| ns ~< 0i sn siel L a ----'fi ;-~--_-_ :'fifin will be tnere to answer any questions. will be held at the Hotel Sherman m'uk:fiimhcmm The show be open to the public Her collection on exhibition is for sale and have some lovelL bits of north shore scenery. One is from a ravine on the estate of J. Morse Ely in Lake Bluff. _ Her prices are amazingly low and it is an opportunity to possess an original water color of a local artist. conflagration of the buildings, after the pictures had been taken down to be preserved in the lllinois State __Her paintings are in the posses-- sion of many prominent cople from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. school for deaf and dumb in Jack-- sonville, II1. She has a morning class in the Elm Place School, and summer sketching classes in Lake Bluff. Mrs. Stevens has studied in the Art Student's League, New York. In the Adirondacks, N. Y. she studied water color painting. In the Louvre, Paris, she did portraits, and in Norway and Switzerland she painted landscapes. -- Her most ambitious piece of work "'Bu.m',.g'"'i'uff'&' ids Fair in Chi ilding a orld's Fair in Chi-- cago, which was destroyed in the last in the Ravinia schools. -- Mrs. Stevens has been a tlzachcrkof art in Hamilton , Kentucky, Drm_Ce"o&_Brc;m.Ad- Mo., Eu-- On Monday afternoon, Mrs. Harry Whitcomb entertained in celebration of her birthday anniversary at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Harder. The zuuu included: Mmes. Fred Meyer, G. Pettis, W. Johnston, A. J. Johnson, William Brown, Al-- Mrs. Clara Hatch:--Stevens, of Lake Bluff, has an exhibit of water colors in the Deerfleld school that she has shown recently in the Elm Place and !.imoln_-tl_:opfl. Highland Park, and reka College, Eureka, I!l., and the Mrs. Love had as her guests on Friday Mrs. Julia Carrol, Mrs. Ju-- lia Sey!l and dauaht.er Eleanor of Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Joc;flb Seyl and daughter Phyllis of ighland Park, Mr. and Mrs. John Carrol and son Ralph of Highwood. _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Schley of Prairie View moved into the Fred Horenber-- gr apartment on Waukegan Rd. onday. Mr. and Mrs. James Daugherty and two daughters of Chicago were week end &ush at the Fred Labahn home on Central Ave. A special table was set for the juvenile members by Mrs. Seiler and individual cakes with candles were served to them. bert Hagi and Walter Lange. "Star Spangled Banner." bles were attzactively decorated in mle and white. The luscious day cake baked by Mrs. Johns-- ton and' Mrs. Pettis was cut by Mrs. acle of the local Short addresses by District Dep-- uty Mrs. Campschuite and visiting oracles. Final number, patriotic tableau, accompanied by audience singing, Miss Marie Gloden won the bed spread that was raffled. Each number was well given and greatly enjoyed. c hylli pling, Gladys Page, Clar-- To Jumend Lucls Smgge * Exercise, "Jolly Juvenile"................ By Nine Members of Juvenile De-- partment. Recitation, "A Hard Task .......... M(I 1 ll!haet _ HA; -(ned Band group of tume. A Sketch, "The oo Trinit _ By five girl b--trtes. -- Whertoostrantientatattence fikebi hy A~Abracr s --<txtnirt group of ladies in farm cos-- A Sketch, "The Ghost at The Board-- Reading ... By Evelyn Morgan birthday celebration m-ty of the lo-- cal camp which was held at the Ma-- sonic Temple, Thursday evening. About two hunt;nd mmbonfl;h'- cluding guests from neighbo camps attended. The following de-- America Drill .._... By Juvenile D« Recitation, "A Timid Girl s ic Opening address by Oracle spent several days with Mrs. S. 8. Love last week. Members of the Wilmot Progres-- sive club and their husbands gave Mrs. A. M. Gunckel and son Ver-- non Gunckel, Mrs. Ray Gunckel and son LeRoy of Highland Park, Paul McHugh of Lake Forest, Lincoln Seyl of Everett were dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Love, Mr. mm Floyd Gunckel, Sunday. One of thebgatiutn:m of the season & & t Camp of Deerfeld was the sixteenth "lIci an Parle Francais" and "En-- mth Hm";.:ill be presented in mm-dSMym ning March 4th and 5th. The come dies are being directed by Miss Mary The Hastings home is quarantined for chicken be closed on Saturday and will be audli-larhclodam the week end in Milwaukee friends. Clifford Olson entertained his fa-- ther and sister of Madison, Wis., day School conference in Chicago Saturday. lh-{lamnttndl_oysv!@m Following the program delicious tful arranged by M Fi;.li'mmuomdt:zfur: rs. Frank Russo attended a Sun-- d on Friday afternoon and eve-- from 2 until 5 P. M. and 7 to five girls: Marian Stryker, , who was the first or-- va t Ada Juhrend Show 5> spirit of personal evangelism must take hold of every man, woman and chid connected with the church. The Lenten season lends itself wonder-- fully to this kind of work. come alone, but to bring others with them. This is the season when the ardent and M. Mcnmdyuundthhlm service and every one thereaf-- ter. Tell others about it This is the time when we invite those who do not belong to any church. Partic-- ularly do we appeal to the members of those shown thus far by the Children's Theatre. The costumes are in harmony with the settings. of the church to attend these ser-- Gold, hidden treasure, shiPS» look forward to the coming pro-- and b"%a',":" Silver, m DOE» | grams presented by our orchestra, Captain s and the rest of the|we are always glad to welcome new pirate band from "Treasure Island" members into this o;gduuon. that adventurous, ever appealing Sunday morning, March the ser-- story hby 'Sl.::"'m""mh"i" w""" vice '{Il be conducted in the lor;; a brought to llife ve before | Baptismal service, accom a °M"'b°wtm57*wm bymm:', the Children's Theatre Association wheP inames of those who are to be Bap-- Miss Winifred Ward presents heT tized should be sent in no later than Eoponsesiere dopesn,it, IPps pl[Pridey of this week. Sunday eve. orthwestern University, in the Elm|ning March 6th. Rev. Williams will Place school auditorium, Saturday |, ; an inspiring song service is afternoon, March seventeenth. pfin':«l:ndvmbombyth. Remember how Jim hid in the ap-- orchestra; special musical numbers ple barrel and overheard the scheme#| wi1) be rendered by the Robed Choir, of the pirates and all the thrilling acomet.olobyir.lurfl:ndoth- oi mc css wean uo ex tion from pi T the m':;lm are the most mr'"' Misolan z.nd sW | suuak -?th"'-n- first service will be Sunday 7:30 P All of these -- were . well kno'nbytlndnopr:idcnuinthh vicinity. mmw e to be Lenten Hymn is "The Way of the mm'm r.nolmml':'&l""alznfi which many hun-- hymn help us MMmmm coples of the aong will be distributed ijous of wholesale fiorists at the Lenten service. which will include all sorts and kinds _ The Play given by the peo-- of flowers. Pbbflm.flu!éfd The Deerfield garden club hw% it was a Cur-- have an exhibit. Their exhibit will rent wwu eoui:to{n!ormldhuhbh.atbmd%'b the mt'hhm!ortvomdsbowmt Mmhm'mm m.mhm%d- their pastor express their Du"'hhd.nhbhho:duufid '"m&?n!u: o!tl&eflb t.hlt(h;.nnlu.'n{li(hh&l,'hydh on an-- her ty * *"" ; linee. Eipochity do wo thank Mr. The Lenten season is here. The Chureh school, 9:15 a. m. Service, 10:15 a m. _ 8St. Paul's Evangelical Charch Henry C.Lytton & Sons State ack I y . a and Jackson--Chicago + Orrington and C'hmch--Bv;mn New 2-- and 3--Button Styles for Young Men-- And Darker Shades for Older Business Men Some with:One Trouser--Others with Two-- A Selection as Extraordinary as the Values The New Suits Are in Real Light Tans and Grays In Our Evanston Shop Our \ _ On Sunday evening service given by the orchestra entitled "The Old | Rugged Cross" was enjoyed by a \large crowd and has inspired us .' Wednesday at 5:06 5. M. Prayer on at 3: . M. yer meeting at T:45 mm&. inf the Book of the m. About the rarest t of courtesy hthtexmdedtot{:ebukmtin case of an emergency. this Sunday evening "The poor in Pn anaann it en of urch-- nhoo'nslt.:lmuuonway evening March 8. Always a cordial welcome to all our services. be delivered at the evening services during the next two months. Theme Mo: wo: and sermon at xo:u"'?-fi....:""?a- and see." Afternoon service at the Everett School--house at 2:30. of addresses on the Beatitudes will speak; an inspiring song service is pfin':odandvinbombyth orchestra; special musical numbers villberendendblthekobed(moir. a cornet solo by Mr. Muril; and oth-- er talent. Tuesday afternoon, March 8th, the Mission ga.nd will meet at four ities. Miss Beryl Taylor is entertain-- ing at this meeting. o'clock for for their study hour and social activ Thursday _ afternoon at . three o'clock the Junior choir meets for rehearsal and at 8 o'clock Thursday evening the Orchestra meets for the church parlors at eight o'clock Church--school at 9:30. Evening service at 7:30. A series *5() _ as--.C7., the at J. M. McKitrick, PHONE 32 body good." Libertyville is too far from the Lake to fecl the chill March breezes, but when the Summer sun peeps out I kinda hanker for the Sandy Bcaches over at Lake Bluf. Of course, 1 'Ford" over,--that's a good, safe way of knowing I'll get there and back--inexpen-- sively!" March Winds work ? "It's an ill wind that blows no AUCTIUNEER CALL 277 and have your ashes and rubbish hauled now. THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, The Man With a Word Every Second Phone 392--R 218 Park Place LINCOLN LUSK PARKHURST vus uptveaSAL Ca# your § Schwartz Furniture Co. 3SATURDAY. choice blue velour, of good quality, Loose spring Cushions, Davenport makes ful Isize bed when opened. Wing chair and low chair to match at this and unusually comfortable. -- Carved top, frame and base. Friezctte Reverse Cushions -- moss trim, full webb construc-- Jacquard. Has loose spring eushions, wing chair, Daven-- port and low chair, At this low price a real value. Here is a Suite that you must see! See it at close range-- observe the tailoring, the workmanship. A two piece suite, Mohair all over. Reverse eushions, and trimmed up with a fine moss edging. Has new-- est style wood frame. A two piece Parlior Sujte, -- covered with a high quality Mohair allover. Kidney shape A three piece Béd _ Daven-- tion. covered in a new -- shade of A three piece parlor -- Suite At $112.50 aturday, March 5« Is Parlor Suite Day At Schwarts's At $169.50 At $297.50 At $262.50 Every Parlor Suite in our entire establishment is priced lower than ever before, for this day only! Everyone knows the Qual-- ity and distinctiveness. of "Schwartz Furniture" and this An-- nouncement will be greeted with great enthusiasm. -- If you want a Parlor Suite, this is the time to buy it. | 1927 Very neat carved frame, covered in a blue--mist Mohair, loose spring.. cushions, with Tapestry reverse: For this day only .____. $98000 We're featuring a most remarkable two--piece Parlor Suite! Very -- fine mohair unhols&ring-- beautiful carved frame, full webb construction, comfort-- able, good looking and low in price! Looge cushions -- down filled. Choice tapestry on reverse cushions. Buys a Two Piece Mohair Parlor Suite ~__ $98.00 t MATTRESSES, All Sizes, All Cotton ______________ THREE PIECE FIBRE SUITE-- Cretonne Upholstering _________. MAGAZINE BASKETS, Assorted Colors, 4 Pockets ___l______cccclcccc_{ccc__cl WING CHAIR, Jacqquard Upholstering, Reverse Cushions _____________________. RUGS, Size 9x12, Certainteed QuaIiIfy .ccousescecccerszzcas COIL SPRINGS, Double Deck, Guaranteed __________________ 25%, Discount on All Davenport Tables. Special Discounts on All Decorated Furniture. ODDS AND ENDS A two--piece parlor Suite covered in a choice Jacquard. Davenport and low chair with loose cushions, spring filled, very neat and an outfit that wiil sure-- ly plerse yeu. A two plece Mohair Parlor Suite that is a winner! Beautiful carved frame, top and bottom, full webb construction guaranteed. Has reverse cush.ons, cov-- ered in a Rose Taupe Mohair, very comfortable. a Rose Taupe Mohair. Beautiful Re-- verse Cushions, shaped ~ irame, full we'bb ;b;:'ttoz, tassels, large and roomy siy * ""*____ $214.50 At _155.50 A two piece Suite covered in a fine quality Jacquard, Rose and Taupes. -- Loose Spring cushions with reverse material same as suite. Webb construc-- tion, very comfortable, A three piece parlor Suite covered in Schwartz's Parlor Suites Are the Finest in Town. At $214.50 At $124.85 At $89.50 Just $49.85 $ 3.48 $39.85 $11.85 $ 8.25 $ 4.98 PAGE THREE a