CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 30 Oct 1926, p. 7

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e one day last week. Miss Evelyn Barber of Park spent the week end at. & William Umbdenstock home. . ' Mr. and Mrs, George Kroph and ~--BANKERS WLL -- HOLOMEETING URBANA, IIL., Oct. 28.--(United Press).--Illinois bankers will gather at the College of Agriculture, Uni-- wersity of lllinois. on November 10 and 11 for an agricultural short course which will stress the present financial condition of farmers, pro-- fitable soil and crop practices, im-- proved methods of handling live-- stock and poultry, the building up of farm dairy herds and the value of home improvements, it' is annuonced by H. W. Mumford, dean of the col-- lege. Marketing phases of these topics are to come in for special ttt;lltion'.ed t the of the rran &A "qm m*'" Bankers' Association, the attention. Arranged at the request of the Tilinois Bankers' Association, -- the course will be open to all bankers of the state. It is hoped to secure Melvin A. Taylor, Chicago, president of the American Bankers' Associa-- tion. for the principal address of the course. Following the principal address at 1:00 o'clock on November 10, D.'.1 Mumford will tel! the bankers what the nrriculturtl'colh" is doing for farmin# in Hlinois. He will stress narticulariy the investigations which mecormne-ma.h&, field of agricultnral economics and marketing. _ The hour immediately following this address will be given aver to ar analysis of the farmer's fAnancial condition H. C. M. Case. in charce of the farm organization and manarement department. will eneak on the surieet, "'The TVincis Farmer's In--some." and R. R. Hnd-- leson extension snecialist in the same denartment will discuss "The Annual Farm Audit." Mumford will V the agricultural farmin# in Tlir narticulariy the Mr. Victor and daughter lmhcndlart?:tlkdonnbfim ht Wheeling Tuesday afternoon. *J sys rich Efiq or s poison «# sick. [ _KFP [ l _.--Mr. and Mrs. George B. m stock and Mr. U BSr., attended mfll of Mrs. John Rudoliph at Rockford on Wed-- caller on > % oecet Aniiars on an :dlu.lrwinmouandm Diamond Lake were Sunday mu'mwmhmum ".Atmb:roftowtfolbam Ifi#'flhfim; E at the Crane Fund Hall, on eve-- --Mr. and Mrs. John Hans and daughter Mabel spent Sunday after-- noon with relatives at Libertyville. noon wilh reialives AL Ralph Meyer was 'um caller on _\ daughters of and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Biere and daughter of Diamond Lake were Sunday Ti}k.;dg?wnmsmud son Lake spent No man or woman can make a mis-- | | t by Aushing the kidneys occasion | \ly, says a well--known authority. Toc| rich food creates acids which clog | kidney pagses so that they sluggishly | . or strain only part o. tihe wasic| nd poisons from the blood. Then you « sick. Rheumatism, headaches, liver rouble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi-- Kkess, sleeplessness, bladder disorders yiten come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if ths urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of Fsuae. or at-- tendcu by a sensation of scalding, begin to drink soft water in ntities; also get about four ounces oiqil:d Salits from any reliable pharmacy and take a table-- spoonful in a z:: of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid-- w act fine. of Cl femee fpaigs, come pes uice, com-- E' -g' lithia, and has been used n i mht Hel : dae: to Nn C also h' so they no h1 cause irritation, thus gw and ull can I-E: a delightful e€ervescent Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer were ecallers at the John Hans home Wed-- ..hyq'y-iu.m of Chicago and Frank *.m-. of Wheeling called on the former's brothers, Albert and Victor Sauer \If Back Hurts | _ Begin on Salts Filush Your Kidneys Occasionadly by Drinking Quarts of Good Water take now and then to Neip RCCDP i OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY IT 18 GOOD BUSINESS--OUR SWEET AND CLEAN _ SERVICE ' m AR-. LONG GROVE OaAK TERRACE LAUNDRY PHONE 87 meh eve to help hildren® of Georgia -- visited with 'r,ndgrl. Jacob Gazsser last _ Harry Umbdenstock was a High-- land Park caller Saturday afternoon. Mr. Henry Kasdorf and his two daughters Lydia and Ruth with Rev. John Olson visited the Rev. H. E. Grimme. We are well pleased with the way the taoile 24 the rommunity mapit mm odutnonrulg:i:mnflwzfl' mmputwnk. * Revs. C. F. Schriver of Northfield, Roy Williams of Deerfleld, John OIl-- son of Chicago and J. F. Herbert of Austin rendered excellent service during our meetings last week. Revx. J. Olson will be with us m*&:m the Lake County 8. S. Convention held in the &Nandhrkhubmhnaxmh Thursday and reports the meet-- ings were inspiring. . <yl? 7'60r1ievivahfl'n;viees';in close Sunday evening October Services for the week beginning October 31st. Sunday, 10:00 Sunday School. Sunday, 11:00 Morning Worship. t ungey, 100 Eveiing worhip. & i &# wors s --Monday, 8:00 Orchestra Rehears-- © Funny language! A man deliber-- ately gets drunk and deliberately speeds and people call the climax an ness Meeting, (at the home of Miss Opal Knigge.) Wednesday, 8:00 Prayer, PRAIRIE VIEW ROCKLAND NURSERIES Send Us Your Dry Cleaning and Dyeing JOHN NEWBORE AND SONS, Props. Growers of High Grade nursery stock. Hardy perennials, trees, shrubs, etc. Order now for early delivery. Reliable Laundry Wet Wash Phone Libertyville 174--W 25 lbs. for $ l 25 LIBEl;l;)VILLE -- CHAMP KNITTER ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28--Mrs. Sarah Howard, of 6158 ~Kenmore avenue, Chicago, who is 85 years °'?:'u:§h the record of the Chicago ter for knitting. Mrs. Howard has knit-- ted 82 pairs of socks since Novem-- ber, 1925. These figures are given out at the office of the Midwestern branch of the American National Red Cross in this city. The Chi-- eago Chapter is one of the 1,500 in the juhdietion.d thil'b'nafh."_;' \Last year when a friend asked Mrs. Howard'iwhy she did not do some knitting for the Red . Cross, as the need for socks is always great, she said that she had prob-- ably forgotten how. although she had knitted well over 300 pairs dur-- with this record--breaking result. Mrs. Howard spends_ much of her time listening to ~the radio, her fingers busily working out the pat-- tern of the sock. She says this is her way of making lighter the bur-- den of the war, and she has dived thmntho Civil, the Spanish-- A and the World Wars, she upnuua!montbopetberovfll be no more. Americanism: Wanting the volice near when you are held up, but not when you are speeding. Ah well, the exper makes a fool of a man makes a man a fool. -- $ 3 4 4 For unsightiy skin eruptions, rash or No&fauonha.nd.umotw. you do not have to wait for relief from;wm alfifl: Mentho--Sulphur mdAm"_' shows next day. P Because of its germ destroying prop-- erties, nothing has ever been found to uhdtepheeolthknlphl'_l'fl e veqmt "Only thore who have Aad Wum;ghm"hov&l 'Ga a small jar of Rowles Mentho-- Sulphur from any good druggist Broken Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night HEAL YOUR I turn your property PHONE RAVENSWOOD 9698 2327 Berwyn Ave. Chicag by my quick sale system, no waiting, communicate with me at once for partic-- ulars, I specialize in live Building Material, Feed, Coal, Etc. Aptakisic, IIlinois. .---- PHONE 611--M--2 EMIL GEEST . M. WALKER into quick money hah.*nfl:ht A C'Hs,(;rm Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. By U.S.Government Veterinarian D.--C. GRINNELL -- -- Inspector in Charge Office 'with Farm Burean Phone Libertyville 829 LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis Free of Charge It kills the germs. 9y FOR SALE--A new 6 room location. Hot water heat, one bed room on first floor, lot has 90 ft. frontage. $14,000. FOR SALE--S5 room bungalow, prac-- tically new. Beautifully decorated. One car garage. Price $11,000. FOR SWP'M 7 room house completed. l:r living room, big fire place, break-- -- black soil, well tiled, can all be m Good-- improvements. A at $135 per acre. | FOR SALE--120 acre farm, well til-- ed, good buildings. Priced for Minimum charge, 25¢.. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: b¢ per line per insertion. FOR SALE--100 acre farm, all tiled, FOR SALE--80 acre farm, can all be plowed. Many improvements including two silos, cemented barn-- yard, furnace and water in house, 4j If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through theae columns. You will get esults. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a ceost as you can if you make your wants known nere. A trial will convince you. FOR SALE--1 acre chicken farm, fruit and shade trees. Good loca-- ~ tion for gas station. FOR SALE--New bungalow on a FOR SALE--Two--story house with oak trim on a large lot, choice $12,000. FOR -- SALE--Modern seven--rorm home and prarage. South side. Large lot. Reasonable. FOR SALE--Modern eight--ro o m home. South side on lot 200x300. A good investment. FOR SALE--Lots for homes, apart-- ments and business locations in different parts of the village. Everyone who has purchased Real Estate through this office has made black soil. Modern im; ments. Price $140 per acre. FOR SALE---- %Acres 220x152 close in, at lot prices, E. Z. terms, no tares till 1928. Inquire of C. F. FOR SALE--Several cars of «.pota-- toes at $2.00 per bushel. Now is the time to put in your winter supply. W, E. Volkman, Munde-- *lein 282--R. e 831. FOR SALE--Truck wagon complete| with dump boards and hay--rack. | single buggy, 1 milk wagon, 1} pulverizor, quantity of household j goods, good bed. Must sell by | Rl.civember 1. C. A. Bilinski. Mun-- ; ein. Phone 627--J--2. 81--4t. | FOR SALE----Many barga farms, houses .mf lots. FOR SALE--Choice winter apples. Baldwins, Greenings, and GREWS- $1.00 to $1.75 Lewis Mills. -- Phone R--1, 82--8t. FOR SAflufl Orpington, roost-- ers, April hatch. $2.00 each. Goose feathers T5b¢ Ib. Woolen bed blan-- kets. Phone 6G18--M--2. -- 81--6t--pd. EDWIN AUSTIN -- 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Phone®23 j houses and lots. -- m%m--s r:?)mcothge. FOR SALE--Range, with-- steel toB and nickle trimmings. Will se cheap if taken at once. H. E. Brownell, Mundelein, Illinois. Lake Avenue and Harvey Street. 82--3t. FOhlol SALE--:.I}I modemd Gbkroom use, bath ouble ga-- Thre,. Lot b2x190. _ tfi'one n_e_-fi. FOR SALE--Turnips and apples. E. HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN Near transportation-- Very reason-- DR SALE--New modern dwelling in Oakwood Terrace. Six rooms and smipulor. Garage. A very pleasant home. -- Priced right. SELLERS & PETERSEN nedy Bros-- SELLERS & PETERSEN $ ° Phone 451 Libertyville. . Marsh. Phone Gurnee 18--L--8. 82--1t--pd. fruit and shade trees. Priced SALE--Five--room, modern hbungalow on paved street. A. R. SCHNAEBELE REALTOR tile N¥ Must sell by | --is our specialty.-- We bhave a large Best FOR SALE--Hand picked winter Ap-- ' LYgNS & ROHI{SE undelein, FOR RENT--6 room steam heated 4 LYONS & ROUSE Mundelein 3 PI FOR SALE--1925 Overland Six, four door Sedan in A--1 condition. Call 147--M-- 83--1t. FOR SALE--By owner, a first class 200 acre Dane County dairy farm mostly under plow near station . Chicago daily; with or withor head milch cows, some y« stock, honses, 20 brood sows, FOR RENT--Flat for rent on 533 First Street. Phone 324--R. 81--+{. FOR RENT--Four room cozy bun-- galow in Mundelein with sleeping ples. $1.00 per bushel. E4. Sand-- man, Lake Zurich 25--W--1. 83--1t. apartment. FOR RENT--Room in new home. Hot water heat. Suitable for one or two ladies. Phone 365--R. 838--1t. FOR RENT--Modern 6 room house in Oakwond Terrace. Phone 579. FOR RENT--Brick house on School Street. Phone 348--R. 83--+f4, where fresh milk is shipped in Chicago dGaily: with or mm 30 WANTED--Roomers at 140 E. Church Street. Vw steam--heated rooms. 1e 888--R. \-- Cichy's Tailoring Shop \"./_* Nacth Mikwnukee 'Avenue WANTED--A fully equipped farm to work on shares by a competent DANCE MUSIC Orchestra furnished for old time and modern dances. Any number of pieses desited. . © ----.--. . J3 0_ Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Phone 179--M-- Scientific Examination of the Eye GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 993 DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Commander, C. C. Hoskins -- 845--J Meets First Tuesday --Gridley Hall assortment of material for you select from. Come in and see us, 'w""' and kitchenette. Hot water 2 car garage... $30.00 _per month. Phone 630--W--2. 80--6t. or for sale. 0R RENT--House--6 rooms, 3 bedrooms. Up--to--date. Hot water Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN -- LEGION Libertyville every Monday. _ Or-- ders taken at Ray Furniture Store «or call or write C. J. Dieshi, Wand-- farmer. Address MISCELLANEOUS VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian Prefessional Services DR. J. L. TAYLOR T A I L O RIN G --Two men for room and Phone 517--M.-- 112 Third Phone 551 or 82--2t--pd. e 2838 78--tf. 88--1t. Harrison 2815 WILLIAM P. Phones: Office 163 ATTORNEY 'and CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Nat'l Tea Store Hours: 9;12, 2--5 and T9 DWIGHT EDRUS COO Auctioneer -- The Farmer Can't Stand Much More Help Like He Has When a steer starts from the feed _ pen to the table, there is about 10 to -- --_ take a bite out of him, before he _ reaches the family that pay for hm. _ Who wears the best clothes.or _ drives the best car, the fellow who -- _ raises a bushel of wheat, or the work-- _ ing fellow who goes up to buy a sack fi of flour? Why neither one of them. _ . "The ones in between these two have -- _ their private Tailor and *'Straighe _ ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building didn't offer to pull them out, but they did say, "We will get down in there with you." I want to tell you right here, I don't know what would have hap-- pened to the poor farmer if it had not been for his old friend, *'Bull"' Durham. It's the only thing he has been absolutely able to rely on. And I want him to know that myself and "*Bull"' Durham are with him right to the poor house door. , P.S. There will be another piece here a few weeks from now,. Look for it. e Aoz_* DURHKHAM -- TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City 539 Milwaukee Avenue FRED GRABBE B. H. MILLER Telephone 46 *¥ ou are in a hole."" They Guaranteed by in CORPORATED

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