CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 9 Apr 1927, p. 4

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..steri.erereterare2etott1tut.t_ttee.ey2At'tte.t gaartiFfti.,iiiinoiortderAetoiett8.tim). WWW}. h THEY'LL HAVE TIME FOR REGRET A great deal of wisdom is packed into the phrase, "Give a man his luxuries and he will do without necessities." The truth of this saying is proven by the case of the three young Great Lakes sailors who stole an automobile, picked up a trio of girls, and went on an extended joyride. When the Gobs were arrested on auto larceny charges in Findlay, o., they appeared more concerned over the disappearance of their fair companions than they were over the probability of having to serve time for their theft. _ Instances of this sort are the kind that cause people to wonder if the world isn't getting worse, rather than better. What angexample of short-sightedness these young men present. They care nothing about the taint of being dishonorably dis- charged from the navy, they are entirely concerned about the charge of larceny that is facing them, and they feel no com- punction about going to jail. Instead. they ire worrying about the frivolous girls who deserted them when trouble loomed. at conclusions that will not be swept aside in a day. Because the commission is working carefully and slowly, considering the legal as well as the practical side of the problem, we are confident that it will have valuable suggestions to offer as scan " its work is finished. What it aims to do is to deprive the criminal of his weapon without lobbing the citizen of his rightful aids to self-defence. . THE FORD TRIAL It is too bad that the question of religion is so inevitably entwined in the libel suit Aaron Sapiro has brought against Henry Ford and the Dearborn Independent. It beclouds with extraneous matter an issue that is clean and clear cut upon other far more important grounds. It is not important whether Mr. Ford does or does not like the "internatial Jew." It is of no moment that he does not approve of their financial acumen as applied to the present fabric of modern life. The issue is far more important than that and it is just for that the suit was brought-libel. It is a question at once old and new, once settled and always unsettled. as to just how "I: a publication may go to expose conditions which it Nieves are harmful to the public at large. ' . The task of depriving the criminal of his automatic and his machine gun is nut as simple as many well-meaning per- sons think it is. More than the passage of laws by Congress and state legislatures is necessary. The National Crime Com- mission. realizing the difficulty of the task, is working care- fully to outline suitable measures. One conference was held in the east several months ago. another in Chicago, and a third is scheduled for the far west. Only by covering the problem from the beginning to the end can a real solution be found. The Commission is tracing the gun from the factory to the penitentiary in order to arrive We can look back over many famous libel cases and we fin] that the truth is a competent defense to a charge of libel. But the truth is not always easily proven, and sometimes a jury refuses to believe the truth, even when proven. What than? ls a publication to sit back, when its duty is clear, and permit conditions to exist against which the clarion call of pith publicity should be raised with a right good will? He did so and the details of the cooperative ventures of Mr. Sepiro became public property. It is up to the jury to de- eide whether the articles were libelous or not, but, win or lose. the Independent has done a work of public service in calling attention to the cooperative farm bureau situation. THE HIGH STANDARD OF' HONOR In a delightful book entitled "Recollections of Thomas R Wham," the former vice-president told how two accountants were examining the books of a township truetee in Indiana. They found he had charged himself on the road fund account, with Craft. $20." It is that question that puzzled W. J. Cameron. editor of the "pendent. He had. he felt, sufficient information to show that an unhealty condition prevailed, threatening the finances Itttie Independent's reading public. He felt that he had suffi- cient proof of these facts. He felt that he would not be keep- ing faith with his public if "he did not print the facts in his mansion. . The trustee explained that he bought a road scraper. and firially the salesman handed him a $20 bill. He tried to return it. "No, that's yours," said the agent. How is that mine?" "Why you blamed old fool," said the agent, "that's graft." It never occurred to that honest trustee to take the money for himself. but.he charged it to himself on the town books as graft. t GOOD ROADS Any doubt as to this community's enthusiasm for irood M08 was wiped out last Thursday when over four hundred people jammed the Masonic Temple to voice their approval of N million dollar paving program that is scheduled for Lake at". Since the money is coming out of the $100,000,000 had issue passed by the voters of the state some months ago. flute naturally is no objection by Lake county property owners ton. sizable chunk of the benefits. This community is one of mush tax paying parts of the state, situated close to Chicago III the Wisconsin state line, and deserves a share of the bond There are some pessimism who think there is an enormous amount of corruption in public work, but probably the people who work for the public are at least of average honesty. Thaw graft is a treachery to the spirit of the wonderful peottlat who made our beloved country. When the hundred miles of paving called for in the local mm are completed, property values ere due to rise. When -dintt electric lines and hard roads make tramrportation -i.tursituupressent.thesurrtuaporuiation'otcook -qristtottndtoosflowinto Lekoconnty. Itishitrhir -iiltitMtthatret+rttttumrLthrtemmtrassfarmiandnrin In" use. it been wholly residence M. attmattaretttmetglllltetmtt" KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE. muwmcu-m DISARMING THE CRIMINAL J utrr, MENDON, m., April 8. - After his wife doped with lvnn Funkel. William A. Powell of Mendon de- eided to file suit spins! the for- mer, even if tlte couple reconsider- ed and returned. He demanded $5,- 000 damages. alleging alienation of his wife's taffections \ fl SUITS AFTER I 'l-Rf'"""'"""-:-,"'.""?)'"))]-""'", AN ELDPEMENT' w After the elopement, the wife tr t",iitiyiiir"""-" "W" ___ w -eeee. Frankel also took action. haw The Epworth Untrue meets at Sheriff Grubb send out trreula t :30 in the auditorium, and there deseribimr the1nissirttt couple in t e will be a communion service for all effort to locate them. She also the young people of the church. This swore out a warrant for the arrest is a part of our Easter program. of her husband. charging him with; Junior Lea meets at 6:30. child abandonment. Later, the elop- I A 'lll'Jti,1f,,'lliu,U'r'iee1',1 for those only on returned and a temgorary re- 1 who are to be baptised will be held conciliation was affected. [It the church Sunday nfurnoon at Recentlv arrnrdinr In tho ronort. 3 o'eloek. Recently. nccording to the report, Frankel Ind . In. Pavel for the secondtime. Ind this is said to have precipitated the suit asking dam- ages. F'ttutkel has been engaged in the range here with D. F. Tenvorde. Following the first elopement, Ten- vorde filed suit to dissolve the part- nonhip. Theuiienatioet suit is on the dock- et for the Ely term of the Adnms county circuit court. of fun, Opening none of the Minstrel Mimics which will a staged " the High school on the evenings of Apii 19, 20 and 21. The minute] at in to be followad bv musical comedy numbers with daneintr girls nnd plenty TARIFF REVISION . NOT [IN PROGRAM ' Hume: E. Watson begun the Ttthet, of law with his father nt indium. Ind.. in 1886. He and u I member of the 54th Ind Mth to 60th mums from tho sixth Indiana district. his term expiring in 1909. At one time he In the republican nominee for gunner of the "ate. In mm m beam United Mates un- ntot horn Indiana to M the an- expired term " Bahama F. Shiv; ly. He won elections for new terms in 1920 and 1926. James E. Watson wu born at Wildest-r, Ini, Nov. 2. 1866.) - There will be no revision of the tariff next union. We cannot get around to revise the taxes and .allo to revise the tariff in the am union. It I: not prac- ticable to dorJt. Tax revision will be undertaken, it is any - aumed. That means tau way: and meana committee will meet in oe. tober, that it will conduct hear- inn and that it will frame a tax bill. It will hardly be poaaible for that bill to pan the homo un- til well along tn January. Than the bill will go to the senate and will be in the f1nanee committee from so to 60 days. In any cent. it will be well alone in the spring before a tax bill can be thrashed out in the committees and in the two houses and disposed of. ,, Br JAMES E. WATSON United Stun Sen-tor from . To undertake to revise the tariff on top of revising r taxes would be praetienlly out the question. It would be too big a task to per- form in I single session. If the pressure for tariff re- vision in too strong. then it will be taken up and tax revision put aside. But in my opinion the country will be more insistent on tn: revision than on tariff revi- non. LEAGUE HAILED AS GOOD FORCE The spirit of Europe is changing rapidly from that of fear and tnits. trust to that of confident co-opern tion and in bringing about this change you will perhaps agree with no that the League of Nations has contributed no small than. The League of Nations is In effV eient and "eetive oreanlration. used and trusted by its members dealing with the major problems of Europe, of whose permanence there is no longer 1 shadow of doubt. I should be making a very far- reachinx statement if I were to claim that the spirit of Europe, as we viewed it in 1919, has under, tone a complete change, and l should be going still further were I to "irm that the improvement is due entirely to the efforts of the League of Nations. I make no such sweeping claims What I do affrm. however. is that there exists today no better indicator whereby we can determine the nature and extent of thla chance than that which can be found in the developments at tle. nova. Think of it, the two old emetic: who had for generations hated and fought. each waking through its "credited representative nnd in tho pmence of the defegetea of forty- eight nations lined, covennnted with each other for the meinunnncr of 90000. t'ourmtty deck" that henceforth "all questions of every kind which any arise between as an" by pestled. not by are. of m... but by arbitration and the up of peace." Comm the dee hndm of that smile: with the action- "d was of man you" "onrtd_4rm1frruean.tttdttu with of Europe has changed. 'iuria by Lusien: eimedy Amber: with daneintr girls 'mzI,imttxxm'rtrIltggrMs!yy11gttA1Lg3gygus..r, u----------" . , I Oki-fashxoned Libertyville parents First Methodist Egrineogtat didn't know what temperament was. John E. Debug. Pastor yhut they could recognize a streak of THE CHURCH OF GOOD WiLLlcussedness a mil" away. Reasons for Uniting with the' l . . Church is the subject for Sunday; Jfost overythincr is being modern, mornin " It o'clock. This is a) ized than: !lays--hyt very few things Good Fallow-ship Service, and all: are hem! improved unon. members and friends of the church . . l . are caudally invited. 1 Tht..r,','y:,".,n mnst.Lihertyville fath- - _ i i _ -- u -- n. A- . In an "II.1\ In "Ii. 0 "Mncgl 1. N F.veUng 'uibJect " 7:30: I Believe. The Forum questions may be on this 3093901; _ - A The W. F. Mug will meet with Mrs. John Will Tuesday, April 12, And the District meeting of this society will be held here on April 19. Luncheon will be served to shout no, end women of the social; will be asked to help. - _ __ V We Expect to receive about fifty into the church Enter morning" 7 A nursery for the care of children during the church service will be opened Sunday morning. Mothers truly bring their babies or you; chi dren, and they will be entertain- ed _du_rintt the chtyrthHervj.e.e.. . . . "imam" Service will be held n.t the church on Good Friday eve. mtg. fro niacin! number: will be render "in" the etsofr. _. ... . You" peoglea meeting will be 1tMdat6:80 .M.ntthehome of lb [Alien Keller on South lil- vllho Ave. The leader in Miss Pt-ei' Edema. _ Topbt "ML is the Bible the M book the world?" w. he mound burst in our muting And mt it to continue. Nev when should be found for our society And can bear "und- Silt-n ehildmrt will be eonfirmH at this Ionics. ths Good Mn, there will ht two service-tr in Gonna " MP.80 and one in and: with Holy Commun- iontt Tt80. The newly eonflrmed will path of tho Lord's Supper on that evening. liming worship " 11:00. This is Pull: under. The run: will speak a. "the Shouts t?? mumps." Pm.trrterinn Church Guy E. Suck. Pastor Sunday school a the North Grade school " 9:45. A splendid place to stttttrtt-orxtttf.God. -- -.... Wednesday evening meeting " eight o'clock. t. Binge.) 1':de Church M":- Bei-teq Society Third Floor Pint National Bank Building. Sunday School: 9:80 I. m. Servku: 10:45 I. m. Subject: "Are Sin, Disease And Death Rod?" The sex-does on Palm Sunday, April 10th In:- Holy Communion, 8 n. m. Holy Ehrehnrfat, sermon and bless- ing and distribution of palms. 10:46 Snack] music at this service. C Inch School at 9:45 o. m. Confirmation and sermon by Bish- op Anderson at 4:30 P. M. 9tMttyttitttttxtttttttititieitttttttxtttttotttrtttytetttt-trt88t8MMMttMt8MMt8ec St._._lohn'a_31_qn_l§al Either" Sandi School " 9:56. Saw-i stame- n 2.0280. . Considering [I the shirts Ameri- tl have lost in Chinese laundries t bombing at Nankintt doesn't lynx to even things up. _ Libertyville motorists havo long [since found that the best inteV lmce teat consists in driving a car t in I mange town where they're not 'acquainted with the traffic rules. N lot f pooh' inch]: L tt,Vlt,rf,'.1f, 'd',k'lh'S,ff,','ll'i goodpootrHA _ ' _ Still another " drawback is that it in hard to see oumelvea " Europe More than one Libertyville man whose and" is good at the stores are marrioi to women who won't trust them. 7 l Annnina' lived too soon. He could t some "Mable pointers now from till, "but: who love to boast of how mmy miles they get to the gluon. A A A Playing poker is now illegal in annna. just the same as bootlemr- in: in illegal itt the Quited States. It Ippears at thi, time that Pur- wpe's chief occupation is talking peace and pre?ariptrfor war. The reason mast Libertyville fath- em think an auto is not a necessity is Mam" thpv nvw-r tried tr make " "ptr with a girl in this lay when they're consi lPred essential. The new radio control law: are all right, but what most Libertyville radio fans would like is a law that would control statitr We we acquainted with a few people around Libertyville who would nuke good whale hunters. Ther m than throwing the bar- "on into -trofr, The kind of "iiversified farming" the avenue farmer in most in favor And many a man who thinks he in [nations] character is only a cinder In the public eve. are?!" diQersified enough to yield him I little profit oeeagionally. Wha has c-om. f the ol i-fv.h- ianed Libertyville boy who use! to "Write himself with musk every time he went out to call on his best girl? - - - Our id-a of an over-nhundanep of him " shown bv any citizen of Lib- eetyvillr who gets ready to move mrv time someone predicts the world is coming tp an end. '2t'tgr/t','h awake." o all 'f,it'lt'L'f; r Jtd': TC." Sa.': 'Gtr".' Farid; ir "Valiant. It inaireaor-thefaee, Whinit "iiiiii,-ti-eereseetrPudtjPt,e dredfold. Dmx'; rGuAiritireru_rttitler '/riveutrrisehdditittrtottti1trt t,Fthit2yiitt,t,eNeeqtN',u,',t [ii",',,,':,',,'"""..',',",', Sulphur Compound. 'canuvm beds 'g,r,f"gtttttl", tmekthenatmrat color t"ggfnt',gAt.t: Evaybodym ycdl'u'sltll' Sulphur Comm now have . aGiGiisoniterietd-tr.t.e GJedis busy all hm A Nry York and!» ep there SAGE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK Humour Luann." ALONG THE CURBS'TONES ', 19277 Observat- by A MAN ABOUT TOWN of Who can remember when the best school tether . Hyund Libertyvillq was eonaidemd the' ou-aid 163i?! administer the most "licking?" Before the flivver was introduced people used to hitch .up and go visi- tine in the country. but all you hear them say now is: "We passed your house yesterday? Nothing would improve the lot of srvme of our Libertyville girls more trap to build, goody houses on them and them, woman tryimito rpduce never com- plains of short wglght. Lots of men who are too weak to no to work are strong enough to stand around a store box and whit- tle all day. When you find a Libertyville man who can eat heartily when a pretty girl is looking straight at him you can know he is hungry. _ 'TAXI SMITH'S Sand st Bradford'. Barber Shop DAV PHONE 51 NIGHT PHONE. 491 We've always noticed that a fat tSi'iii'i'ai'iifeis.'isriecsiii gas, spam pared (Easter. Reser " ful gackags, s 3ch re- pamd (Easter. kgcwe); gun now! We'll gladly deliver. Al1thesrondurf2 oodncss, the wide variety, kg: which johnsmn's u famous. JOBNSTON" cuocou. a In 0.1 put good "husbands inside for " bAra4 hurts, a! ' or 3135, £1.50 £112.00 zLepmd We have adimited number of good used cars. They are in fimt class condition and carry our regular used car guarantee. These ears have been priced lower than usual because we are too crowded and must have the room they occupy. Our reputation depends somewhat on the service given by the used cars we sell, so you know that they have to be right. We can arrange terms ff desired. Full details of the sale plan may be procured at our sales rooms. Come in and let us explain how you can secure a guaranteed used car for almost nothing. . Under the refund coupon plan adopted for this sale. Used Car Sale Starting Saturday, April 9 Ending Saturday, May 14 THE FIRST WILL SAVE . . , . $100.00 THE SECOND WILL SAVE . . . . $50.00 THE THIRD WILL SAVE . . . . . $25.00 Will get mighty low priced cars In Our Big THREE PEOPLE if??? . M. McKITRICK Inc. their If they've not to have n cod strike. hm'l hoping they'll have good weather for it. _ Eve? country in Europe seems to ruin Ivor of disarming-the other e w. 1brittttmaattn3hereatl thetn LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phone 32 Cory's Market Sirloin Steak Chickens BUTTER Small Pig Catsup, 2 for Homemade PHONE 476 Our Many Specials ' McDonald's jewelry and Gift Shop Fred! Your ring, watch chain and other jewelry, may be made tn appear " NEW " your new EASTER ENSEMBLE if you will have us clean and polish them. There is no charge for cleaning jewelry. IT'S FREE. Hive it cleaned before EASTER. Milwaukee Ave TRADE HERE AND SA " MONEY {midis A Few 0f to have Roasting S tewing Pork Shoulders Pork Sausage Wegttuto-mttliestrths "aiu-audit-Ct-rut- GrrtrrtrGariftrititA. - '1 be bun}: 1ttahmartatrtoatoihowAo ,tsirwuirihejn-tfth-ou1d- When you hear s Igbertyvi11e man ft,','tt,igtg of muting pains in his atoms» it doesn't mean he has "allowed his false teeth. 545 N o. Milwaukee Ave. Fred! Libertyville, m 32c 38e 20c Me 39e 500

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