PIKEVILLE, _ Ky..--Announce-- ment has been made here that Mrs. Kentucky Musick. 88 years old. known as "the wealthiest woman of the Kentucky Mountains," was married to the Rev. Allen J. May-- nard, 53, Baptist minister of Zebu-- lon, Pike County. It is her sixth marriage. Mrs Maynard is reputed to be worth $300000. She has no chil-- DANCING WAY T0 DIPLOMA Before her first marriage she was Miss Kentucky Sowards, daughter of Lewis Sowards and lived a few miles out of Pikesville. Her First Venture The first marriage venture of Mrs. Maynard was when she was 16. She married William M. Scott, December 14, 1860, according to the goose quill pen record in the county clerk's of-- fice. Mr. Scott became one of the leading merchants in eastern Ken-- tucky. When he died he left his wi dow a large estate, including much of :hde land on which Pikeville now stands. R. M. Ferrell, a Confederate vet-- eran, was the second to win the hand of the present Mrs. Maynard They were married in 1876 ana years of prosperity followed. Mr. Ferrel!] died in the early nineties The third husband was Samue! J. Salyer. _ A legal separation fol-- lower and Salyer moved to Califor-- nia, where he was killed in an auto-- mobile accident last year. Then, Number Four Soon after the turn of the cen-- tury, Jesse Press Powers, a trav-- eling salesman, paid court to the widow. They were married June 4, 1902. He died a few years later tre. After paying for the services of a pianist, the use of ;t.' rental of the hall, Miss real-- izes enough profit to pay all her ex-- penses at the university, she says. Although Miss Peters is a fresh-- man in the university, she has dem-- onstrated her dancing ability in pub-- lic exhibitions on many cccasions throughout the year. Last autumn she was called upon as a freshman, to entertain upperciassmen, and she made a "hit" with the student au-- dience. Her most receent accomp-- lishment was to star in & home--tal-- ent motion picture, entitled "Run-- ning Wild." * O CONDITION OF ROADS SHOWN Concrete highways are the only good roads in the north central states at the present time, accord-- ing to the touring bureau of the Chieago Motor club,. Gravel and stune roads are being maintained now in good traveling condition by means of maintenance forces and an embargo on heavy loads. High water has receded in Missouri, southern Indiana and southern I!li-- noios,. but still causes considerable trouble in many places. Snow and ice: has thawed considerably in Minnesota and _ Wisconsin, thus leaving pavement clear for travel. Main southern routes remain in good condition, except in Louisianz and Mississippi where there has been continuous rainfall along the gulf states, which will affect roads somewhat for a few days. High water causes the -- southwestern route through Arkansas to be im-- passable; poor detour still being used. Snow in the northwest and cen-- tral plains states during the first of the week was followed by thaw-- ing _ weather, thus leaving main highways open but slippery for travel. Southwestern trails mfi- tained in fair condition through-- out. There are a few roug stretches which are being kept good passable condition. I!linois Roads. Alton--Unpaved _ roads in bad condition; no travel is advisable over any road except concrete. Ill-- 4 remains almost impassable; some fow cars nflnfi through with bolt. Motorists should use IH--10 and Il 3 through Jacksonville _ bad mud--holes at present. her expense throrb t1. « Univers it'yr_of Arkansas, Miss H:b'_fl-n In addition to her dancing ability, Miss Peters is a talented artist and is studying painting and drawing at the university, She is a student in the college of education and is ma-- joring in art. e When they were married Mr. Musick exacted a promise from his bride that she would marry again if she survived him. Mr. Musick died last year. She fulfilled her promise in her marriage to the preacher. _ Springfield -- Travel inadvisable over any unpaved roads even with Mt. Vernon--Paved highways She is a member of the University of Arkansas chapter of the Chi Omega fraternity, the mother chap-- ter of the national organization. General _ rains have -- occurred over the entire eastern section of the United States and has been followed by a heavy snowfall in the northeastern and New Eng-- land states. _ Main trails, however, have been kept open and in good condition for travel. As a fifth husband, the widow took U. S. Musick, West Virginia real es-- tate dealer. The date of their mar-- riage was March 12, 1919. FAYETTEVILLE, Ark., March +. --Capitalizing on her feet to pay a hall above a Fayetteville thes WED 6TH TIME Carrier Mills and Stonefort now in Pm mil OPmR PE EL : TerX in Aatinble aqnaition through. I11--9--Remains in able condition at 1 impassable betwee Indianapolis, Ind. -- Gravel and stone roads 'i; mtho::' Indiana are greatly rnd traffic is moving with little inconvenience. Conditions in central Indiana are at their worst, and a general thaw is expected soon to soften those in northern sections, Gravel and stone roads can not withstand the Il!--31--Earth portion impassable between Lewiston and . Astoria. normal heavy loads in thaw r-- iods, which they are lnbb_tto_«r. to when free of water and frost, therefore load limits are being en-- forceed in localities where roads are soft from unm weather and rain. _ Southern ansa _ exper-- ienced its worst condition of the season a few days ago from both thawing weather and rains, but at the present time these conditions are _ greatly improved. _ Central Indiana is the most seriously af-- fected section of the state at this time, and a similar condition is due for the extreme northern sec-- tion if mild weather continues. Maintenance forces are working, and with favorable weather these types of roads will quickly respond to treatment an dagain be hand-- ling normal traffic. WHAT KIND OF WIFE ARE YOU? US--31.--Detour betweer Colum-- bus and Edinburg is rough, but maintained in passable condition. Temporary run--around for bridge construction remains in effect at 11 miles north of Kokomo. US--50----Three and one--half ton maximum traffie on Wabash river The spendthrift who by gumshoe or wheedling methods takes more than her just share of the hus-- band's earnings for clothes and rsonal expenditures is a female nfi. Unmarried women of her tya'nfl. under a harder name. re are thousands of _ self-- styled good wives who would not feel so saintly if they took an in-- ventory of their personal expendi-- tures. Wives who exhaust every cent a man earns upon dudabs are uworthL of handling money and should put on an allowance. Usually such women are of the 'fading lily' type, utterly useless and inf:sable. and men realizing their ties cling to them to the final words of the mrflm con-- tract without a whimper. rriage Song: 1t is bendaget® "* **" * . It is Saving wives who boast of run-- ning the Indian off a penny are another pest. These are the v-- erty whiners of humanity. Rxa type of woman will wear a dress until the moths refuse to tackle it. When the husband looks at a well--dressed woman does the pen-- ny--pinching wife take an inch off her hem? She does not. She takes her vengeance out in -- nagging. The miserly wife who gloats over a savings account may find that she is merely building a monu-- ment which will reach to unhap-- piness. "Men expect women to keep as fucinatin, after marriage as they were before. This idea of not US--20--One--half mile detour at Rolling Prairie is over bad cinder road. Detour, at 8 miles east of Elkhart because of railroad over-- head construction, is good. Use marked detour around -- sink--hole east of Angols until further no-- are three kinds of wives. Spend-- thrifts. hnny-gi:ch-n. And those with common rse sense. Unfor-- tunately the last mentioned are in the minority. _ e ® _ final tract with bond. NEW ~Cinder sections remain in condition at© Virginia and YORK, March 4.--There u. Hinke: The . woman with horse sense knows _ that matrimony -- means &nmth':':uhw--h- ing More being an ex-- travagantly dressed moron! . It means keeping step with a man nndddnyour.h.utowndlafl- ing in advancement. W the mind alert, the body th; and well clad and feeding a man's soul as well as his tommy. _ The sensible wife saves for a rainy day, She knows how to save and how much to save. She gives ::urouly of love and makes each d'; :l comfort rather % another hard times with the corners of g: Saturday, March 12, eonmenc'i'infi at 12:380 o'clock F. Pechthold sell at public auction on town line road, 2 miles west of Wnukm: road, 2 miles east of Milwa farm, the following 1 dnkbtx"uunsm 10 years | old about 3,000 lbs., light ba tum' 12 years old about 8,000 IL., 1} Jersey family cow. 14 Rhode Island| hens, 3 Rhode Island Roosters, 2 White dneka.lmm. and Feed 10 tons of 'i:imothy hay baled. | 50O bu. good white oats. | Implements 2 sets of harness, gang plow, grain binder, 2 discs, corn --planter, seeder, hay loader, mower, hay rake, reach wagon, dump wagon, 2 hay racks and reaches, scraper, will soothe add ....'.l':'.:-m erae s myok or is rough or dry. Ncfi_gm FIERY, ITCHY SKIN QUICELY SOOTHED BY THIS SULPAEUR orth Milwaukee Avenue Phone 551 Phone 61 plow, walking cultivator, F. PECHTHOLD Attention!'! Town Garage Livestock We are now able to offer to the public a very attractive line of used cars, at an equally attrac-- tive price. . 3 Ford Coupes 2 Ford Tourings 1 Overland Touring. 1 Chevrolet Touring 1 Buick Sport Touring 1 Ford 4--Door Sedan, (Good as new.) All Cars Guaranteed Amann -- Molidor down town before 9 a. m. always C. G. WENBAN & SONS Lake Forest, HL value Round Lake, IL for the SAY *"*BAYER ASPIRIN®'" and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds _ Headache _ Neuritis Lumbago Pain . Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Mlé:du_ Proven directions on cach package. Physicians everywhere recommend it This corporation is operated under the supervision of the State of nnn:: and provides a place where you may borrow from $10 to $300 in a :.'lfnl.f\od. businesslike manner, without paying more than the le rate of interest and without being imposed upon in any way. We de not notify your employer, neither do we make inquiries of your friends relatives or tradespeople. You the money hahhflu'tho.ndvithouthvingamfiy'wrm If you are unable to call in person at our office, Wauke-- gan 4583 and our representative will come to your home. Quick Loans----$10 to $300 Phone: Waukegan 4583 Hours: 8:80 A. M. -- 5 P. M. Sats: 8:30 A. M -- 1 P. M. ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER Household Finance Corporation an especialy efficient combination fer the treatment of discase. Office Over North Shore Gas Co. WHEN SKILLFULLY APPLIED-- ll l- l r'" -- ~ 1 . 4o "'I""" eR to normal function, health is hw Oiffice: 100 So. County St., Cor. Water St., Waukegan, Ill PHONE 465 Doctor John P. O'Neil thobinig o oo oc BCE it hvid) uio BC Ireni es itc 20t i Mvib) ELECTRICITY, HEAT, LIGHT, MASSAGE & DR, B. T. LYNCH 308 Waukegan National Bank Building Cry Physicians everywhere recommend it. for PHONE 26. HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN Ha bargains in different ve many eren sized farms, houges and choice lots. Also see me for insurance. HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Ave., Libertyville Ill. Telephone 147--M. 5 room bungalow, furnace heat,| oak floors and trim. Lot 50x200--| splendid shade and fruit trees. Con--| venient location. Price only $8300. ! FOR SALE--Dodge Touring car--23 --Winter enclosure. New tires. A1 condition. Phone Libertyville 489% »A 18--tf. FOR SALE--The two story, 7 room John Cater home, 'with : ground floor bedroom and toilet, at 888 Brainerd An'nu."}:l feet paved frontage. Best most beauti-- ful location in the city. G. C. Gridley, telephones 45 and 157. FOR SALE--Modern $ room m :.wr:'mkéo':-"'.,.'_" 7 room house, furnace heat. Two lots, the front.n&:e being 100 feet, depth 175 ft. Ho sets on one lot so that the other 50 ft. could be sold by ourchaser of this home. l'm work shop with cement floor handle four cars, Beautiful lawn, fruit trees. Price for home and two lots--$10,500. * This proper:{e has large garden sm strawberries, . n um e rous s , fruit trees. Splendid buy Lots face south. 56 ft. frontage, 300 ft. deep. Price $1624. 56 1--2 ft. o tA gra ts ron This offer limited m 15th. FOR SALE--Marquis Seed Wheat, barley, seed oats, (Swedish Type). shrubs, fruit trees. Splendid buy for quick action. Limited offer on three lots, locat-- ed one block from Milwaukee Ave. Modern 5 room home with one acre of land. Plenty of lawn space with 110 ft. frontage,.on concrete street. This property has large garden Prices increase after that date. Wa-- ter and sewer in and paid for. First FOR SALE--Oil stove, new range stove, 9x12 rug, table and 5 chairs. Inquire of Boyd Taylor over Deck-- er's Drug Store. 19--6t--pd. FOR SALE--8 room house. Good location, garage, paved street, lot 7Ox170. 6038 Brainerd 'Avenue. Phone 127--J. 14--6t--pd FOR SALE--A lib table, and duofold, 2 beds u;?? two--tube ra-- dio with loud speaker. Call 407-- w. 19--2t. -- EDWIN AUSTIN 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue. Phone 223 See me about apecial excursions to the lower Rie Grande Valley ef FOR SALE--Fancy table potatoes, $1.175 bushel. seed 'm ton, Hrov per buaiat tA Goge FOR SALE--Day old chicks at rea-- FOR SALE--Dodge truck. %--ton, gmel body, good condition. 403 W. ark Avenue. Phone 258--J. 19--tf. FOR SALE--Seed bariey. This bar-- ley was threahed before the heavy rains and made over 50 bu. to FOR SALE--M Well nuodl%eq': wpe: livered. All ?erm . O. D. Phone FOR SALE--By jowner splendid home at 235 Elm Court. Also house and extra large lot at 915 N. Milwaukee Avenue. For partic-- ulars call phone 558--J. 19--tf. BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE There is no way you can reach as maay people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cest as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Feed oats and barléy. All free of foul seed and threshed before the rain. Baled timothy hay. Baled al-- rain. baled timothy hag Baled al-- falfa. Some Mammoth Bronze Tom Turkeys. Bergeron Stock Farm, Lake Street, 2 miles west of Lib-- ertyville. Phone 678--J--2. 17--tf. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get .esults. per bushel. Also have your orders to 232--R and have them delivered. W. E. Volkman, Mrocd 2o 5on delivery." Call or bevedifiennmettel Mitoctnd Sn lake, Illinois. write H. E. Gordon, library table, lamp, 4 piece mnt bedroom set complete, chest of silverware, 5 piece break-- fast set. Will tfie "g(.) for all or will sell separa y. 882 Leland Avenue, near Sheridan Road, Chi-- cago, IHlinois. 2 blocks north of Wilson Avenue. Phone Sunny-- side 6190. 12--8t--pd. Phone 621--M--2. _: 18--13t--pd. Libertyville 285--W. 15--6t--pd. --Beautiful fntmltu:etczf fo& room M'h mon ago. worfim'!&l@-ks','."fi' for all. $ piecé silk mohair parior set, carved frame, 8 piece walnut | FOR SALE--Turkey hens and toms,; sm,uang cfm l;rémnsnn | _ Carolan farm, Deerfield, lllinois. i Phone Deerfleld 283--J--2. 18--6t--pd. SELLERS & PETERSEN e 451 Libertyville FOR SALE arge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 tes: be per line per insertion,. 2 »8x12 Wilton ;, | FOR SALE--New modern five room --| brick bungalow and two--car gar-- «1 nge,onp.ndmgwodcwl | and balance like rent. Priced very ' reasonable. A. R. Schnaebele, Lib o| ertyville. 18--6t. F(fi 84LE---Pnreb:fi»butd rock tching eggs. setting of 15. Frank Stnn.hm-flfi. Illinois. Phone 622--W--1. FOR $SALE--Seed grain--Wisconsin Pedigreed barley, lowar yellow F(;R S'Adlgj---lod-l 'l":t"- bunga-- ow b0x150 on paved fl% 219 Johnson FOR RENT--Modern 7 reom : ment after May 1. 408 W. FOR SALE--Kimbail r.. like new. Recently w bar-- gain. 7809 Vernon Avenue, Chica-- FOR RENT--March 1Ist, furnished 108 YALC poraphe unds gmfi on whd:% $15.00. Theg. OO ""_ * i8 --1t--pd. 912 N. County St. _ Phone 1798 FORRENAT---M:'h-jn'd Maple Avenue. deco-- rated. Nho"-l-flh- A. R. Schnacbele, Libertyvilie, _ WANTED--Girl for general house-- Nothing has such concentrated, pene-- trating heat as red and when heat penetrates right down into colda, the pain. _ Break congestion. Feelnbadcoldb:uwhjfil short time. Red Pepper Rub is the cold rem-- edy&nbrn.:.?nd-tnhd It cane not hurt you iafl:'-x'mb tion and soreness right out . FOR RENT--S8 room modern home, WANTED--Single man for general Tarm work on stock and farm. Addnllc.n.mglg By US.Government Veterinarian FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate oats. Phone 670--W--1 or Avenue. fint. Prefer west of Milwaukee Avenue and south of Cook Avenue. Address A. H. care of Register. Mundelein, IIL Avenue. Phone 524--M. -- 1746 lease on modern 6 room home or Libertyville every Monday. Or-- tiers taken at Ray Furniture Stare or call or write C. J. Diéni, Wand-- office. RED PEPPER FOR GOLDS IN CHEST CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis Free of Charge 140 Inspecter in Charge FOR RENT PAGE SEVEN