Mr. and In. lulu Yamaha: Sunday with triad- nt Punk". In. Veronica Wilcox and dautth- ter, Lance. were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Louis Sue" and William Loam anotored to Kenosha, Wisconsin Sun- " . ___ Mr. and In. Out: Pirttttech spent Saturday evening in Wnuhe- EASTER PLANTS Teach Your Canola-m Mow to KOHOU'I' FLOWER GROWERS Then they will become better citizens and you will be prouder of them. . IF YOU YOURSELF are not doing 30. Sun Sumo Rummy NOW Begin TODAY to teach your children the SAV ING habit and the BANKING HABIT. We invite YOUR Banking Business Your favorite confection for Easter, put up in boxes appropriate for the oc- casion. We have a complete line of 2tal: Eas- ter Candies for the little fol Candy Eggs-Rabbits, etc. HAVE Mom! Easter .. Candies LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK "tgtgiit3tai'H SPECIAL EASTER CARDS FOR REMEMBRANCE ' Lovell Co. LIBERTYVILLE Whatever your Easter plans may be, if they are to be a success, flowers must play an important part. We have a wide assort- ment of both cut flowers and potted plants. Orders for out of town will be delivered without extra coat if placed imme- diately. In Bout-d at with! M 999:."de In. B. m- W. In. B. J. Sun and lun- ltr af guide!!! want Sunday with nhtim here. John Schneider of Fort th. India Mht I" but: Honda? with his " In. Emetin Schne - der, while on his 'mr to WUeonain. In. annh Leighton and rund- dnughter. It" Ruth Waters. no spending this you! " tht barge td -tGjoGiseF's daughter. Mrs. Louis Bockelman st Chm. M and: and (nail t P,t2"gP,'h num{n'm- l Mr. and Mrs. game, qu'liriu and 'funin who have 1 en residirur in Chicago for the past few months, moved back to Libertyville Saturday to their former home on Broad- wly- 'nli"at"thiirG, GrTGriiGi Map. Nallev was pulled to, WWI)! News" by the death of his ' Mr. Ndlev expects to be gone for several Jays. Mr. nnd In. Wm. Nickolay arri Ion, Wk. and E. Meyer of Kan. su were Sunday eveninr Rut'sts at the home ot In. J. L. ROW-r. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Muirheai, av mum-e the birth of a ten and a half pound son. on Monday mommy at their home on 121 First Street. Mr. Ind In. c. W. Bhutto". who hav- bou 1"geer the winter in 0:11!me to their home here r. a _ The Laue: Aid of the Methodist Church will Rive a Plunkett Jingr Saturdav evening. Aoril son. at m n'rlock " the Methodist Church par- Mrs. DeCunp of Hubbard Woods and Mrs. Francis of Chum, Ohio visited Monday " the home of their sister, In. G. C. Brown. - Watch for further details of the Mimi-1: to b. Even by the Lad- ies of the . Church on Sat- urday. April 23m. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hancock visi- tad on: the week and at the home of the fomer's sister, Mrs. George Wilson, n Chieaeo. Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas and familx and Carl Johnson of Chicago motor- ed to Chicaum Sunday where thes vio'tei with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ripkey and family. Little Patricia Johnson was taio ill Saturday eveniny with an attar of bronchitis and win unable l Rive her solo dance in the ope-rut! at the high school. The Methodist Edmond Quar- tette will give 1 cantata "The Seven Words" at the M. E. Chunk: Friday evening of this week " seven-four- ty-five. The public is cordially intit- ed. Mines Mildred and Luella Att- ridge amended the play "In the Next Room" given by the Senior Chas of the" Deerfield-Shields High School It Hizhhml Park on Fridly evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mills of Diamond Lake, well-known to those of uber- tyville, m the proud parents of I little daughter, Naney Elizabeth. born Wediteadir, April 6th at the Highland Pnrk Hospital. L H. Reiekhoff In: pleasantly surprised Monday evening by n few of his friends who gathered together to celebntve the birthday univer- ury of Mr. Reiekhorf. The evening wu spent in playing cards and bun- Mr. and Mrs 1g1tVgrlaT Mrs. R. Bilson. Miss Mili red Hutch- inn. And Mr. and In. Arthur Brockmm And two children were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Harman ot Wilma; Linooln avenue Monday nfternoon when the roof comm! on fire from Dome paper: which had been put in the furnace, went up through the chimney and ignited the shingles. A neighbor with a garden hone had the blue extinguished when the fire truck arrived on the scene. There In. no damn done. The fire department m called ttt the Henry mugged; hope an A very good pmln has been ex- rantted for the monthly meeting of the weave Musical Society which will held " the Methodist church on Monday evening. April 18th. The entertainment will be provided by the children and the young people. The prom-um will conclude with 1 short play by the young blb. Cory's Market Sirloin Steak Round Steak LARD, 2 lbs. for Me PHONE 476 TRADE HERE AND SA " M ONE Y SPECIALS may?" tun n Marshal Limberrs, was called to Austin avenue '1r,r?ja', morning to take charge of a visitor from Zion who had brmht his liquor with him and was demonstrating the pot- ency of the beverage by tearing up the neighborhood "minis brought him to the village lm-Lzun where he Rave his name as Elmer Paulson. Hrs Wu given a chance to sober up and on Monday morning he "as arraien- ed before Justice Harry Mu!ill Bart- lett wh, tinml him ten llcllnrs and turned him loose. Dail services are being held thin week {Holy Week) at the St. [Aw- renee's Episcopal Church, with Holy Communion each dag at beven-thirty A. M., except Pri ay; Wedneedfi services and address at ekht P. . Good Friday services at nine A. M. and twelve and three P. M. "The Thrrse Hours" is the address on the Sum Last Words On Ents- ter Day the services are eight and 10:4.) A. M. and four P. M. GiiCArfirAiiiiiur" Y'ai'ihenm Linna thiutt ind Gladys J. WI were elected to the high "hool Libertyville Field wili be the scent" of a dual track meet Wevlncmlay af-) ternoon at 3:15 with Wamonrlt Hieh furnishing the opposition to the local track team. This should be a hotly contested .event as there are same we F good men on both teams. On g'uurdav April M, Me- Henry will come here for a like twrnt and on Thursday April 28. the local: will compete against Antioch. The meet Wednesday will open to all tnd there will he no "mission dune. Allen Slusscr, sixteen years old, who lives with his mother, In. Princes Houlihan at 117 Second street. is in the Victory Memorial hospital " Waukomm in u when! condition u the result of In infec- tion in a slight injury on his heel The infection set in last week and became stendilv worse until he "a removed to the hospital last Sntur. dav, where everything possible in being done to overcome the poison. For the not two days he has been unconscious and a specialist w" to be brought from Racine Tuerdav. The "r on the light poles in the; ville e continues and Saturday ook of the ornamental fixtures a the, corner of Put and Milwaukee "e- nues m the victim, In a mixao be- tween two an. one driven by A. E. Cafmeyer, 2022 Waveluui nvenue. Chm and the other by Prank Glifonlk. 3927 North Drake avenue. The latter ctr in an attempt to avoid a collision with the Cdmeyer ma- chine, ran over the curb Ind wrecked the pole us well u the ear. The tttttd cu we: taken to the Main "an" when it is brine held until "he owner new" for the damage. 545 N o. Milwaukee Ave. out Ind ' Tibial?" """1 I on 12th to elect a lama. 1 but In haul may your cinder: and ashes. Black dirt and an bucked In It assemble tutu. Ending, truck- tUt' azimuth? done in ad "out Li rtyvflle. Cal 21 or 629-W. Notice There will be 1 special meeting of Libertyville Lotte No. 492 A. F. & A. M. on Sunday evening. April 16. Work on the Fellowcnlt degree. By order of the Master. T. F. SWAM One Ihudden to think what kids of the next attention must do to shock their menu "and l within. 29e 29e Just at church. Childmn's and young peoples pro- m of the Libertyvil e Musical Ly- ciety under the direction of Mary E. lust at the Methodist Episcopal Wit ?rtem lulled KI: - " an E. Church on u- ndid", April " Easter Monday dance St the bas.. ket lull trors of Bt. Jooep 's church at the School Ball. Music by Wight- April " - 20 - 21 American Legion Minstrel " the High School auditorium. Saturday. April 30th. Six o'eloek Plunkett dinner MVP by the lamps of the Methmli<t En?! com] church in the church parlors man's Gold Coasters. Snturday. April 23rd. Hakerv sale by the Ladies of the M. K. Church. 2 Order your Hot Cross bum, now Jorhheim's Bakery. l M!- 'rr' Wh. heal Estate, Loans & Insurance -201 So. Milwaukee Ave. Telephone 469 Libe YOUR MONEY'S WORTH You always get "your money's worth" at our store. We buy only the BEST and buy in big quantities; therefore we SELL only the best and sell for the LITTLE PRICE. We can supply you with everything for a com- plete Easter Dinner. Fresh Fresh Meats Vegetables Fruits Rout Beef 1-..." Strawberriea . Roast Lamb Head Lettuce Rhubarb Rout Pork WIN" Pineapplea Rout Veal New GINA-IO Fridny and Saturday Spatial sale on - Popun White can. Ask Ibo-"hen. . Bdeet from the above "at. and tt'tegt'attptu",' earrraatiibe_offirrteumMetq Manda-km 6006. Order only and lave u select your than for you. Month}. April 18 The Service Store Both Phones 26 . Ia'bertyville TRIGGS ti; JOHNSON Easter Specials Bum" Apples Grape Fruit COOK'IIIOMAL MBRABr A. It. Wily"! Junk Snap- per" Ptt2tt, gimme. "Adam 00 r In one of the In books " the. Linn» Mr. Clifford in an authority on antiques and he describes M this book many Imus. ine incidents. Mrs. Theodore Roosevetthvented the term, "tmupper." She defined snupping u the "Art of finding gush" tutd valuable things in junk cans." The story hours on Saturdhv mar- nines which have been under the direction of Mrs. Emerson ioen, have been discontinued. " it was DOUGLAS 'Ili2llflER [Iiilth]ifiiiiil Thurs. - Fri. April " - 15th. Wednesday, April "th.-.. JACKIE COOGAN L O O K 0 U T! - for a deluge of laughs! What a re- f r e s hing entertain- ment! Lightning ac- tion! Thundering comedy! . "let in a great reins picture, "Johnny Get' Your Hair Cut" w saeili"r, (rs'ki2jriiid" a 9timptikmt ofag" / Libertyville, Ill.. Kinomm news Swift's Premium Hun & 3mm Fresh Dr" sum and "lt'ri',r,i,c;"i'i,,, - I ,7" Wtiiji1 u w u McKn/ in tu/is falttutwiththeeomtn ofSpnn' ' the We: would t','N',U,'ll't ft.' I": "I Wish gnu-guy guide-unlu- a um man or I United States Senator. Order your Hot Cross buns now, Jochheim's Mary. "ail a Register now for special class completing com- mercial course within six months. Intensive MRS. GEO. MCDONALD 811 Wat Park Avon. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Libertyville ' Saving money is only a start. Unless it is earning a good rate of interest she will not get the full benefit of your thrift. Without interest $1,000 today is $1,000 ten yarn from today. Investing the $1,000 in sound First Mortgage Notes tells a different story. In ten years your $1,000 invested at 6% has grown to $1806.11. Your judgment tells you what to do. We offer you the right kind of First Mortgage Notes. Are You Saving F For Her? Commercial Classes New We wish to extend on than than for the kindness of our friends md neighbors and of tho Sunday school clue in the in" and death of our son and brother, Mariel: Stellinz. Peaitio-neexuedfesrBtV Snow's Taxi Co, READY FOR SERVE) mater what time of by , matter what ("than alia 0!!th Mrs. Lttlinn Stalin: tuad children. PHONE I" PAGE m