> ago and was left on the street «amably by "the person» who '~ _ He not helps fight tubercu-- ¢. . tw l-t.fluu He helps those t C to him, and he also pro-- * i the health of himself and fami-- We all want to live in the best community, and to be healthy--makes _ any community good. § "All For Health § Health For All." *¢ *3 Znd high team 3 games, team No. 9--1532. -- e _--___ A. B. C. Bowlers to Date Krumrey. 198; Wright, 184; John-- on, 183; Wilkening, 181; Muhlke, it from the front of the local church 'hfl_td to a M:ntung STOLEN AUTO *»-- -- IS RECOVERED a telegram Saturday morning from shief of police of Milwaukee 3 that the auto which was m some months ago from Simen had been found in that city. 7 hthtfll'm.dflnefiwn ". .Qllidqnone me ago and was left on the street, pre-- ! No. 2-- @nd high team 1 game, team No. 1 io B mscc mnirmemmmiimmaaine mrimnitisimnsic d 14 W B wnoww__ln sn .. 0 15 Ds 1B ._~w~elsi 4 17 1st high team 3 games, team No. 1 1st high team 1 game, team No. 9 Marsha) Dennis Limberry received 10 11 will be on sale like magie. will appear by mail, in booths m some nlaces the school chil-- 'Thanksgiving Day millions of '-hgvfltlfll"*'"' Coacc nNoe. wlinkes, anatoris ; service, clinics, sana ealth education and training rople to keep well. The story .penny Christmas seal is like m come true. It was in 19083 il clerk in Denmark hit upon m of selling seals to help tu-- is patients. . In 1908, Miss Bissell of Delaware decided the idea in America, and the ale was $3,000. Today the nas seal has become a sound nent and every purchaser of stmas seal strengthens its BOWLING 177. front of the local church ___. 164 184 214 416 150 182 150 199 185 114 171 515 102 121 167 17 11 10 126 164 166 125 138 171 531 169 104 139 150 196 110 16 12 12 171 4716 215 128 143 162 520 121 199 459 139 152 257 137 147 1342 1375 1516 1447 498 489 1483 191 178 1471 142 154 146 142 181 174 184 4T2 139 151 136 171 184 464 as37 163 129 128 461 161 192 495 470 119 161 159 155 181 170 10 11 E. Minister Snngu"nbomat We want 't:':;mm/um of 199 lmm-m:x:oo. This humd in all cur Presb: pulpits.>: °. <=>>_> : About 75 were present at the ndult.oddlfii'v;uatthechmhon last Friday t, and it was one of the most successful socials for adults that we have seen for years. The little drama, "The Giving of the Covenants," which was present-- ed at the Sunday School on last Sun-- day was a fine interpretation of the lesson, and was m.tl{ appreciated. It indicated the possibilities in dra-- matizing Bible truth, and making it beautiful and impressive. ~The dra-- ma was directed by Mrs. DeLong, m?orintondent of the Young Poo-\ ple's Department. Mr. Wade. Mr. Young. Mr. Scott, and Mr. Boyer, did splendid work as participants in the drama. The Aid Sodet{ has reported to &w pastor that they are sending him _ a turkey for Thanksgivinge which makes one feel that this is the , best national holiday of. the year. The chief thing in it, how-- {oung people's choir sing these ymns. Your experience will be in-- u?reted in some hymns. pworth Lufut and -- Junior Leagues meet at 6:30. Our prayer meeting is held on Wednesday evenings at 7:80. This is Catch Up Sunday for paf'- inl( all pledges &to date. Nearly all who port church are oo-- serving m and we want to make it unanimous. > Education. There vmd'l;mmhc. on % rman ilntoape s fonn tn n whmmu'finm wilh sing in the evening. ' Sunday school next Sunday morn-- at 9:80. service at 10:30. St. Lawrence's Episcopal Church at church for this service. This is the closing Sunday in the Six Weeks Go To Church Cm:s:' One hun-- dred were at the on -- last Sunday morning, and three hundred at the evening service. at the 0mh1 service, at 7:380, and many of the old hymns ,v:ill be read, interpreted and sung. Something about the history of music will be given. The older ainger*" of the church will be asked . to help the First Methodist E'gcopd John E. DeLong, 'Pastor THE CHURCH OF GOOD WILL "Helping the Hogne Land," is the subject for Sunday morning. This will be a patriotic, religious and educational interpretation. The Wo-- men of the Womans' Home Mission-- ary Society will bring their annual Thank Offering to this service, and will work to have a large attendance are to be M'Uy' congratulated on the success of this social affair. 'i;ii'bohb.vul I:e.i lorvieso on 'l'h;nhh- ng at 8 a. m. r'dl.l y-- er Book Sirnce and Holy Commun-- The services on Sunday, Nov. 28th (the First Sunday tn_émt) are:-- Christian Science Society & Third Floor First National Bank Building. . * . Sunday school, 9:80 a. m. Services, 10:45 a. m. Subject: "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced. THINKS IT'S POOR l?égagess -{'o po . wWAS 'AT HOME ! A o uW 4 e % fi6" e «' Young peoples meetin :80. venkng maivice at 1.90. "Tno gae-- knfiu. service at 10:30. tcmoon.BRlv. in B dGraur ts m offici-- 3t. Lawrence's Episcopal Church |ating. He was to rest in Lake-- avmmmmemnttioms side cemetery with the impressive Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor 'bnrhlmieuoftholodeood- mnrvieuonsuat y, Nov. 28th, men, of which order he was a mem-- Holy Communion, 8:80 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon, 10:45 m. Church School, 9:45 a. m. _ _ All are cordially invited. the evening service. Old Hymn fiight will be observed m IT 1Ss GOOD BUSINESS--OUR StormSash OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY rect from our factory to you, COMBINATION STORM DOORS Save Their Cost In Two Seasons Best all White Pine Sash-- Manufacturer's Prices -- Di-- LAUNDRY : Prairie Ave., Highwood, IIl. St. John's Ev. Lutheran GORDON -- VAN TINE COMPANY Libertyville 564--M. SERVICE * Edward Boyes was in Des Plaines on September 1: 1861, and died on November 16th, 1 at the home of George Stedman, where he Hr.B:r was married to Me-- linda Davis on December 26th, 1889, who preceded him in death on Feb-- ruray 1l4th, 1920. + He was one of six children, born tolr.mdlum&ml# of whom have passed away except 421. w," EREm PE CCE PCR T ondthmu&b:'-.dn . Stedman luBoyeafmehfldhoodmfil'g- ter Mrs. Boyes died and with w Mr. Boyes has made his home since. The funeral services were held at the Stedman home on Thursday al-- one sister, Mrs, A Antigo, Wisconsin. $1,100 BUY IS WORTH $80,000 A vision of Waukegan's future greatness came to old Daniel Sal-- mon back in 1867 when he pur-- chased from Patrick Salmon, the former policeman, a frontage of 234 feet. on Washington street, for the stm of $1,100, Through -- many years of hardskiv when financial needs woere great, he persisied in Mr. Boyes also leaves two nieces The Soda Shop OUR CLOTHES Attract Attention advertisement for us. When we dress you lirour friends ask, "Where did you get those good ook-- ing clothes? A dnealt),en well--dressed i fil;PEARANC.Eb IS bound to benefit you. It wil help you get a JOb, to hold the positio_nyyou have ang get a R.AfSE in Thanksgiving Specials Every SUIT and OVERCOAT we sell is a good Also a Regular Line of Salted Nuts & Candies Rose Mary, per lb. Wynnwood, per Ib. Chocolate Peanuts, per lb. . Peanut Brittle, per Ib. _ Chocolate Milk Stars, per Ib. American Mixed, per Ib. _ Black Walnut Puffs, per Ib. Fancy Box Candies at popular prices---- For YOUR CLOTHES come to US. C. 0. CARLSON Hard Candies an Harry D. Gotti LIBERTYVILLE tioned Jbis family 'at his: bedside : "Hold on to tfitu'md until you are -u:mmmm'ht it is worth," > + Thursday W D eneanoinine the estate whereby the 184 uoffiommm.:rnnldto a. man, from d to be a Ir.Bak or . The other 50 feet had already been sold to the board of education for $10,000, mak-- ing a total of $80,000 for the tract which originally cost Dan Salmon $1.100. * The tract is located just east of the West school in Washington St, It is 584 feet deep. The disposition of fhhndhunot{otbmnad. public, but it is believed that the purchase is made for an investment. Ernest fi:l. a well known resi-- dent in Zion, is at the Viectory Me-- morial hospital with a possible skull fracture and other serious injuries, m :vngu he was m&"fi hurled to the pavement in Zion, Sat-- urday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock by : me&mdghp by Al't't L_._gt: c oly h $ the path of the f ch y into ?0" -- ing car, which apparently. he failed Bauman and Fah!, picked Fish up and took him to the Zion police station. The police after question-- ing them for a moment freed them and advised that Fish be taken :o a hospital. _ -- o Fish was brought to the hospi-- tal and Dr. 8. L Keller called. ZION MAN IS Fahl, also of Milwaukee. At the hospital it was stated that the accident was unavoidable, Fish stepping out on Sheridan road di-- According to Dr. Keller, Fish is HIT BY AUTO 30¢ a to the dogs, and then we see :'- ass .&"hwm and don't care if it does. * _ The accident occurred while Fish || Of yOU. Salesman averages $1.00 was walking south along Sheridan || profit for. every dealer ealled on. road between Twenty--fifth street || Costs dealer $2.00, he sells for and the city limits.at Twenty--first || $8.50 makes $1.50 on $2.00 in-- street to the north. vested.-- Salesman makes $1.00. If never seems. the old days to the Mdm At times we fear the world is go-- Without a coal strike, autumn Have More M for Gasoline 40e per. lb. Fresh Nuts MERLE'S RADIO AND BATTERY CO. Basketful for Thanksgiving New paper Shell WALROND'S STORE Bring your Baskets here to get them filled for Thanks-- giving Dinner, We will do the job economically and well. LIBERTYYVILLE, _ _Now, you do't have to pay a great deal of money for a bat-- tery, for a really good battery, such as an Exide. The long, de-- pendable service you get from this famous battery makes its cost low in the long run. But you don't have to wait until the battery wears out to cash in on the low cost of Exide. You do that at the counter when you pay for it. For the first, as well as the final, cost is low. Every car, no matter how much it cost in the first place, costs money to keep. Thfre must be a few dollars icz this and a few more for that; and, in many cases, what is left goes intoglcz:astank. full become one. If you (never sold anything in your life I wil} tell you how to make better than $100.00 a week. (Address) Geo. L. Lane, Mansfield, Ohio 1t. you are a ILLINOIS Everything Is Fresh and of the Finest Quality Order Early to Insure Choice Selection of Our Turkeys -- Geese -- Ducks and Chicken oney 541 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. ut Libertyville Fresh Pies It is only 1 day til Thanksgiving SHOP EARLY McDonald's Jewelry & Gift Shop HAVE YOU the Silverware, Goblets and Sherberts that you will need when you set your Thanksgiving table? We have goblets and sherberts fit for a queen. One of our new 29 Piece Silver Service with beautiful tray would make your table quite complete. AS LOW AS $12.00 ter than you can make them. We will be open until noon on Thanksgiving Day. for your Thanksgiving dinner. Baked T_hursday morning. Cranberry and pumpkin pies--bet-- A# LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOQIS (4 3 Fresh Fruits Cranberries Oranges Bananas Buy fresh FRUITS for Thanksgiving at reasonable prices: eveerievevsnnnne