu Q.M alaria. of the T:lwleiud, however, was Kkills germs destroyed.®. § 3 ... ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER :. SOCIAL DISEASES Office: » 100 So. County St., Cor. Water St., Waukegan, IIL PHONE 465 % Doctor John P. O'Neil Send Us Your Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Reliable Laundry 16. Wet Wash 25 tbs. for _ $1 25 Carrymg';' i .Remove That Fire Hazard of Throwing Loose _ Refuse in ¥our Yard. n c Burn It All in the Incinerator. / Home Incinerator 2t 1 FOR SALE--Strictly modern Eng-- FOR SALE--Dodge Commercial % ton truck. 1924 model." 12,000 miles. Good as new. Call 31 FOR RENT--Modéern house on New-- | ~ berry Ave, Convenient to stores : FOR SALE--Closed Fonmi Car. FOR SALE--Patent or wooden cow $y yy Phone 452--R. o 41. FOR SALE--New 6 room house in Oakwood Terrace. Hard wood floors and trim. Opert fireplace, sunporch, hot water heat. Garage, gidewalks, lawn-- and drive are in. Shown by appointment. FOR SALE--Apartment site Sunny-- FOR SALE--Many other good buys in farms, houses and lots. FOR SALE--Hoosier Kitchen Cabi-- net. Carl Schreck. Phone 667--R--2. A 74--2t FOR SALE--183 acre farm in Ken-- FOR SALE--100 acre farm, 20 acres of timber, balance all tiled and un-- FOR SALE--New five--room bunga-- -- low on a large lot with some fruit and shade trees; paved street. Price $5500 for quick sale. FOR SALE--Five lots in desirable FOR RENT--2 large new stores. FOR SALE---- %Acres 220x152 close in, at dot prices, E. Z. terms, no taxes till 1928. Inquire of C. F. FOR SALE--Hubbard squash. New FOR S utiful model, new s ALEq--Beg + utt.eb:g. Tile mlgt' tile b:ths, shower, water ea& :&? plaster interior, all openings,. fire--place, --breakfast FOR SALE--96 acre farm on a cor-- ner of two cement roads; very fer-- tile soil, can all be plowed; good buildings; three miles from sta-- EDWIN AUSTIN 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue Phone 23 FOR SALE--80 acre farm, all work land; with large new barn and chicken house, two silos cement and stave, deep well with wind-- mill, good house. Price $100 per FOR SALE--60 acré farm, good black soil; new bungalow and al-- most new barn; young shade and fruit trees. -- a FOR SALE--New, modern, 6--room bungalow with sun parlor on a large corner lot With concrete frontage; two--car garage, and many shade trees, a wonderful bar-- side Place, oont:'wm improve-- ments in. < No location in Libertyville for apartments. ; Rates: be per line per insertion. ing very cheap. Thorough trial given, Also one %s;wi;g * Church Streets.--Phohe §32. lish cottage of five rooms. Just month. room, garage afiefl, side drive. 2--3 acre of gro restricted trict, close to transportation, for immediate occupancy. . Ca Mary's Road and \Oak Spring Road, just east of Libertyville. B:gesentative on premises, Sat-- urday and Sunday. Exclusive Sales. Arthur Bahr & Company, Toiieiry Pailding, Chicage, Super-- goose feathers, $1.00 per Ib. Home woven, double wool blankets. $15 each. Phone 618--M--2. TA--6t ings. Priced for quick sale at $125 VBSd unuy y hi docectrtortenacmemes J ~eC" across the Illinois State line; good road frontage, cement on one side and gravel on another; good black soil and well tiled; improved build-- and fruit trees, Price $140 per condition,. Splendid heater, 41--J, _ acre if taken at once. HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN HERMAN A. SCHWERM 205 W. Maple Ave., SELLERS & PETERSEN FOR SALE--One Poland China Boar | ~Pig. Weighs 190 Ibs. %Egi'z RENT _Madarm haugeanmn New.! ID&, Libertyville, _ _ SELLERS & PETERSEN Phote 451 off 'Telephone 147--M. Road* at St. 74--2t _ ATTORNEY--AT--LAW -- _ First National Bank F Telephone 57 IL Phones: Office 163 _ Res.. FOR SALE--Choigce Concord Grapes Harrison 2815 _ Libertyville B. H. MILLER FOR SALE--Yellow Giobe field 235--R--1. T4--6 anmmnmmnsemmenmmeeesmnmemmmmmmeeemmemmenmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmncmmmmensmemmmenmmensmemememt WANTED--W"? take care of children during m er's absence. Phone 550. T FOR RENT--Room for two with vate lavatory. One block 1 North Shore Station. Also gar 119 No. Milwaukee Avenue. FOR RENT--First fiat for rent. FOR RENT--Fur Hurburt Court. Meets First Tuesday --Gridliey Luce Bldg. FOR WANTED--To rent a farm near ertyville. Address F. H. 1 Lake County Register. _ FOR RENT--Furnished roor after 4 p. m. at 226 East FOR RENT--8 room house on Brain-- FOR RENT--8 room home and 8 car FOR RENT--Four room upper flat FOR RENT--Modern 5 room furn-- ished flat. Garage in conection. 203 Lincoln Ave, Phone 347--KM. erd Avenue. Inquire R. E. 1 as. Phone 619--W--2. ' FOR RENT--7 room house, el \lights, gas, water in kitchen, FOR RENT--1 Large sleeping room. Hot water heat. Inquire rear (upstairs) North Shore Station. WANTED--Carpet and rug WANTED--Young or middle : woman to look after 2 ren night per week and every Tuesday afternoon. A EYES TESTED FOR GLASSES ATTORNEY . and com Telenbhone 18 Auctioneer -- Real DWIGHT EDRUS COOK Libertyville Post No. 329 -- AMERICAN LEGION _ Pickling onions, niuv*" # iBanbeetstM ext %cuu ng ra lelivery. Phone Libertyvill in Jumbo Volkman, i« weigh Arrong yhode. .. _ lake. Phone CHAS. N. S'lflw PHYSICIAN AND EON > Office over Nat'l Tea Store Hours:>9--1%, 2--5 and T0 garage. Kennedy Brothers. Phone 513. 72. o+ E. Sunnyside Ave. Phone 880--W. 74--1t--pd Libertyville every Monday. ders taken at Ray Furniture 167--J. wor call or write C. J. D Phone Mrs. John A. Hagi LYELL H. MORRIS _ Professional Services FRED GRABBE TEACHER OF YVOCAL Telephone 432--R FOR RENT -- © -- yiP, Also a garage. W'a » 61 .L'm} 7 x¥": 1b--2t. 114

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