were elsewhere than at the Johns nthoyow:'mmbd- fos "by the bride's. sinter; Gerkrade _ _ P F t \ontheiehmdthb'uk irden is better. -- The nervous spell ;'Mhnmkdidm "lnsztstroke.s& soon removed to a hospital for obser-- -- Dr. J. A. Ross motoréd to Wau kegan Tuesday afternoon. ing at their Hall Monday evening: ~-- Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Cypher and ntmmhmmwmg':'t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baseley of Coral. 'l'fahocflhd Mr. and Mrs. J. Baseley of nh-'dlr.andlu.w.'c.'n- ey of Woodstock. : Harvey have a contract to vel for read work at Joliet. have moved their machinery Will soon begin work. ,, u-- ky * &77 "7 7qui. dm" ' wt " do work on Lake County roads. At 'Z n .w'mwdmm ~swmr.n.w-de '; ter and Miss Mary Baseley id e cunbbard and 'of Mrs. Lena Hubbard and lirs. Carrie White. : _ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. "% C 'fl»nd Mrs. Rgufipg-h! h 4t *A Wane whe syent the i C- .t. weeks with uh:f: at Wa. an returned to her home _--Mr. and Mrs. Archie -- Foss, newlywe« rommodtmthdrh?:- rmoon trip to Niagra Falls and 'anads first of the week. In the ve were it us o Coust Lakes Hospital for and is at a Great Lakes Hospital for treatment.. Mr. North was former-- count of the serious iliness of Mrs. ly of the A.. E. F. though he was not overseas. The many friends here of Clayton WN oomwto hear of his hope hear a more nporbfron&&ilnd w: little d not well for _ Mr. G. R. Blackburn p Sun-- ..'m'm&on in C AaAvIA withstood a 4 . M .dlr'::mn:' B"n& « " & m " of Shaw's &.cl:no- C f' a sister, lvaym i; -- Mrs. Esther Schwobada and chil-- Pn m ten 1. pamic r. and Mrs. Frank Clark. -- M¥. and Mrs. Clyde Golding and am of Chicago, and Mr. and L. E. Golding and daughter, Lucile were Sunday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dan Meyers of Chicago is spending the week at the home of am Mr. and Mrs. R. C. lul.l.s.Chfl:OM"m eago last Friday.. was accom-- panied by Mrs. Geo. Prouty. who stopped at Norwood : Park, . where Mrs. A.Goldin{.. x mo! a local bakery Mr. p has been patroniz-- d so far as every kind of eatables of the home made order, and zmddhhym&- ake, while everything is at such m o se ons in d d wouer m Henry Golding. Mrs. R. C. Kent was called to the ?dhrmeeo,luCulBom-- of La Grance, Monday, on ac-- Mary Baseley g emaeffiem. > &"i',?-... n and daughter Lora from afternoon to Sunday eve-- t. Mrs, Prior's mother, ; is still with her. -- ces : tount dunh .A Sreware Feptrsen af Wivebort w' ;? n;r wdxinm Mr. fle'gi.ol H. Dickson vh'o : Miss mym mllc;,o UL., mwm Taza Hubbard and| 'Bie. ang %n':m% fu.mh.r_ _ Mrs. Mary | $ k e who has . of the members were present. A thmmjoflty&.-mdtb&'h ; Club was chgnsan'd"totho "Jolly Eve-- . ning Club=" Seven _ new . members . were welcomed to met as early evening a delicious lunch was served by the Hesters. ' "abaike: o at the home of | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ' inm--Chicago last week. Hluni}ub. of Mrs. Jane Grovesno wm:n'mm i o nfainys. c.xun:!':v.vn. mu mA ayfi'cnlf'd The was performed Fiee:"r. C Baliocs. siiee mwhich i 10 ho frionds and malatived i. the "the couple in ing azpymmp Joy A miscellaneous bridal shower was tendered Mrs. Albert Wilson a few erfiiizubununfl. & to Wisconsin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krueger of mour who is quite ill at the home of mwm, Mrs: P'nai Harri-- Mrs. John Gossle was very pleas-- antly -nr-med by -- twenty lady her biething. bimc hn in poge was * mummunsfi Hett winning first honors; Mrs. g.lhrrhneondaAndfi:n.l'r:: eyer consolation. lunch _ afternoon was enjoyed by MW. + £ ng Grove were guests of Mr. and n hm e e nemitn on!&g'dmtl:thfi'}_ oretta Sey-- son of On Saturday afternoon 9, at lmo'dakst'theh-o dofir. u:d Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, -- who reside near Flint oceurred the mar-- rh'g':eof&!r ssle to Walter . | ;l.n yomze?m y Winkler Gflcago.&olm groom, and Miss Dorothea Hamil-- ton a sister of the bride. ¥ mleonpk. Mr. and Mrs. Wink-- make their home at Barring-- ton, where he is employed.= Mr. Winkler has resided in and near Wauconda for a number-- of and mage Fespaced (b7 "he Svung n_-":)mp and at her -- home : At 10:00 hfimd 11;00 Jloni W 7"%&(1#" ng y T : or-- ohb.Smdam 17. the Methodists met to elect two members of the Fed-- erated board. The election was held after morning services. Flint Creek, All will join in wish-- evening at the home of Mrs. ;;g'&rn}hn.b.Alnn_-gh resident of the Binks Spray Equip-- t':)entCo.,O.ChicagomuImfln: Aeeordin&'hh rts Mr. Binks will estab aagndu-lfun m'..m.'""..&.:_.u" ngie ~-', n que of workmen to ately. 'Those re met . M Binks are most favorably impresse Bernice Johrnson. 1'-3 evening of this week the Club be en-- tertained by Mrs. Lesley Turnbull. Real Estate Transfers m..l'.:'uwi.g"'m""tc'% Mr. H. D. Binks of Oak Park, and the plans are not--completed as yet. This will be a gfi inmfi to Main Street. old{l'hbond ftence had been an eyesore for many to 'h:ou?ldinx oeeupiod "Wm store m. Ziehu.uiua-p:xund lurich room. 'This property is on Main Stn-t&ndvaovlflb! Mr. Lincoln will, in the near fu-- ture build a business house where he will maintain his tonsorial parlors, Federated Church Notes W. D. Farnszsworth spent sev-- Society News ;"hh gine house a few Ensiderable tamage to t but was under control before it iminsie ies ds and were about to enter the house when as they looked back towards mmmwu-mmm tbwiflov&thehmd:ar.mm& They-plhdb&nm.ockodinn- They . blankets soaked = 1or io ho iike mitnied to atinth. 'A small blaze caused by the ex-- haust of a gasoline engine on the E. H. Meyer, Jr., farm in the en-- msoon%hodmm P house was ,fifiaz::nto of the damage not made at of the damage had not been made at this writing, There was insurance to help cover the loss. > At Woodstock VCt. 1 eurred the m-rfl-l-.s af Miss _ l?;.'l:"'?. Frank, daughter --of Mrs. Matilda Sumner, to Emil 'gun-. both .of Woodstock. -- After the ceremow which was performed by Rev.: J. W. Berri'x:s, a two mm*wnddhg din-- ner ~yvoung~cou-- ple left for a Il'hor! ~"honeymoon.: On their return they will be at home oo Woodno::. M m son r. is wo% favorably knom and has many warm friends among the young people here. =-- _ Several years Mr. Thomas led to the altar Misg Corinne wmt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Werden of this place. To them was born one son who is now . about &':hm:d&lflmh-'ti:'% ome> grand sgince the sudden death 'fimmr, Ib'm B 0 3&.-& hmouin her home town, all will join in wishing her and husband many happy years of wedded life. Jack Buchanan who has made his wmwmwfium-; years was united w Miss Ella Shannon, Mr. udlg. John &--.fim Lake, isconsin, on , Octo-- ber 18, 1926. at ce eormeny '. e t the wedding .i.:' mfiu'ua . R Linco 'avlfednAnhurButm wifte are sisters of the bride. Ie? mes onl , necoma ons is Siy wiee en mege. 5t right on the "tender * and by the time -- you say -- Jack o« i "St. Jacobs is a harmless rheu-- points and doesn't burn the skin. takes pain, soreness and stiffness from Rove cittict" fumbage, backache and » P eiee sey cat x ult uhy ts rotk say deug Htore, A in a mo-- ment, you'll be free from pai and © stiffness. Don't n:l'. Rub Rheumatic Pain From Aching Joints At Woodstock Friday, Oct. 15 oc-- 4* Rub Pain right out with email trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oll." IT 18 GOOD BUSINBES--OUR BWEHT AND CLERAN OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY Prairie Ave., Highwood, IIL. PHONE #7 .nm «4 u 6 y P -m' s peopbhvo the idea t'it iing Anammr'ou.et.qnm'.lotof "Ya noweoueit:g:owuhm%m, The tolephions. _ d ibaoee fl--fi,'ffiiifi"_'flan telep se 2. * e ts m e 70 ie "hae 2e e on \ calls that in the earl OPENS UP | plapiainn ns Bce i i unted in a bi head mflwh"wm in m,mc:t:%l'umk Hall at/Chica-- from Head--Colds. It's Splendid! f means _ . Shotie wires; parts of the copeert, as| > In"> inute your elogged nostrile givonbytheA'ouol ub,4 will u:,'t!;:":.'i:wmo our head ;creburdhl ilwaukee. Later on wmoe':u and youca.nbm'&e freely. m&.'lm*' in the early eithtieg o more (lix:';ki.',' Nm b!ovhg,i 1e &rfliu, | Distance m ni'gh:?ynroooll or Jfi.m we;o'gh Madison v@du;one. $ Square Garden, -- Johann| Get & small bottle 'of Ely's Cream Tes of : o mcere Pas tille [Rilttle of in io ir aoee antisopric, heal. $ f ) s Je of ons Distauce recofver wan|Ing cream 1: your nostrils. 1t pene der. form of L4 was ed, this music was so well trans-- mitted that Mr. Hibbard and his fa-- mily frequently danced to it at his n-fic?inlorrimwnN,J.,adis- tance. of about forty miles. ~*~~~~ theatres, and there are many le ihovfllltfllmnbnlhzthm Of Lillian Russell singing the Grand _-- The wonderful.. c ts . b the mngineds o te ol arpiom B many details which have carried tele-- phone transmission into the air un-- der the general term of radio, had their small beginnings in these ear-- ly efforts of telephone pioneers. In 1891, a series of transmitters was planh on the stage at the New York Lyceum, and concerts given' by were heard at long distance. Trans-- Angus Hibbard, originator KENOSHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE [ s 261 Church Street _ Kenosha, Wisconsin ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER SOCIAL DISEASES Office: lOOSo.Camy&.Cfi.WMSt..kaegm.lll. PHONE 465 NOW OPEN AFTER SEPT. 1. Tuesdays and Saturdays Bbis. and kegs for sale. Also dynamite caps, fuse and electric caps. Cut price on 400 lb. lots earned B 8008 performance--cthat io responst-- _ LITTLE has been said in print about the Woodstock--but much has b'eax":id by thous-- ands of enthusiastic operators. Users will--tell :: the Woodstog '1; aall most exmrtypwg r--a C 0 im-- provements conductive to m writing-- mrm beguty of type and sturdiness of con-- on that stamps this machine as a thing & j Ask for Demonstration . and merit alone! Mel'it-'--.- WOODsSTOCK _ J. H. EISSLER Long Grove § Phone Libertyville 657--M--1 CIDER MILL -- t mneunlqpt$ t witicege 20 e cidianidt Leier B6 )w Do riginator #th tele mngfln hg Long Grove John P. O'Nell or-- was sitting on the porch -- of his home one gnnday afternoon when a man carrying a suitcase ap-- head, soothes the mucous membrane stantly. © _ . It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-- with --a--cold or nasty ..Jm--nfi comes so quickly. CREAM FOR CATARRH _ OPENS UP NOSTRILS SATISFACTION GIVEE just fine. Don't stay stuffed . A, Hutchinson 601 West Park Avenue FLOOR SURFACING "fi r v'mf --rh M 'a Falls s Niagara Falls?!. s 're a fine Ourrnle of success in life is not Bouk1":">:.""".0.3::0 3 _ > + 'nmwdpmdmg"y ynere e Itohowwhenwmm.id in astonishment,-- "you ?:nm 'jlllt dfie" ou can bet"'?e 't.i;-' l 'tu inl ?m;bmd'. tR e she isn --nature« the price of an excursion ticket to tending it fzr a compliment. reasons for being that 'I: elebration c h football game to be played this year for the first time in t onderful gala day. 'The public is invited on that day to a spectacular all--day pageant--with pars games, races, war--time maneuvers--a rare exhibition of naval splendor and naval strategy. the day«--Wednesday, October 27. Don't miss this great event. The North Shore Line, with frequent train service, will take you direct to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Chicago o Milwaukee a%® ie Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The high--speed electricallyoperated railsoad Clean, comfortable, courteous VILLE?" YOU live here, it's YOUR town, Fast trains and frequent schedules to Milwaukee or Chicago and all } DURIil'It(:} THE I:ll:JXT THREJ% WEEKS O%Y'fymrlfl caré5 s;- ect your lo 1 e convenien ' of o o down, with Ng%REST TO PA?%FRRST YEA& Let us explain this plan to you. If Libertyville looks good to Chicagr and California investors, if these outsiders see the wonderful future of COPELAND MAN-- OR and LIBERTYVILLLE-- VARD, a wide concrete street, ornamental lights, beautiful Elm shade trees--in short, ROCKLAND BOULEVARD will--be Liber-- SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Milwaukee Ave. Do YOU look for OPPORTUNITY in "Your OWn Home Town ?" Possibly not--but why not? < Isn't this "Old Town" just about as good a place to invest your money as any? Do YOU Know-- _ ~ 3 That COPELAND MANOR is nearly one half sold? tyville's finest drive. ¥QU do not have to pay cash nor are you asked to invest in out-- lying, undéveloped territory of speculative nature. COPELAND MANOR is close in, two. blocks to fast eléctric . transportation-- One half block to new grade school-- Sewer, water and gas in NOW.-- § COPELAND MANOR NORTH to have concrete streets next spring-- _ . : f .~ROCKLAND ROAD is to become ROCKLAND BOULE-- Opportunity---- 70 Thatl.p;acficany all sales to date have been made to Chicago people? . C That the last buyer (of 24 l6ts) was a millionaire from Cali-- ifi mmnena iss in estate buying? is man no hesitancy in paying CASH for COPEEAND MANOR locations: ions in Chicago--North Side, and South Side; Milwaukee Let Us Explain This Plan To You You Can Buy Cheaper NOW COPELAND MANOR SALES ORGANIZATION # Office on the ground. Libertyville Ticket Officaq TELEPHONE 74 terminal at Sixth and Sycamore, in the heart of the city, convenient to everywhere. You save time and taxi fare in either city, owing to the convenjence of North Shoce Line For schedules, kises and other in formation inguire at ticket ffice. we often have our IN LIBERTY--