Mrs.. Ralph 'Wehrenberg was a,****® _ * . _ ¥ AlhrtA.lnvyo!NwYortCityiMm mudmd m%mfilahWfimmm ho s hn saths * *| ~Mrs. Vern L. Gerred and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Gorsline and Harry Egloff atended a theater par-- Mr. and Mrs. George Gorsline and sons and the latter's mother, Mys. John Sutton, visited last week at their former home in Osceola, lowa. Keep Your Valuables In Our SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS Say it the Kohout Way _----with .Flowers We are Lake County's largest rose growers. Also other vari-- eties of flowers and plants. constant dread of THIEVES and BURGLARS. Safety Deposit Vaults This will cost you but ilttle and you winagefmfmthinmmdtud. : We invite YOUR Banking Business. Start Saving Regularly NOW . LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK y us. B--0--O--K--S FOR EVERYONE When you have valuables hidden in your home you live in 'They are DANGEROUS MEN who will murder you if Keep your valuables and important papers SAFE in our KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS 7 DC F. B. LOVELL CO. All of the very best fiction by the popular authors. We have the works of your favorite authors at-- tractively bound. Ideal for gifts or to add to your library. To 0 LiseErtyvicie ..--.. ILLINOIS TELEPHONE 174 MM»*}"M "*The Bank of Service " ty Woednesday at Oak Park. The affair was by the Oak Park chapter of Eastern Star. YVe Deliver The writs were issued on complaint of the husband of the woman who claims that his wife amd Bliere left Warrants were issued Friday by Justice Harry Madill Bartlett for William Biere and Mrs. Louise Kloss on a charge of disorderly conduct. tic Troubles" is the of the mhh--)&nmu the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday evening. This is one of the Ten Benefits of the Christian Faith which will be discussed on Sunday with Mrs. Welch on Elm Court on Tuesday s:hmmon. Oe:;bu ".m'l'l:' program consist repo the County corvention recently held was a former Libertyville resident. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Jacobson and daugh-- ter LaVern of New Lisbon, Wiscon-- fi'raatd-attluhomofln on Monday. The Mystic Workers will hold an installation of officers oul'nnfil:fi: October 26 at the --Gridley The business session will be fol-- lowed by refreshments and dancing. All members are urged to attend. Mrs. Edna Haines announces the marriage of her daughter TIAillian to COalvin Brasher on Friday, October 15 at Joliet. Mr. amd Mrs. Arthur Word has been received by rela-- tives here of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wm Manhattan, Kansas. Mr. Whitn Virginia, left 'x{md.;"dmm ul or Cherokee, lowa, where m will visit for several weeks rela-- 'pnA.!.R.A.hdditlmflll' x at the parish house in Wau on Thursday evening. Five women, Mrs. L J. Wer tzler, Mrs. Leslie Acox, Mrs. Ray-- mond Black, Mre. John Mitchell and Miss Hattie Boechm acted as host-- years to pay for it. lnl&ry'mudlrl.bevv'y Sumeriski were guests at the E. P. Miss Dorothy Marsh was a Chi-- cago business caller Friday. at tlnPncb::rhn Chu:hhb the LndhaMdonMy.Nav-nLtz. Mrs. 0. C. Kaiser and two child-- m'l)olothy Jean and Charles, of Joliet are spending this week at the Mrs. R. Wells W Tt : spent Wednesday and family of Chicago. Mrs, John Numsen visited Tues-- day with Mrs. Albert Horton at ln.Johnannmddum. Beatrice, were Waukegan shoppers Friday afternoon. is * local W. C, T. U. will meet RENTALS YEATK LIBERTYVILLE -- saVincs -- BANK Grays Lake acted Libertyville, Illinois Realization Hope Stop hoping that your price-- less papers, your jewelry and y our valuables . and keepsakes of every descrip-- tion will be safe from fire, theft or loss. Rent a safe deposit box here and KNOW they will be '! Robert Ellis, Nat Kimball and A. | B. Ames, the old time fiddlers, left t'nmrfidffl Florida where they will the winter. 'l'htl;pis ; being made in the old trusty Ford. | . M. E. Neville laid aside his du-- lflunttho%lhnfihwnknd, ' in company with his brother from at St. 'Lawrence's church. Fr. Att-- ridge is rector of the Episcopal elnuveh;tw%nd formerly lived in *He is one of three young men from Lib ertyville who have entered the min-- istry of the Episcopal church. : The Presbyterians have launched a six week loyalty campaign which hbhm&m&.afl- cago Presbytery, of our local Mh.--h:.!hfldu ;mt:nmum call morning service, every mem-- ber being expectad to respond. The evening service will be a men's ser-- vice, conducted by the men. A men's choir will sing a special selection and there will also be a duet by F. J._Wri'h'tnuzd.g; M. Dillon. The speaker . Frank | pas-- wrolmflmw:%m The Rev. Clark L Attridge cele-- brated the Holy Communion at the early service on Sunday, October 17 of of Remember Eddy, an old resident of 67 years. Having sold his farm io is Fuoie ds Bao i nois, on Saturday, October al.'nge hoth.n,;' Mrs. J. H. Willett, Mrs. Chas. Foote, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Oneby, and Miss Christensen. Those from Llhertyv&'b Mrs. John Whitney, Mrs. W Mrs. Leonard Disney. Mrs. es Foote and Mrs. G. Winterbotham Grays Lake embarked on a motor veyage through the east. They ex-- pect to be gone two weeks. Mrs. Alice M spent a few dapthhmkmm.lm E. J. Peckman at Somonauk, Illi-- nois. Mrs. Peckman is leaving for California where she will remain during the winter months. ors for Bunco and Mrs, L. Disney the consolation prize. a number of friends at a one o'clock 'li- «w .fl--";ndn ':mm "n; worthy's.--Adv. Tis will ve hail o the ctuh per. ty o e e s C. Frank Wright, who has been spending the past month with his mo.m--uh-&at Indian-- flmd-ynw & hatee b** All voters who have not placed inestad bovas se won Registration m:mm oo of i in their names on the Shot Tucoasy, Gctol tion' will be taken mnlvofiuplnu. ~\ Rabert Ellis. Nat Formfit Guests from Fox ._-- George <« Winter-- We Pd. The ladies of St. Joseph's church y ville Keerine Phop on Seturday, e ; on Y, October 23, starting at 10;00 a. m. Mrs. George Dyer and Miss Ada Meyer will 'leave Friday for _ a week end party at Oconomowoc, Wis-- consin. Digammi Alpha Upsilon and Elinor Corcoran to the Gamma Rho Delta. The latter--was founded--last year by Libertyville girls. News notes from Lake Forest col-- lege show several local students tak-- en into the various fraternities. Gil-- bert Voelker has been initiated in the Phi Pi Epsilon, the largest and oldest fraternity on the campus. Hobart Swan has been pledged to mink "of great hilarity with specinl ning 0o stunts by the ver-- spooky stunts arranged by the Full line of cotton and wool blan-- kets and quilts. Langworthy's.--Adv. Ubeyl'vti{lvflk Iub The »«Libert e Club has an-- nounced a Hallowe'en party for its memberms and friends to be held at the club rooms on Tuesday evening, October 26.. The festivities will be-- gin at 6:30 with a dinner and fol-- ihne pupiis of the Bush school will hold a Masket social on Friday ove-- ning, October 29. ~An entertaining program has been arranged. sentation of the cup to the firing squad. Sodal'wgni%'. aje November 4 -- 5 -- 6 Annual bazaar of the ladies of St. Joseph's. church in the hall of the parochial school. Open afternoons and evenings. s house *S&.fln local American Legion poost Town Hall. Pre-- sen the cupn to the firing The O__s--m(C) mlo} Our Coffee Satisfies The starter of the day's work is Coffee. so to get a good start use our GOOD COFFEE. We sell only prime quality groceries--KNOWN, RELI-- ABLE BRANDS--and sell them for the LOW-- EST POSSIBLE PRICE. Buy and try OUR groceries. Real Estate, Loans & Insurance + 3 201 So. Milwaukee Ave. Telephone 469 24 & Libertyville, HIL.. CALL YOUR CAR! T. & J. Special.Blend Coffee, 58¢ B MB wiscte:--4e00s. mm Prradlirtredoopen oi oimintiom Fancy Peaberry Coffee-- | J TS .......... ... rmmronninieernin en Bniienrennnntiforerst cey Monday, October 25 house by the local American TRIGGS & JOHNSON Libertyville Club The Service Store Phones 24 and 25 -- Libe; Specials i ol REALTOR © .' afternoon and evening. I Friday, November 19 _ The Path Across the Hill, a play | in three acts by the YonngLWPeoples }Soclety of _ St. John's ran | church at the High School auditor-- Thursday evening, November 11 Annual Armistice night ball by Libertyville Post. No. 329 American Annual bazaar and dinner fiven by the Woman's Guild of St. Law-- Dance under the auspices of Lib-- ertyville Camp M. W, A. at St. Jos-- eph's school hall. ,-- _ Legion at ©Libertyville Township High School. 9. p. m. Music by Ben-- son's Blue Jackets. rence's church at the parish house church parlors at Mundelein. : Thursday, November 11 f Annual bazaar and supper of the Mundelein Ladies Aid Society at the ren's playground. When you call us for a car for a dash to the sta-- tion or a more extended ride, we respond quick-- ly with a car you'll feel pleased to be seen in. We aim to furnish more than transportation for the price you pay. Clean-- liness and courtesy are equally --featured. -- But we make no charge for these features which make our service so much more desirable! Wednesday, November 17 Annual bazaar of the--Ladies aid Tuesday, October 26 Dance <at the Oak Grove School of St. John's $1.50 T5e y Workman m' Needs ""!I Good 1 COMMERCIAL CLASSES o 54 In ch All Wool Flannel > Plain & Plaid The first cold snap of Autumn is a remind-- er 'of approaching winter and of the coal you will need before the buds burst again. Our coal is the best obtainable <at any price and will give a maximum heat at the least possible cost. TOOLS! -- A Good W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Intensive Training. Positions secured for students, Mrs. Geo. McDon Beacon Robes Good Range Sizes & Colors FIRST NATIONAL BANK -- _ of Libertyville f For Cold Days Libertyville Lumber Co: , E. A. BISHOP 417 NORTH FIRST STREET 311 West Park Avenue PHONE 130 now forming $5.00 ~ADunHINNNH ; count at this substantial, cordially helpful bank. New For building a happy and prosperous future, there's no more valuable too} than With good tools, you can accomplish things which you couldn't possibly ae-- complish without them. CY COLOGY SEZ: Y UR AMERICA Has 50 PERCENT oF ThE Wworp's 6oup smgi ~AND 90 PERCENT OF DARN FOOL SONGS/--/ , ILLINOIS