l WAUCONDA of the Henry Everett Neville and son Junior of Grays Lake called on Mr. Neville's sister, Mrs. Lizzie Carr last Wed-- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock and Mrs. Natalie Stroupe were Wauke-- gan visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher and Mrs. Alice Baseley have moved from the Maiman home on Maplé Ave., to Mrs. Baseley's home on North Main street. Mrs. Ed Mills and son Harry Milwaukee a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Redgate transac-- ted business at Waukegan Saturday. family of also Dr. L&GW«W ertyville Sunday at the home _ Mrs. Lesley Turnbull and Miss Iva Turmbull motored to McHenry Mon-- «lay. Fuller, of Carpentersville, called at the Arthur Kirwan and Mrs, Lizzie €Carr homes last Friday. _ ___ _ McHenry announce the birth of a femely S "ixa."'m.e."'"" D esghier iss T, ter of Jr. and Mrs. Spen¢er and resided here a number of years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mathews are the proud parents of a son born to them Sunday, Feb. 6. The younfl man has been named Robert Darre Mathews. Daddy Mathews wears a smile a yard wide that surely will not wash off. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Putnam trans-- acted business in Chicago Tuesday. . Phil Froehke and friends came out from Chicago Sunday and were at the summer home of the Froehlke family for a couple of hours. -- Mr. and Mrs. Brozoskey and friends of Chmg were at their summer cottage here Sunday after-- noon. Mrs. Albert Stubbins and family are now occupying the Maiman's house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cypher. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ o Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wade and lit-- tle dauihter and Miss Mary Baseley of Park Ridge called on relatives and friends here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Clark of Roseville spent Tuesda' and Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Carr. The Fathers and Sons banquet will be held at the Community House Tuesday evening, Feb. 15 at 6:30 P. M. There will be a charge of 65 cents rer plate. The Womans Auxiliary of the Federated Church Mrs. Carrie White, sister of Mrs. Lena Hubbard has been visiting friends at Minneapolis, Minnesota, for a couple of weeks. o Mrs. Jennie Stoddard is visiting Mrs. Nellie Oaks of Chicago. Simon Stoffle of McHenry was in town Tuesday. John Davis of Crystal Lake was a recent caller here. will serve the h-naet. Proceeds for the benefit of the Church. Conrad Shea of Chicago spent last Wednesday here. J. L. and George spent last Wed-- nesday at Elgin. _ _ _ o James Gainer and son were recent Elgin visitors. . _ Lee Brown motored to Barring ton last Wednesday. _ o Arthur Boehmer attended the au-- tomobile show in Chicago first of last week. o Mrs. Henr&sudtfleld was in Mc Henry last Wednesday. _ _ John Gassle and R. C. Hallock served on jury at Waukegan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barr were recent Chicago visitors. Mrs. Dorothea Gue spent the fore part of last week with relatives in Chicago. _ _ _ o Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hgke and Mrs. James Garner were Waukegan wfin last Wednesday. Paul Bruncheon spent sever-- al days last week 'at the home of her parents at Morocco, Ind. _ John Schaeffer and family have moved to the Deinlein farm from the farm formerly owned by Mr. Wm. Toa\ton. C. R. Wells spent last week at the Miss Dorothes Stroker of Cham-- pdgnwuamentiuutttthe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stroker: . Mrs. A. H. Boehmer of Barring-- ton spent the greater part of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. L. Brown. Clyde Carr of Barrington spent Eumday forencon with his mother ere. Alvin Kimball and Ray Murphy were Chicago. callers last Wednes-- Galesburg, spent last week at his home here. Miss Mae Burke and the eighth grade girls were recent visitors at the Lake Zurich grammar school. _ SorrEY and at other work the ciage _ _Mr, and Mrs. Albert Roder of Mundelein were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prou-- _Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton Libertyville were recent callers the Prouty home. _______ _ to vtorjult.htl-eh'm day, it has been planned to one good substantial dinner one each ty Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hughes of Crystal Lake were recent callers at the J. B. Turnbull home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobrick who are tenants on the old Roney farm announce the birth of a daughter. Mr. ard Mrs. V. E. Daviin enter-- tained friends from Chicago over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. James Gainer enter-- --v--"'h ll ts ® mmlortutghtl-ao: Waters of Waukegan recently. The sick list is holding out here ..thooewhommfora!ovdar and recover, are soon replaced by others. Measles are still quite pre-- valent. 0;!{ a few cases have been seriously ill. -- O first of the week; he has been con-- fined to his home for some time. Mrs. Lizzie Carr is suffering from a nervous oreanmuown, ane is SmE better at this time. p. H. Murphy has been quite ill bochnhlotohonw-'du&n. The junior class of W. T. H. S. Mr. G. R. Blackburn attended the e of his daughter, Mrs. L. hes of Cryetal Lake. "" breakdown: she is some Mr. of Knox Colle at well of of at the week for twenty cents per plate. ;st.-t,--ol&-d;fib_;i the home of Mrs. Mary Masther. he bridge club last Tuesday at the t home of"firl. E. E. Datey of Chi-- ul " the h"mmw mndu:wmmhm pastime. Prizes were awarded to those holding highest score. Those Mwenglgiagom ex« ean not find time to do. -- A of twenty--five cents plate will day evening, Pebo 10.A evod pro. Y » pro-- will f!nn. The Eumu o'clock. A.Ilmho vited to attend. The Catholic Ladies Sewing Club met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Stadtfield. There The Woman's Relief Corps will celebrate Washington and Lincoln Mrs. Andrew Sorensen and sister-- Laura Harris entertained the Jolly Evening Club at the Sorensen home last week. Bunco was pl:cd and prizes given those mfl high-- est scores. A tasty th was serv-- ed at the close of a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kmu-- tertained the North Side hre club last week at their home on Tuesday evening. Twenty--five guests were present. John Gassle and Har-- ry Grantham Jr., winning high score, Edna Werden and James Gass-- le second and to Mrs. Pau)} Brun-- cheon and Wm. Gassle consolation prize was given. On Monday eve-- ning this week Mr. and Mrs. l.,nn-t Meyers Jr., were host and hostess to the club, at their farm home two miles east of town. 0 play mates at her home last Wed-- nesday afterncon. Games were en-- joyed by the little ones; those who won honors in the play were award-- ed prizes. At 5:30 the little guests were seated at a table decorated in valentines and red carnations and served with a tasty lunch including a beautiful birthday cake. Little Jacqueline received many gifts from her small guests. . _ e Announcement is made of tbol marriage of Walter Harris, second mofmlmr'. andJlrs.zz'W:x.;i Harris of' e , on Jan. :nm of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. H of this . Bl:ce. The bride was Miss Olive uley of Ohio. After a short hon-- eymoon the u;onng people will reside at Lake Bluff. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cook cele-- brated their forty--first wedding an-- niversary last week '!'hund:i by giving a turkey dinner with the accompanying m things that go with a turkey r. Covers were laid for eleven. All did ample k tice to the dinner. Mrs. Eima ham, sister of Mr. Cook returned to her old home here about a year ago, after spending twenty years on a farm she homesteaded in North Da-- kota. Mrs. Graham's friends in Dakota sent her a fine, fat turkey. Mr. Cook and his brother Wilbur have passed their whole lives in Wauconda and in this vicniity. Mrs. Graham also, except the years she was in Dakota. They are descend-- $500 IN DEBT-- AND A BIG SUCCESS! Whuat do you know of Timber Lake, in South Dakota! William Chapel most likely didn't know much more about it than you do, when he went there from Minne-- sota, five hundred dollars in debt! But this is what he says of it today: "It is an opportunity to make five dollars to one dollar where 1 came from. Milk production here is the best paying business on the farm." He has 350 acres under plow-- THINKS IT'S POOR } 'sus:gess ':"ooo | Your was 'AT HOME /' ,m PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Nat'l Tea Store Hours: 9--1%, 25 and T--9 EYES TESTED FOR GLASSES Telephonse 46 CC In his onrythh(:onnfi. roads, schools, churches and neigh-- bors. Water is the finest to be had, and at small expense. Lignite coal can be had within a few miles, and is all the fire we use." If you want to know more about South Dakota, North Dakota or Montana, and its fine opportunities for industrious farmers, write Mr. Union Station, Chicago, (CHAS. N. STEPBENS, M. D. IT 18 GOOD BUSINESS--OUR "We have daily mail service," OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY OAK 'BERRACE LAUNDERY Prairie Ave., Highwood, IIL Libertyville 584--M. THE son Ira, and wife and little MH. T. Graham of Cary and Mrs. Chrkd%dh time + by&u?'m was Ir.nndw.'ls.aukdth East Side Hotel entertained the Euchre Club last Saturday evening Favors were won by Mrs. Veddar Stone and Lewis Bruncheon, Mrs. Thomas Garvin and Veddar Stone, second, Mr. F. H. Dickson and Miss M & Blackburn are put-- ufin .mmuonu M zn-t. The old building has been moved on the far side of their lot near the Brown & Boemer ga-- ture. A joint to be so construct-- ed as to be used for the new Lincoln building and the new store is con-- templated by the hardware firm. g?:d'"hbt not lutulo;.: % may With favorable weather conditions Mr. Lincoln hopes to be able to oc-- cupy his new home and tonsorial pu!onurlyint.holpfing. solation. _ substantial lunch was The 18th amendment to the con-- stitution _ has _ removed organized and legalized temptation from the pothng of the young, the weak, the habit bound. Since its adop-- tion millions of excessive drinkers have stopped drinking. _ prohibition All of us know some former ex-- cessive c:jnnhor; .wh:'" have _ not taken a drop into thgynt since prohibition went into ect. Mug:)umnotinthmw papers. they are making no sensa-- fiu.buttqumuvingnhou. PUBLIC SALE 17 Pure Bred Holsteins F f T. B., 60 D i 16 high grades, 26 matured 4 heifers 8 mo. old 2 ll;e:if(zzrs 19 montlzg :lflbeSt eiven I Mo';:f; fresh and d':::e Sprinc:::': l 1 B(\a;llegsmor:t(;\soold MACHINERY Case 22--36 Grain separator Case 12--20 Tractor Janesville 8--ft. Tandem disc P. & 0. 2 bottom tractor gfiws 12--in. International Silo Filler 10--in. International grist mill with Bagger attachment John Deere three horse man-- ure ?reader Pump Jack Johnson corn binder Acme grain binder Prairie City grain seeder with grass seeder attachment Daisy corn vlanter Janesville 2--row cultivator Fred Grabbe, Auctioneer -- Orville Smith, Clerk 1 white horse, 1400 1 bay horse, 1300 1 black horse, 1300 36 -- Head of Livestock -- 36 SATURDAY, FEB. 19 Having decided to quit farming 1 will sell at Public Auction on what is known as the Swiftlea Farm. situated. on Win-- chester Road, 1--2 mile west of Lake County Poor Farm on Herd Sire King Geraldine Pontiac Canary No. 472934. His sire from a half sister to May Echo Sylvia, holder of world's milk record in thirty days. His dam a 33 Ib. state record cow in 305 days. Another example--New Home Aaggie Prilly's Dam produced 17,142.0 lbs. milk and 641.70 lbe. butter fat in 365 consecutive days. This is an extra TERMS : All sums of $20.00 and under, cash. Over.$20.00, six months time will be given on good bankable notes at 6 per cent. No goods removed until settled for. A. ANDERsSON, P bay gt 10 years old weight ld&mhynldhgmm oi weight 1400 1hes 40 shouts Ub to 'be boring from within. W. C. Fullman will sell at public suction on Buffale Grove road, %¥ mflomfld'&l* *' north of Buffale on TUISDAY.F"YII | _~___ at 12%:30 p. m. | _ _ 14 years plow 16 in'c:n:fihc*- 14 in. steel land r, 2 walking cultivae~ wn,wmm&,dkym 12 dise pulverizer, potate o shovel prov 16 ft. hay rack, planter, 3 in. truck new, 3 in. truck wagon, springs and wagon box, milk dn 306 io. wiale 1 uk: taake mak tle, 800 lb. water tanks, tank heater, pump jack, beits, 1 12 A. p. many other articles not tioned. Terms: $25: 6 months, 7 per cent. : §25: per JOHN Auctioneer. J.A.swcgfllnflut. cans, 40 grain bage, 2 hay forks, Doee is toltatae iefring hainess uid There are no statues erected to en who stopped to explain their Corn 'borer has reached the middle »st and can truthfully be said to AUCTION SALE F RE E L U N C 1 light bob , _ 1 fanning mill This is mostly new machinery 2 double unit milker complete with :fine 600 Ib. Buck mower 2 am%e cultivators New Ideal mower 16--ft. Peoria harrow grass and alfalfa seeder 3--section harrow International hay. loader uum&nxe 1 wide tired wagon 1 narrow tired wagon 1 wagon box i Thin nakng w. 4 fiin: watkhng ie Beginning at 11 A. M1MMEl NCW, AD. ONERTES WCBR truck, kettle, 4--in. truck and govern-- ment box, spring bob sleigh, Nn&"h&%!nfi d,-uau'?a.,v eollars, drivi% ladder, fllhuch'mnel,hy!ork, rope and pulleys. FEED: 400 bushels cats, 300 bu. com in erib, 10 tons of shredded el ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER SOCIAL DISEASES Offkce: 100 So. County St., Cor. Water St., Waukegan, III PHONE 465 Doctor John P. O'Neil 6--in. 50--ft. belt 2 Maxwell motors 32 ft. extension ladder 40 good grain bags 1 pair feed bags 2 sets double harness 2 sets single harness White wash spray pump 3 light wagon poles 1 4--horse evener Picks, forks, shovels, and many other articles. before rains Some ensilage 85 bushels seed oats 300 shocks hard corn Hay r(:ipe, fork and carrier 20 good milk cans 10 ton good alfalfa in barn 1200 bushels barley threshed ----is our epeciaity. Woh-nohz assortment of material for you select from. ~CGome in and see us. That 'g; HILL'S. 'ii'E'oT»; flg}gfi% we W or stops the in 24 hours, checks the stops the cold in 24 hours, checks the fever, opens the bowels, tones the en-- By U.S.Government Veterinarian D. C. GRINNELL laspector in Charge Office with Farm Burean Phone Libertyrvilie 829 LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS M.M "209 CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis Deal promptly with a cold. Use the Free of Charge T A I L O R LX e Quinine Real Estate Have many bargains in different sized farms, houses and choice lots. Also see me for insurance. HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Ave., Libertyville Ill. near. We have a choice of modern homes, in the location "{ou want, at the price you can afford to pay. : BUNGALOWS A modern 3 room and bath Ga-- rage Bungalow. Located con-- venient to business, 70 ft. 106 ssssssscscrsmmmsererevecremnnnenreneecsmens t O Modern 4 room and bath, large porch, close to business, near BOROODL, cs:s.::::sss2mrceveccssscsseccetcssss:»@DOOO 5 room, practically new, one car garage, all new decor-- ations, open fire place ........$10500 5 room brick, new, attached and heated garage, splendid decorations, easy terms......$11500 HOUSES 6 room, semi modern home, good location, lot 100x320 close to retail section ...........$6300 5 room, English home, just completed, open fire place, 5 room and bath, 2 car garage, lot 59x200, apple, pear, cher-- _ ___ 9 room, modern, complete fiat on first floor, three bed rooms up. Une year old ....¢ 7 room, new home. Effective decorations, lot 65x127, now ready Tor use ..................._8 5 room modern home. One acre TWO FLATS Duplex fiat building on fine BUILDING LOTS® McKinley Ave. 50x200, near Very desirable corner, about 95x115 ft. Finest building lo-- C&tIOM ... cyl22scccsillgie s 50 ft. wooded lot. A:'1 loca-- TROHL .m cc000c00c00cceee en n ooo eb e pecnibpes 65 ft two family apartment = Bit@e ...2llll2lllllcc0............ $1650 50x150 ft. 16 ft alley ......._.......$1650 60 ft. 3 story apt. lot ...............$3000 CcaUNTRY ACRE HOMES Modern, 5 room and bath, bun-- galow. 2 car garage, 2 acres wooded land, near town ....$12000 6 room house, 2 porches, elec-- 6 room house, Z2 porches, elec-- tric lights, googo barn, 2 car garage, 1 acre ground ..........$5500 IT 1S OUR BUSINESS TO "KNOW" PROPERTY VALUES. WE WILL CHEERFULLY ADVISE YOU. FOR SALE--50 bu. of good Baldwin FOR SALE--Pure Bred registered Jersey cows. Ravine Farm, Route FOR SALE--Combination range, BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE mm ginaitanle t ncife room & mon ago. orth $3,000 :ill take $550 for ncl'l'":dpieeo gilk mohair parlor set, frame, 8 m walnut dining room :tb.l: Bx12 Wilton m library lamp, 4 piece chutu:f silverware, ?t @l!;l:::k"v s:il.lt "%l Will take "g;?or all or sell separately, ; Leland Avenue, near Bhuldn Road, Chi-- _ Ccago, afilfih 2 blocks north of SELLERS & PETERSEN Phone 451 Libertyville, IIL FOR SALE--15 Star automatic wa-- FOR SALE--A 3--section, 1800 egg Schwalge--Smith incubator at a bargain. C. G. Odell, Grayslake. Phone 104--J. 9--6t. Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 -- _ Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. EDWIN AUSTIN 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue. Phone 23 See me about special excursions to . the lower Rio Grande Valley of FOR SALE-- FOR SALE--Blue Reed baby bug FOR SALE--Jersey Black Giant Cocks. $2.00 each. Phone 124--J. 11--2t--pd. FOR SALE--Duroc Boar and Blue Ribbon seed wheat. Wirtz --Bro There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known nere. A trial will convince you. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through thess columns. You will get esults. The HOME BUYING season is room, modern, 2 car garage, fine location, lot 50x250, near lot, Plenty of shade and fruit trees, berries, garden space. 110 foot frontage ........__$ room new, very desirable lo-- cation. 90 ft. lot. First floor bed rooem and lavatory. Hot water heat, two car heated corner, garage, must be sold GUICK | .............clllllcirsesesrcessctcccolf HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN just like new. For information tering bowls cheap. Also one horsepower electric motor. Call M. H. Petersen, Libertyville 307-- apples. $1.25 to $1.50. Lewis Mills. Phone Mundelein 659--R--1. 9--8t. 22, Prairie View, Illinois. _ 3--1t. bed. Very good looking. Also a Simmons steel bed with walnut finish and a vanity dresser. All rate ovens. Nearly new. Must be seen to be appreciated. W. J. Schreck, 1115 Palmer Place, Wau-- kegan. 10--4t--pd. thers, Mundelein. Phone 661--R--2. JK SALL--Blue Keed baby bug-- gy, 1 stroller, 1 high chliyr and rockinf horse. Reasonable. Ad-- dress 140 Broadway. 7--6t. SELLERS & PETERSEN Telephone 147--M.: FOR SALE old ....$11600 $10500 $1500 11--6t. day-- ROOMS FOR RENT--Single or en-- suite for light w North Milwaukee Ave. FOR RENT--House, 3 miles west of Derfield or 2 miles southeast of Half Day on the Mill Road. In-- quire H. B. Seiler, 222 Third St., FOR RENT--6 room garage. Call 321 FOR RENT--Modern five room fist. Vacant February ist. Call at 601 FOR SALE--Farm tools, including FOR RENT--3 rooms for 1 housekeeping. 117 School St. FOR RENT--A heated modern light FOR RENT--On February ist, com-- pletely furnished modern bungea-- 1 HAVE-- about $10,000.00 which I REWARD--For party who found black suitcase filled with clothing. DR. 0. F. BUTTERFITELD VETERINARY SURGEON -- Assistant State Veterinarian 'Telephone 66 _ LIBERTYVILLE WANTED--Woman wants work 1 or 2 full days a week. Also man wants day work as house man. Call phone 349--J. T4. Office in First National Bank Blidg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Commander, C. C. Heoakins --345J _ Meets First Tuesday --Gridley Mal Scientific Exramination of the Ryes GLASSES FITTED 5 Wauk Furs, hides and wool. Will g:ythehigheatwh mar-- t price. Will call for Takles, Lineriyyilie ML, or ee, x or phone Armitage 9264. _ Pianos regulated and repaired, at DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Sul':{";ib}'&' several others in lent condition. B. ¥. Por-- phone 227--M. West Park / Phone 236--J. housekeeping _ room. without garage. Ad care of Register. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY | and COUNSELOR 211 Milwaukee Avenue. Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION property preferred. Address L. S. care of Register. AM CONTEMPLATING m };n#.mg :lfl.din. containing 4 5 room apartments which will rent for between $45.00 and $70.00 per month. If r think hese ht nperiment yor aay io e you may vestigate without Ad-- dress N. W-- Mm Libertyville every Monday. Or ders taken at Ray Furniture Store or call or write C. J. Diehi, Wand-- Register office at once _ 11--8t, stock, lIllincis. Phone Woodstoca ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Professional Services DR. J. L TAYLOR B. H. MILLER FOR RENT